Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 122 Farewell to An Du

Feng Yun was packing his luggage when Ah Lou came in holding a ledger.

"Girl, one hundred and twenty-five boxes of wound medicine have been stored in the warehouse, and there are still some remaining medicinal materials. Doctor Yao said that we will work harder tonight to make them, and they should be available tomorrow morning."

After that, he handed the account book to Feng Yun's hand.

I remember very clearly the cost of purchasing medicinal materials in these days, the daily output and income of the farm tool shop, and the expenses and balance of Changmen Village.

The above symbols are different from the current way of accounting in accounting offices.

This was given by Feng Yun to Alou and Xing Dalang alone.

Now, Alou is half a teacher. During his teaching time at Changmen Village, he will teach other people in the village the counting and arithmetic taught by the girl. This kind of numbers is simple, easy to use, and clearer. Even people who are illiterate can quickly master it.

Feng Yun took a quick look at it, signed the account book, and handed it to Alou.

"I will ask Xing Bing to arrange the loading of the medicines later and slowly transport them to the Shiguan County pier."

Ah Lou's admiration for the girl overflowed from his eyes.

In fact, he really wanted to accompany the girl to Shinshu.

Just like before, he went wherever the girl went.

But it can’t be done now.

As the general manager of Changmenzhuang, he has more and more things to do. He has two deputy managers under him, but he is still too busy...

I don’t know since when, Alou found that he had become a very important person.

But what he loves most is driving girls.

Feng Yun saw him staring at him without moving, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Anything else?"

"Girl." Ah Lou's face flushed red, and he still didn't express his thoughts after holding it in for a long time.

It’s not that I don’t dare, it’s that I know I shouldn’t.

"The villain will be optimistic about Zhuangzi. The girl must return safely."

Feng Yun nodded, "I have arranged everything in Zhuangzi, step by step, just don't make any mistakes."

Alou said: "I will. Girl, do you want to rest for a while?"

Everyone was very tired these two days and had to stay up late, and Feng Yun was no exception.

They were setting off before dawn tomorrow. Ah Lou looked at her red eyes and felt very distressed, but Feng Yun smiled.

"I'm not sleepy. I'm in great spirits right now."

I have packed everything for Shinshu.

Feng Yun's eyes fell on the wind chime in the drawer again.

That day Cao Kailai came to deliver a letter, and she handed him the wind chime and the letter together.

But now there is no news from Pei Ran, and Feng Yun is not sure whether he has received it...

She frowned, took another pine cone bell from the wind chime, and put it in her luggage...

Ah Lou watched her actions.


Feng Yun did not look back and ordered him:

"There is a greeting card on the desk. Send it to the General's Mansion and give it to Pingyuan County Lord."

The room was quiet, Alou agreed.

Feng Yun couldn't spare the time, so he asked Ah Lou to take a greeting card to the General's Mansion and ask Pingyuan County Lord to come to Huaxi Village to pick up Ah Zuo and Ah You.

When she was here, the two children were left alone in Zhuangzi. Once she left Andu, she would naturally feel uneasy.

Originally, the Ao family wanted to entrust the child to Pu Yangyi, but she just handed the child back naturally.

Unexpectedly, Ah Zuo and Ah You shed tears on the spot when they got the news.

"Aunt..." Ah You hugged Feng Yun's thigh and raised his little head, tears streaming down his face, but his pink mouth was flat and silent.

This kind of good-looking and well-behaved little girl is extremely lethal to Feng Yun.

She couldn't stand Ah You's tears, so she quickly picked her up and sat on the round pier to wipe her tears.

"Why are you crying? Just come and play next time."

Ah You twitched his mouth twice, and his tears fell even more.

A Zuo looked at Feng Yun longingly, but did not cry.

"Next time Ah You and I won't be able to come."

Their parents won't let them go out anymore.

Ah You nodded his little head, "Auntie asked uncle to pick us up..."

If my uncle comes to pick me up, my mother will follow him, even if my father refuses.

The little guy spoke seriously, which was very different from his usual behavior as a demon king.

Feng Yun smiled and said: "Okay, I will definitely let you know when I see your uncle."

It’s just a matter of coaxing the children, whatever is good to hear.

But Ah You and Zuo were very moved when they heard this.

One left and the other hugged Feng Yun's arms, reluctant to let go.

"When my aunt sees uncle and brother, remember to tell them that Zuo and You are very good, not naughty or annoying..."

"Yes! I'm not clamoring to go to Xinzhou with my aunt..."

Feng Yun touched their heads.

"Of course I'm going to talk about more than just that. I'm going to talk about a lot more about how well-behaved you two are..."

Zuo's little face was a little shy. He couldn't imitate his sister's act of coquettishness towards Feng Yun. Instead, he bit his lower lip and said with red eyes:

"When my aunt comes back, my sister and I should go back to Zhongjing. Aunt, don't worry about us, there is chaos outside. My aunt is good-looking, so be careful of being snatched away..."

Feng Yun wanted to laugh, but the corners of his eyes curled up...

I don't know why I suddenly thought of Qu'er again, and I was filled with sadness, and I couldn't laugh anymore.

Zuo's reluctance and grievance at the moment, forcing herself to think like an adult, having to accept the consequences that had to be followed, and comforting the adults in turn, were so similar to her Qu'er...

She hugged Zuo, just like she had hugged Qu'er before.

"Okay. I promise you."

"There's Youyou, there's Youyou." Ah You cried and wiped his tears on Feng Yun, "I'm also very good, I don't make noises, I obey..."

"Yes, yes, and you." Feng Yun hugged her in return.

The little girl was very satisfied.

"Aunt, when the war is over, will you marry uncle? Then we can come to see you often."

How could such a little girl think about these things?

Feng Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I won't marry. I will live in this village. When you come to play in the future, I will receive you."

Zuo and You were a little disappointed when they heard that she refused to marry.

"Uncle is so pitiful."

"Mother is right, uncle is a big wooden man, a big ice block, no girl wants to marry him... Aunt, please pity uncle."

Feng Yun was in a dilemma.

Coaxing a child is really more tiring than working.

Fortunately, before noon, Puyang Yi's carriage arrived.

Cui Zhi got off the carriage with her.

Last time they parted unhappily, Feng Yun thought she would not come.

Seeing the frown on Cui Si Niangzi's face, she guessed that Puyang Yi had forced her over again, and couldn't help laughing.

"County Lady, Cui Si Niangzi, thank you for your help."

The courtyard was busy, the women gathered together to work, piles of medicines were moved out, and the medicine making was still going on. It looked busy, but there was order in the chaos.

Puyang Yi looked at this scene with admiration.

"Feng Ji is so capable that she got so many medicinal materials. Are all these going to be made into medicine?"

Feng Yun nodded, "Take them to Xinzhou."

Puyang Yi grew up in honey water and was a member of the richest class living in this era. Her understanding of war was different from Feng Yun's.

But at this moment, looking at the villagers who were doing their jobs and shuttling around in the simple courtyard like ants, she felt a swollen and sour emotion in her heart.

She had to do something.

Puyang Yi thought about it, took off the gold hairpin on her head and the bracelet on her wrist, thought about it again, took off the jade pendant on her waist, and stuffed it into Feng Yun's hand.

"Feng Ji is so kind, I can't help much, just collect some money."

Feng Yun took a look at it and accepted it without hesitation.

"Thank you, Lord Pingyuan."

Then he turned back and told Xing Dalang.

"Remember it. I will erect a pavilion in the village for those who contributed money and effort this time, and write their names on it."

Who wouldn't want to erect a pavilion and pass it down for generations?

Puyang Yi's eyes lit up.

"When I return to Beijing, I will report to my mother and ask all the noble ladies in Beijing to contribute, and by the way, ask for credit for Feng Ji."

Feng Yun smiled and thanked.

The two talked and laughed, and such enthusiasm made Cui Zhigan standing beside him feel very awkward, especially with A Zuo and A You watching. If he didn't do something, he would make a fool of himself.

But she didn't love fancy clothes like Puyang Yi, and her jewelry wasn't as ostentatious as hers. The most valuable thing on her body was the bracelet on her hand, which was given by her mother when she came of age, and there was also a hairpin, which was given by Madam Ao, but she couldn't bear to part with them.

So she thought about it and her face turned red.

"I don't have anything valuable with me..."

Feng Yun had seen her awkwardness and smiled.

"Mrs. Cui Si's kindness is the best support."

Cui Zhi was Li Sangruo's niece, but Feng Yun didn't usually vent her anger on others. As long as the other party didn't take the initiative to provoke her, she wouldn't look at them differently.

Cui Zhi pulled the corner of her mouth and said nothing more.

Seeing Puyang Yi looking around, Feng Yun quickly asked Xiaoman to pack up A Zuo and A You's things and hand them over to Puyang Yi's servants.

"I can't get away now, so I won't entertain the two guests."

He chased the guests away as soon as he landed. Puyang Yi had never seen such a rude person.

If it were someone else, she would have had a big fight with them.

Puyang Yi glanced at Feng Yun, and seeing how haggard she was, she forgave her.

"You don't have to greet us, I'll just walk around. Don't worry, I'll do as I please."

Feng Yun: ...

This Pingyuan County Lord really doesn't treat himself as an outsider.

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