Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 133 Meeting in Bingzhou

Xiao Cheng frowned.

The letter Miao Jing brought back was only written by Xiao Rong.

But Feng Yun didn't have a word.

Xiao Cheng thought silently for a moment, then looked at Feng Ying who was crying silently: "You go down first."

Feng Ying knew that he was not willing to chat with her, so she responded obediently and said: "It's getting cold. I made two winter clothes for your Majesty from Taicheng and gave them to Ping An. Your Majesty, please remember to put them on."

Xiao Cheng hummed and waved to the chambermaid.

"Go and call Yan Buxi, Kou Shan and Xie Congguang."

When the emperor summoned him, the generals all ran very fast.

When Yan Buxi arrived, Xie Congguang and Kou Shan had already arrived. When he heard that Xiao Rong had fallen into the hands of the Jin army, Yan Buxi immediately changed his expression.

"Your Majesty offered such tolerant conditions, but Pei Madang refused to negotiate. Now that His Royal Highness the eldest princess has been kidnapped, I'm afraid..."

He shook his head and said, "Your Majesty is going to throw a weapon against rats."

Xie Congguang and Kou Shan looked at each other, "What's the plan for now?"

Xiao Cheng caught a glimpse of everyone's expressions. The gentle and handsome face was as indifferent as usual, and his brows were almost emotionless, as if he was an immortal in the world who stayed away from the incident. Everyone was a little puzzled...

Your Majesty loves the eldest princess the most.

The eldest princess was robbed, and His Majesty acted too calmly.

"If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move." Xiao Cheng said, "I guess Pei Madang is trying to lure the main force of our Qi army out of Hengqu Pass for a battle."

Hengqu Pass is a majestic ancient pass with a long, narrow and steep pass that cannot be opened by one man. In that battle fourteen years ago, if Hengqu Pass had not stood there, the Jin army would have marched straight in.

Xie Congguang was stunned for a moment, "His Majesty is saying that Pei Madang is not just resigning to Bingzhou? But he has an ulterior motive?"

Xiao Cheng didn't answer, looking at the blurry map under the dim light, his expression was complicated and inexplicable.

Kou Shan immediately shook his head. "Impossible! Xia Houxian and Feng Tingji have captured Hongye Valley, and Pei Madang's troops are trapped in Bingzhou, with no way out. Even if we don't move a single soldier and trap Pei Madang in Bingzhou City, his mere tens of thousands of soldiers and horses can withstand it. How long do you have to stay? One month, three months?”

Xie Congguang said: "According to what I said, why not give him some color to see..."

Xiao Cheng looked at them with great interest and smiled suddenly.

"Thank you, Aiqing. An army of 300,000 people surrounded us without attacking, wasting food and grass, and causing criticism in the DPRK. How long can you and I withstand it?"

After saying this, he added: "Everyone, please don't forget that there are two surrender armies in Hongye Valley, both of which are the elites of the Northern Yong Army."

Xie Congguang asked: "Your Majesty doesn't trust them?"

Xiao Chengdao: "If they can betray Pei Mad, they can betray me."

In these troubled times, who doesn’t want to support himself with troops and become king and hegemon?

Xie Congguang nodded, "Your Majesty is right. But the general still thinks that with the Qi army's current strength, he can give it a go and attack Bingzhou, kill Pei Mad, and then turn his guns to attack Xinzhou, avenging his previous shame. . There is no need to look forward and backward, and you miss the opportunity and give Pei Mad a chance to breathe."

In their view, the new emperor was indecisive, clinging to a woman, and refusing to send troops, which was really unbecoming.

So he stepped forward with his fists clasped and expressed his loyalty loudly.

"The general is willing to lead the army to the expedition."

"The general will also wish."

Three hundred thousand versus fifty thousand, this is simply easy success.

Capturing Bingzhou and Pei Mang are praises that will be written down in the history books. Who wouldn’t rush to do something that will be remembered forever?

Xie Congguang and Kou Shanshan were in high spirits, and the uneasiness in Xiao Cheng's heart became more and more enlarged.

Don't blame him for being suspicious.

It all went too smoothly.

If Pei Mad was really the kind of person who was greedy for success and rash, how could he lead the Beiyong Army into a wolf division?

The wind blew the flags in the barracks, poured in through the crack in the door, and raised Xiao Cheng's robe. He pondered for a moment and then stood up suddenly, as if he had made a decision.

"The arrow is on the string, so let's test the opponent's depth."


At nightfall, accompanied by high-pitched horns, the Qi army rolled out from Hengqu Pass...

Xie Congguang and Kou Shan each led one force, copied the left and right wings, and went straight to Bingzhou City.

It was at this time that Feng Yun arrived in Bingzhou City.

Coming all the way from Guihe, in order to avoid running into the Qi army, they took a lot of detours, took their luggage with them, and hurriedly arrived just before the Qi army attacked the city.

The Beiyong Army is preparing to close the suspension bridge.

"Hold on!"

Feng Yun shouted loudly and waved his hands towards the city wall.

"We are coming from Shinshu and we want to enter the city."

The guard on the city gate saw a group of people. He first gestured for bows and arrows to be on alert, and then saw Feng Yun. She lifted a flag from her bag and asked two guards to hold it and unfold it. It read "Pei." "Character.

"It's one of our own. Retract the arrow!"

The soldier looked over the wall and saw Feng Yun, with surprise on his face.

"Hurry. Go and inform the general. Feng Twelfth Mother is here."

When Feng Yun and his party passed by, the suspension bridge was put away.

The city gate opened to one side, and Feng Yun saluted the guard.

"Good work."

The guard replied with a smile, "You're welcome, lady."

Qin Dajin had already mentioned the matter of Feng Twelve Niang's delivery of medicine when he came.

The medicine came at just the right time, and the soldiers in the camp were very grateful.

After getting the news, the first person to arrive was Puyang Jiu.

It is said that a clever woman cannot make a meal without rice, and the same is true for this "skillful doctor".

Most of the injuries in the camp were external injuries, and what was lacking was medicine. Now in his eyes, Feng Yun was no different from a living Bodhisattva.

"Feng Ji has figured it out."

The smile on his face showed Feng Yun's rare sincerity.

The ceremony has arrived before the person arrives.

He bowed his head deeply and looked at her with a pleasant face: "If you don't come, the general will probably go crazy with anxiety."

Feng Yun knew that this man was always exaggerating, so he just smiled.

"Where's the general?"

Puyang Jiudao said: "The Qi army has arrived at Guyanwan two miles away and is eager to attack the city. The general has led his people to the south tower. You are tired from traveling and traveling. You should go back to the camp to have a rest and have a cup of tea to breathe slowly... "

Feng Yun smiled and followed Puyang Jiu to Pei Ran's residence.

The medical officer looked thinner and darker. His face, which had always been carefully maintained, looked as if it hadn't been washed for several days. His beard had grown out and had not been trimmed.

People have also become much more enthusiastic.

When Feng Yun was welcomed into the camp, Yu condescended to him and poured tea for her personally.

"Feng Ji, please use it."

Feng Yun thanked him softly and looked at him from time to time.

Puyang Jiu smiled awkwardly, "Auntie, don't look at me like that, it makes me panic."

Feng Yun said with a smile: "It's the Puyang medical officer who treated me so politely that scared me to panic..."

Puyang Jiu's cheeks twitched slightly and sighed, "Feng Ji doesn't know something. I'm so short of medicine here that I'm going to get angry. The medicine you brought came just in time. Don't tell me to call you aunt, just ask me to call you grandma." The ancestors also made it..."

So he bowed deeply to Feng Yun.

"My little ancestor, please allow me to pay my respects..."

He has a habit of being glib and sweet-tongued.

But when his voice fell, he didn't hear Feng Yun's answer, but he felt a thorn in his back, as if some wild beast was staring at him...

Puyang Jiu was startled. He straightened up and turned around, only to see Pei Ran standing at the door.

He was wearing armor, and his tall figure blocked the night light behind him, almost blending into the thick night. He looked serious and solemn, with no expression on his face, but when Puyang Jiu saw his expression, he suddenly It's a sharp knife, it's an emotion that bursts out like fire...


The fire was directed at him.

Is shouting "Little Ancestor" too intimate?

Just...what's wrong with him making a joke?

Puyang Jiu cleared his throat, rubbed his nose and smiled aggrievedly.

"The general is back? Well, the medicine Feng Ji sent has solved my urgent need. I'm... not so happy. I don't hesitate to say what I say, and I don't hesitate to say what I say..."

He bowed to them again.

"You two are talking, I'll take my leave first."

He was polite, but no one listened to him or looked at him.

Pei Madang walked past him and slowly walked towards Feng Yun.

His steps were slow, the corners of his eyes were blue, and his jawline was extremely tight. He looked at her without saying a word.

Feng Yun also stood quietly, looking back steadily.

There were obviously several people in the room, but they looked at each other without saying a word. They seemed to be ignoring these people, as if they were the only ones left in the world...

It's quite embarrassing.

Several guards from Puyang Jiuchao glanced at each other and slipped away silently.

Seeing this, Daman and Xiaoman also walked outside the door without saying a word.

It was extremely quiet.

There was no sound, but Feng Yun felt like blood was flowing all over his body, which made his hair stand on end.

"General." She smiled slightly and saluted him.

"I heard that Bingzhou was under siege, so I came to deliver medicine."

Pei Man lowered his eyes and looked at her, as if looking at a shadow in the blurry void. The corners of her eyes were slightly curved, her posture was dignified and elegant, but the smile in her eyes seemed to have a hook, making her heart tighten.

Where is the medicine she gave me...

Pei Ran's eyes were filled with darkness and his voice was slightly hoarse, "It's hard work."

Feng Yun shook his head and looked at his face, "Just now the Puyang medical officer said that the Qi army was about to attack the city? Why did the general come back..."

It took her so long to come from the north gate, but Pei Ran passed through the city from the south tower and came back here without even a moment's delay.

But why didn't he look happy when he saw her?

Feng Yun didn't know what to say, so he just said:

"General, go ahead and go. You don't need to greet me. When the general has time, I will tell you in detail... I kidnapped the eldest princess of Qi."

Pei Ran was slightly startled.

There was no surprise, and my mood was as stable as ever.

It was as if it was not a strange thing for her, Feng Yun, to stab the sky.

Feng Yun made him panic and asked, "General, aren't you happy that I'm here?"

Pei Ran looked at her quietly, then suddenly hugged her into his arms, grabbed her waist with both hands, lifted her off the ground, and walked straight in. Feng Yun pushed him. This man was as hard as a rock. She couldn't use any strength. She raised her two long legs and hung them helplessly on his waist.

"what are you doing?"

Pei Ran didn't say anything and placed her on the table. In this way, Feng Yun could finally look at him levelly.

"I didn't go to kidnap Xiao Rong in the Qi army camp, I just happened to meet him on the way..."

Feng Yun's eyes made his heart tremble, and he felt the need to explain.

Unexpectedly, this man didn't even wait for her to finish speaking. He stretched out his long arms and held her firmly in his arms. The force was so strong that if she had been any weaker, he could have strangled her to death...

Gosh! Feng Yun took a deep breath helplessly.

"Don't be like this, there's someone outside."

Not to mention there was someone outside, but when had he ever been afraid of someone inside?

Feng Yun felt that he had said it in vain.

Pei Ran didn't say a word at all, and the force was so strong that it seemed like he was strangling her to death. His strong heartbeat was wild and violent, and the thumping sounds were like fireworks exploding in his head...

It's a familiar feeling.

So familiar that my soul is trembling.

Feng Yun was breathing unevenly, "Isn't the general most afraid of shaking the morale of the army? The enemy is facing us, and the war is at stake..."

Pei Ran's hum was dull and cold, with no emotion audible. The tall body almost covered the light in her eyes, and the power and predatory expression in those eyes were full of wildness.

He was really too tall. If he hadn't been breathing and his heartbeat was fast, Feng Yun would have felt like he was being kidnapped by a big rude piece of wood.

He would hang her up and torture her.

Feng Yun couldn't push him, so he rolled up his knees and tried to kick him...

Damumu finally reacted, grabbed her feet, put them on his arm without stopping, lowered his head and asked:

"Why are you here Ji?"

If he had known that kicking him would make him talk, Feng Yun would have kicked him to death in his previous life, how could he wait until now?

She suppressed the turmoil in her heart and tried to be calm.

"As I said just now, I heard that Bingzhou was trapped..."

Pei Madang said again: "I'm asking, why did you come?"

Feng Yun said: "Bingzhou is trapped, generals Han, Chu and Hu defected before the battle, and the general is in danger..."

Pei Ran: "Why did Ji come?"

The third time he asked, he used a heavier tone, cold and serious, his voice vibrated in his chest, and Feng Yun's scalp went numb.

She hesitated and said, "The general is in danger, can't I come?"

Pei Man's arms suddenly tightened, he lowered his head and captured her lips in a predatory manner. He was domineering and entangled wantonly.

Feng Yun's heart was shaken, and he looked at the unshaven man in disbelief. Just when he was about to speak, he took the opportunity to entangle him in his mouth. The grinding force was like a trapped beast rushing out of the cage, frantically snatching her thin air...

Feng Yun's mind was blank. He raised his hands from the table and hugged his neck. His whole body was attached to him, and his legs were wrapped around his waist like vines...

All this is a result of habit, as if it is an inherent memory in the body.

Pei Ran was breathing heavily and was a little impatient. He pinched her narrow waist as if to rub her into his arms. The discomfort caused by the friction of the hard armor made Feng Yun frown and groan, and twisted his penis hard. Back of hand.

The unexpected pain made Pei Man groan, hoarse with lust, but he soon let go of her and adjusted his breathing.

"Ji shouldn't have come."

"Why?" Feng Yun asked.


The sound of the trumpet came from the city gate.

Both men heard it.

Looking at each other, Pei Man bowed slightly, stared into her eyes, lifted her up like a sandbag, and sat her down on the couch in the inner room.

"Have a rest and wait for me to come back."

Those eyes were extremely fierce, as if they were angry or dissatisfied with desire, and Feng Yun couldn't see through him.

After all, she was angry because she came to Bingzhou...

Or is it because he likes her a little bit when she comes to Bingzhou?

Feng Yun stared at him with misty eyes, which made Pei Ran feel a little breathless and his lower abdomen felt even more uncomfortable.

But he said no more, looked at her, and strode away.

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment, then suddenly took steps to chase after him.


Pei Madang had just mounted his horse. He was wearing Kaijia with an icy chill in the night wind. The wind lamp shone on his face, but it was softer than usual.

He tightened his reins and stood there, waiting for her to speak.

Taxue seemed to be impatient with his master's hesitation. He walked on the spot with his hooves, flicked his tail and snorted at Feng Yun.

Feng Yun's heart tightened slightly, "Take care."

She raised her head, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and the corners of her eyes were full of smiles. The lips that had just been kissed were pudgy, exuding some kind of indescribable allure. Enshrouded in the halo of the night light, there was a kind of depravity. Soft.

At this moment, Pei Madang understood a little bit why King Zhou You played tricks on the princes, and why King Zhou caused chaos in the government because of Daji...

"Okay." His mouth was dry and his voice was low.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Feng Yun jogged a few steps forward and said, "General."

Pei Madang turned around and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"General, bend down."

Feng Yun stood under the horse and looked at him.

Pei Madang was slightly startled, and his heartstrings suddenly trembled.

Feng Yun: "Hurry up."

Pei Man's eyebrows were cold and the cold light on his armor had not faded. He could not see any emotion, but surprisingly, he bent down.

Feng Yun said: "If you come down a little further, I won't be able to kiss you."

Pei Ran: "..."

There were soldiers walking around not far away, looking at them with vague eyes.

Of course, no one will say anything, and no one dares to say...

"Hurry up." Feng Yun's urging tone was a bit domineering.

Pei Madang's tall body stood stubbornly on the horse. He paused for a long time, and without saying a word, he lowered his waist, grabbed her arm, and lifted her slightly. Feng Yun took the opportunity to stand on tiptoes and looked at the people around him with his eyes...

Then, he quickly pecked the corner of his lips.

"The general returned safely."

Pei Man's eyes were fixed on her, and the familiar light seemed to burn her through.

"wait for me."

He rubbed Feng Yun's head with a big palm. As soon as he loosened his hand, he straightened his sitting posture. As if nothing had happened, he turned around and rode away, disappearing from sight in the blink of an eye.

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

The tenderness of a tough man is very confusing.

But she was actually quite sober at the moment.

She just wanted Pei Madang to live...

I finally updated it, and there are still a lot of words...

Please encourage me! ! caress.

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