Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 113: Death Struggle

When Zhang Erbing saw this, he shouted at He Qia with a livid face.

"Ms. Li Zheng conspired with someone to wrongly accuse us. He Jun is aware of it."

He added: "That day, Mrs. Li Zheng released the wild beasts in the house and came to bite Zhang's house. We brothers, who were young and strong, managed to escape by chance. My parents were old and lost half of their lives. Everyone in the village saw it..."

Sun Tieniu and Zhao Heidan spat.

"Don't talk nonsense! The wild beast that broke into the Zhang family that day came down from Jieqiu Mountain. Who told you brothers to be so indifferent that you can't even stand the wild beasts on the mountain?"

The two men, with loud voices, got ahead of Zhang Erbing and vividly told the story of how the Zhang brothers stole grain and framed Feng Yun. They also said that their purpose was just to ruin Feng Yun's reputation.

"They said they must make the general hate her."

"Yes, let her have a thousand people, and a thousand people can point at whatever she wants."

"It's best if everyone in Huaxi Village shouts and beats you, and you can't be upright."

"There was no one to protect her, so she was kidnapped secretly and sold to a wealthy family to be a domestic prostitute..."

Sun Tieniu and Zhao Heidan said something, and there was a gasp from the crowd.

Especially the villagers in Huaxi Village couldn't stand hearing it anymore.

"A good person like Mrs. Li Zheng helps everyone find grain and rent farm tools. If you don't have money, you can go to the village to borrow money. Her subordinates also patrol the village every day, otherwise the village would have been robbed by bandits... …”

However, another question came from his soul.

"Ms. Li Zheng is so kind to people, why do the Zhang brothers harm her like this?"

Feng Yun looked innocent and let out a long sigh.

"He Jun and the people outside the hall heard it. This is the cause and effect."

He bowed deeply to He Qia again.

"Please Mr. He, please make the decision for me."

He Qia stroked his beard.

"Zhang Erbing, Zhang Sande, it is one crime for you to steal the villagers' grain at night, and it is a second crime to sink it into the river. It is a third crime to frame Mrs. Li Zheng, and to covet Mrs. Li Zheng's good sister Yun Niang. In a rage, you kill an iron horse who sees injustice on the road. These are the four sins. There are so many crimes and they are really unpardonable..."

The Zhang brothers immediately complained that they were wronged.

He Qia slammed the table, "Quiet!"

Everyone held their breath and concentrated.

He Qia said: "The witnesses and material evidence are all there, and I won't tolerate your quibbles... drag me down and kill you with a cane."

In Andu County, He Qia wanted to kill a few small-time criminals without encountering any obstacles.

The people were also happy to see the success, and there was a burst of high-fives and cheers outside the hall.

"Good kill."

"He Jun eradicates evil and maintains the peace of the people. He is a good official."

Several soldiers in armor came over, grabbing the Zhang brothers and dragging them away for execution.

After seeing this battle, the Zhang brothers finally became anxious.

"Congratulations!" Zhang Erbing struggled hard and suddenly shouted:

"We are Tiqi from the Dauchi Tiqi Division. We only obey the king's orders. We have the right to spy on intelligence, patrol and arrest, and are not subject to the government's control... We were ordered to go to Andu County to run errands. You, Mr. He, have no right to interrogate us, let alone the right to arrest us. We'll kill him with a stick!"

As soon as he said this, the whole hall was in an uproar.

The arrogant and domineering Zhang family is actually Ouchi Tiqi?

How could the virtue of Huaxi Village attract the Jin court to pay such attention?

After waiting for so long, Feng Yun finally waited until they stopped asking themselves and were still in front of the onlookers.

Killing the Zhang brothers has never been beneficial to Feng Yun.

This is what she has been waiting for...

The smile on his face was finally suppressed, and he looked sad.

"So, the Zhang brothers were sent by the Queen Mother?"

As we all know, the so-called king of Jin is just a three-year-old child.

In the eyes of the people, the one who calls the shots is the Queen Mother who is coming to court...

Feng Yun didn't wait for the Zhang brothers to answer. He suddenly smiled, pressed the corner of his mouth with a handkerchief, and then said slowly:

"It seems that the Queen Mother has hatred for the people of Andu County because of the spread of that rumor..."

As soon as she reminded them, the people suddenly understood as if they were enlightened.

"No wonder she went to Huaxi Village to steal food. Didn't the news of the Queen Mother's romantic affair come from Huaxi Village?"

"What's the point of stealing food and killing people? You care about human life and don't treat the people as human beings."

Originally, the common people had almost forgotten all the romantic affairs of Empress Dowager Li, but now that they were mentioned again, there was laughter in the hall.

Some people even read out a few indecent jokes.

"General Wei picked out two beauties, Empress Dowager Li is small and sagging."

"The Empress Dowager Li has been a widow for three years, raising a filthy head and causing chaos in the harem."

Zhang Erbing saw that the situation had changed, and of course he had to protect the Queen Mother's reputation.

He said: "It was because our Tiqisi got a tip and there was a detailed operation from Qi State in Huaxi Village that we sneaked in to investigate."

Then he turned around and pointed at Jin Ge and Yun Niang, looking for an excuse.

"They are from Qi, and we suspect that they are from Qi."

Ren Rude in the crowd frowned.

Feng Yun smiled.

"They are from Qi, and I am also from Qi. Outside this hall, all the people in Andu County were once from Qi. Zhang Erbing, in your opinion, are we all the craftsmen of Qi?"

These words can be considered as poking a hornet's nest.

The crowd roared loudly, and they were all scolding Zhang Erbing.

There are even those with bad tempers who throw pickled things at them like crazy...

The crowd was excited.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun suddenly said: "Zhang Erbing, Zhang Sande, you came to Huaxi Village as naturalized citizens. You don't know how to plow the fields and plant the land. You idle around all day and you don't look very smart. You say you are a big man." Tiqi was sent by the Queen Mother... It’s really insulting to the Queen Mother.”

He doesn't look very smart.

It was the Zhang brothers who were scolded, and Li Sangruo was also scolded.

How could a stupid queen mother take charge of the Jin Kingdom?

Feng Yun had all the good and bad things to say.

There was a faint sweat on He Qia's back, and he saw her eyes beckoning him over.

"He Jun, these thieves may have deliberately lied and framed the Queen Mother. I think they are not Ouchi Tiqi at all... He Jun, it is better to drag them down and kill them, so as to avoid long nights and troubles."

He Qia heard it.

She wants more direct evidence.

The matter involved the Queen Mother, and He Qia actually didn't want to continue the trial.

The best way is to end it here.

But the people looked at it, Feng Yun was aggressive, and there was also Zhang Sande, who was really not very smart...

Before He Qia could speak, he roared loudly.

"We have the badge of Ouchi Tiqisi! We have the badge... He Qia, you have no right to deal with us..."

"Your little merit is nothing. We, Chief Song, are close to the Queen Mother. We are Chief Song's confidants. We act according to orders. Chief Song will make the decision for us..."

"Even if we are guilty, it should be judged by Chief Song, not your turn!"

Zhang Erbing tried to stop him, but he couldn't.

He was probably extremely panicked.

In order to threaten He Xia, he said whatever he said.

Not only did he reveal that he was sent by Ouchi.

The ambiguous relationship between Chief Song and the Queen Mother was also exposed.

Those words were like a torrent of water, continuous and continuous.

Every word opened the eyes of the people inside and outside the hall.

"What kind of people are around the Queen Mother? The Queen Mother is a widow, and the people around her are not eunuchs, what else could they be..."

"Mianshou...isn't it the same with the one named Wei last time? I heard that he is now the deputy head of this Tiqi Division."

"Tiqisi can walk in the palace. Now I look at it. The boss and the deputy boss are all the faces of the Queen Mother. My biological mother, this big Nei Tiqisi, is clearly one raised by the Queen Mother. What a den.”

There was someone in the crowd that Feng Yun had arranged for a long time ago, telling the ignorant people about the mysteries of the Ouchi Tiqi Division.

The people listened with gusto and clucked their tongues.

Feng Yun laughed.

Watching He Qia let people come forward and search their waistbands.

The words "Ouchi Tiqisi" are very eye-catching.

When He Qia looked at Feng Yun again, his scalp was numb.

Every step this girl takes is calculated, but her hands and feet are very clean.

Even if he noticed it, he had to bite the bullet and follow.

"I can't control the people in the Da Nei Ti Qi Division."

It was an institution under the direct control of the emperor and only took orders from the emperor.

"In that case, let's take him into custody first, and then deal with it separately after I report it to you."

He took another look at the Zhang brothers in the hall.

"I will also report everything you say in the hall today, and I will not show any favoritism."

The Zhang brothers slumped, as if their strength had been taken away.

Report it to the court, will there be a way to survive?

Zhang Erbing was not originally called Zhang Erbing. He became the Tiqi sub-boss because he wanted to please Song Shouan, the boss of the department.

Chief Song said that Andu is a good job...

As long as he can embarrass the concubine named Feng, he will be favored by the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother has taken a fancy to her. Is it still a problem to get promoted and make a fortune?

They were eager to embarrass Feng's daughter, but they didn't know that a woman could be so powerful.

It's also Zhang Sande's fault for impulsively telling the story of Chief Song and the Empress Dowager's cowardice...

Not to mention whether the Queen Mother wanted to kill them or not, she just talked about Wei Zheng. She wanted to find fault with Song Shou'an all day long and replace them. Now that they had made a big mistake, Wei Zheng would definitely catch them.

There were knives in every direction.

At this moment, he would rather He Qia wiped his neck with a knife and forget about it, rather than handing him over to the court and then falling into the hands of Tiqisi, who would use even more cruel methods...

"Girl, Feng Ji..."

Zhang Erbing turned his head and knelt down to Feng Yun as if he had just woken up from a dream, begging for mercy.

"Spare us, spare us."

Feng Yun showed some confusion and looked at him calmly.

"How can I, a village woman with a small manor, dare to be the leader of the Great Nei Ti Cavalry? Brother Zhang, please don't try to kill me... Get up quickly, I can't bear such a big gift..."

The more humble she behaves, the more desperate Zhang Erbing becomes.

"I know you can save me, please, please save us..."

Zhang Erbing kowtowed twice.

Feng Yun seemed to be frightened by him and took two steps back suddenly. He was supported by Xiao Man before he could stand still. Ye Chuang hurried forward and guarded him with a horizontal knife.

There was a green bump on Zhang Erbing's forehead, and fine cold sweat covered his cheeks. But when he raised his head, his eyes met Feng Yun's eyes, and the girl smiled at him...

As if she was examining the prey that fell into her trap...

Let him struggle to his death without any compassion.

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