Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 117 Bullying Bullying

The night wind brought a quiet floral scent.

If Chun Yuyan's upturned lips were not so annoying, Feng Yun would have almost thought that what he said was true...

No matter which one it was, he was a boy who brought money after all.

Feng Yun asked seriously: "Is Yunchuan so short of money? It is not as cost-effective to sell graphite as to sell the prince's body?"

Chun Yuyan's eyes darkened.

"Are you trying to say that I can't make as much money as graphite?"

"No. With Chun Yuyan's appearance, he can make twice as much as graphite, and more."

Chun Yuyan's chest seemed to have air flowing.

But he had been fooled by Feng Twelve many times, and his bottom line was very low.

"You say something nice." Chun Yuyan saw that she did not move, and added, "You say something nice, and the deal will be done."

Feng Yun looked at him with his arms crossed, with a look of "you must coax me", and laughed.

Chun Yuyan is a handsome man, and his appearance is very attractive.

How can such a person have the nerve to say such shameless words?

"How do you want me to coax you? No... what's the nicest thing to say?"

Chun Yuyan thought for a moment, "Say you like me..."

Feng Yun frowned: "Will it work? I say I like you, but my eyes will betray me."

Chun Yuyan almost pissed her off.

"Feng Twelve!"

Feng Yun bowed, "I'm here."

Chun Yuyan suddenly stood up, grabbed Feng Yun's hand, and without saying a word, pulled her out of the pavilion and walked to the other side of the artificial lake, near the outer mountain.


The voices of Daman and Xiaoman came from behind Feng Yun.

Chun Yuyan turned around and sneered.

"Whoever dares to follow me, I will peel off Feng Twelve's skin and make a human skin drum to give back to you."

Feng Yun didn't want to anger him. In fact, Chun Yuyan held her wrist with great strength, but he didn't feel much hatred in his body.

She asked, "What are you crazy about?"

Chun Yuyan suddenly turned his head and stared at her. His eyes were sparkling, as if there was a wolf's light flashing, which was extremely scary, but if you look closely, they become very fragile, and the threat turned into a plea, like a child begging for mercy from an adult...

"Tonight. Just one hour. Stay with me."

He said it quickly.

The wind dispersed his voice.

Just staring at her and smiling.

Feng Yun glanced at his wrist, which was tightly held by him.

"Let me go. I will go by myself. Otherwise, Ye Chuang and the others will come over and it will be a bad ending."

Chun Yuyan looked at her for a moment and slowly let go of her hand.


Under the starry sky, Tushan at night was gentle and charming, like a well-behaved young wife who shed the rules of the day and suddenly bloomed with all her beauty.

Feng Yun followed Chun Yuyan to the stone pavilion halfway up the mountain and exclaimed.

"It's so beautiful!"

The starry sky is above.

Raising your hand, it seems that you can pick the stars.

Looking down, you can see the long river under the silver moon, like a jade belt wrapped around Tushan.

Feng Yun was amazed and a little envious of Madam Tu.

She lived a fairy life in a paradise, doted on by her husband, loved by her tribe, and lived in harmony with the world...

"Sit here." Chunyu Yan took out a handkerchief and put it on the stone platform, motioning Feng Yun to sit on it.

Feng Yun hesitated.

He said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here and won't let you fall."

Feng Yun looked back into his eyes, smiled, and gently jumped onto the stone platform, looking free and easy.

Another amazing view.

The Tujiawu Fort in the moonlight was in full view.

She said, "Would it be inappropriate for us to come here in the middle of the night?"

She had never been up here before. Because the troops of Tujiawu Fort were guarding the mountain, it looked very mysterious.

Many of the products of Tujiawubao also come from the back mountain, such as iron smelting, weapons, and grain warehouses. She was embarrassed to violate other people's taboos... Chunyu Yan seemed not to hear it, staring at her and said: "I thought you wouldn't agree." Feng Yun didn't react, "What?" Chunyu Yan said: "Come up with me. Give people a chance to talk." Feng Yun squinted her eyes and looked at the stars in the night sky, hugged her knees with both hands, and slowly relaxed in the mountain breeze. "That's nothing, I don't care. It's a pity that there is not enough wine and food." Chunyu Yan smiled softly. "Prepare it for you." Feng Yun looked back at him in surprise. Chunyu Yan took out wine and food from a wooden cabinet in the stone pavilion, as well as two gilded high-footed cups. "I saw that you like the pickled brine of Tujiawubao very much, so I asked Madam Tu to prepare some for me." Feng Yun squinted her eyes, "Madam Tu knows?" Chunyu Yan hummed and smiled at her. "Madam Tu saw that you and I knew each other and had a conflict, so she wanted to bring us together. She even told me to court you boldly and take you away, so that a good girl would not fall into the hands of the King of Hell, and a flower would be stuck in cow dung."

Feng Yun: ...

Madam Tu had never met Pei Jue.

But Pei Jue was notorious. The saying that he was "eight feet tall and ate raw meat and drank blood" easily made people think of him as a rough man or a savage.

"Madam Tu is kind."

I just don't know what Pei Jue would think if he knew.

When Feng Yun thought of Pei Jue's letter, she felt a little depressed. She picked up the glass of wine that Chun Yuyan had poured and drank it all.

Chun Yuyan's eyes moved slightly.

He saw that Feng Yun was not in a good mood.

But he didn't ask and filled her glass again.

Feng Yun stared at the night sky without looking at him, his voice was faint.

"Don't even think about getting me drunk. You'll take advantage of me. I can drink..."

Inexplicably thinking of that night when she was so drunk that she couldn't tell the difference between east and west, she shook her head and raised the corners of her lips with a smile.

"I don't have a good drinking capacity, and I don't drink well. I hit people when I'm drunk."

Chun Yuyan snorted lazily, "Don't be afraid of beating people, just don't belittle me."

Feng Yun said calmly, "Am I the kind of person who doesn't choose what to eat? Don't worry."

Before the voice fell, Chun Yuyan suddenly jumped up and sat down beside her, "I am."

Feng Yun:......

She stared at Chun Yuyan without saying a word.

Tonight, the Crown Prince wore an azure-colored loose coat and a silver-white cloak. He looked elegant and elegant, almost blending in with the moonlight. If he got closer, Feng Yun could even see clearly his snow-white skin exposed outside the mask...

Then, notice his lips again...

It is an enviable beauty. The lip lines are very light and the color is beautiful. Last time she thought she was wearing lipstick, but looking at it this way, she is actually a natural beauty.

She felt a little emotional and took another sip.

Chunyu Yan's eyes flickered slightly and he asked in a gentle voice:

"Worried about Pei Wangzhi?"

Feng Yun was stunned, "Didn't you ask me to accompany you? If you tell me what's on your mind, I might be kind enough to comfort you."

Chun Yuyan: "Don't admit it. Don't deny it. Are you not sure of your own mind?"

Feng Yun turned to look at him coldly, pretending to be angry, "Don't worry about my affairs."

Chunyu Yan said: "If you want to do business together, the first thing is to be calm and sincere. Otherwise, something will happen in the future."

Feng Yun actually agreed with this.

But she and Chun Yuyan...

She couldn't be calm and sincere about this man who had bullied him in various ways in her previous life, causing her reputation to be ruined.

"Okay." He said he wanted to agree.

It's just a word, she won't die, she will follow the good deeds.

"I'm wondering what kind of girl you are..." Chun Yuyan took a sip and stared at Feng Yun's profile, as if he wanted to induce her to reveal her true feelings.

"Follow Pei Wanzhi. If it's not short, you can eat it. If it's not short, you can wear it. Why do you still come out to make a living in graphite? In this world, it is not easy for a girl to show her face."

Feng Yun laughed and didn't answer.

Chun Yuyan shook his head lazily.

"I can't see through Qingqing's thoughts."

Feng Yun: "Then don't read it."

After saying that, she said cryptically: "No matter how hard the prince looks at it, he will never understand it."

Chun Yuyan drank in silence, his eyes drooped, and he didn't answer for a long time.

Feng Yun didn't ask him either.

Who doesn’t have something to worry about?

As long as the money-giving boy is willing to let her do Yunchuan Graphite's business, Feng Yun doesn't mind drinking with him and complaining together.


She never expected that Chun Yuyan would really dare to get drunk.

One glass after another, and soon a jar of wine was poured into his stomach.

Then, drunkenly and blindly, he pulled Feng Yun's sleeve and smiled coldly.

"Feng Twelve, you are so cruel."

Feng Yun saw a layer of moist mist in his eyes, knowing that this guy had drunk too much and was in a mood, which was a bit funny.

"Your Majesty, be careful. Don't lose your etiquette and let others see you and think I have bullied you."

"Okay." Chun Yuyan took her hand, placed it on his heart, and slapped it twice hard.

"Tell me, when will you bully me again?"


Feng Yun moved the wine jar away and patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't be embarrassed. You're almost done drinking. Let's go down."

"No." Chun Yuyan looked at her, his eyes red, "It's less than an hour. You and I agreed? Tonight, stay with me for an hour... A businessman values ​​​​his word most. If you don't keep your word, who will dare to do business with you?" ?”

You're not actually drunk, are you?

I understand very well.

Feng Yun saw him staggering drunkenly and clapped his hand helplessly.

"Then, Your Majesty, sit down."

Chun Yuyan let go of her and sat down.

Feng Yun was afraid that he would fall, so he pointed at the wooden pillar behind him.

"Sit over and lean against that pillar."

Chunyu Yan did as he was told.

Seeing his drunken appearance, Feng Yun felt a little worried. After thinking about it, he suddenly leaned over, took out Chun Yuyan's belt again, and tied him to the pillar.

"In order to prevent the prince from falling, I had no choice but to forgive you. I will untie it for you in a moment."

She explained her motive thoughtfully, but Chun Yuyan had no intention of resisting and just stared at her without moving.

After Feng Yun tied him up, he took Feng Yun's hand, brought it to his lips, and pressed it gently.

"It's really soft..."

Feng Yun quickly pulled back.

"Be honest and don't pretend to be crazy while drinking,"

Chunyu Yan laughed lowly.

As if she had gotten a huge advantage, she licked her lips lightly with the tip of her tongue, making a beautiful arc. Her smile seemed to be reminiscing about the beauty she had just touched.

"Feng Twelve."

Feng Yun sat down and said, "Let's talk."

The drunken Chun Yuyan didn't have the usual yin and yang that was annoying. His eyes seemed to be immersed in a galaxy, soft and warm. When he looked at people intently, it really seemed like there were emotions melting into his sight.

The most natural advantage of good-looking people is that people are reluctant to hurt them...

"Feng Twelve, you will often bully me from now on, okay?"

Feng Yun:......

In all her life, she had never heard anyone make such a request.

"Crazy," she said

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