Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 120: You Can’t Share a Husband

Tu Boshan brought her here and treated her as one of his own, with nothing to hide.

"This is where we smelt iron, make weapons and make fireworks."

After a pause, he stroked his beard and smiled again, "I never thought that the power of firecrackers and fireworks could explode hard rocks..."

Feng Yun thought for a while and said conservatively: "I can't say that it will definitely work. It's just that my grandmother's book said it. Use the method according to the method and see if you can overcome the difficulty."

Tu Boshan's eyes lit up, "If the explosives the girl calls are used on the battlefield..."

Feng Yun's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly said: "It is not advisable to use it to hurt people. Moreover, the power of this kind of explosive is extremely low. It can be used to blast rocks, but it is not suitable for use on the battlefield."

Mrs. Tu was listening and suddenly asked with a smile:

"Ayun's mother sounds like an interesting person. I wonder if there is a chance to meet her?"

Feng Yun pondered for a moment.

"My mother has passed away many years ago. Otherwise, I would have become close friends with my wife."

"What a pity, what a pity."

Mrs. Tu looked at her in surprise, thinking that she had said the wrong thing, and apologized hurriedly, and then treated Feng Yun with even more love and pity.

Feng Yun left Tujiawubao the next morning.

After a night of discussions, she and several craftsmen came up with a preliminary plan for making explosives, but it was still unclear whether it was feasible.

Fortunately, Tujiawubao has been researching and improving various utensils for many years. The craftsmen are all very energetic, and Tu Boshan also strongly supports it, so the matter is settled.

When Feng Yun went out, Mrs. Tu reluctantly sent her to the gate of Wubao.

"Ayun, when I have time, I will come to Huaxi Village to see you."

"We are waiting for you, madam."

"Okay, okay, good boy, the road back will be rough, so be careful."

Feng Yun responded with a smile, then bent down to salute.

"Ma'am, please come back. Don't send me far away."

Mrs. Tu promised, but when Feng Yun got on the donkey cart and walked far away, she looked back and saw that elegant and beautiful figure still waving to her at the door.


The village school in Huaxi Village is being repaired very quickly. The craftsmen said that the beams will be capped in two or three days, but there is still no news from Xinzhou.

However, Ge Guang, who was sent to Zhongjing by Feng Yun, came back.

Arriving at Huaxi Village at dusk, I hurriedly found Feng Yun without even taking a sip of water.

Ge Guang was very haggard, his eyes were covered with red bloodshot eyes, and his eyes were dark, and his thick lips were chapped with bleeding chaps.

Feng Yun poured him a cup of herbal tea, and Ge Guang drank it all in one gulp.

"Thank you, girl. I haven't slept a wink for two days, and I didn't even bother to drink water..."

He was explaining his embarrassment, and Feng Yundu said hard.

"How is Zhongjing? Have you seen Luo Ji?"

Ge Guang nodded, "I've seen you, villain."

Feng Yun sent two servants to Zhongjing with Luo Yue. This time, Ge Guang contacted them first and then met Luo Yue.

"Luo Ji has gained a lot of weight and seems to be having an easy time..."

Eating well and being fat is the most direct criterion for living well in this world.

Ge Guang didn't describe much about Luo Yue's current comfortable life. He frowned and glanced at Feng Yun's face, as if he didn't know how to say what was going to happen next.

Feng Yun noticed his expression, poured another cup of tea and handed it to him.

"Speak slowly."

"Yes." Ge Guang finished drinking and cleared his throat.

"The existence of Tiqisi is very detrimental to the general."

He said: "Luo Ji didn't elaborate, but I heard what she meant. Someone is using Da Nei Tiqi to secretly investigate Jin officials, and use this as a handle to blackmail... The most important thing is, Luo Ji also told A message for the villain.”

"what news?"

"She heard from Chief Wei that Song Shou'an sent Tiqi to the camps of Huben and Longji. Luo Ji didn't know the specific reason, but it was wartime, and Dauchi Tiqi intervened in the army. Affairs, I’m afraid it’s not a good thing…”

Huben and Long Ji are both Jin's troops.

Although they are not as good as the Beiyong Army in conquering and fighting, they still have a large number of people and their power cannot be underestimated.

"When the villain got the news, he hurried back to report the news."

Then he handed another letter to Feng Yun, "This is from Luo Ji to the girl."

Feng Yun glanced at Ge Guang, did not open the letter immediately, and asked about Zhongjing's affairs in a casual manner.

"The villain also found out a piece of news, I don't know if it's a big deal..."

Ge Guang hesitated and said: "That day when I was eating in a restaurant in the city, I heard someone sitting next to me saying that girls from Prime Minister Li Zongxun's family were either marrying into the royal family or marrying into aristocratic families. From daughters to granddaughters, and even granddaughters, they were getting married everywhere. All the forces say that Li Xiang is ambitious and his grandson is already the emperor. If he still plans like this, is it possible that he is so old that he still wants to sit on the dragon throne for two days? "

Feng Yun thought of Cui Zhi.

Her mother married into the Cui family, a prominent family in Jin.

Cui Zhi himself will marry Ao Qi, the eldest son of the Ao family.

I thought of Chun Yuyan again.

His mother is also Li Zongxun's cousin.

I remember that in his previous life, Li Zongxun also wanted to marry one of his daughters to Chun Yuyan as the crown prince's concubine.

As for his own daughter Li Sanruo...

The one she married was the late emperor of Jin.

The late Emperor kicked off his legs and drove Hexi to the west. Li Zongxun did not let his daughter idle, and couldn't wait to get close to Pei Mad...

"Girl..." Ge Guang scratched his head when he saw her not speaking for a long time, "Is this villain just asking around?"

"No." Feng Yun looked at him with admiration, "You did a good job."

With such a sense of smell, she didn't choose the wrong person.

"You go down and have something to eat and have a good sleep first. Don't worry about anything else."

"Here." Ge Guang bowed his hands and resigned.

When he was far away, Feng Yun took out Luo Yue's letter.

Sure enough, just like last time, the letter has been processed and needs to be heated on the fire before it can be revealed.

From the letter, Feng Yun understood the reason why Ge Guang said that Luo Yue was "a lot plumper."

Luo Yue was pregnant. Wei Zheng was overjoyed when he just found out that she was pregnant and held her as a treasure.

When that child is born, he will be Wei Zheng's first child. Regardless of whether he is a man or a woman, it will have different meanings to Wei Zheng.

Luo Yue said that she wanted to take good care of herself and didn't want that bastard to mess with her during her pregnancy, so she wouldn't be able to deal with him for a long time.

In line with the idea that the wealth should not go to outsiders, she wanted to push Wei Zheng to Shao Xueqing. She felt that it would be much better than him going out and bringing two back to compete for favor...

Luo Yue asked Feng Yun for her opinion and asked her whether Shao Xueqing was reliable...

Feng Yun thought for a long time and replied: "You can't share teeth and wood, let alone share husbands? It's better to let others do it yourself than to do it yourself. Luo Ji has many methods, don't you need me to teach you?"

(Toothwood: early toothbrush)


Feng Yun was a little uneasy when he couldn't get any news from Xinzhou.

She asked Xing Bing to go to the general's mansion to find He Qia.

Unexpectedly, He Qia went to Wanning City but did not return.

The person in charge of Wanning is Dou Changquan, who is also a subordinate of Pei Madang and is an old friend of He Qia.

Feng Yun didn't want to wait any longer, so he arranged things in Zhuangzi, put on his donkey cart and went to Yutangchun, waiting for congratulations and paying the bills.

Yutangchun is close to the general's mansion, so when He Qia returns to the mansion, she can find him quickly.

Unexpectedly, entering the spring of Yutang, I saw He Qia's son, He Chuandong.

Young Master He just came from the General's Mansion and had dinner with two of his staff at Yutangchun.

He is currently taking care of some general affairs for He Xia, and he seems to be a decent person. There is no drink on the table, just an ordinary meal.

Feng Yun saw Wen Hui busy at the counter and had no idea that that man was her lover in her previous life, so she said with a smile.

"That's He Jun's son. I'll send you a jug of fine wine and two more dishes. It doesn't count."

Wen Hui raised her eyes, was startled, and nodded repeatedly.

"I'm not doing my job well, so I'll go now."

She prepared the food and wine without waiting for Feng Yun's instructions, and then brought them to the table herself.

"Master He, this is my humble opinion, please use it with caution."

When He Chuandong saw Jiao Niang's smile, he stood up in panic and bowed to Wen Hui.

"The shopkeeper is very thoughtful. We three brothers are just having a simple meal. We don't deserve this gift. The shopkeeper can take it back."

Wen Hui said: "Young Master He, there is no need to be polite. You have worked hard for the people of Andu. What is a little drink worth?"

He Chuandong stood there awkwardly, neither taking it nor taking it, with his face flushed. Seeing him like this, Wen Hui smiled and signaled the waiter to put down the food and wine, then bent down to fill the glasses for the three of them.

"Young master, please take care of yourself. Come here often, no need to be polite."

He Chuandong thanked him repeatedly.

I thought to myself, how can I dare to do this again...

The two staff members looked at him frequently.

When Wen Hui went down, he whispered: "Isn't that lady attracted to Brother He?"

He Chuandong was even more embarrassed, his cheeks were hot, "I don't want to talk nonsense. It doesn't matter if you are a grown man, this shopkeeper..."

He thought of Yuan Dalang's trouble last time and pointed his eyes sharply.

"Don't want to be known as a bad person for no reason and attract criticism."

The two staff members quickly shut their mouths.

After the meal, Yu Tangchun did not take the money, but Feng Yun was waiting at the counter, watching He Chuandong smile.

"Master He, please go slowly. Your father will come back. Please bring me a message. Tell him that I will be waiting for him in Yutangchun."

When He Chuandong saw Feng Yun, he realized who the reception was for. He thanked her with a bow, glanced at Wen Hui beside him, said goodbye to her in a panic, and then ran away.

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