Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 127 Loyalty and righteousness

It would be great if Feng Ying was happy. The imperial brother would not force them to return to Beijing, and their faces would look much better. Moreover, if Feng Ying was happy, she would be the confirmed queen, no longer the awkward "Mrs. Feng".

Xiao Rong was very satisfied and planned for Feng Ying.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Cheng said nonchalantly: "She won't be happy."

Feng Ying turned pale and lowered her head.

Xiao Rong was confused, "Brother, what are you talking about? You are not a woman, how did you know..."

Seeing Feng Ying biting her lip and lowering her head, full of grievance, she stared with realization.

"Brother Imperial, you bullied A Ying again, didn't you?"

Xiao Cheng frowned, "This is not your business."

Xiao Rong snorted willfully, "Are you really planning to get that little goblin back, make her your queen, and make Aying your concubine?"


Xiao Cheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and his handsome face became extremely sharp.

"Get down!"

Feng Ying turned pale and nervously pulled Xiao Rong, but Xiao Rong stubbornly refused to leave. She stared at Xiao Cheng anxiously, "Brother, are you obsessed? Then Feng Twelfth Mother is no longer your legitimate wife." , she is Pei Ran's concubine, and she sleeps with Pei Madang on the same bed every day. Just lie to others, don't even lie to yourself..."

"Shut up!" Xiao Cheng said, "Take the eldest princess down."

When he put away his gentle smile, his calm tone was enough to show the majesty of an emperor.

Feng Ying saw his sullenness, grabbed Xiao Rong hard, and persuaded him weakly.

When Xiao Rong saw that her brother was really angry, she shut up aggrievedly, stomped her feet and walked away with a groan.

Xiao Cheng was left alone to sit back silently, motionless as if he was alone in the imperial robe, as if his strength had been drained away.

"She is Pei Ran's concubine, and she sleeps with him on the same bed every day..."

Even though he never thought about it deliberately, the scene of her being bullied by Pei Man always appeared in his mind, over and over again...


After leaving the tent, Xiao Rong was still angry. Looking at Feng Ying's pale and pitiful look, she became even more dissatisfied: "How could the emperor be like this? He was not like this before. A Ying, have you noticed? Brother Emperor, he has changed..."

Feng Ying looked sad and sighed softly.

"Perhaps His Majesty is too worried about my sister."

Xiao Rong gritted his teeth, "It's that troublemaker again. She's already with someone else. Why doesn't the emperor want to let her go?"

Feng Ying lowered her head and remained silent, almost crying because of her grievance, but Xiao Rong hummed again.

"A Ying, don't be sad. The imperial brother has just ascended to the throne and is facing war again... The whole government and the public are staring at him, and even a tough man can't stand it. Please allow him to take a breath, and he will wake up when the government affairs are sorted out... I have Now, the queen of Daqi can only be you."

Feng Ying smiled bitterly, "I have never thought about this, I am just worried about your majesty's health. If my sister can return safely, your majesty will be relieved. Doesn't it matter whether I, Feng Ying, am the queen or not?"

Xiao Rong said: "You are good at everything, but you are too gentle and kind-hearted, and you are too considerate of others. People who are kind can be bullied, Ah Ying."

Speaking of this, Xiao Rong seemed to have thought of something and gritted his teeth angrily.

"No, I have to think of a way to stop Brother Huang. He must not be allowed to bring that little vixen back to Daqi, causing harm to the country and the people..."


Feng Yun met Wen Xingsu in Xinzhou.

This was his former residence when he was stationed in Xinzhou, so Feng Yun was not surprised to arrange for him to live here. Surprisingly, there were not a large number of soldiers guarding the house, which meant that the eldest brother was free.

Pei Madang did not imprison him, nor did he restrain him too much.

The two of them hadn't seen each other for a long time since their last separation. Wen Xingshu's injury had not fully recovered and his legs and feet were still inconvenient. However, when he saw Feng Yun come in, he stood up holding on to the table.

"Waist waist..."

The two looked at each other.

One showed surprise, the other half-smiled.

"Brother didn't expect me to come, did he?"

Wen Xingsu sighed, his smile full of helplessness.


Xinzhou is not as safe as Andu County, and Feng Yun shouldn't have come. This is what Wen Xingsu wants to say, but he is already so close in front of him, so what can he do?

"Come sit down and talk."

Wen Xingsu waved to her, but did not move. Feng Yun knew that he was inconvenienced, so he approached with a smile and sat down in front of him obediently. He looked very much like the old days, and his expression was particularly lively.

"With so many snacks to eat, my eldest brother is living a happy life."

There was warm tea in the teapot, and Wen Xingsu poured a cup for her.

"The general treated me very well."

Feng Yun smiled and took a sip of tea, put a candied date into his mouth, and narrowed his eyes with satisfaction.


Wen Xingsu looked at her fondly and raised his hand to give her a high five.

Two servants came from outside the house and looked at Feng Yun with moist eyes.

"Twelve mothers."

Feng Yun looked up when he heard a familiar voice.

"You are watching chess and reading books..."

She looked at the two of them in surprise, and then at the few old acquaintances who came in one after another after them. She couldn't contain her excitement at all.

"Playing piano and painting? Brother Shentu, Brother Yang, are you all okay? That's great, that's great."

These people included Wen Xingsu's personal servants, as well as two generals who were as close as brothers to Wen Xingsu, Shentu Jiong and Yang Qi.

After the battle in Shinshu, Feng Yun never thought about seeing these old friends again.

This was completely unexpected.

She remembered asking Pei Ran that day how his eldest brother was doing.

He just said: "It's okay."

He never told her that he handed over all the trusted men under Wen Xingsu to him, just like he treated her in the past.

Even if he did this to repay his kindness and make Wen Xingsu surrender, Pei Jue dared to do so. He had such a broad mind and was admirable.

Wen Xingsu looked at her changing expression and sighed lightly.

"General Pei is a man of great talent and strategy. He can hold up the sky with his sword. He is a rare hero. But we are generals of Qi State. We are independent and cannot bow our heads to be traitors."

The two generals also lowered their heads.

Feng Yun couldn't help laughing, threw the candied dates in his hand back into the box, and a hint of coldness appeared at the corners of his lips.

"In that case, I am a traitor."

Wen Xingsu realized that he had spoken out of turn, and looked at her tired little face with full of regret.

"You are different."

He said it very quickly, and saw Feng Yun's smile became brighter. Her white and tender face was blooming like a flower under the scorching sun, gorgeous and dazzling, but I dared not look at it for long.

"People rely on their families, and loyalty to the monarch is the most important. If the head of the family abandons me, I will go to make a living. If the monarch abandons me, I will go to a good master. Good birds choose trees to live in, there is nothing wrong with that."

He stared at Feng Yun carefully.

"Yaoyao, big brother is not talking about you."

Feng Yun smiled, and naturally did not take it to heart. He just lowered his head to taste the tea, thinking about the war in Bingzhou, thinking about the smoke and fire of decades...

Suddenly raised his head and looked at Wen Xingsu with interest.

"What does a good country look like in your heart, big brother?"

Wen Xingsu pondered for a while.

"The government is clean and the people live in peace."

Feng Yun nodded slowly, and then asked: "Is Qi a good country with clean and honest government and peaceful people?"

Since the founding of Qi, from the death of the first founding monarch, Emperor Tianding, the Xiao family fought for the throne several times, until Emperor Yanping Xiao Jue, it can be said that the government was in turmoil and the government was corrupt...

Wen Xingsu wanted to protect it, but it was not easy to lie against his will.

"Not really."

Before Feng Yun spoke, he said:

"Zizhen is different. He is wise and decisive, and he is willing to accept advice. He will definitely be a benevolent monarch in the future..."

"Not necessarily." Feng Yun blinked, moved his lips several times, and then closed them, considering the wording:

"Brother, do you think highly of him because he is your best friend, or do you really care about the people of Qi? Or do you think Xiao Cheng will have the same mind as Pei Jue, and treat the enemy prisoners with such courtesy today?"

Wen Xingsu sighed.

"General, you are very generous, few can compare to you."

Feng Yun looked at the two generals beside him and said calmly: "Brother, you also said that a good bird chooses a tree to live in, which is a good deed. If there is a way to stabilize the north and the south, unify the world, and return to the peaceful and prosperous times before the heroes dominated, would you be willing?"

Wen Xingsu was silent.

The two generals were also speechless.

For a long while, Feng Yun looked at them.

"I don't care about the north and the south, I just choose a good master and the right road to walk, and I don't care whether this road is right or wrong, or whether it will be despised by the world. If possible, I want to be the Wu Zixu of this era..."

Wen Xingsu was surprised.

The two generals also looked at her in astonishment.

In their eyes, in order to survive in troubled times, even if a girl seeks refuge with an enemy general, it is a helpless act, not worth criticizing, let alone a traitor.

Pei Jue, regardless of the identity of the enemy, is a wise master, and it is understandable that she seeks refuge with Pei Jue.

But in the final analysis, they thought that what Feng Yun wanted was just to live in peace. Her hatred and resentment towards Feng Shi who treated her poorly and Xiao Sanlang who married someone else were just some little girls' grievances and hatreds.

Unexpectedly, she thought so far.

She even thought that Pei Jue would be the one who would conquer the north and south and compete for the world...

These were no longer in the scope of children's love.

The two generals looked at each other, and Wen Xingsu was also shocked.

In this chaotic world where anyone can raise his own army and claim to be king, as a man, a general on the battlefield, which one has not fantasized about galloping on the battlefield and making achievements, and which one has not dreamed of being famous in history?

"Don't worry about it, brother."

Feng Yun frowned slightly and looked at his silent expression.

"You have your choice, I have mine. Whether it is to be bound by the world or to assist a wise master, everyone must always go to where their heart belongs. However, if my elder brother returns to Qi in the future and meets us on the battlefield..."

She slightly stopped smiling, gathered her sleeves, and bowed to Wen Xingsu.

"You and I are enemies on the battlefield, but we can still be brothers and sisters off the battlefield. If you come to my house, I will treat you to good wine and good meat. If you go to the battlefield with a gun, I will greet you with a sword."

Wen Xingsu's heart was choked, as if it was a knife twisting pain.

What she said was actually the same as what Pei Jue said that day.

He just called Shen Tu Jiong and a few others to persuade Feng Yun to follow him back to Qi.

Unexpectedly, before he could say what he wanted to say...

Yaoyao had already blocked all his persuasion.

No reason could override hers.

On family? She didn't have any.

On country? The country never helped her.

On love? She was concerned about Pei Jue.

Wen Xingsu smiled bitterly.

"Then will you... follow Jin wholeheartedly in the future?"

Feng Yun thought that maybe he didn't explain it clearly enough, which made his elder brother misunderstand.

So he looked at him and smiled slightly.

"Brother, you are confused. Jin is Jin, Changmen is Changmen. Pei Jue is Pei Jue, and I am me."

These words sounded very profound at first, but they made sense when you thought about it carefully.

Wen Xingsu saw a cluster of light in her eyes.

Abnormally bright...

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