Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 115 Happy Enemies

Feng Yun's heart skipped a beat.

If she had known that swords and knives on the battlefield were blind, and that death and injury were all probabilities, and could happen to anyone at any time, she would have believed that she had lived a lifetime, and her heart would have been as calm as water, and she would have been heartbroken and dead.

But when she heard Cao Kai's words, Ao Qi's high-spirited face still floated in front of her...

When the young man smiled, it was as if the sun was shining, with light in his eyes and sweat on his temples. When he went to the pond to catch fish, he turned his back to her, revealing his muscles on his back...

Feng Yun's thoughts drifted a little far away.

One hand gently stroked Ayou's little shoulder.

"Don't cry, your brother will be fine..."

She was emotionally stable and was recognized as the best person in the village to coax children.

The two little guys saw the faint smile on her face and quickly calmed down, but Ayou was still sniffling and sobbing.

Feng Yun asked Xiaoman to take them downstairs to wash their faces, arranged meals for Cao Kai, and then asked him:

"Does the general want to launch a surprise attack on Bingzhou?"

Cao Kai was stunned for a moment and scratched his head.

"I don't know about this kind of thing."

Feng Yun didn't embarrass him anymore. She went back to her room and wrote a letter. After Cao Kai finished eating, she put the letter and a small pine cone wind chime with a bell in his hand.

"Give it to the general."

Last time, Xiaoman said that the general looked at the wind chime for a long time.

At that time, Feng Yun thought that maybe there would be such a fate in the dark. Even if separated by time and space, the child in heaven would not want to leave his father, right?

So she took a flower from the wind chime and gave it to Pei Jue.

"Tell the general to safely ferry the people of the whole city and hope he is safe."

Cao Kai nodded, got on the horse, clasped his fists to Feng Yun, and rode away.


Cao Kai left with the letter, and Feng Yun found Ge Guang again.

"You go to Zhongjing in person, find Luo Yue, and give this to her."

Ge Guang lowered his head to take the letter and glanced at the girl.

The girl's eyes were full of bloodshot today. It can be seen that she did not sleep well last night. Ge Guang was a little worried, but he didn't ask too much, so he just said:

"Don't worry, girl, I will not fail your mission."

Feng Yun nodded: "I will borrow a horse from Ye Chuang, you go on horseback."

During wartime, horses are very scarce and ordinary people can't buy them. Even if there are, they are only skinny and old horses. The kind of sturdy horses can only be seen in wealthy families and on the battlefield.

It happened that Ye Chuang had a horse, so she shamelessly borrowed one, and said on the pretext that she asked Ge Guang to go to Zhongjing to buy some medicinal materials for her. She often went to Doctor Yao's house for treatment, and the medicine was not complete, which was very inconvenient.

Ye Chuang knew that she didn't tell the truth, but he still lent the horse.

And carefully told her to feed it well.

Feng Yun gladly agreed and prepared some wine and food for Ye Chuang's group as a token of gratitude.

Ye Chuang found that Feng Yun was a person who never owed them anything, and he had made a clear account of everything.

It was hard to say whether it was good or bad, he was just worried about the general.

And Ao Qi, his inexplicably good brother.


These two days, A Zuo and A You have been particularly well-behaved.

They seemed to realize something, and since Cao Kai left with the letter, they have been particularly silent. They did not quarrel with Feng Yun, nor did they make a fuss in the small rocking chair under her window. The two siblings were so well-behaved that it was heartbreaking.

Feng Yun slept until noon and got up, her face had returned to calm.

She went about her business as usual, as if she was not affected by the war.

The farm tools of Huaxi Farm Tools Shop were very popular among farmers, and people from all over the country came to buy them. The supply was simply in short supply. The farm tools shop was very busy every day, and the emotions were diluted in the busyness.

The wooden ox waterwheel of Tujiawu Fort took a long time to make because the gears and other gears were all made of iron, but the work hours were ahead and it was finally made.

Feng Yun promised the owner of Tu Fort that she would go there in person when the installation was completed.

So, on the day when the components were ready, she asked Xing Bing to prepare the car and set off with several craftsmen from Tujiawu.

The wooden ox waterwheel components were very large, and Tujiawu Fort sent three ox carts to raid the battlefield. Feng Yun still followed in her donkey cart.

Halfway through the journey, everyone stopped to eat some dry food. Just as they were about to continue their journey, a sound of clattering came from behind.

The sound of horse hooves and ox hooves stepping on the ground is different.

Feng Yun lifted the curtain and looked out, and saw Chunyu Yan's luxurious carriage coming from not far away, and there were more than a dozen guards and servants on horseback, very ostentatious...

In this world, only Prince Chunyu was not afraid of being attacked by bandits when traveling so ostentatiously.

Feng Yun reached out to let go of the curtain, not wanting to look at him again.

Unexpectedly, Chun Yuyan smiled at her, showing kindness, making Feng Yun think she was having a strange nightmare...

Chun Yuyan asked: "Going to Tujiawubao?"

Feng Yun looked at him coldly, "What does it have to do with the prince?"

Chun Yuyan: "You can go together."

Feng Yun pursed the corners of his mouth, impatient.

Last time he broke into Changmen Manor at night, he could be said to be framed, but this time he deliberately followed him, there must be no one to send him a message, right?

What exactly does this Chun Yuyan want to do?

"The prince is looking for Lian Ji, he should go to the manor."

Chun Yuyan seemed to be unable to see her expression and hear her sarcasm, and smiled politely, "Aren't you going to talk about the graphite business? Come and sit, we can just talk about it on the way."

Feng Yun squinted his eyes and did not move.

Chun Yuyan patted the carriage frame, "There are still dozens of miles to go, your carriage is not as comfortable as mine..."

"No need." Feng Yun said gently, but also coldly.

"Business is all voluntary. If the prince wants to do it, he can do it. If he doesn't want to do it, he can't do it. As for the carriage... There is no place like home. I feel very comfortable sitting here."

After saying that, he lowered the curtain without waiting for Chun Yuyan's answer.

Chun Yuyan noticed that she was obviously more irritable today.

As if thinking of something, he raised the corner of his lips, smiled mysteriously, and deliberately patted the car window to make some noise to attract her attention.

"Feng Twelve, do you want to hear the military situation in Xinzhou?"

Feng Yun's ears perked up.

She didn't hear the next part, so she didn't rush to ask.

Chun Yuyan snorted.

"Why did I hear that General Pei was reckless and greedy for merit this time, and he fell into a big fall when he marched to Bingzhou?"

Feng Yun was already in a bad mood, and she felt even more uncomfortable when she heard Chun Yuyan teasing the war in such a playful tone.

She sneered and pulled open the curtain to look at him.

"Prince Chunyu has made a fortune from the war again, so he must be very proud, right?"

As he said this, he looked at his carriage with jewels hanging on it, and said coldly: "It's a pity that some people have nothing left except these flashy and worldly things."

Chunyu Yan was so angry that his expression turned cold.

"Feng Twelve, what did you say?"

Feng Yun stopped talking.

The official road leading to Tujiawubao is not very wide, and ox carts, horse carts, and donkey carts can't get out of the way at all, so they had to go together like this.

Feng Yun thought Chunyu Yan was just going in that direction.

Unexpectedly, when they arrived at Tushan, he actually followed them all the time.

Feng Yun became more and more impatient, and she opened the curtain to question.

"What exactly is the prince going to do?"

Chunyu Yan: "To Tujiawubao."

Feng Yun: "The prince is really too idle. In this world, people don't have enough food or die on the battlefield every day. I wonder why the prince is so lucky, why it's not people like you who die?"

Chunyu Yan:? ? ?

Looking at that cold face.

He was sure that Feng Shier Niang was irritated.

And the irritation was not small.

Just at this moment, the hearty laughter of Tu Baozhu came from the front.

"It seems that my distinguished guests have all arrived."

"Li Jun." He bowed to Feng Yun from a distance, then turned to Chun Yuyan and laughed loudly, "Chun Yu Shizi, we meet again."

Feng Yun's breath was stuck in her throat, and she swallowed back the words before she could curse.

Looking at Chun Yuyan's provocative and frivolous eyes, she pulled the corners of her mouth vaguely, calmed down her emotions, walked down the donkey cart slowly, and saluted Tu Boyan.

"Master Tu, how are you?"

Tu Boshan laughed loudly, "I am very well. Today, the magpie is calling, and the distinguished guest is here, which is even more joyful... Prince Chunyu, Li Jun, please come in."

Feng Yun didn't know what the relationship between Master Tu and Chunyu Yan was, so she walked into the fort silently, keeping her usual smile.

After sitting down in the lobby, she realized that the coal used by Tujia Fort for iron smelting and heating was all from Yunchuan, and Master Tu and Chunyu Yan had a cooperative relationship for many years.

She was narrow-minded and thought Chunyu Yan came for her.

Feng Yun glanced at Chunyu Yan inconspicuously.

Coincidentally, Chunyu Yan was also looking at her.

The two of them looked at each other, and then turned away unhappily.

It can be seen that Tu Boshan had a very good impression of Chunyu Yan, and Feng Yun didn't know with which eyes he saw that Prince Chunyu was "gentle, honest and trustworthy", and he didn't avoid him when talking about serious matters.

When Feng Yun took the craftsmen to install the wooden ox water wheel, he even enthusiastically invited him to go with him.

It is called a wooden ox water wheel, but it is actually called an iron ox water wheel because the gear parts are all made of iron.

Tu Boxan said: "There are many hills in Yunchuan fields. It would be convenient to build a water wheel."

This Tubao master is really a big picture person. He has not used it in his own family, but he has begun to recommend good things to his friends enthusiastically.

Chunyu Yan has been very silent since he was scolded by Feng Yun.

Hearing this, he just smiled faintly.

"I just don't know if Li Jun is willing to build a water wheel for this prince, and then go to Yunchuan to personally check it?"

This mocking words, everyone can hear it.

Tu Boxan then realized that the atmosphere between the two was not right.

"Prince, Lord you two have any grudges against each other?"

Feng Yun: "No."

Chun Yu Yan: "No."

The two spoke at the same time, and looked up at each other at the same time, as if there were swords clashing in their eyes. In Tu Boshan's opinion, this grudge was really big.

"No problem, no problem." Tu Boshan was ready to be a peacemaker.

He stroked his beard and said, "You two are both people of temperament. If there is any grudge, just talk it out. Today, my wife knew that you two were coming, so she specially prepared home-cooked snacks in the mansion. You two will be honored to sit down and taste them. How about we make peace and forget our grudges with wine?"

Feng Yun smiled, "I will listen to the Lord of the Castle."

Chun Yu Yan snorted coldly.

If Lord Tu knew what Feng Twelve had done to him and what kind of grudge they had, he would probably not say "get rid of all grudges with wine".

He wants him to make peace with Feng Twelve?

Dream on!

It's impossible in this life.

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