Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 128: Stopping the Road and Asking Questions

"In this case, brother will no longer advise you."

Feng Yun raised the tea cup, put a cup into Wen Xingsu's hand, and filled it up for the two generals.

"Today Ayun is talking nonsense about the world, and I hope you brothers won't laugh at me. I am a woman who does not support the country because of the totalitarian power. I don't want to honor our ancestors and make our lintel shine, let alone be famous for a hundred generations so that future generations can be blessed. I only want to live in the present. Be a real person..."

Everyone was silent.

Feng Yun: "I hope that one day, you and I can still sit and talk about the world."

She drank the tea in one gulp.

Extraordinarily heroic.

Wen Xingsu remained silent and looked gloomy.

Shentu Jiong smacked his lips, as if he was savoring the tea in the cup, and also seemed to be savoring Feng Yun's words.

"The Twelve Mothers' words of good deeds and brave deeds do not mention the country, but they are all about the country. After thinking about it for a moment, it seems..."

He paused for a moment, put down the tea cup, clasped his fists at her and smiled.

"The Ming Lord mentioned by Twelve Mothers is currently trapped in Bingzhou, and the Qi army is heading to Hengqu Pass to increase its troops. The new emperor is acting swiftly and has a clear intention. He wants to surround Pei Ran and kill him in Bingzhou..."

He laughed and smiled brightly.

"With all due respect, Pei Madang is afraid that he will not be able to overcome the current difficulties. And this defeat in the battle is all due to his overestimation of himself and his greed for success... Comparing this, it is open to debate whether the Ming Lord is the new emperor or Pei Madang. "

"Brother Shentu, what you said is wrong." Feng Yun said with a faint smile, "Pei Mad is definitely not a person who is eager to get ahead. He was betrayed by his brothers, and he should not be laughed at."

He took another breath and looked at him and Yang Qi.

"We will wait and see who the Mingzhu is."

After saying that, without waiting for their reaction, Feng Yun stood up and left.

"Seeing that my brother is well, A Yun is relieved. Then he will go ahead and deliver medicine to the general."

Wen Xingsu was shocked, "Are you going to Bingzhou?"

Feng Yun smiled lightly, "Yes. I have to go."

Wen Xingsu looked at her calm expression, his heart ached unbearably, and he sighed with worry on his face.

Knowing that he couldn't convince her, he stopped talking and said helplessly:

"I go with you."

Feng Yun raised his eyes and said, "Brother is injured, so there is no need to worry."

"I'm almost healed." Wen Xingsu said calmly.

Feng Yun thought he was lying, but unexpectedly Wen Xingsu glanced at Shen Tujiong and Yang Qi, stood up from behind the table, stepped firmly on the ground with his feet, and walked towards Feng Yun.

Facing everyone's surprise, he said with a gentle face:

"I don't want to serve the Beiyong Army, and I can't live up to General Pei's kindness, so I have to make this move."

Feng Yun didn't expect that after worrying for so long, he actually pretended to be seriously injured and couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

"Brother, it was so hard to hide this from me."

Wen Xingsu smiled bitterly, "We have no choice."


Red Leaf Valley.

It is currently the only channel from Shinshu to Bingshu.

Along the way there are checkpoints set up by the Northern Yong Army.

The smoke had just cleared, and there were almost no farmers or merchants on the road.

Wen Xingsu's token from General Polu was more useful than he thought.

In the past, they felt that "General Polu" was used by Pei Man to insult him, and the soldiers of the Beiyong Army in the camp would not take it seriously.

However, when Wen Xingsu showed his token, all the soldiers he met along the way looked at him with respect and respect, and no one dared to ask any more questions.

Wen Xingsu had no reaction.

Shen Tujiong and Yang Qi, who were traveling with him, were filled with emotion.

"With this courtesy, General Pei's military management is admirable. Now I know where the Qi army lost..."

None of them spoke.

Sometimes silence is the best answer.

At this time, Ye Chuang suddenly spoke.

"The Red Leaf Valley Road has narrow slopes and steep cliffs on both sides, making it difficult to pass. It was here that Zhu Cheng and Ao Qi encountered the main force of the Qi army. Chief Chu and Han Xu of the Green Flame Army defected in front of the formation, and Hu Yi of the Green Dragon Army rebelled... After two days of hard fighting, Army A was defeated and fled. Zhu Cheng died in battle, and Ao Qi led the remaining troops and fled to Qijingpo..."

This is the battle report that reached Shinshu.

What Ye Chuang said was what he heard in Xinzhou.

Wen Xingsu followed the war and heard the news.

Hearing the sound, he sighed: "Afterwards, General Pei led his troops to recapture Hongye Valley, forcing Han, Chu and Hu to lead the Green Flame and Qinglong tribes to retreat to the left and right wings. Unfortunately, General Pei did not take advantage of the victory to return to Xinzhou to garrison, but led The troops marched straight into Bingzhou and fought bloody battles for three days. They captured Bingzhou and lost the chance to escape unscathed, leaving the Qi army to make dumplings..."

Feng Yun's gaze extended towards Hongye Valley.

"Is Qijing Slope ahead?"

Ye Chuang's throat suddenly choked, "Yes."

It was a very long steep slope, and at the bottom of the slope was the unknown river leading to Bingzhou.

The locals call it "Ghost River"...

Bingzhou is surrounded by waterways extending in all directions. The Gui River is about ten feet wide. Ao Qi led the remaining troops with less than a hundred people. How could they escape the Qi army's pursuit?

In fact, in everyone's mind, Ao Qiying died on the way to escape.

Otherwise, why didn't he show up when Pei Madang's army came?

In Ye Chuang's choking voice, Ao Qi's face appeared in Feng Yun's mind.

The young man Lang Qingjun's facial features were vivid and lively, and his every frown and smile were right in front of him. Feng Yun did not believe that such a lively person could disappear like this.

But death is exactly like this...

Just suddenly.

Feng Yun gently lowered the curtain and said to Wen Xing: "Brother, can we change the route and go from Guihe River?"

Wen Xingsu guessed that she wanted to find Ao Qi, and he pondered for a moment and said:

"The Ghost River is very dangerous, and there are Han, Chu and Hu rebels on both sides. I'm afraid it will be inconvenient..."

Shen Tujiong tightened the reins of his horse and looked back, "Right now, the Hongye Valley passage is still under the control of the Northern Yong Army. Do not take risks elsewhere."

There is only one long, narrow and winding path in Hongye Valley, which is just enough for a carriage. It was dug by traders from the two places in order to take a shortcut. Except for this opening, Bingzhou was surrounded by Qi troops on all sides, and there were Qi troops on both sides of Hongye Valley. Besieged by the rebels, I don’t know when they will be captured...

Feng Yun nodded in approval.

After leaving Qijingpo, Ye Chuang suddenly stopped.


Feng Yun looked over and asked, "Servant Ye, what did you find?"

Ye Chuang looked at a new grave in the field not far away, without speaking, his eyes were already moist...

There are no residents in Hongye Valley.

Except for the ambush battle not long ago, it has been deserted...

Feng Yun got off the carriage and walked slowly over.

The loess of the new grave was soaked, and a wooden stake stood in front of the grave.

The words on the wooden pile were carved with swords.

"The tomb of Zhu Cheng of the Red Armored Army."

That handwriting was very familiar to Feng Yun.

It was written by Ao Qi...

A while ago, he was still writing to her in such childish handwriting, telling her interesting things in the camp. In the blink of an eye, he was already a "veteran" who had experienced life and death. He personally buried his comrades. When he wrote this line, how did he feel? Mood……

Feng Yun was silent for a moment, bent down and held a handful of soil, pressed it on two rocks, stood up slowly, and said to Ye Chuang:

"Servant Ye, can you let me ride for a while?"

Ye Chuang's eyes were red and he was stunned, "Can the girl know how to ride a horse?"


Aristocratic families often have "gambling and shooting" entertainment. In the past, in Taicheng, the female relatives of dignitaries and celebrities in the capital would participate. Most of the women from aristocratic families knew how to play horse riding and shooting.

Feng Yun is not good at riding, but he can.

Xiao Man came up with an umbrella and covered her head. Feng Yun held the umbrella, and with her support, he got on the horse and walked on this deserted trail after the war...

It was rainy in the mountains, the road was slippery, and her eyes were slightly moist.

Ao Qi was riding along this road that day, right?

For such a smart person, if she dies in battle, then she...

Feng Yun thought she wouldn't feel uncomfortable anymore, but the pain was still so strong. She even thought of Zuo and You, and the fourth lady Cui who was waiting for Ao Qi to get married when she returned...

Young Ao Qi has not yet started his own life.

Wen Xingsu was sitting in the carriage. He had just been injured and they would not let him ride a horse, so it was convenient for him to quietly open the curtain and watch Feng Yun riding in front.

The horse was not walking fast, and raindrops drifted down at some point.

Wen Xingsu called softly, "Yao Yao."

Feng Yun looked back with a smile on his face.

Wen Xingsu said: "The umbrella is crooked and your hair is wet."

Only then did Feng Yun realize that the rain was falling on her head. She smiled lightly, held up her umbrella again, and walked slowly towards Bingzhou along the battlefield of Hongye Valley that day.

The blood on the road has long been absorbed by the land, and no traces can be seen. However, everyone still feels a little uncontrollably sad when they think of the Red Armor Army that was completely wiped out.

Generals died in hundreds of battles, and their bodies were returned wrapped in horse leather.

This kind of empathy does not distinguish between friend and foe, just because we are all fellow soldiers.

Everyone walked slowly, and they were about to reach the Gui River. Just as Wen Xingsu ordered his attendants to be on guard, they saw a group of people and horses waiting quietly in front of the Gui River beach. Counting, there are several bullock carts and fifty or sixty guards, which is a huge number.

But the flags on the Niu army and the clothes of the attendants are not from Qi or Jin.

At first glance, he is from Yunchuan.

Feng Yun looked intently.

Who is it if it’s not Chun Yuyan?

She walked a little faster and walked in front.

"Why is Prince Chunyu still lingering?"

Chunyu Yan didn't show his head, but Xiang Zhong answered loudly, smiling without any discomfort.

"Hey, isn't this Feng Ji? Nice to meet you. We are here to deliver food. We are waiting to hand it over to the soldiers of the Beiyong Army. We are waiting for the ship to arrive..."

Send food?

So kind?

Feng Yun frowned slightly as he watched their ox carts blocking all the way to Guihe Beach.

"Can you ask the Crown Prince to give way?"

Xiang Zhong said in embarrassment: "I'm afraid it will take a while, Feng Ji, please forgive me..."

There is obviously such a wide road, but the ox cart must be blocked here to prevent others from walking.

Feng Yun suspected that Chun Yuyan did it on purpose.

"Your Majesty."

Feng Yun called out softly and saluted in front of the car.

"Please move the vehicle to allow us to pass."

Chun Yuyan slowly opened the curtain, looked left and right for a moment, shook his head and said: "The road here is narrow, there is no way to give way."

Feng Yun's face was gloomy and ugly.

"Then I dare to ask the prince, how long will it take?"

Chunyu Yan said: "It takes two hours."

It's been dark for two hours, and I don't know what will happen then. How will they get to Bingzhou?

Seeing the sullen look on her face, Chun Yuyan smiled tiredly:

"Feng Twelve come here, I have something to tell you."

Feng Yun: "What did you say?"

Chun Yuyan covered his face with a mask and leaned against the car wall, looking very lazy.

"If you want to know, come nearby."

This person likes to be mysterious.

Feng Yun rode up to the car with a cold face and said, "Let's talk."

Chun Yuyan smiled lightly, and behind the slightly swinging gauze curtain, a face looked sinister.

"If I told you that going to Bingzhou is extremely dangerous, you would still go, right?"

Feng Yun smelled the alcohol and found that he was holding a wine pot in his hand, with a slightly drunken smile in his eyes.

She looked at the Yunchuan servants who were carrying food and said lightly: "I'm going."

Chun Yuyan said again: "The area of ​​​​Hongye Valley is a hundred miles, all controlled by the Qi army and Han, Chu and Hu. The defenders of Hongye Valley will not hold out until noon tomorrow."

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes, "Did Xiao Cheng tell you?"

Chun Yuyan smiled lightly, "This prince has eyes and can see."

Feng Yun said: "Then I understand."

Chun Yuyan suddenly laughed: "Why are you crazier than me?"

Feng Yun didn't have time to say more to him, raised her hand and bowed: "Please help me, prince."

"Feng Twelve." Chun Yuyan's eyes were half-closed, with a little smile, looking at her with a very strange look, "It is said that when you were young, you predicted a war in which the whole army was annihilated. Is this true?"

Feng Yun's face darkened, staring at him, without saying a word.

Chunyu Yan said: "That battle took place in Bingzhou and Hengqu Pass. Do you still remember it?"

Feng Yun's brows were getting more and more furrowed, and her face was getting uglier and uglier. Chunyu Yan still looked indifferent, as if he had come to see her embarrassed. He stroked the edges of the mask and smiled softly.

"At that time, the Qi army had the advantage of numbers and terrain. It was clearly a battle that was sure to win, but it was defeated. Why do you think it was..."

Feng Yun still didn't answer.

He smiled again and continued to ask questions.

"How did you know about it at such a young age?"

Feng Yun's face had turned pale, and his eyes stared at him like a cold light.

"Prince Chunyu, have I ever told you that I hate others talking about this the most?"

Chunyu Yan smiled and said: "No."

Feng Yun: "Then I'll tell you now."

Chunyu Yan nodded and asked with a smile:

"Why don't you want people to mention it? Are you guilty?"

Feng Yun: I'll kill you, believe it or not.

Chunyu Yan: I don't believe it.

Pei Jue: Let me lend you my big knife, kill!

Feng Yun: You don't need a butcher knife to kill a chicken, a string of firecrackers is enough...

Ao Qi: The guy upstairs, this... you don't need to miss me anymore?

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