Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 134 Threats and Intimidation

Feng Yun stood outside the door for a moment.

In the night, the sky was high and the crows were crying.

Teams of soldiers in armor and sharp weapons trotted past. Occasionally, a beam of fire rose in the distant sky. It was the rockets of the Qi army, which they tried to project into the city. The fire rushed into the air, broke and scattered, like fireworks in the dark night, and could be seen clearly from such a distance...

"Girl." Xiaoman heard the roar of siege coming from different places, and felt like people were besieging from all directions. She approached Feng Yun nervously.

"Xiaoman is afraid..."

If Bingzhou City is broken, where will they go?

As a woman, and a beautiful woman, she may be spared from death, but her end is still to serve men. Xiaoman doesn't want that. She misses the life in Changmen, which is so free...

She doesn't want to become a camp prostitute or a plaything of dignitaries.

The horn sounded from nowhere, dull and high-pitched, entering the night sky, accompanied by the flames that shot up into the sky, which frightened Xiaoman again.

"Will the general lose?"

It was the first time to go to the battlefield in person and see the most real appearance of war.

Xiaoman's eyes were full of fear, but Daman was confused and didn't know what he was thinking.

After a moment of silence, she took out a clean handkerchief and handed it to Feng Yun with lowered eyes.

"Girl, wipe it off."

Feng Yun's lip balm was a little smudged, which was caused by Pei Jue just eating it. Daman looked at it for a long time. The two smooth lips looked tender after being destroyed by great force. Seeing it, she felt like a cat scratching her heart, and her mind couldn't help but repeatedly recall the sound she heard outside the door just now. The restrained, panting, as if breaking through the throat, the blushing love affairs between men and women made her unable to think of anything else. Even the war in front of her couldn't stop her from handing over this handkerchief.

If she doesn't wipe it clean, she will feel uncomfortable...

Feng Yun glanced at her.

Daman's focus is very different from Xiaoman's.

Feng Yun smiled and gently pressed the corner of her mouth.

That lip is very beautiful, even if it says cold words, it looks good.

"What do you think?" She asked Daman.

Daman looked at her clean lips, and her heartstrings loosened, and the forced anxiety no longer existed.

But she didn't expect the girl to ask a question suddenly, and she was stunned for a moment.

"What, what do you think of the maid?"

Feng Yun: "Do you think the general will lose?"

The understated smile scared Daman so much that he immediately tensed up.

"Daman doesn't understand...No matter whether we win or lose, Xiaoman and I will follow the girl. Wherever the girl goes, we will go..."

The crisp voice was sincere and eager.

She has been eager to show her loyalty to Feng Yun recently.

Feng Yun looked at this face.

Such a beautiful lady with extraordinary appearance.

You spend all day serving others, so it's hard not to have some romantic thoughts, right?

Feng Yun smiled at her.

"Let's go."

Feng Yun didn't go back to rest, but went to the room where Xiao Rong was being held.

When she went in, Wen Xingsu was there too.

Xiao Rong was crying, not knowing what Wen Xingsu said.

Wen Xingsu felt guilty about Xiao Cheng, and naturally he was not much worse towards Xiao Cheng's sister. It was for his sake that Feng Yun arranged such a clean room for Xiao Rong, instead of throwing her into the woodshed or the stable.

"Brother, go and rest." Feng Yun looked at the helplessness on Wen Xingsu's face and smiled faintly, "It's late at night, and a single man and a single woman in the same room will damage your reputation."

Wen Xingsu was stunned.

There was not only Xiao Rong in the room, but also her maid, and the guards of the Beiyong Army, so many people.

How could they be a single man and a single woman?

"Yaoyao, don't talk nonsense."

Feng Yun certainly didn't really care about Xiao Rong's reputation, he just wanted to get rid of him. Seeing Wen Xingsu's awkwardness, he secretly laughed in his heart...

Big brother is too serious and honest.

Not funny.

"I know." Feng Yun winked at Wen Xingsu, "It's late, big brother, go back quickly. If you sit down, I don't know what people will say. Later, Xiao San will let you be his brother-in-law."

Xiao Rong was so angry that his breathing was rapid and his eyes widened.

"Big brother Wen and I are innocent, how can you gossip about me?"

Feng Yun raised his eyes, smiling.

"Isn't this for the reputation of His Highness?"

Xiao Rong's hands were tied with hemp ropes, and she was tied to the pillars in the house with two maids. She was angry and hateful, gritting her teeth, but as a prisoner, she could not control her own fate. The gap from heaven to hell in an instant almost drove her crazy.

"Feng Shier Niang, you are hateful!"

Feng Yun's expression did not change.

She was indifferent to being scolded.

She just looked at Wen Xingsu gently, "Big brother."

Wen Xingsu looked at Feng Yun with concern.

He felt sorry for Xiao Rong and wanted to persuade her, but Feng Yun talked about the love affair between men and women and said it like this. He couldn't say a word and didn't dare to stay for half a minute.

He was even a little nervous.

He was afraid that his concern for Xiao Rong would make Feng Yun misunderstand...

"Yaoyao." He stood up and walked to the side, motioning Feng Yun to come over, and then whispered: "I watched Xiao Rong grow up. He is Xiao San's sister, and I also treat her as my sister..."

He was explaining, explaining very seriously.

But Feng Yun was just joking, "Then my sister tied up your sister, what should you do, big brother? Isn't it very difficult?"

Wen Xingsu made her wet eyes breathless.


How can Xiao Rong compare with Yaoyao?

But if he had to say that they were both "sisters", he couldn't tell what the difference was. His mind was buzzing, and he had a noble and handsome face, full of embarrassment...

"I'm leaving first. Don't make too much trouble. It will be beneficial to everyone to keep Xiao Rong in the battle between Jin and Qi."

Feng Yun smiled brightly, "Brother, don't worry, I won't embarrass your good sister."

Wen Xingsu frowned, not knowing how to answer for a moment, and almost ran away in confusion.

When Feng Yun saw him leaving, he walked back slowly and sat in front of Xiao Rong.

"The Qi army is attacking the city. Did the eldest princess hear it? It seems that your brother is not that concerned about your life and death?"

Xiao Rong's eyes were red.

Her appearance no longer had the same aura as when she was first captured.

After bumping for so long, I was tired and hungry, my hair was messed up, and my clothes were dirty. I could barely sit still, but my whole body was weak, and my voice was naturally weakened.

"Will you let me go? I will take you back to Qi State to help you, to help you convince my imperial brother to let her take you into the palace..."

Feng Yun looked at her forced calmness.


After living two lifetimes, a girl like Xiao Rong, as innocent as a piece of paper, could not hide any emotions in her eyes.

She said softly, "Why should I enter the palace?"

Xiao Rong couldn't see through her face and was moved by her emotions.

"Of course you are serving my imperial brother. Although you have been with Pei Madang, you are the daughter of the Feng family in Xuzhou after all. Imperial brother, the imperial brother has actually reserved an honorary position for you. He is willing to marry you as an equal wife. After entering the palace, , it’s feasible for you to be a concubine..."

Feng Yun curled his lips and squinted his eyes to look at this innocent eldest princess, unknowingly bringing out a hint of amusement.

"Your Highness is so tolerant of me, so should I be grateful?"

Xiao Rong frowned, always feeling that her words didn't sound so true.

She could feel that the atmosphere was strange, but everyone knew that Feng Yun liked her brother. Feng Twelfth Mother would be very happy to be able to serve her brother in the palace and be his concubine, right?

"As long as you don't compete with A-ying for the title of queen, I won't hate you anymore..."

Xiao Rong said slowly, watching Feng Yun close up the cloak on his body expressionlessly, a pair of brocade boots peeking out from under the skirt, swaying in a very comfortable manner, and very sure and authentic. :

"I will never allow them to speak ill of you again. And A Ying, she has been looking forward to your return. Every time she talks about you being humiliated by enemy generals, she will be so sad that she sheds tears... As long as you don't hurt A Ying, I won’t target you.”

Feng Yun held up the corners of his eyes with his hands and managed to hold back his laughter.

Sure enough, everyone can only see the world they know.

There was actually no difference between her before and Xiao Rong now, just a blinding eye.

"The princess is kind and has thought too carefully for me."

Feng Yun moved towards the heater and leaned forward to look into Xiao Rong's eyes.

"It's a pity that I'm not interested in your royal brother, what should I do? Don't ask me to serve him, let him kneel down to serve me... I even despise him for being dirty."

"you you……"

Xiao Rong was greatly shocked and found it difficult to accept it.

In Taicheng and Qi State, Young Master Xiao is as beautiful as a god in the clear moonlight...

Which girl doesn't feel ashamed in front of Xiao San? What's more, he is now an emperor?

Feng Twelve Niang actually said that the emperor's brother was dirty?

This means that if you don’t get something, you should reject it, right?

Xiao Rong convinced herself. Seeing that Feng Yun's expression was indifferent and his intentions were unclear, he hesitated and asked again:

"Then what do you want? Money, jewelry, servants, or something else? As long as you let me go, my brother will give it to you."

Feng Yun smiled, "Will he give me the kingdom of Qi?"

Xiao Rong was so frightened that his face turned pale.

"You, you vicious woman, are you crazy?"

No matter how arrogant and willful she was, she would not dare to say such rebellious words easily.

Feng Twelve Niang is a girl who wants to conquer the world with her mouth. How can she be so bold?

She couldn't see through Feng Yun at all.

Feng Yun laughed in a good mood.

"If you are reluctant to part with a mere king, it seems that your status in the eyes of your imperial brother is no more than this."

madman! Really a lunatic.

Xiao Rong felt that the Feng Yun in front of him was not the one he knew at all.

"You, you don't want anything...just to humiliate me and avenge the past, right?"

Feng Yun said casually, "Your Highness is smart."

Xiao Rong was exhausted mentally and physically by her uncertain tone.

She took a big breath and called Feng Twelve Niang.

"Okay, if you want me to die, can you kill me with one knife?"

Feng Yun looked at her expression. He smiled so heartily that his whole face lit up.

"Such a beautiful woman with delicate skin and tender flesh, how sad is it to die?" She walked closer slowly, held Xiao Rong's chin, and smiled slightly at the corner of her lips, her expression was both cruel and charming.

"Maybe do something else?"

Realizing that Xiao Rong was trembling under his fingers, Feng Yun's expression remained unchanged, his eyes were gentle and smiling.

"Tear off your good flesh and skin, peel off your face, cut off your tongue, cut off your hands, gouge out your eyes, so that you can't speak or see, then send you to Taicheng and leave you on the street to fend for yourself. Destroy yourself and let people watch..."

She seemed interested, her eyes shining.

"At that time, will your good sister Feng Ying and your favorite imperial brother recognize you? Will those noble ladies from Taicheng still surround you and praise you? I'm afraid they will avoid you like a snake or a scorpion and take another look. It’s all disgusting…”


Xiao Rong's whole body trembled when he heard it.

Feng Yun was very serious.

"Are you scared? Then how about this, you write a letter to your brother and ask him to hand over Feng Ying in exchange for you. Then I will do what I just said to her again, and it has nothing to do with you."

"No!" Xiao Rong roared with a pale face, "Feng Yun, you can kill me if you want! You, don't do such evil things that are worse than pigs and dogs, otherwise I will not let you go even if I become a ghost..."

Feng Yun raised her eyebrows, "Silly princess. What's so scary about ghosts? People are much scarier than ghosts..."

She smiled again, her eyes shining, "Your Highness and Feng Ying are so close, if Feng Ying knows that Your Highness has been captured, she will definitely agree to exchange you, what do you say?"

Xiao Rong was frightened by her and lost his temper, his mouth trembling.

"Don't do this, Ying is innocent..."

"It seems that she hasn't woken up yet."

Feng Yun said, let go of her hand, glanced at her and told the guards.

"Give her something to eat. Keep an eye on her."

The guards listened to the whole process.

Seeing the girl saying those cruel words with a smile, they also felt their chests tighten for some reason.


Feng Yun left without looking back.

Xiao Rong collapsed on the ground, sweating all over.

It was terrible, Feng Shier Niang was crazy, it was terrible...

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