Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 119: Reluctant to Part with Yiyi

Feng Yun saw Da Man and Xiao Man standing by on the mountain road. Not far from them was Ye Chuang with two guards. The five people looked at her in unison, with a look that seemed to be worried and suspicious.

Feng Yun said: "Prince Chunyu has a strange temperament. He has to go up the mountain to discuss business."

Xiao Man was simple-minded and believed her as soon as she heard her say it.

She immediately let out a long sigh.

"The maid is almost scared to death! Girl, can I let the maid follow you next time?"

Feng Yun nodded, walked towards Ye Chuang silently, and bowed politely.

"I'm sorry to have worried Guard Ye."

Given Ye Chuang's identity, it was difficult to say much. He glanced at the stone path halfway up the mountain and smiled, "I'm glad that the girl is okay."

Feng Yun smiled slightly and walked down the mountain.

Ye Chuang followed and whispered: "The girl doesn't have to be afraid of Prince Chunyu."

Feng Yun looked back in confusion.

Ye Chuang thought he had not expressed himself clearly, and bowed his hands seriously and said:

"Even if he is the prince of Yunchuan and a guest of honor in Jin, if he is disrespectful to the girl, or forces the girl to do something she is unwilling to do, the girl can refuse... With the support of the general, no one dares to embarrass you."

Feng Yun said: "Thanks to the general's mercy."

There is no need for Ye Chuang to say the key point, Feng Yun also knows it very well.

Otherwise, why is she polite to Pei Jue, but she doesn't have to be nice to Chun Yuyan?

It's nothing more than using someone else's strength to fight against him.

Seeing that there was no expression on her face, Ye Chuang added one more sentence.

"We all obey the orders of the girl."

Feng Yun thanked him repeatedly, and although she thanked him profusely, she was extremely clear in her heart.

The reason they obeyed orders was Pei Jue.

Things that are not under your control and people who are not yours can be used, but you can't rely on them too much.


Daman was silent all the way. When she returned to her room to wait for Feng Yun to go to bed, she suddenly asked in a low voice:

"Did the girl and Prince Chunyu really just talk about the graphite business?"

Feng Yun looked up at her, "What else?"

Daman looked like she wanted to say something but stopped.

In front of Feng Yun, she was always more mature and stable than Xiaoman, and she always thought that she should have more face than other maids.

But she clearly felt that Feng Yun trusted Xiaoman more than her.

She only knew a lot of things from Xiaoman's mouth.

The girl asked her less than Xiaoman, and most of them were chores.

This made her panic and realize that she had been excluded by Feng Yun since some time. Alou, Xing Bing, and even the Ge brothers were more trusted by the girl than she was by her side.

Daman hesitated.

"The maid dares to ask the girl if the maid did something wrong?"

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes and looked at her, with no expression.

"What do you want to say?"

Daman slowly slid down to his knees in front of her couch.

"If the maid did anything wrong, you can punish her, but please don't reject the maid or push her away."

Feng Yun looked at her for a long time.

"Do you know what's the difference between you and Xiaoman?"

Daman looked up and shook his head bitterly.

Feng Yun said, "Xiaoman wouldn't ask me that."

Daman looked at her in astonishment.

Feng Yun said, "Go down."

Daman saw that she had already laid down, her fingers unconsciously stroking the sword she carried with her by the pillow, her eyes were cold, without any affection between master and servant, and then she got up nervously and retreated.

Feng Shier Niang, when did she change?

Daman racked his brains to think.

Tracing back, it seemed to be the day when Andu City was broken.

The weak and soft little lady suddenly became tough and indifferent, ignoring the suffering of anyone. The girl who had been in love with Xiao Sanlang gave up her years of love overnight. She could be affectionate with Pei Jue and Chun Yuyan, and she had no shame at all...

What happened to the girl?

Daman sat by the window, looking at the moon.

Slowly, he touched his cold face.

This face, many people said, was three points similar to Feng Shier Niang.


Tujiawubao was very polite to guests.

Feng Yun got up in the morning after a good sleep, and the maids in the fortress brought food.

There were noodle soup, porridge, vegetable dumplings, pickled radish and small pickles, which looked delicate and delicious.

The maid of the Tu family said: "Madam told me that the girl doesn't like greasy food, and she should eat something light for breakfast. I don't know if it suits the girl's appetite?"

There was a braised pork dish at the table yesterday, and Feng Yun didn't touch it. In fact, it was not that she didn't like it, but it was a little far away, so she couldn't pick up the food.

I didn't expect Madam Tu to observe so carefully.

"They are all my favorites. Thank Madam for me."

"Thank me for what?" A laugh came through the curtain.

Madam Tu came in with a smile, followed by two maids. When she saw Feng Yun, she couldn't help but soften her expression.

It was like an old mother seeing her good daughter, coaxing her to eat, and never getting tired of watching her.

"Ayun, is it delicious?"

Madam Tu sat in front of her and stared at Feng Yun and asked.

Feng Yun felt embarrassed to be cared for like this.

"The clear porridge is greasy and refreshing. The noodle soup with vegetarian buns is exactly my taste. Madam is thoughtful."

Madam Tu smiled and wrinkled her eyes when she heard this.

"Good Ayun, you have to come to Tujiawubao to see me more often in the future."

Feng Yun smiled, "Yes, Madam."

Mrs. Tu seemed to have thought of something, and said again: "They said you are the lizheng of Huaxi now? You are such a beautiful girl, and let the King of Hell Pei be an oxen. What are you doing to be righteous? Isn't this torture..."

Feng Yun: "Madam, this is what I want to do."

Mrs. Tu still looked at her distressedly, as if she wanted to pull him out of Pei Ran's deep and fiery pit.

"What do you think of Prince Chunyu?"

Feng Yun thought for a moment and said, "Very good."

Mrs. Tu laughed, "Then why don't you go to Yunchuan with him. You can be safe and don't have to live under the hands of the King of Hell."

Feng Yun didn't know what to say.

Mrs. Tu means it.

In her opinion, following Pei Madang was far worse than following Chun Yuyan.

It's just that Mrs. Tu doesn't know what she wants...

Which man she follows is no longer within her emotional scope, it's just a matter of using whichever one is more useful.

"I'll think it over, ma'am."

Feng Yun followed her words and showed a little shyness at the right time.

Mrs. Tu became happy and said with a smile:

"What do you think I brought you?"

Feng Yun was very embarrassed, "Madam has already given me a lot, there is no need to give me more..."

"This must be given." Mrs. Tu smiled and asked the maid to bring a tray.

There are several deeds placed inside.

"Your Majesty, something urgent happened. He left the castle before dawn."

Mrs. Tu explained: "Before the prince left, he didn't send anyone to call you for fear of waking you up, but he asked Lao Tu to be the matchmaker and sign the deed. Isn't this what Ayun wanted?"

Feng Yun was startled and took a look at the deed.

Chun Yuyan drafted a graphite management contract, every detail of which was as she requested. The only change was that Tujiawubao was added, giving away 30% of the profit.

This was originally Feng Yun’s idea.

Firstly, Tujiawu Fort and Chun Yuyan had already cooperated and it was impossible to throw them away halfway. Secondly, Master Tujiawu was a trustworthy partner. Thirdly, Tujiawu Fort could be a good escape route.

To get 30% of the profit, Tujiawubao will do something corresponding to no less than 30% of the profit. And as the middleman, you can also ensure that both parties will not break the contract.

Feng Yun could see Chun Yuyan's shrewdness.

It's just that he is not loved by King Yunchuan...


Feng Yun readily signed and stamped his signature on the deed.

Then, he discussed with Tu Boshan about digging mountains and roads, and asked him to call two craftsmen.

"Yunchuan stone is hard and has few gaps. We can take advantage of the severe cold this winter to blast it with explosives, then pour fire and vinegar on it, alternating with hot and cold, causing the rock to crack and then dig a tunnel to break this hard bone."

She explained her thoughts in detail, and Tu Boshan was amazed.

"It's a pity that the prince is not here, otherwise, I would not regret signing this contract."

The two craftsmen looked gloomy.

"What Mr. Li calls explosives is very difficult."

"I also have doubts. Can explosives be made from saltpeter, plant ash, and sulfur? It's incredible."

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

"If I were anyone else, I would never dare to say this, but this is Tujiapu... In the world, Tujiapu is probably the only one who can produce this kind of explosive."

This was something she realized only when she came to Tujiabao again in this life.

In the previous life, I was always sad for my children, but I didn't realize the existence of Tujiawu Fort. It was like a masterpiece.

Their tableware and utensils are different from those in the world and better than anywhere else...

The "master" mentioned by these craftsmen must be an outsider, or an old god sent by the Creator to give guidance. This is why Tujiawu Fort has technology superior to that of this world, but they He also knows how to hide his clumsiness and not show his edge.

Originally, Feng Yun was only thinking about cutting rocks by pouring fire and vinegar and alternating hot and cold. It was the fireworks that Chun Yuyan brought last night that reminded her of the "dynamite" mentioned in the book left by her mother.

That's when I decided to give it a try.

After the meal, Feng Yun and other craftsmen loaded up the wooden cow water cart and were taken to the back mountain by Tu Boshan.

Last night's fireworks left several scorched black spots on the rocks.

She took a look and said with a smile: "The fireworks can still leave marks on the stone, but the explosives will be much more powerful."

Tu Boshan and several craftsmen roughly knew what explosives were from her description, but they had never seen it with their own eyes. They were curious and a little excited, so they kept asking questions along the way.

When he stopped, Feng Yun found that he had reached the stone col in the back mountain.

It is surrounded by cliffs, and the only passage is guarded by troops, making it very hidden.

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