Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 123: A Dream on a Building Ship (double update)

In late August, an autumn wind swept the fallen leaves.

The scene in Huaxi Village changes day by day, and is different from when Puyangyi first came.

Like two clever ghosts, A Zuo and A You volunteered to take her to the village for a stroll. The little guy was very familiar with it, and there were traces of their involvement in the vegetable seedlings here and the rabbits there.

They told Pu Yangyi all this in a showy way.

Puyang Yi has an active nature and likes her very much.

Especially the green vegetable patch made her eyes wide open.

"Why don't you pick some and take them back and cook some noodles at night?"

Zuo's eyes widened and he quickly reached out to stop him.

"No, this is my aunt's empire."

Ah You also curled his lips, very reluctantly.

"Don't attack my aunt."

Pingyuan County Lord was stunned and couldn't help laughing, "What nonsense?"

Cui Zhi listened to the child screaming for his aunt in a panic, and his mind kept thinking about the expression on the Queen Mother's face when she mentioned Feng Ji when she went to the palace to see the Queen Mother before leaving Beijing.

Where is her kingdom?

What Feng Yun took away was their Li family's empire.

She took away Pei Man's soul and even Ao Qi was bewitched by her...

While Pu Yangyi was wandering around, Cui Zhi returned to Zhuangzi to find Feng Yun on the excuse that he was tired.

"Feng Ji, I have a question."

Feng Yun was really busy at the moment, but when someone opened her mouth, she was still patient and asked with a smile: "Mrs. Cui Si, please speak."

Cui Zhi said: "Do you have a letter from Ao Lang?"

Feng Yun frowned.

It seems that she still doesn't know Ao Qi's current situation.

"No." Feng Yun told her calmly, "There are many inconveniences during the war. Ao Qi thought it would be inconvenient to write a letter, but Mrs. Cui Si should not worry too much."

Cui Zhi pursed her lips, as if she wanted to say something, and then swallowed it.

"Ao Lang and I are getting married at the beginning of the new year, and Feng Ji will be invited to the capital for a wedding banquet."

Feng Yun was a little surprised that she would say this.

Looking at the guarded face in front of him, he smiled and hummed.

"Congratulations to Lady Cui, I will definitely come."


Feng Yun was helpless when he encountered the pestering host. Despite his busy schedule, he still invited Pu Yangyi and Cui Zhi to have lunch in Huaxi Village.

It was still a simple home-cooked meal. According to Pu Yangyi's request, Zao Shang picked two green vegetables and fried them for her.

Puyangyi once again got on the carriage with satisfaction.

Ah Zuo and Ah You followed her, their eyes moist.


Feng Yun smiled and hung two longevity locks around their necks.

"Peace and wealth, no illness or disaster."

The longevity lock was made of silver, and there was only one bank shop open in Andu City. The workmanship was not very good, but the child had been here for so long, and she had to express her feelings.

Ah Zuo and Ah You held back tears, kept puckering their lips and nodded, comforting her to be good and obedient.

However, when the maid carried him into the carriage, he still burst into tears.

"Aunt, we are waiting for you in Zhongjing..."

"Aunt...we are still coming..."

Feng Yun smiled silently and waved to them.

After the carriage drove away with the child's cry, he came back with a dull expression, took the medicine into boxes, and transported them to Shiguan Wharf. Tomorrow morning, we will be sent to Xinzhou.

This is my first time traveling far away after being reborn.

Feng Yun was well prepared.

Food, clothing, and supplies were just like when she took the donkey cart to the Beiyong Army camp, and it was a cart full of things.

When the people in the village saw this, they all came up to make fun of him.

"Mrs. Li Zheng will not come back, right?"

Feng Yun looked at his manor and responded with a smile.

"Then I can't bear it."

The villagers showed their kindness. Wang and the Sun family's sister-in-law even brought eggs and other food and told her to eat them on the way.

Ren Rude also came, squeezed in the crowd, and bowed to Feng Yun.

"I will be watching over the affairs of the village school, so Mr. Li can rest assured."

Feng Yun returned the courtesy, "Thank you, sir."

There were ten chiefs in the village, including Alou and Xing Bing in the village, and Master Cong from Tujiawubao and several craftsmen in the farm tool shop. All matters were clearly explained, so she had nothing to worry about.

This time, Ye Chuang led the team. Except for Da Man and Xiao Man, all the people accompanying him were the guards left by Pei Man. Feng Yun didn't take any of Zhuang Zili's troops with him.

We set out before dawn, and many villagers from Huaxi Village came to see us off.

"Ms. Li Zheng, come back soon."

Some women even shed tears when they heard that she was going to the Shinshu battlefield.

"If Madam Li Zheng wants to be well, she must come back in one piece."

As the thick fog filled the air, the faces of the villagers seemed to be covered with a layer of glaze, blurry and warm.

Feng Yun opened the curtain and said goodbye with a smile all the way.

It wasn't until she left Huaxi Village that she lowered the curtain and sat down. She took a long breath and the smile on her face faded.

"Hurry up, don't lose time."


At the Shiguan County Pier, He Qia was already waiting.

But he didn't expect that there would be so many of the medicines Feng Yun mentioned, and they were all urgently needed medicines for wounds on the battlefield. Even when he got excited and handed over his hands, his hands were shaking.

"Great, this is great."

He Qia was a person who came off the battlefield. He knew very well that after every battle, many people were not killed by the enemy, but died of injuries and lack of medical treatment.

These medicines can save many soldiers' lives.

He Qia bowed to Feng Yun with a long bow, his eyes full of emotion.

"Lijun is a great talent."

He had never respected a girl so much.

No wonder the general gave him such instructions before setting off for the expedition...

The general wanted to protect this girl so much.

But he went against the general's wishes and let the girl go to Xinzhou. I don't know whether it was right or wrong...

He Qia's mind was full of storms, and Feng Yun's medicine had been transported to the docked ship. The ship was carrying military supplies to Xinzhou. Soldiers were checking on the deck, each holding a sharp weapon and wearing armor, with a blank expression, looking very serious.

The person in charge of the transportation was the marching officer Qin Dajin. He had a long-standing relationship with Feng Yun, and with He Qia's advance notice, he took a few glances and waved.

"Take Feng Ji on board."

Feng Yun walked in front, and the soldiers of the guard camp followed closely and boarded the ship.

He Qia led the people to wave at the shore.

A Lou, Xing Bing and others also squeezed in the crowd and shouted.

"Take care of the girl!"

"Take care." Feng Yun waved at them.

Just then, a group of people suddenly appeared on the dock.

Judging from the servants' attire, they were not from Jinqi, but from Yunchuan.

Feng Yun sat by the cabin and looked out, and soon found Chunyu Yan's cold mask that kept strangers away. And his figure soon led to the other end of the dock.

There was also a ship docked there.


This was Feng Yun's first time riding a tower ship.

It was also the first time to see the "boat division" and naval warfare power of the Northern Yong Army.

It was a bit unexpected that the hull of the tower ship was extremely large, much stronger than she thought, and not inferior to Qi at all.

So, in the battle in the previous life, if it weren't for the three generals backstabbing, how could Pei Jue have been defeated by Xiao Cheng?

Now that the past was about to repeat itself, and it was three years in advance, she was so anxious to go to Xinzhou, to the front of the battle, to expose Xiao Cheng's conspiracy...

Probably because she was too tired in the past three days, she felt a little drowsy sitting in the cabin.

Qin Dajin specially prepared a small room for her, with Daman and Xiaoman accompanying her. Feeling sleepy, she lay down to rest without any worries.

Feng Yun slept deeply this time. In a trance, she felt very uncomfortable, as if she was sick. She felt hot and cold, and she couldn't control her trembling even when she curled up. Her breath in her nose became hot...

The worst thing was that she seemed to be completely unable to control herself. She couldn't move her hands and feet. Her eyelids were dry and heavy, and she couldn't open them at all...

It was like a dream.

In a daze, she suddenly heard the sound of weapons, the fighting was deafening, the blood almost splashed in front of her eyes, and the air was filled with a fishy smell...

Then, the fire shot up into the sky, and the sense of fear spread like that. She didn't know what happened. Her mind was empty, but her chest was burning abnormally...

"General, Han Xu, Chu Chang, Hu Yi also rebelled, we are surrounded!"

This voice was familiar and a little strange.

Feng Yun felt that she had experienced it somewhere, and her mind was confused for a moment...

A clear voice suddenly broke through the air and came over, tearing her heart apart.

"Uncle... hurry! Retreat! Stop chasing!"

It was Ao Qi.

He still looked like a teenager, holding a bloody ring-handled knife in his hand, and rode forward desperately. Chasing, shouting, rushing, trying to intercept the tall figure stepping on blood to fight the enemy.

That body was the focus of the battlefield, and was surrounded by a group of Qi soldiers in an instant. The archers in the back squatted and drew their bows, and dense rain of arrows flew towards him.

He didn't seem to be afraid, holding the reins and galloping forward, running and running, towards the river bank, there were flames everywhere, blood everywhere, and crazy shouts everywhere, but he seemed to be unable to hear them. One person and one horse galloped in the middle of thousands of soldiers, forming a lonely picture. The hand rose and the knife fell, screams arose, and countless soldiers fell under his iron hoof...

More people rushed towards him.

"Kill Pei Jue! Your Majesty will reward you handsomely."

"Kill Pei Jue!"

"Kill him!"

A rider galloped over from behind, blocking the cold spear, and turned back to shout: "Uncle, hurry up! I'll cover you!"

"Uncle..." Ao Qi gasped.

He was bloodshot and angry.

"Don't chase her! Uncle, let her die!"

"She is a spy, a spy sent by Qi, let her die!"

Feng Yun saw the hatred in Ao Qi's eyes, which was exactly the same as when she looked at her in the past, full of contempt and indignation, but the scene at this moment was obviously a little different.

It was as if she had a pair of omnipresent eyes that could see the entire battle situation and everyone's expression...

But where is she now?

She was shocked to be covered in cold sweat, where is she now?

She was sitting on a boat, not a tower ship...

It was the warship that Xiao Cheng sent to Shiguan Wharf to take her back to Qi...

"Don't be afraid, war is like this, someone will always die." A hand gently stroked her hair, and the gentle voice was right beside her ear. The man seemed to be afraid that she would catch a cold, so he took off his cloak and put it on her shoulders.

"You are shaking, are you cold?"

He looked at Feng Yun with his eyes, his eyes turned cold, but a smile appeared at the corner of his lips, and he patted her shoulder in a soothing manner.

"Are you still worried about your elder brother? Don't be nervous, General Wen is brave and good at fighting, the Qi army has 500,000 elite troops, and there are three generals from Han, Chu, and Hu to cooperate inside and outside. We will win this battle..."

The hand was slender and white.

The man's words and deeds were elegant and noble...

This was the Emperor of Qi who led the army in person.

There were several guards standing beside him, one of whom was called Jin Ge and the other was called Tie Ma.

Their faces were cold and ruthless without exception.

Only Xiao Cheng was gentle and elegant, as pure as the monks in the corridor of the bamboo forest.

Feng Yun could hear the shouting and killing on the battlefield, and wanted to open her eyes to see what was going on. She also wanted to figure out what was going on. Why did she see Xiao Cheng at this time?

"Feng Shier Niang! Listen, I, Ao Qi, will kill you one day..."

"I will cut you into pieces, and I will make you die a miserable death for all eternity!"

"You traitor, shameless traitor!"


Ao Qi's curse passed through the Qi army's arrow formation, and then through the Qi army's armored soldiers and cavalry, and reached the warships...

Through the thick gauze curtain, Feng Yun should not have seen anything...

But she actually saw clearly that in front of the Qi army, her elder brother sat on a horse, drew his longbow, and a feather arrow flew out of his palm and hit Pei Jue's chest heavily.

"Kill Pei Cong!"

The rain of arrows flew over like rain...



Ao Qi was crying heartbreakingly.

The soldiers of the Northern Yong Army rushed forward like a tsunami.

"Brothers, charge, cover the general's retreat."

The afterglow of the setting sun fell on Pei Cong's cold and hard armor, with the smell of blood, indescribably cold and murderous. The light was like fire, as if it was going to burn into Feng Yun's heart...

Feng Yun was weak, she wanted to shout, but couldn't.

She wanted to get up, but couldn't move...

Pei Cong was injured.

The arrow shot by the eldest brother hit him in the chest.

But he seemed to feel no pain, cut off the arrow feathers expressionlessly, rode the tall black horse, and continued to rush towards the warship on the shore, his eyes seemed to be overflowing with blood.

His left and right, the guards desperately covered, to save the commander who was shot by an arrow...

Feng Yun saw Zuo Zhong, Ji You, Ye Chuang, Cao Kai, and many familiar faces in the guard camp.

Some of them shouted and raised their swords and guns.

Some were stabbed from the chest to the back by spears, fell under the horses' hooves, and fell in pools of blood...


Feng Yun wanted to scream like crazy.

But she couldn't make a sound...

The big black horse fell down at this moment.

Feng Yun remembered that the black horse was called "Taxue", all black, only the four hooves were snow-white, the fur was smooth, the body was strong, and it was very beautiful, so its temper was not very good, and its eyes were like his master, with indifference and arrogance.

Pei Jue treated it as a treasure and a child and loved it...

Taxue cried out sadly, neighed for a long time, and rolled on the ground.

Pei Jue on the horse fell down.

Soldiers from both sides rushed forward like crazy...

Amidst the roars of the mountains and seas, only Ao Qi's voice was high and painful. Feng Yun could not avoid it no matter what, and it pierced her heart like a needle.

"She doesn't deserve it, uncle, she doesn't deserve it!"

Feng Yun closed her eyes and burst into tears.

She had never felt such pain before, as if the arrow that pierced her chest had shot her heart...

In the three years in Jin, she lived in fear every day, was hijacked, framed, assassinated, and escaped death again and again...Then he personally drove her out of Zhongjing, ridiculed, insulted, and looked down upon. It seemed that anyone from Jin could spit at her and step on her.

After experiencing all kinds of suffering, she was still just a "concubine of General Pei", a concubine from an enemy country who did not get any respect...

In his eyes, she didn't deserve it...

In the eyes of everyone, she didn't deserve it.

Who deserves it?

It was the beautiful lady sitting on the lush green grass with rosy cheeks by the Andu River, holding the kapok flowers she had just picked, looking at the girl fishing on the river in the distance, listening to her singing a clear and moving love song, and mustering up the courage to ask the man in military uniform beside her...

"General, what are you going to do after the war is over?"

She longed to share.

He did not answer, but only said:

"It's getting dark. The wind is strong by the river, let's go back."

It was the canary in the General's Mansion in Zhongjing, who couldn't sleep all night because of worry, hugged the quilt and waited, and saw the man enter the door, breathed a sigh of relief, and asked nervously:

"Is the military busy? You come back so late... General, did you go to the palace?"

He stood in the light and looked at her expressionlessly.

"What time is it? Go to bed."

It was those dark and crazy nights, when the mandarin ducks were turned over, the concubine who longed to have a child, a son by her side, and protection, looked at him eagerly.

"General, I want a child, please give me a child..." It was her panting plea, her pestering him for something.

He would always speed up suddenly, with a restrained breath, in the overwhelming pleasure, extremely sober and resolutely withdraw at the critical moment...

"It's not time yet." He said: "Wait a little longer."

In her helpless trembling and desperate eyes, he used indifference to the point of cruel rejection, and smashed her hopes into an irretrievable place again and again.

She didn't know what he was waiting for.

Maybe he was waiting for such a person, a woman who was worthy of bearing his offspring.

If not, he would rather not have a child...

He never said anything too cruel.

Most of the time, he was very good to her...

But she was really hurt, and her heart was broken bit by bit.

All the way from Zhongjing to Andu, the two words "abandoned woman" were engraved on her, stroke by stroke, in the countless contemptuous and insulting eyes, her heart seemed to be tortured by him...

Maybe she is not worthy.

But she never wanted him to die...

Even if she contacted Xiao Cheng to instigate the three generals to rebel, she still did not think that Pei Jue would die in the war and fall from the horse on the snow.

Would such a steely man fall?

The blood spread by the war stimulated her to tremble all over.

The chaotic memory blurred the fight at Shiguan Wharf, and the scenes appeared in Feng Yun's mind like phantoms and dreams...

Pei Jue did not want to die...

If he died, who would hate her?

She would go back to Qi to be the queen.

If he died, how could he see her glory?

She wanted him to know that she was not the canary raised in the general's mansion, and no longer the mud under Li Sangruo's feet...

She wanted Pei Jue to see all these!

This chapter is two chapters, because the content is more coherent, I did not divide it into chapters~~

Love you! Heart.

Yes, love should be spoken.

Muah muah muah, I hope to get your love too.

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