Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 132: Scheming Tricks

Xiao Rong had not seen Feng Yun for many years, and he did not expect that this meeting would turn out to be like this.

Maybe the perspective of each other has changed, and the state of mind has also changed. Xiao Rong actually thinks that she is much prettier than before...

In the past, her beauty was hidden and suppressed, as if she was afraid of attracting other people's attention.

Now she is not afraid, just like a peony in full bloom, it is majestic but powerful.

"Feng Twelfth Mother!"

Xiao Rong couldn't stand the lazy air-conditioning on her body. He glanced at himself sitting on the boat with his hands cut behind his back and frowned in embarrassment.

"What do you want to do by kidnapping me?"

Feng Yun smiled silently, tapping his fingers on the wooden table in a very rhythmic manner.

Xiao Rong was a little nervous when she asked her, "I know you are evil-minded, and you won't let me go easily if you catch me. Tell me, what do you want?"

Feng Yun didn't say anything. He picked up the tea cup from the stove with a smile on his face and patiently pulled out the red coals with pliers. He looked gentle and kind.

It was as if those malicious intentions were just Xiao Rong's own speculations.

"Feng Yun!"

Xiao Rong was impatient.

In the past, Feng Yun was a dull woman who they could make fun of at will. Today, she fell into the hands of the other party and had to keep a low profile and say a few soft words. But this Feng Twelfth Mother did not know what is good and what is good, and refused. The appearance of a person thousands of miles away.

She hummed.

"I know that you took refuge in Pei Ran and are now more powerful. But don't forget that Pei Ran was besieged and merged with the state. He is doomed this time. And I am the eldest princess of Qi State. If you capture me, you will be fighting with me. The state of Qi is an enemy and has cut off its own retreat."

Feng Yun raised his eyes in response, "So what? I have no retreat, does the eldest princess have one?"

Seeing Xiao Rong's expression change, she lowered her head and sniffed the tea soup, tasted it carefully, and sighed happily as she seemed to appreciate the taste.

"The dragon bud and wind grass are really fragrant and have a sweet aftertaste. The eldest princess brings such a good thing with her when she goes out. It's really an advantage for me..."

Xiao Rong gritted his teeth with hatred as he looked at her face that was so brightly colored by the firelight.

"Don't pretend to scare me. I, Xiao Rong, am not frightened by others. If you want to kill or behead me, please do as you please."

"You have backbone." Feng Yun praised sincerely, and suddenly picked up a piece of burning charcoal with pliers, looked at the flaming red light, and smiled lazily.

"Good charcoal is resistant to burning..."

"Feng Yun, don't play riddles with me."

"Oh, I almost forgot to mention it." Feng Yun looked at Xiao Rong like a cat teasing a mouse and said: "I wonder if your highness will have any strength left when the red charcoal burns on the eldest princess's face." What score?"

Her understated voice was like the devil's temptation, and she put the pliers in front of Xiao Rong with a smile.


Xiao Rong was restrained and fell in the cabin. When she saw this, she screamed in fright. She closed her eyes and shrank back, kicking her feet straight.

"Vicious woman!"

"Feng Yun, you vicious woman!"

"If you dare to hurt me, my imperial brother will never let you go. He will peel off your skin and cramp your tendons."

"I believe it." Feng Yun put the charcoal back into the stove, wiped his hands, and smiled lightly.

"It's a pity that before he peeled off my skin and cramped my tendons, the eldest princess was dead. She would never see that day..."

Xiao Rong swallowed nervously.

"Kill me if you dare, and see if my brother will forgive you..."

Feng Yun seemed to be hearing some joke, staring at her with a half-smile.

"The eldest princess is sixteen years old, right? You have lived to this age and are still so naive. God has treated you well."

Xiao Rong's parents died early, her brother spoiled her, and Feng Ying's group of people also supported her. She was just a woman who grew up in a honey pot. She had never seen the dangers outside, let alone what the world was like.

Otherwise, the brain would not grow like this.

Feng Yun smiled and shook his head and continued drinking tea.

Xiaoman suddenly came in and whispered: "Girl, the letter found on Mingzhu..."

Feng Yun put down the tea cup, took it and looked at it, then looked up at Xiao Rong.

"You say you don't have any scheming, but you know how to play some tricks."

Xiao Man stretched his neck to watch, grinding his teeth in anger.

"So shameless, I want to throw dirty water on the girl..."

"It's not really dirty water..." Feng Yun glanced at her, pointed at Xiao Rong who was tied up like a big rice dumpling, and then smiled and stuffed the letter written on golden su paper back into the envelope with golden flowers. , smell the faint aroma and smile.

"Let Miao Jing go and let him pass the letter back to Hengqu Pass and hand it over to Xiao Cheng."

Xiao Man looked at her in confusion, "What is the girl doing? She obviously has bad intentions..."

Feng Yun didn't answer. He raised the corner of his mouth slightly and asked Xiao Rong gently.

"How do you think you should thank me? You were kidnapped by me as you wished, and you were so considerate in helping you test your position in your royal brother's heart. How much is it worth? Hiss..."

She held her chin and looked at Xiao Rong with narrowed eyes.

"The eldest princess is more than 16 years old, and she is not married yet. She always gives advice on her brother's marriage... Could it be that the person you like is your direct royal brother?"

Xiao Rong's face turned red and she was speechless.

"You, you are shameless!"

Feng Yun smiled, suddenly picked up the tea cup on the wooden table, and threw it into Xiao Rong's face.

"I don't always have a good temper, Your Highness the Princess."

The warm water dripped down Xiao Rong's hair and cheeks. Xiao Rong's face was as red as pig liver, and tears of grievance and humiliation rolled down.

Growing up, when has she ever been humiliated like this?

And when has she ever been humiliated like this...

Watching Feng Yun turn around and leave, standing on the bow with her back straight without looking back, facing the wind, Xiao Rong cried and suddenly remembered many past events...

She remembered that they had teased Feng Yun like this before.

It was freezing cold in winter, and they deliberately splashed water on her to see her shivering with wet clothes...

A group of girls surrounded her and laughed, mocking and ridiculing: "So this is the most beautiful woman in the eight counties of Xuzhou?"

"You lose your female manners just by splashing some water, and you still want to marry the third son of the Xiao family?"

"You are just a toad wanting to eat swan meat, wishful thinking!"

Xiao Rong did not make trouble to humiliate her at that time. After all, she was the daughter of the Xiao family and could not do such a vicious thing. But she did not think there was anything wrong with doing so.

In their eyes, Feng Yun was just a disgusting person.

Because of her nonsense, Qi was defeated at Hengqu Pass and tens of thousands of soldiers were killed. Everyone said that she was the calamity of Qi and should be condemned by thousands of people...

What's more, she stole Aying's love and made her brother lose face because of his marriage with her.

Xiao Rong felt that he should treat her as he pleased, and it was a good deal for her just to tease her...

However, when the same tea was poured on her face, she was a prisoner and was humiliated by others. Only then did she know that it was so uncomfortable to be insulted...

I would rather die.

I would rather die.

She felt like the sky was falling over a cup of tea. And they teased Feng Yun more than once?

Put a mouse in her carriage and let her scream and lose face in front of Xiao Cheng.

Tripped her at the banquet and saw her fall to the ground with messy hair and unclean clothes.

July 7th dressed up as a ghost and broke into her yard, scaring her so much that she ran out barefoot without even getting dressed.

A group of people surrounded her and asked her to tell them in detail "where the prophecy came from" and how her mother died...

They were playful and curious at that time, and they had a lot of fun.

No one ever thought that this was wrong.

She had never thought about it.

She never expected that one day she would fall into Feng Yun's hands...

"Feng Yun!"

Xiao Rong kicked her feet on the board, struggling and sobbing with tears.

"Don't humiliate me, you have hatred and resentment, just kill me with a knife..."

Feng Yun did not look back, and her voice came in from outside with the river breeze.

"Stop her mouth."

He said: "Use her stinky socks."

Xiao Rong stared at the approaching guards with wide eyes, tears rolling down.



At night, the sky was painted a lacquer color.

It was obviously not long after the beginning of winter, but the night was already extremely cold, and the wind blew over, chilling the heart.

The lights were bright in the Hengqu Pass camp.

Xiao Cheng hadn't fallen asleep yet.

He received the news of Xiao Rong's disappearance two hours ago, and the letter from Xiao Rong was brought back by Miao Jing just now.

He wept bitterly and told the process of Xiao Rong being taken away by Feng Yun, but concealed Xiao Rong's own little thoughts.

Because the princess was really kidnapped this time, once it was revealed, the guards might not be able to save their lives.

Feng Ying saw that he was serious and felt a little funny.

She knew why Xiao Rong left, and she didn't believe a word of Miao Jing's words.

But in order to make it realistic, she still pretended to be nervous, standing in front of Xiao Cheng with red eyes.

"It's all my fault. I didn't take good care of the princess..."

Xiao Cheng didn't speak, sitting in front of the wooden table, the halo of the night lamp enveloped his tall figure, except for the light in his black eyes that was a little colder, there was almost no change.

Even... his sister was kidnapped.

Feng Ying didn't hear him saying anything, and slapped herself in the face.

"It's my fault, Your Majesty, please punish me."

Xiao Cheng looked at her indifferently, "It's none of your business."

Feng Ying carefully observed his expression, "Although my sister hates me, she thinks of Your Majesty in her heart, so I think she will be polite to the eldest princess... But if she takes the opportunity to make unreasonable demands on Your Majesty, what should Your Majesty do..."

There is one more update, wait for me to eat.

Don't worry, you will see the general in the next chapter 12.

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