Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 114 If I Die in Battle

The people were taken away, and the people who were watching the excitement also dispersed in twos and threes.

The affair of the Queen Mother Li will be spread again in Andu.

He Qia looked at Feng Yun deeply and sighed.

He didn't dare to think about how furious the person in Jiafu Palace would be when he learned about this, and how many people would suffer.

When the bloody storm falls, can Feng Shier Niang still be immune?

He Qia felt that Feng Yun should not be like this.

Why does the egg hit the stone? Isn't this uncomfortable?

He sighed, sat down and started writing a letter.


When Feng Yun returned to Huaxi Village, Ren Rude came to the door.

He prepared a generous gift and bowed deeply when he saw Feng Yun.

"Today, we all rely on you. Otherwise, we, the master and the servant, would be in danger."

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "What are you talking about, Mr. Ren?"

Ren Rude sighed, "We are from Qi. If we are targeted by the Tiqi Division, it will be difficult to escape... In short, you have done us a great favor."

Feng Yun smiled and shook his head, saying nothing.

Ren Rude narrowed his cunning eyes and asked again:

"Ren returned to Andu Teahouse last night. I don't know what happened at night. Can you tell me a thing or two?"

Feng Yun and Jin Ge had already made up their minds about this. She said calmly:

"Why did Jin Ge and Tie Ma come to the farm tool shop? I didn't know in advance. I thought Mr. Ren told them to take care of our Yun Niang..."

Seeing Ren Rude's embarrassed expression, she smiled again.

"Fortunately, they came and happened to see the Zhang brothers trying to humiliate Yun Niang..."

At this point, she hesitated for a moment.

"It is a matter of women's reputation, so I cannot elaborate. Anyway, thanks to Jin Ge and Tie Ma, Yun Niang would not have survived."

Ren Rude said that it was right, and then laughed:

"Why didn't Li Jun sleep at that time and go to the farm tool shop?"

Feng Yun smiled bitterly, "How could I not sleep? I was playing chess with Zhou Gong, and the night patrol reported that Jin Ge and Tie Ma were fighting the Zhang brothers, so I hurried over..."

She knew that Ren Rude had a lot of doubts in his heart.

With the martial arts of Jin Ge and Tie Ma, ordinary people could not beat them, let alone stab one to death.

But today Zhang Erbing said that they were the Imperial Guards...

The Imperial Guards were the elite selected from the imperial army, how could they be mediocre?

The whole thing was perfect.

Feng Yun saved Jin Ge, and Ren Rude even felt that she was still infatuated with Xiao Cheng, so he could try to win her over again?

Things went unexpectedly smoothly.

That night, Feng Yun took A Zuo and A You to dinner, and asked Xiao Man to take them to rest next door.

She sat alone in the room, lit the lamp, and waited.

At three o'clock in the morning, there was a gentle knock outside the window.

Feng Yun smiled slightly and opened the window to see.

A figure stood in the night, tall and indifferent, with helplessness and frustration in his eyes.

"Thank you for your help, girl."

It was Feng Yun who kept the secret for him.

It was also Feng Yun who made up his lie in front of Ren Rude.

However, from then on, he had a huge handle that Feng Yun held tightly in his hand.

"No need to thank me," Feng Yun raised his chin slightly, "I need a reward."

Jin Ge smiled bitterly: "What do you want to know?"

Feng Yun said: "Xiao Cheng."

Jin Ge was stunned.

He thought Feng Shier Niang was still thinking about the young master and would ask him about marrying a wife in Taicheng or something else, but Feng Yun smiled and said:

"I want to know how Xiao Cheng planned the battle of Xinzhou?"

Jin Ge frowned.

"I've been in Andu for some time, and I haven't been with you..."

Feng Yun sneered.

"You can stay in Andu."

That was Xiao Cheng's trusted counselor, and she didn't believe Jin Ge would know nothing.

Sure enough, the other end was silent for a moment and lowered his head.

"If I say that General Pei will lose this battle, will you believe it?"

Feng Yun's heart was slightly choked, but there was no big reaction on her face. She just looked at Jin Ge mockingly as if to provoke him.

"Not to mention that the 500,000 troops that were shouted out in vain must have shrunk, just talk about the combat effectiveness of the Qi army, how can they beat the Beiyong army?"

Jin Ge's face sank.

He was someone around Xiao Cheng, and his heart belonged to him.

Hearing Feng Yun's insults to Xiao Cheng and the Qi army, he was naturally dissatisfied.

"Before the two armies fight, not only courage, but also wisdom and strategy. And the strategy of the third young master is not inferior to anyone..."

"Oh." Feng Yun's expression was very frivolous, as if he had heard a joke, and he lowered his head to play with his fingers.

"Xiao Cheng, besides being a little clever and playing with women's emotions, what other strategies do you have?"

Jin Ge said coldly: "The three generals in the Beiyong Army, Pei Jue's left and right arms, are all arranged by the young master. You say... What can Pei Jue use to fight the young master?"

Feng Yun's heart slammed.

This time, he really didn't hold back his expression.

With his eyes horrified, he looked at Jin Ge in disbelief.

Are the three generals the ones who stabbed Pei Jue in the last life?


The premise of the previous life was that she caught the weakness of those three, which forced them to betray Pei Jue and surrender to Xiao Cheng.

They were originally reluctant...

And that would happen three years later...

How did Xiao Cheng know the privacy of those three generals, and what means did he use to threaten them to betray Pei Jue?

Those were the people Pei Jue regarded as brothers!

If it weren't for this in the previous life, how could Pei Jue be defeated and flee to Pingcheng?

After Jin Ge left, Feng Yun could no longer fall asleep.

She sat in front of the lamp and wrote a letter, writing and tearing it up, writing and tearing it up again.

I don't know when, it started to rain outside the window.

If she wrote to Pei Jue and told him that his three good brothers would betray him, Pei Jue would probably just think she was trying to sow discord. Even if she told him about Jin Ge, her intentions and position would be even more difficult to explain...

But if she didn't tell him, it would be too late.

Before Feng Yun could figure out how to convey the news to Pei Jue so that she could gain his trust, Ah Lou came to the door breathlessly, limping on one leg, and shouting at dawn.

"Girl, a messenger has arrived!"

Feng Yun's eyelids jumped, "Okay."

The messenger was waiting anxiously in the corridor.

It was not Zuo Zhong, but Cao Kai from the Guard Camp. Feng Yun had met him twice.

As soon as he saw Feng Yun, Cao Kai stepped forward to salute and handed the letter in his hand to her.

"The general's letter, please take a look at it alone."

Hearing this, Feng Yun knew that the situation was urgent.

She asked, "How is Xinzhou?"

Cao Kai pondered, "Girl, you will know after reading the letter."

Obviously, he was silenced by Pei Jue.

Cannot easily tell what happened on the battlefield.

Feng Yun nodded, and suddenly felt uneasy.

Pei Jue would not write to her normally.

Something big must have happened in Xinzhou...

Feng Yun suppressed her uneasiness and opened the letter.

"In this battle, we must fight to the death. If I die, Ji will immediately take the troops and guards to Yunchuan Yunling City for refuge. Take this token to find the city lord Zhongli, he will protect Ji's health..."

This is the longest letter Pei Jue wrote to her.

It didn't mention the war.

But the handwriting on the letter was very sloppy, and it was obvious that the writer was busy doing other things. The hook at the end almost scratched its grandmother's house.

At this time, Feng Yun realized that Pei Jue's previous letters were actually written carefully.

It can also be seen that Pei Jue did not underestimate Xiao Cheng, nor did he underestimate this battle.

Of course, there was no Qi army attacking Xinzhou City in the previous life...

The situation has changed completely.

Feng Yun felt Pei Jue's anger from the letter.

Suddenly, Feng Yun thought of what she said when Pei Jue left Huaxi Village that day.

She said that once the war started, please let him know in a letter. If he died in the war, she could make preparations early.

Now thinking about it, Pei Jue brought the elite of the twenty guard battalions not only to block Wei Zheng's revenge for her, but also to pave a way for her to escape.

In troubled times, nothing can protect oneself better than force.

Feng Yun's heart suddenly felt heavy.

In the past, she called Pei Jue "husband", and Pei Jue often protected her from the wind and rain.

It's a pity that when Pei Jue drove her away from Andu from Zhongjing in the previous life, he didn't write such a letter, let alone arrange a way out for her. Otherwise, how could their ending be like this?

"Auntie, auntie!"

Zuo and You ran in at this time.

"Did brother write to you?"

The two children looked at Feng Yun eagerly, and were frightened when they saw her eyes were red.

"Is brother..." A Zuo's face was pale, "Brother...dead?"

"Woo..." A You pouted and tears rolled down.

Children are very sensitive. Adults think they are ignorant, but they are actually very thoughtful. A while ago, Ao Qi wrote a letter almost every day, and there were always endless things to say. Suddenly, there were no letters, and even the children noticed something was wrong.

Feng Yun heard the crying and quickly restrained her emotions and hugged them.

"It's not brother, brother is fine, it's your uncle..."

"Is uncle dead?" A Zuo's voice was very high.

A You's woozy cry suddenly turned into a "wah", crying even louder, wiping all his snot and tears on Feng Yun's body.

Feng Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "It's uncle's letter, look how anxious you are, it's okay, it's all right. Don't cry..."

"Oh." A Zuo and A You calmed down.

Feng Yun wiped Ah You's nose, then turned around and asked Cao Kai, "Is Guard Ao okay now?"

Cao Kai was quiet for a moment, and spoke hesitantly.

"Guard Ao followed General Zhu's vanguard camp and went to Bingzhou a few days ago. He lost contact with the main camp in Hongye Valley. There is no news at the moment..."

"Wow!" Ah You, who had just stopped crying, opened his mouth and burst into tears.

Pei Jue: When I die, I will leave all my inheritance to you.

Feng Yun: I'm so happy. What is the general's inheritance?

Pei Jue: ...Myself.

Feng Yun: Corpse? No!

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