Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 116: The Adulterer Is Missing

Waterwheel installation is a complicated process.

The craftsman compared the drawings given by Feng Yun, one component after another, and was very busy.

On the hill, with smoke curling up from the kitchen stove, in this beautiful pastoral scene of a prosperous age, a beautiful woman with a curly skirt and dark clothes suddenly appeared, accompanied by two servants, carrying a cup of herbal tea.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Mrs. Tu approached and when she saw Feng Yun, her eyes lit up.

" Ms. Feng Twelve, right?"

Feng Yun smiled and saluted, "I've met Mrs. Tu."

"Oh, you're so handsome!" Mrs. Tu's eyes almost looked like flowers, and she couldn't take her eyes away from Feng Yun's face.

"How long has it been since I've seen such a beautiful young lady? I knew she had such a good reputation, but when I saw her today, I realized that all those compliments were wrong. What kind of beauty is as beautiful as a flower, and her beauty is delicious? Bah! Where are the flowers? With your beauty, how can you be willing to eat it? You have to pay for it!"

Feng Yun has been used to being praised for her beauty since she was a child.

But Mrs. Tu's exaggerated expression still made her feel embarrassed.

"Madam has been given too much praise, and a little girl cannot afford it."

At this moment, she actually hopes that others will see her wisdom.

For example, the wooden cow water cart being assembled...

However, the beautiful Mrs. Tu only cares about her face.

She has no daughter and has always liked good-looking girls. In her previous life, Feng Yun had gained Mrs. Tu's full favor with her natural jade face, and thus gained the goodwill of everyone in Tujiawu Fort.

In the next life, she was still the same person, and Mrs. Tu still fell in love with her face the first time she saw her.

"Go sit in my room for a while. I have something for you."

I just want to give something to the person I like, and the same goes for Feng Yun.

Hearing this, she pursed her lips gently and suddenly said:

"The little lady also prepared a small gift for Madam Tu when she came, but she didn't have the courage to give it to her because she was afraid of offending Madam."

Mrs. Tu smiled so hard that her eyes curled up, "That's great. So good, so good."

She kept saying yes, looking at Feng Yun's beautiful appearance, her mind kept thinking about how to praise her, and she couldn't keep her eyes away.

Chun Yuyan turned away.

Master Tu also felt that his wife was extremely embarrassed...

But he dared not criticize.

The madam always wanted to have a daughter, but after trying hard for a long time, she only gave birth to three ineffective sons. The madam blamed him for not having a good seed, so he couldn't give birth to a girl. He didn't dare to talk back, so he could only smile in apology.

Now that Madam has fallen in love with the girl from the Feng family, she is afraid that when she returns to her room at night, she will have to grab him and talk to him...

Loading water trucks is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. I was busy until dusk, but only half of it was completed.

Mrs. Tu asked someone to invite them back for dinner.

Feng Yun had planned to spend the night at Tujiawu Fort before arriving.

It is not safe to travel at night. Even if the waterwheel is assembled at this time, it will be too late to return to Huaxi Village. She was not ready to leave and wanted to find a chance to talk to Mrs. Tu, so she happily obeyed.

Unexpectedly, Chun Yuyan didn't leave either.

The two of them were invited to the table by Tu Boshan and his wife.

This banquet is a round table, which is very different from the banquet in ordinary people's homes.

This is a habit in Tu Boshan's family. In his previous life, Feng Yun also ate with them at the same table...

But she and Chun Yuyan didn't.

Moreover, they were arranged to sit together.

Nowadays, people's customs are open and there are not so many particularities between men and women. This is not considered rude to the Tu family, but Feng Yun feels very awkward sitting next to Chun Yuyan.

Especially when this man deliberately moved his legs under the tablecloth towards her and rubbed them, she wanted to jump up and hit him...

However, when you are a guest in someone else's home, you still have to be somewhat decent.

She glared at Chun Yuyan nonchalantly.

Chun Yuyan just smiled, his eyes were as clear as a pool of clear water, and there was no trace of any malice.

It's as if she is a little bit intolerant...

What a sinister intention!

Feng Yun lowered his hand and pinched his leg hard.

Chun Yuyan frowned, but Tu Boshan smiled when he saw this.

"I heard from Prince Chunyu that Mr. Li has a way to open the trade route from Yunchuan to Jin and transport graphite out?"

What interests smart people is always interests.

Feng Yun nodded and smiled, "Yes."

Tu Boshan looked curious, "Li Jun, can you tell me in detail?"

Feng Yun said: "This...hiss..."

That bitch Chun Yuyan actually pinched her secretly.

Feng Yun calmed down and said with a smile: "I'm afraid I can't explain a sentence or two clearly. If Master Tu is interested, we can discuss it later. You can count on your share of this business."

Mrs. Tu was admiring her beauty, but she felt heartbroken when she saw the beauty suddenly frowned, her expression was clearly displeased, and she forced herself to smile.

She glared at her husband angrily and then offered Feng Yun more food.

"Ayun, eat quickly and ignore that old man."

Tu Boshan:...

Chun Yuyan:......

Feng Yun:......

The whole table laughed awkwardly.

No one noticed the turmoil under the table.

Mrs. Tu was gentle by nature, with kind eyes that made people feel comfortable. She was gentle and warm to everyone, except her husband who was often trained to the point of disgrace.

Tu Boshan sighed.


After eating, it will get dark soon.

Feng Yun and Chun Yuyan were arranged by Tujiabao to live in Yanwu.

Yanwu lives in the south of the backyard, near an artificial pond. The lotus in the pond has withered, but the green trees, mandarin duck tiles, and curtains in the pavilion, and the whole courtyard has no winter color, is still warm and unique. It's not far from the main house, nor close, so there is free space without looking indifferent.

Tujiawubao's hospitality makes it hard to fault.

Feng Yun has some feelings for Yan Wuju.

Because she came to Tujiawu Fort to take refuge in her previous life, she lived here.

The same house, a lifetime apart, mysterious and sentimental.

Feng Yun remembered that in her previous life, she lived in Yanwu, where she studied in "Yuanhenmianmian", picked lotus from the pond, and used tea from Tushan.

When Feng Yun was in this room, he could not help but think of many past events, and he felt a little irritated...

Xiaoman, however, was curious and excited, walking around the room.

"Tujiawubao is really rich, girl, girl, look at this curtain, this blanket, this mattress...well, it's so soft..."

Feng Yun smiled and said nothing.

The style and furnishings of Tujiawu Fort are indeed very different from other places.

She was aware of it in her previous life, but had no idea. Now she found many things that she had ignored before...

There were some things she had seen in the books left by her mother.

Or maybe I heard my mother say it, but it took too long and I forgot about it. As soon as I saw it, I suddenly thought of it again, as if it was already there in my mind.

It felt like some kind of pull from somewhere.

Can't catch it, can't ignore it...

Just at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Xiaoman went out to take a look and came back and whispered: "This is Prince Chunyu, asking to see the girl..."

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes and said, "Let him wait in the pavilion in the courtyard."

She didn't want Chun Yuyan to come into the house.

However, I don’t want to miss the opportunity to cooperate with Chun Yuyan.

Then the pavilion in the yard is the most convenient place to talk.

There are two lamp holders outside the pavilion, with oil lamps burning inside. The light emits a layer of warm light, accompanied by the light mist beside the pool and the lingering winter atmosphere, which is very artistic.

The weather is cool at night, but not very cold, which is very pleasant.

Feng Yun walked over and bowed, "What do you want from me, Your Majesty?"

Chun Yuyan sat on the stone pier in the pavilion, smiled lazily and waved his hands.

Sang Jiao, Yin You, and the honest and honest Eunuch Xiang retreated silently.

When he made this gesture, Feng Yun smiled.

"You guys wait for me outside."

Xiao Man and Da Man responded, "Yes."

Feng Yun entered the pavilion alone and sat on the stone pier opposite him.

"Your Majesty, please speak."

The stone pier was polished very smooth by the craftsmen, and there was a stone table carved with dragon and tiger patterns in the middle. In the night, neither of them could see each other clearly.

Chunyu Yan laughed lowly.

That charming voice is like a man having an affair at midnight.

"Let me ask Qingqing... are you in need of an adulterer?"

Feng Yun: "???"

For a moment, she suspected that her ears were broken.

"Your Majesty, be careful. You have Lady Lian, and I have General."

Chun Yuyan was very calm, "Why else would I say adulterer instead of husband?"

It was the first time that Feng Yun had seen someone speak shamelessly in such a fresh and refined way.

She snorted slightly, "If the prince has business to discuss, Feng Yun should be attentive. If he just suddenly gets angry, then forgive me for not being able to accompany him."

Chun Yuyan was reprimanded, but he didn't take it seriously and still laughed.

Those beautiful eyes are shining with hope and are very beautiful.

"Feng Twelve, you have taken advantage of me so much, so you have to pay something, right? This is fair."

Feng Yun: "What advantage did I take of you?"

Chun Yuyan felt very happy when he saw that she was cruel to him, but her eyes were clear and shining, as soft as autumn water.

It has to be Feng Twelve!

How could the girl next to him dare to be so cruel to him?

I have long been crying and begging him not to kill me.

"Of course it's a big bargain." The more Chun Yuyan thought about it, the more interesting he became. He suddenly stretched out his long arms, lifted up his sleeves to expose his wrists, and motioned to Feng Yun to see the circle of strangulation marks on his wrists.

"Did you do this?"

Feng Yun frowned.

When she tied him up that night, she didn't use much force.

This was clearly done by Pei Ran.

"There are other places..." Chun Yuyan made a show of taking off his clothes, "Do you want to see the marks on your body? There are quite a few..."

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, as if watching a madman say something ridiculous and ridiculous.

"The Crown Prince needs someone to take responsibility, and he should look to General Pei."

He smiled gently again and said very grandly: "I don't mind working with the crown prince."

What kind of insult is this? Absolutely amazing!

Chunyu Yanqi laughed back, still feeling that Feng Yun, who could say such a thing, was crazy.

So he smiled again, leaned forward a little, and said softly in an extremely low voice: "Pei Wangzhi did not do this to me. Do you long will it take for the hair to grow back?"

Feng Yun's throat tightened.

What is shameless?

She finally saw it.

The two stared at each other, each thinking the other was crazy.

Chunyu Yan smiled modestly, "Feng Twelve, you... don't have to be responsible?"

Feng Yun really didn't expect that Prince Chunyu would use this matter to trouble her. He smiled, looked at the shameless and fearless guy, and asked calmly:

"If the prince is in need of hair growth potion, he can ask Dr. Yao."

"No." Chunyu Yan said, "You have to be responsible for shaving it."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, his lips slightly curled up with a smile, but his eyes were very dangerous, "Then how should I be held responsible, Prince?"

Chun Yuyan said slowly: "You and Pei Wangzhi behaved in front of me that night, and you must behave in front of him the same way. This prince will not be able to swallow this anger unless he gets justice..."

Feng Yun: ...

No wonder he holds a grudge like this.

It turned out that he remembered that Pei Jue stuffed him under the bed to eavesdrop on the night...

Feng Yun said calmly: "Then, next time the prince does something, stuff me under your bed and let me eavesdrop. Is that fair?"

Chun Yuyan snorted coldly, "Let you eavesdrop? What a sweet dream!"

Feng Yun smiled coldly, "This is not okay, that is not okay, Prince Chunyu is not deliberately playing rogue, right?"

Chun Yuyan smiled lightly, "What if you are a rogue?"

"Oh." Feng Yun asked calmly: "Prince doesn't want Lian Ji anymore? Don't forget, she is in my hands and only listens to me."

Sure enough, when Lian Ji was mentioned, Chun Yuyan's face showed the familiar look of Feng Yun, entangled, gentle, and a love saint who couldn't pick up or let go.

She sneered.

Chun Yuyan smiled faintly.

"Qingqing is different from her."

"How is it different?"

"Lian Ji is as pure as a lotus..."

"What about me? Filthy as mud? Oh, your Lian Ji is the holy flower that grew out of my mud, right?"

Feng Yun said, and he laughed at himself.

"So, the prince wants mud to sleep with you, and put the lotus in a vase to admire? Is the prince sick? Isn't it better to sleep with the lotus directly? Why do you mess with the mud? Be careful to get it all over your face."

Chun Yuyan smiled so hard that his eyes curved.

Of course she is not mud.

She is an ancestor.

The little ancestor who can't be messed with.

He changed his posture, raised his eyebrows and glanced at her lightly, "If you agree, we can talk about the graphite business. Everything is up to you."

Feng Yun sneered: "Sorry, I don't sell myself."

Chun Yuyan was stunned for a moment, "I sell, will you buy?"

Feng Yun:...

Chun Yuyan: In terms of shamelessness, this prince is invincible in the world.

Pei Jue: Where do you put the Emperor of Qi?

Xiao Cheng: General Pei is the best in this matter, no one dares to claim second place.

Ao Qi: ... I care about my reputation the most.

Wen Xingsu: The above answers are invalid. A Yun said that the eldest brother in the world is the best.

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