Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 118 Fireworks

Chun Yuyan laughed lowly, "So what if you're crazy? It's better to be crazy."

Feng Yun took a sip of wine quietly, and found it tasted good.

"When the prince wakes up, he will be so angry with himself that he will die."

"I'm not drunk..." Chun Yuyan still stared at her like that, and his light voice was like pleasant candy, soft and magnetic, "I just want you to come to me often and bully more cruel. ,It doesn't matter."

Feng Yun almost made him laugh angrily.

Putting down the cup and turning her head, she reached out and pinched Chun Yuyan's arm, very hard.

"Like this? Huh? Are you looking for abuse?"

Chun Yuyan hissed, and suddenly took Feng Yun's hand that was about to take it back. His drunken voice was confusing, "Only you can do it."

Feng Yun felt that this guy had lost his mind after drinking.

I can't understand the previous sentence and the next sentence, let alone what I want to express.

Chunyu Yan said calmly, "Only you can do it, no one else can, no one can..."

Feng Yun looked him up and down, "What can I do but others can't?"

Chun Yuyan suddenly took her hand and pulled it down.

The tentacles were hot, and Feng Yun froze.

Is this something she can do?

"Chun Yuyan?"

This madman!

Do you think she is Lian Ji again?

There were burning flames in Chun Yuyan's eyes, "If you want to follow Pei Madang, then follow. No problem, I'll follow you!"

Feng Yun felt as if her hand had been burned. She wanted to take it back but could not squeeze him. Her cheeks were slightly hot and her ears were burning. But at least she was an old pervert who had lived through two lifetimes. Under the cover of the night, she did not She looked half panicked, and her tone even deliberately brought out a kind of teasing that she even hated.

"Your Majesty, do you know what you are joking about with me?"

"I... never joked. Feng Twelve, just as I said, you thought. I'm done."

Chun Yuyan glanced at her hands.

Her nails were beautifully manicured, long and round, which made him breathe quickly and become increasingly disordered. Only the eyes staring at Feng Yun were as bright as the silver moon in the sky, "Only you can do it. No one else can. I tried."

Feng Yun understood.

He meant that she was the only one who could do that.

It's incredible.

In Feng Yun's opinion, a man is like a stallion. It doesn't matter whether he is the woman he loves, as long as he catches his eye a little bit, or even not...

Her expression was indifferent and she was not moved by it.

"What about Lian Ji?"

At the mention of this name, Chun Yuyan's dark eyes darkened, and his thin lips pursed tightly, looking embarrassed.

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, and belatedly discovered that Prince Chunyu was actually a young man as well.

"She can't do it either?"

"I haven't tried it."

"Then why don't you try?"

"She's different."

here we go again.

What is the difference between lotus and silt?

Feng Yun was so angry that he wanted to laugh, "Isn't this the disease you went to see Dr. Yao for?"

Chun Yuyan didn't answer.

Feng Yun didn't know what extraordinary things this bitch said to Dr. Yao, so that a well-informed doctor would show such a evasive expression when he saw her.

"Feng Twelve..."

Chun Yuyan's lowered eyelashes trembled slightly as the mountain breeze blew.

"Help me..."

Feng Yun glanced at him casually, his voice was casual, like chatting, and he mocked him without any trace, "When it comes to men and women, I still prefer those who are strong and strong. The prince is like this..."

She deliberately didn't say anything further, but she humiliated Chun Yuyan so much. She was taking revenge on him, putting all the shame of her previous life into her words, but Chun Yuyan seemed to be really drunk and couldn't notice how bad she was.

"You may say that I'm not as good as Pei Wanzhi, but I won't compare with him... Anyway, it can only be you. I have nothing to say..."

He was so serious.

Feng Yun still doesn't believe there is such a thing in the world.

"The prince didn't lie?"

Chun Yuyan chuckled lightly, "What good will it do me to lie about this kind of thing... Isn't it very decent to let people know that I'm in trouble..."

Feng Yun looked at him sideways.

Want to see some flaw in his face.

Unfortunately, the mask is an eyesore.

So she reached out unexpectedly and took off his mask.

This time, Chun Yuyan didn't stop her, didn't even move, his eyes never left her face from beginning to end, he just looked at her with a gentle expression.

"I don't want to look for you and bring trouble on myself, and secretly, I don't want to pester you that much. But what can I do?" He looked down at the unknown thing, "It only recognizes you."

Feng Yun: "Absurd."

Seeing her attitude, Chun Yuyan smiled.

Sure enough, it was Feng Twelve.

He originally thought that Feng Yun would scream in disbelief, or yell shyly, or have some violent reaction, but she was very calm, didn't show any weirdness, and even discussed her condition with him seriously.

"Feng Twelve." Chun Yuyan stared at her, his face red from drunkenness, with some unspeakable sincerity, and a stubbornness that would not turn back until he hit the wall. "I have compared with many people. Already..."

"What?" Feng Yun didn't understand.

"I'm not young." Chun Yuyan looked at her seriously. Seeing Feng Yun's eyes twitching, he added, "I'm older than them all."


Feng Yun's mood became a little complicated.

I really wanted to laugh, but it was inappropriate.

"I don't believe it. Don't recruit me, Your Majesty. Take medicine when it's time to take medicine, and treat the disease when it's time to treat it. I don't recognize it."

Chunyu Yan sighed, "Am I not as good as Pei Wanzhi? Do you mind?"

Feng Yun is a little funny.

Is a man’s desire to win so strong?

She glanced and said nothing.

Chunyu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and struggled a little.

"Let me go, I have something to show you."

How could Feng Yun let him go at this time?

She asked: "What are you looking at?"

Chun Yuyan seemed to understand what she was worried about, and even discovered her misunderstanding, "That's not what I'm showing you..." He suddenly looked back at the wooden cabinet.

"Mrs. Tu gave it to you, go get it."

Feng Yun thought for a moment, then walked over and opened the cabinet.


She didn't expect that there were actually several fireworks inside.

Tujia Wubao's manufacturing capabilities are very strong. You can make many things yourself in Wubao. You are completely self-sufficient without relying on the towns outside.

Moreover, the fireworks at Tujiawubao are better than those sold in the market. They rise high, have beautiful colors, and have more varieties.

Feng Yun turned his head suspiciously.

"Why did Mrs. Tu give you this?"

Chunyu Yan slightly curled his lips and smiled charmingly.

That expression made people's bones go numb.

"As I said just now, Mrs. Tu is happy to see the success. She hopes that we will become a good thing..."

Feng Yun glanced at him lazily, "Don't waste time."

Chun Yuyan watched her inspect the fireworks carefully, not impressed at all by his beauty and smile, and let out another low sigh.

In this world, only Feng Twelve would ignore him like this, right? Only she would say such things.

"I don't need you to like me," he said.

Feng Yun placed the fireworks on the stone platform and lowered his head to study the craftsmanship.

"I don't like you that much either." He added.

Feng Yun still didn't raise his head, picked out a firework, and then reached out to look for the fire certificate on Chun Yuyan.

"Where is it?"

Chun Yuyan looked at this girl who was even crazier than him with a strange expression, and twisted around, "What are you doing?"

Feng Yun looked at him seriously, "I'll light the fireworks and put them in your crotch... maybe you'll be frightened? Fight fire with fire!"

Chun Yuyan's face turned livid, "How dare you!"

Feng Yun took out the fire seal and blew it with a smile.

"What can I not dare to do? This is not the first day Prince Chunyu has met me. Since the prince is interested in elegance, it doesn't hurt for me to play with you. In partnership business, we are talking about sincerity..."

Chun Yuyan saw that she didn't look like a joke, so he stepped back and then became nervous.

Sure enough, nothing good will happen if you are tied up by a crazy woman...

She can really do anything.

"Don't mess around." Chun Yuyan warned her, "it will explode."

Feng Yun shook his head and thought about it seriously, "I have seen this kind of fireworks during the Chinese New Year. They are so beautiful that children can play with most they will break the skin, but they will not be damaged. Doctor Yao's wound medicine is also very good." Easy to use.”

"Feng Twelve!"

"Anyway, you said it, but it's of no use to you. Let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Give it a scare and nurse it for a while. When it gets better, it might work."

"Feng Twelve, don't mess around."

Looking at the girl's excited eyes, Chun Yuyan was finally sure that she was really not joking. Watching Feng Yun light the fireworks, he suddenly realized that he remembered to struggle and loosened the belt that was tied around his body. , stretched out his hand to pull her——


Feng Yun threw the fireworks out.

It was thrown into the air, not towards Chun Yuyan.

Then, he looked back with a half-smile.

"Look how scared you are."

Chun Yuyan froze, and then he realized that his back was covered in cold sweat.

Standing in the night wind, Feng Twelve Niang looked like a witch casting a spell. He clearly pulled her sleeve, but it was so light that she seemed unable to grasp anything or hold on firmly...

This girl doesn't belong to him.

So close yet so far away.

Chun Yuyan couldn't tell whether it was frustration or something else. He looked at her for a moment and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Scared me to death. Crazy."

Feng Yun didn't answer, and lit another firework with a fire stick. This time, under Chun Yuyan's gaze, and when he was completely free to move, he suddenly stretched out his hand to pull open the waistband of his trousers and threw it in...


Chun Yuyan jumped in fright.

But Feng Yun jumped off the stone platform first and left without looking back.

"This is the punishment for Prince Meng Lang."

Chunyu Yan quickly pulled down his trousers and found that the fireworks had gone out, then he gritted his teeth and stared at the back of the departing figure.

"Do you believe I will kill you?"

Feng Yun looked back and smiled.

"Didn't the prince ask me to bully you? Did he forget it so quickly?"

Chunyu Yan was speechless.

The girl walked further and further away and never looked back. He should have been angry, but his heart felt strangely soft, messy, and sticky, and he even felt a strange joy...

She would treat him like this because he was different in her heart.

Feng Twelve would not just pick up any man and bully him like this...

Chunyuyan's heart felt like it was being pulled by someone. Whichever way she pulled him, he could only fall in that direction.

This feeling is very unreliable, and it is not so comfortable to be unable to control his own feelings, but he is trapped in the whirlpool and unable to struggle...

Feng Yun disappeared on the mountainside.

Chun Yuyan gradually lost sight of her.

There was silence in the middle of the mountain, except for the cool wind.

"I am born to be a seductress..."

As he spoke, he looked down at the unfinished fireworks and smiled bitterly, "Did I forget to mention it? Today is my birthday."

Xiang Zhong came out from nowhere and cupped his hands.

"Your Majesty, it's late at night..."

Chunyu Yan lowered his head and adjusted his clothes, "Get out!"

Xiang Zhong made a grimace and waited for the prince to put on the mask. Then he came over, glanced at the cold mask, and suggested in a low voice:

"Then how about we... send someone to kill Feng Ji? Skin her, make a drum, cut her flesh? Boil it in oil..."

Chun Yuyan turned his head sharply, "Can't you hear me?"

Xiang Zhong responded, "Here."

He thought about it with a grimace, then turned around and said:

"The mountain road is extremely steep, and the stone path is bumpy. Your Majesty... I, it's not easy for me to get out of here."

Chun Yuyan pulled out the broken jade sword, pointed at Xiang Zhong's honest face, suddenly smiled again, and returned the sword to its sheath.

"You bitch, you know how to coax people."

Xiang Zhong chuckled, cupping his hands and bowing. Seeing that the prince had regained his composure, he went up to put the prince's cloak on him, and spoke softly to him as if he were his own child.

"Feng Ji bullied the Crown Prince again?"


"Old servant has watched the prince celebrate his twentieth birthday, and this year is the happiest."

Chunyu Yan stared at him coldly.

"Which of your eyes can see that I am happy?"

Xiang Zhong smiled very honestly, "The king can't remember the birthday of the prince, and the princess doesn't dare to arrange it for him. Every year the prince has a birthday, he always wants to kill two people to cheer up... This year, everyone is alive. It's strange. "

Chunyu Yan snorted, "The time has not come yet, how about I kill you?"

Xiang Zhong smiled generously.

"If the prince is happy, the old servant will be happy. He can be killed!"

Chunyu Yan pursed his lips and glanced at him, coldly lifted the corner of his robe and strode down.

In this world, no one remembers his birthday.

As the crown prince of Yunchuan, you have everything, but it seems like you have nothing...

See you tomorrow, fellow readers, don’t forget to bookmark, subscribe and vote for Nagato’s slim waist with one click and three in a row, hahaha!

Compare your heart!

Chunyu Yan: Don’t you say anything about my birthday?

Audience: Are the fireworks good-looking?

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