Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 124 Pregnancy

"Congratulations, Your Majesty. Congratulations, Your Majesty. The Beiyong Army suffered heavy casualties. The remnants of Pei Cong fled in panic. General Wen has led his troops to attack Andu City. Andu has been liberated!"

Another joyful voice pulled Feng Yun out of the dreamlike scene...

Changed the scene.

She was sure that she was dreaming, but she couldn't get rid of the dream.

The ecstatic person in the dream was Ping An, the eunuch beside Xiao Cheng.

Ping An didn't like her, and Feng Yun didn't like him either.

But Ping An and Xiao Cheng had grown up together, and he was trusted by Xiao Cheng. Even though Feng Yun had said many times that Ping An was annoying and would deliberately say bad things about her, Xiao Cheng still kept him by his side, saying that he was used to it and didn't want to change him...

"Is Pei Cong dead?" Xiao Cheng's voice could not tell whether he was happy or angry, and even had a little gentleness. This was the most puzzling thing for Feng Yun.

He was always like this, not angry, but cruel.

"After being hit by several arrows, I think he will not survive." Ping An said something else, Feng Yun could not hear clearly, her ears seemed to have suddenly lost hearing, she was in sorrow and lost all perception.

But Ping An's last sentence was very clear to her ears.

"They all said that Feng Ji cried very sadly when she saw Pei Jue was shot and fell to the ground. After all, they had been in love for three years, I am afraid she can't let go..."

Xiao Cheng looked at her.

The empty room suddenly became cramped.

He still had the same expression, sitting down at the dining table opposite Feng Yun across the curling tea smoke.

The fruits and vegetables on the table were very delicate, and the meals were all Feng Yun's favorites in the past. But she didn't touch them at all, and there was still the meal brought by the servants in the morning on the dining table.

"Why don't you eat?"

Xiao Cheng pursed his lips lightly, with a faint white. Feng Yun could not see any signs of him being angry, but he knew very clearly that he was angry.

"No appetite?" He asked again.

Feng Yun lowered her eyes and nodded gently.

Her eyes were red and swollen from crying, and now they must be ugly. She didn't want to look at Xiao Cheng, and she didn't want him to explore her chaotic heart at the moment.

"You've lost a lot of weight." Xiao Cheng was looking at her, and that look made Feng Yun very embarrassed.

"Are you not used to the food in Jin State?"

They had been separated for many years, and they were very unfamiliar when they met again.

Especially at this moment, Xiao Cheng had been on the throne for three years, and he had cultivated the so-called imperial dragon spirit. His eyebrows were full of majesty. He was the same person as the gentle and handsome Xiao San Gongzi before, but it seemed that he had changed a lot.

He was harder to get close to than before.

But fortunately, he didn't say much. He personally took out the porridge from the food box and tasted it with a spoon, "It's cold, I'll ask them to heat it up."

Feng Yun had to eat this meal with a hard head. It was very difficult. It felt like something was blocking her throat. It was obviously a carefully prepared delicacy, but it was hard to swallow.

But Xiao Cheng stared at her, and she had to eat.

"Is it delicious?" Xiao Cheng asked her.

Feng Yun had some auditory hallucinations.

Perhaps because she was in a dream, the voice was light and low, as if it was a little far away, and the person in her eyes was also blurry. It was such a handsome face, but she couldn't see it clearly no matter how hard she looked at it. It was very unreal.

"I'm going to handle official business and come back later."

Feng Yun was slightly stunned.

Her face was a little uncomfortable from the burning of tears, and her eyes were especially dry and swollen. She couldn't explain why the despair seemed to penetrate her lungs...

She was numb and thought silently:

It was dark.

Shouldn't Xiao Cheng go to bed?

Why did he say that he would come over later?

Xiao Cheng wanted her to sleep with him?

He didn't even want to wait until he returned to Taicheng?

Resistance was almost subconscious. Thinking of what was about to happen, she couldn't help but be afraid...

It was as if she was back to the beginning, when she just entered the Beiyong Army camp.

She was in a panic every day, afraid that Pei Jue would not wait to ask her to sleep with him.

When she heard his footsteps, she would shrink her body subconsciously...

When the maid asked her to take a bath, she would shrink nervously.

In order not to sleep with Pei Jue, she racked her brains at that time, and fought wits and courage with him, such as pretending to be sick and fainting, crying, making a fuss, and hanging herself. It took a long time before she obeyed him. But looking back, she was not afraid at all, and every scene turned into fun in bed...

People really forget the pain after the scar heals.

Now the person who is afraid has become Xiao Cheng...

But she no longer has the original state of mind to fight wits and courage with another man.

Her face has not changed, but her heart has changed.

She accepted her fate. She is not a 17-year-old girl who will deal with men naively, will try every means to escape from the clutches of the devil, and will be glad that he is angry and runs away or escapes by luck...

Now she has grown up and knows very well.

Regardless of identity, status, or force, if she can escape the man's clutches and let him not touch her, there is only one possibility - he is willing.

So, even if she is a little resistant, she will not resist anymore.

This is the only way for her to survive.

People and things that she doesn't want to face must be faced.

Xiao Cheng is the man she has been looking forward to since her youth. What she should do in the future is to let everything go smoothly and not cause trouble for anyone...

"Pei Jue is dead. Forget the past days." Xiao Cheng's voice is cool, and his eyes seem to be covered with a layer of dark red that cannot be dissolved.

"You were helpless to be with him back then. I can pretend that it never happened. But your heart..."

He stared into her eyes, slowly bent down, and gently poked Feng Yun's heart with his fingertips, easily poking open the thin window paper, and the next words poured in like feather arrows.

"It's best to be like your people, belonging only to me."

He didn't give Feng Yun time to digest, retracted his hand, brushed his robe and went out, without looking at Feng Yun's embarrassment again.

Outside the door, it was Ping An's low voice.

"Your Majesty, Concubine Xian of Chengxiang Palace sent another letter, asking when Your Majesty will return to Beijing? She also said that she has sent someone to clean up Yuzhao Palace, and Feng Ji can move in when she returns to Beijing. If Feng Ji is not satisfied, she will find someone to repair it in the spring..."

Xiao Cheng said: "It's all done by her."

"Concubine Xian also brought duck stew from Taicheng to Your Majesty... I know Your Majesty likes it..."

As they talked, the two people's footsteps moved away.

Feng Yun heard Ping An sigh.

She also sighed.

Unexplained melancholy, unexplained emptiness.

Taicheng was her hometown that she missed day and night, but it suddenly became a strange foreign land, just like her girlhood that she could never go back to. Thinking about it again would only increase her sadness.

She thought, Feng Ying, who was thinking about her day and night in Taicheng at this moment, must be angry and crazy? According to her delicate personality, it would not be her turn to ascend the throne after three years. I am afraid she would have to cry every day.

The pleasure of revenge came quickly and went quickly.

It disappeared in just an instant.

She touched her bloated stomach and felt very uncomfortable. It seemed that all the food stuffed into her stomach had turned into vomiting worms, wriggling and gnawing at her heart...

So she bent over and vomited all over.

In the dizzy feeling of exhaustion, the surroundings were silent, but the scene of the battlefield at Shiguan Wharf appeared again and again in her mind.

Wen Xingsu rode on his horse and drew his bow and drew his arrow...

Hitting Pei Jue's chest.

Ao Qi shouted, roared, and scolded.

He must have cried, his voice was so shrill and hoarse, that was Ao Qi's uncle who was worshipped as a god...

Feng Yun's heart beat particularly fast.

The two time and space were chaotically intertwined in her mind...

Although Pei Jue treated her like that, she never thought that he would be hurt or die. The original intention of doing so was just to make him lose the battle, let him taste the bitter fruit of abandoning her, and also to let the arrogant Li Sangruo feel the rage of losing the city...

This girl in the dream is really kind.

Feng Yun smiled coldly again.

Luckily it was a dream!

Otherwise, she would have to slap herself a few times.

"Your Majesty, Feng just depressed, it's nothing serious..." Another dream scene.

An old imperial physician with gray hair sat in front of her. Feng Yun fainted from vomiting while in a daze, and was carried to the couch.

Xiao Cheng came over.

He seemed to have just taken a bath and changed into casual clothes. The air was filled with the pleasant smell of soap. He was like the former King Jingling, standing calmly, clear and indifferent.

"Why did you vomit so badly when you were depressed?"

The imperial physician was afraid of something, his eyes wandered, he stammered twice, and knelt on the ground trembling in Xiao Cheng's puzzled eyes.

"Your servant, I dare not say..."

Xiao Cheng's voice was faint, "Speak!"

The gentle man became an emperor who ruled the court, with the means to kill and decide, and wanting human life was like stepping on ants.

The imperial physician touched the ground with his head, "Feng Ji...she had morning sickness."

The voice was short and couldn't be any lower, but it suddenly fell, and the cabin became as quiet as death.

No one moved, no one spoke.

The doctor knocked his head on the ground and never raised it.

Feng Yun's mind was full of surprise and confusion...

Pei Jue had been extremely careful, restrained and cruel, and really didn't give her any. If the doctor didn't lie, it was the last night after leaving Zhongjing. That night they were all crazy, as if they had foreseen that this separation would be a farewell forever, and they were in a mess. One of the accidents happened, and he was stuck in it and couldn't get out, so he lost it helplessly...

Feng Yun was in a trance.

It seemed like a moment had passed, and it seemed like a long time had passed before he heard Xiao Cheng say in a cold voice:

"Today's matter ends here. If there are rumors about this warship, everyone present will be killed without a single one!"

"Your Majesty..."

The dream stopped abruptly at this time.

Feng Yun heard a cry from outside the cabin.

"Prince, wait a moment, I'll report to the girl..."

Prince, girl?

Feng Yun was awakened by the voice, and his mind was confused for a moment.

Two different Feng Yuns coexist in the same narrow space. The Feng Yun with tears in her eyes stares at Xiao Cheng infatuatedly, stammering and crying.

"Don't hurt my child..."

"Please, I want him, I want my child..."

"I have nothing left, Your Majesty, I want this child, I want my child..."

She seemed to be struggling to death, for the child who suddenly broke into her life, she wanted to keep him, ignoring the young emperor in front of her, whose face was as dark as the netherworld, and begged bitterly...

"Your Majesty, my child."

The Feng Yun in the dream was getting farther and farther away.

The dreaming Feng Yun was in a trance after waking up...

In her previous life, she also left Andu from the Shiguan County Pier and returned to Taicheng.

That day in her previous life, she did experience that war. But at that time, she was taken on a warship and sailed away from the pier, and she didn't see the scene of fighting on the battlefield with her own eyes...

He didn't hear Ao Qi's scolding, and he didn't see Wen Xingsu shoot an arrow through Pei Man's chest.

She didn't even know that Pei Ran had chased the boat.

When she woke up, she had already arrived in the river, and the news she got was just as Ping An said. The Beiyong army was defeated and Pei Madang was hit by several arrows, and he would definitely die...

Then just like in the dream, Xiao Cheng found out that she was pregnant with Pei Mad's child on the ship, a child who was bound to suffer a lot from birth.

Why would you have such a dream at such a time?

Feng Yun's heart clenched slightly, and he gradually woke up. He took a few hard breaths and suddenly opened his eyes...

"Girl wake up!"

She saw a worried face.

Xiaoman asked: "Girl, are you having a nightmare?"

Feng Yun took a deep breath and nodded.

Xiao Man took a handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat from her forehead.

Daman said: "The girl was calling Your Majesty in her dream..."

Feng Yun didn't like Da Man's eyes, as if he was testing something.

She sneered, pulled the handkerchief from Xiaoman's hand, wiped the sweat from her forehead hard, and threw it away.

"People who never forget may also have deep hatred."

Daman was speechless.

At this time, Ye Chuang knocked on the door, his voice hesitant.

"Girl, Prince Chunyu is suddenly ill and wants to get some medicine from you..."

Feng Yun was a little irritable and restless at the moment.

"Don't ask me, you should ask General Qin..."

Ye Chuang said: "General Qin agreed. He said that Jin State and Yunchuan are friendly. If the girl has medicine, she should make it convenient for the prince."

Feng Yun didn't want to deal with anyone at this time.

But Chun Yuyan signed the contract, and the cooperative relationship between the two has been reached. Tujiawubao sent people to inspect the Yunchuan Ancient Trail yesterday.

Her partner is sick, how can she not care?

Even though she knew that Prince Chunyu was deeply scheming and might have bad intentions, she still nodded reluctantly.

"Let him come."

Chun Yuyan put on a soft blue cloak and boarded the ship that was used by the Beiyong Army to transport food. There was no emotion in his charming face under the mask, but when he appeared in front of Feng Yun for the first time, As soon as she opened her eyes, she noticed something strange.

Chunyu Yan stood quietly at the door and looked at her without entering.

Those eyes that had always been filled with only teasing and ridicule actually showed a rare trace of compassion.

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