Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 121 Feng worries about her husband

It was already midnight when He Qia returned to Andu.

Hearing He Chuandong's words, he was covered in night dew and hurriedly rode to Yutangchun.

Feng Yun didn't sleep. A lone lamp was burning in front of her, and she sat quietly and waited.

He Qia was a little surprised to see her naked and naked, and he quickly saluted.

"Girl, I've been waiting for a long time..."

Feng Yun said: "You are so polite, Mr. He. You should send someone to tell me. I will just come over to see you. How can I bother you to go there in person?"

He Qia waved his hands, sighed and sat down.

Feng Yun looked at his expression and quickly asked Xiao Man to serve tea.

"He Jun is so anxious, but what news is there from Xinzhou?"

He Qia smiled bitterly.

Needless to say, he also knew Feng Yun's intention to find him.

The "gift" I received from Feng Yun before was promised to be conveyed to her.


He Qia hesitated and sighed again.

"To be fair, girl, I went to Wanning today to discuss the current countermeasures with Brother Dou."

Wanning County and Andu County both have garrisons from the Northern Yong Army to maintain daily government orders. Currently, Pei Madang's troops are also left at the Huaishuiwan Camp for backup.

"The general's surprise attack on Bingzhou was a good move. Unexpectedly, Huben and Long Ji's army ignored the general's order and refused to send troops for reinforcements because of insufficient food and grass..."

The general led the troops of the Jin State. Although the Huben and Long Ji armies were not directly affiliated with Pei Madang, they still had to obey the general's orders.

At this juncture, the two armies deliberately delayed, which undoubtedly pushed the Beiyong Army into a pit of fire.

This was something He Qia couldn't figure out.

"Lao Dou and I wondered if someone in the court was causing trouble?"

He added: "But we have been guessing, but we can't figure out who is so bold..."

He Qia has been in the army all year round and has no knowledge of the affairs in the court. In his eyes, the general has the merit of serving the dragon. For the Li family, it is a great kindness. Prime Minister Li Zongxun will never interfere with it. .

"Then the leaders of Huben and Long Ji have different intentions? But if they don't obey the general's orders, the court will punish them! What's more, if they offend the general, what good will it do to them?"

Before Feng Yun came, he didn't know the situation was so serious.

From what she heard from Jin Ge, including her past life experience, she only knew that the three generals in the Beiyong Army camp were colluding with Xiao Cheng and might stab Pei Madang in the back. She didn't expect that Li Zongxun would move so quickly. .

In his previous life, Li Zongxun showed kindness to Pei Madang in every possible way, even ignoring his daughter's reputation and trying to win over him...

Are these changes caused by her changes?

Feng Yun asked hesitantly: "Have you come up with any countermeasures?"

He Qia stroked his beard and sighed, saying: "Lao Dou and I will defend Andu and Wanning to the death, so that the general's back will be strong and he will not be attacked from both sides..."

Feng Yun nodded, "That's just right."

He asked He Qia again: "Is there any news from the general?"

He Qia shook his head: "It's precisely because I don't have it that I feel panicked."

At this point, he suddenly raised his eyes and comforted Feng Yun: "Girl, don't be afraid. The general has never seen such strong winds and waves? How can he capsize in Bingzhou? You can rest assured..."

After a pause, he said hesitantly: "Even if there is an eventuality, the general has already thought of an escape route for the girl. He will open the door for the girl to go on her own."

Feng Yun was startled, "Is this what the general said?"

He Qia hesitated, "General, please don't say these depressing words to a girl unless absolutely necessary."

Feng Yun was slightly stunned.

Pei Ran actually went back to Andu City that day.

He also carried her on horseback for such an absurd amount of time and personally sent her back to the general's mansion.

However, he never mentioned it.

Did Pei Madang foresee the danger of this war at that time?

Feng Yun asked: "I came here today to ask Mr. He if he could give me a guide or a badge to allow me to go to Xinzhou..."

The veins on He Qia's forehead popped out.

"What is the girl going to do?"

Feng Yun said: "This battle is a matter of life and death. I'm worried if I don't hear from the general for a long time."

He Qia was moved when he saw her serious look.

Such a passionate and passionate girl, no wonder the general thinks about her.

At this time, there are very few women who are not afraid of danger and rush to the front line.

Seeing his excited look, Feng Yun knew that he had misunderstood something, but he didn't want to explain.

She was indeed concerned about the situation of the war, and was indeed afraid that Pei Madang would be defeated, and that Xiao Cheng and Feng Ying would be too proud...

Once she thought about this possibility, she felt that her rebirth was in vain, and she became restless, as if she was being tortured by fire every moment.

"Alas!" He Qia let out a long sigh, "Have you thought about it, girl?"

Feng Yun stood up and saluted him.

"Thank you for your help."

He Qia narrowed his eyes and sighed: "In three days, there will be a food delivery team heading to Xinzhou. If the girl wants to go, He can arrange to accompany them. This will also ensure safety along the way."

Feng Yun was overjoyed and bowed deeply again.

"Thank you Mr. He."


Feng Yun couldn't feel at ease if he didn't understand what happened on the Bingzhou battlefield.

But when they heard that she was going to Shinshu, the people in Changmon Village immediately felt a sense of crisis.

Grandma Han was the first to object.

She hugged Feng Yun and cried with runny nose and tears.

"Grandma knows that the Twelve Mothers value righteousness. But fighting is a man's business, so what's the use of the Twelve Mothers?"

Feng Yun smiled and comforted gently.

"Grandma, I'm just going to Xinzhou. There's no fighting there, and the Beiyong Army is guarding it."

The old lady sniffed, wiped her tears, and looked at her with a reproachful look, "Don't think that the old servant is blind and deaf and knows nothing. Xinzhou is in danger. The Qi army has mixed in with the people and assassinated the Jin army every other day. There is no war, but it is more dangerous than war..."

Feng Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

I didn't expect that the old lady, who tended the crops in the garden every day, could know so much...

It can be seen how quickly the news spreads.

"Those people are talking nonsense." Feng Yun looked back at Ye Chuang, "Don't you think so, Ye guard?"

Of course, Ye Chuang didn't want the girl to take risks.

But he couldn't make Feng Yun's decision!

"The girl is right."

Ye Chuang smiled and responded, but it caused Han old lady to cry even louder.

"Oh my God, what a sin this is, when will the fighting end... Why is it so difficult for the common people to live in peace... Stop fighting... It's time to stop the war! I can't live happily anymore."

Grandma Han cried heartbreakingly, and her grief was touching.

In troubled times, the people have no choice, and the people involved have even less choice...

You can only choose, who will die, others or yourself.

Feng Yun coaxed Grandma Han for a while, then asked Huan'er and Pei'er to take her down to rest, and then began to prepare for the journey.

The baggage team set off for Xinzhou in three days.

The most lacking thing in wartime is medicine for injuries. The last time Ao Qi brought a little less, she took Doctor Yao's prescription to Ge Guang, and brought back some medicinal materials in the capital, but it was just a drop in the bucket.

Feng Yun planned to use three days to find as many medicines as possible to bring to Xinzhou...

However, the medicinal materials used for external injuries were in short supply everywhere.

Andu searched everywhere, and sent people to Wanning, and even to Yupu County, which was farther away. First, they couldn't buy it, and second, the price was too high. If she accepted it, she would probably go bankrupt...

At noon the next day, Xiang Zhong came.

He came alone to find Doctor Yao to get medicine for the prince.

He drove a bullock cart to the door of Yao's house. When the cart was opened, he saw that the carriage was full of large and small boxes of medicinal materials, which were neatly packed and preserved in the finest camphorwood boxes. They were very valuable.

Doctor Yao's eyes lit up when he saw it.

"Li Jun is in need of these medicinal materials. I wonder how Prince Chunyu sells them?"

"The young master won't sell them." Xiang Zhong smiled innocently and said, "You can lend them to Feng Ji for the time being."

Doctor Yao's eyelids twitched when he heard it, and he kept calling Amitabha in his heart.

It seems that the noble Prince Yunchuan was telling the truth. The woman he didn't say was probably Feng Ji. When a man can only get an erection for one girl, he has fallen into her hands.

If this girl does not belong to him...

He will die without a burial place.

Doctor Yao sighed for a moment, only for the moment of grief for Prince Yunchuan, and then smiled and asked Wang to inform Feng Yun.

"Sit in front of Mr. Xiang."

Feng Yun got the news, as if he was hit by a pie, and it took a long time for him to come back to his senses.

He immediately accepted it without hesitation, and then showed Xiang Zhong a promissory note, asking her to give it to Chunyu Yan, and then mobilized the power of the entire manor to make medicine.

Concubines, maids, chores, and even Sun Yun'e were called over to help Doctor Yao deal with the medicinal materials, frying, frying, cutting, and grinding, turning the piled medicinal materials into bottles of wound medicine...

Three days is very tight.

Fortunately, everyone in Changmen Manor is assigned by Feng Yun.

When people are united, Taishan can be moved, and the speed is very fast...

Ren Rude got the news and quietly picked up a pen in the teahouse.

"Mrs. Feng is worried about her husband, so she ordered the whole village to prepare medicine for his injuries, and she wants to personally deliver it to the front."

See you tomorrow, sisters, please leave more comments to discuss the plot and interact more~~

Love you.

Finally, a sincere question: Which appearance are you most looking forward to?

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