Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 135 Lie Down Together

Late at night.

But the city of Bingzhou was as bright as day.

The roar of the siege and the din of curses filled the sky.

The Qi army mounted heavy equipment, and the trebuchets flew in from outside the city with huge stone projectiles. Some landed in the moat and splashed with water, while some flew to the city wall and smashed holes into them, making a thrilling roar. ring.

The horror can be imagined.

Xiaoman saw that Feng Yun was about to go out, and was afraid that she would go to the battle on a whim.

"Girl, don't go."

Feng Yun looked down at the girl dragging his sleeves and smiled: "I'll go find the Puyang medical officer to see if there's anything we can do to help."

There were only two medical officers in the camp.

One is Puyang Jiu, and the other is named Liu. He is a half-baked doctor who can deal with some trauma. Everyone calls him Lao Liu.

The rest is all for the wounded to help themselves.

Puyang Jiu and Lao Liu shuttled among the wounded soldiers and were greatly surprised to see Feng Yun appear with two maids.

"Why is Feng Ji here?"

As soon as they heard that the girl was coming, the wounded soldiers who were lying on the ground wailing in pain immediately shut their mouths and waited quietly for treatment.

Men are unwilling to show weakness in front of girls.

Feng Yun took a look at the situation in the wounded soldier's room and said to Puyang Jiu:

"We have nothing to do, come here and help."

Puyang Jiuyi was startled, thinking of Pei Man's knife-like eyes, he reluctantly handed over his hands and begged for mercy.

"This place is not for girls, Feng Ji, please go back."

The soldiers were lying on the ground one by one, and the air exuded a strong smell of blood, as well as foot odor, sweat smell, and all kinds of weird smells. Puyang Jiu didn't think that a pampered girl from a family like Feng Yun could stand this.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun was very calm, smiled, knelt down and helped Lao Liu tie a bandage for a wounded soldier with a broken leg. He looked at the wounded soldier and grinned in pain, but refused to make a sound, and even tried to persuade him gently.

"Shout out if it hurts. There's no shame in it. Shoutout can relieve the pain. Would you like to try it?"

The soldier opened his mouth and roared twice.

Feng Yun laughed again, "If that doesn't work, you can just yell at me."

This sentence amused the wounded man. He grinned so hard that his cheeks twisted, but the others laughed loudly.

Puyang Jiu watched with cold eyes and felt that Feng Twelve Niang was really an interesting woman. And his boring friend, General Pei, can be called dull in comparison...

The big wooden pile meets the little white rabbit.

Unless the little white rabbit hits it by himself, what else can you expect the wooden stake to do?

Puyang Jiu knew that Pei Madang had not slept with her so far, so he lit wax for his friend in his heart, then cleared his throat and smiled at everyone:

"Brothers, you don't know. The camp has been short of medicine for a long time. Lao Liu and I have been very worried these days. We can't eat well and can't sleep. Fortunately, Feng Ji brought medicine. You have medicine today, all thanks to Feng Ji. Ji’s contribution.”

He did not hesitate to give credit to Feng Yun.

"Everyone should remember Feng Ji's kindness today. It took her three days to collect medicinal materials from everywhere, and it was also the doctor she found to make these bottles of precious golden medicine..."

Soldiers have seen examples of people dying of pain without medicine.

Bringing medicine saves lives.

When the wounded soldiers looked at Feng Yun, their eyes were even more different.

No longer just a dazzlingly beautiful girl, but a fairy who descended from the sky, sent by God to show mercy...

Feng Yun's expression was calm. Hearing those thanks, he was neither excited nor humble. He just smiled lightly and took his two maids to do what he could.

The more Puyang Jiu looked at this girl, the more extraordinary she became.

Not everyone can do it without being favoured.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Those words just now were considered as thanks to Feng Yun for donating the medicine. Let her leave a good reputation in the Beiyong Army, which will be somewhat helpful in the future.

He thought long-term for Pei Ran, but Feng Yun only focused on the present, unaware that the Puyang medical officer had already imagined a lot about her and Pei Mad's future...

After the work here was over, another group of wounded soldiers came in.

At the same time, there was news of the war ahead.

"Has Qi's army reached the city walls?"

"I'm dreaming. If the suspension bridge is closed, how can such a wide moat be overcome in such a short time..."

"Are there many people?"

"A lot. It's so dark, swarming forward like ants, you can't see clearly..."

"Then the ones coming this time are the main force of the Qi army, right?"

Feng Yun has never been on the battlefield, but has read some books.

She even remembered a sentence her mother left in the military book.

"There is no disparity in weapons. What matters is strength, formation, military morale, the will of the commander, the perseverance and execution of the soldiers. More importantly, the consumption of weapons and food..."

Feng Yun thought.

There was no difference in weapons between the armies of Jin and Qi.

Then it depends on the strength of both parties.

The more people there are, the greater the natural power.

But siege warfare has been the most difficult since ancient times.

The trench in Bingzhou is more than one foot deep and three feet wide. The bottom is covered with thorns and thorns. The moat is also famously wide. The Qi army cannot even touch the city gate unless they fill up the trench and moat...

Therefore, even if the strength of the Qi army was several times that of the Beiyong army, it would be delusional for the Qi army to capture Bingzhou City in a short time.

Moreover, in a siege battle, the attacker's casualties will be much higher than those of the defender.

Xiao Cheng waited at Hengqu Pass for so many days but did not attack because of this.

Feng Yun listened to the discussions of the soldiers and compared them one by one with what he read in the book. He speculated in his mind about Pei Madang and Xiao Cheng's fighting methods and couldn't help but be secretly frightened.

Pei Madang stood firm in Bingzhou. Could it be that he wanted to pull Xiao Cheng out of Hengqu Pass and beat him?

If Xiao Cheng can't take Bingzhou, and wait until Huben and Long Ji's army arrive, and then combine with the main force of Xinzhou, Xiao Cheng will be beaten very painfully.

After carefully analyzing the war for the first time, Feng Yun understood Pei Man's shocking feat of conquering five cities in a row, and also gradually understood why he hung the body of his respected guard Wanning on the tower to show the public...

Ferocity can intimidate and break hearts.

Subduing the enemy's troops without fighting and reducing casualties is the greatest mercy of a leading general. Otherwise, both sides will pay a huge price in the back-and-forth fight...

Feng Yun analyzed and studied silently in his heart.

Bingzhou does not have the kind of urn city mentioned in the book, but there are tall towers on both sides of the city tower.

When Feng Yun left the wounded soldier's room, Pei Madang was upstairs in the tower.

She didn't go up, just watched from a distance.

Some soldiers did not recognize Feng Yun and shouted when they saw her.

"Where did the girl come from? Go home!"

"The Qi army is attacking the city, and the people are not allowed to stay in the city!"


"Come back quickly!"

Feng Yun stood under the eaves, but he was actually far away.

Hearing the sound, she bowed and walked back.

On the way, she saw soldiers pushing catapults down the horse path, and her mind was filled with what crossbows and trebuchets looked like in the books left by her mother.

"Girl, let's go."

Xiao Man was scared to death and kept urging Feng Yun.

Daman was much calmer than her, looking up at the tower without making a sound.

"Let's go." Feng Yun didn't want to cause trouble. He roughly understood the layout of the Beiyong Army. When he returned to the barracks, he asked Ye Chuang for paper and pen, and sat down to write and draw.

Xiaoman couldn't understand what she drew at all.

Even after changing the tea for the third time, the girl still didn't sleep. She was a little worried.

"It's almost dawn, girl, let's take a rest."

Feng Yun looked at the wisps of white light outside the window.

"This battle is almost over."

Xiaoman was surprised, "How did the girl know?"

Feng Yun said: "When cattle and horses are tired, let alone humans? After fighting for so long, the soldiers are tired, so naturally they have to take a truce and recharge their batteries for another round."

Xiaoman looked at Feng Yun with admiration.

"Girl, you know so much..."

Daman also smiled and said: "If the girl goes to lead the troops in battle, she will definitely not lose to the general."

Feng Yun shook his head, "It's just talk on paper."

It would be a joke if a woman who had never been on the battlefield could defeat a general who survived by licking blood from his knife with just a few books and some guesses.

Feng Yun glanced at them.

"Go to sleep. No need to watch over me and affect my thinking."

Da Man and Xiao Man agreed to leave.

Feng Yun continued to draw sketches on paper, analyzing the situation from the terrain, weather, and strength of both sides, but did not mention any fighting methods. The most words were spent on making and improving suggestions for the Beiyong Army's trebuchets and crossbows...

Take advantage of its strengths and avoid its shortcomings. She knows how to measure things very well, and she also understands what Pei Madang really needs...

Pei Madang came back when the sky turned white.

At that time, Feng Yun was already lying on the wooden table and fell asleep.

Her hair was hanging down, her hibiscus face was pinched by the corners of the wooden table, and her jade-white skin looked delicate and pitiful due to fatigue in the hazy light...

Pei Ran's eyes were hot.

When he came down from the front of the two armies, the blood in his body was still in a state of excitement, and the power accumulated in his chest had not been released. When he suddenly encountered such a beautiful scenery, his heart was slightly shaken, as if he had been hit by something.

He approached silently.

The girl was still sleeping soundly, unaware of the changes in the atmosphere around her, let alone that she was being targeted by a wolf...

Pei Madang didn't move.

Looking down at her.

She is too delicate.

When she was asleep, she didn't have the same sharp edges as when she was awake. Her black hair hung down, half covering her face. The heat of her breath made a water stain on the wooden table, making it wet...

Pei Man's eyes were hot, but his face was surprisingly calm.

He bent down, held the girl's shoulders, and reached out to move her face, which was wrinkled by the desk...

Two rows of soft and thick eyelashes fanned gently into his palm.

An explosion of fire flashed in his dark eyes.

These days, Pei Madang's energy is focused on the war, and he hasn't taken medicine for a long time, but his body, which is tortured by lust, will not spare him just because of General Pei's war.

It was a blessing that Feng Yun wasn't around. Once he was within reach, a strong desire jumped up crazily along his spine. The trapped beast clamored crazily to conflict with the cage, unable to control himself.

He was silent for a moment, then his big palm fell on her waist, and he hugged her horizontally with a little force. The sleeping girl noticed the discomfort, rolled her body and leaned firmly in his arms, so familiar and natural.

Pei Ran's Adam's apple rolled, he looked down at her, gently put her on the couch, took a soft pillow, covered her with a quilt, then sat on the edge of the couch and looked at her quietly.

Generals do not take off their armor during battle.

The same is true for Pei Ran.

Once you put on the armor and you are ready to go into battle at any time, you will not take it off again for fear that it will be too late...

He sat very steadily, his face as calm as usual, as if there was no beast roaring under him, and he seemed to be fighting against himself...

He didn't move at all.

Restraint is something he does every day and gradually becomes a habit.

After a while, seeing that Feng Yun was breathing evenly and not being woken up, he frowned and looked back at the things on the wooden desk. Then he stood up and went over to read the papers page by page.

It was at this time that Feng Yun woke up...

She was not sleeping soundly to begin with. When her head slipped off the soft pillow, she realized that she was not at the table and immediately opened her eyes.

Pei Jue, a tall figure in a suit of armor, was facing her sideways. His unkempt face was very beautiful, and he was heroic and handsome. Compared with the son of aristocratic family, Xiao Sanlang, he was less elegant, but not rough and barbaric. He had a kind of bewitching male power...

Feng Yun did not say anything, just staring at him.

Pei Jue might suddenly turn his head...

So, her peeping hit Pei Jue's eyes.

Feng Yun was stunned, as if she had just woken up, and smiled while stroking her hair.

"Is the general back? Is the war going well?"

Pei Jue hummed, "You sleep."


As usual, most of the words were silent.

Feng Yun's eyebrows were knotted, and she moved inside and patted her side.

"General, come here."

Her movements were very close and natural, as if they were an ordinary couple. There was no shyness of a young girl, only her soft eyes, with a hint of imperceptible provocation.

Pei Jue looked at her deeply.

Slowly, he pressed the papers with a paperweight, walked over and leaned against the head of the bed.

It was quiet again.

Feng Yun really hated his mouth that looked like a saw-mouthed gourd.

"General?" She asked patiently: "Did you see what I wrote?"

Pei Jue hummed again.

Feng Yun: "How?"

Pei Jue thought for a while: "Okay."

Is it over if it's okay?

Feng Yun did not get the expected feedback from his face, and smiled slightly. Perhaps she was used to being abused, and she was not as depressed as she imagined.

"It seems that I am childish. The general has been on the battlefield for a long time, and he has a thousand-mile strategy. Why does he need a woman like me to get in front of him and point fingers and get in the way? That's it, I am just being sentimental..."

After she said that, she lowered her eyes and sighed faintly.

Pei Jue's arm came across, pulling her into his arms, looking down at her bloodshot eyes.

"Ji should sleep."

Feng Yun said "I'm not sleepy", and wrapped her arms around him.

"General, are you sleepy?"

Before Pei Jue could speak, her smiling breath fell on his ear, and she laughed softly: "If you're not sleepy, then let's do something else?"

Pei Jue's breathing suddenly became disordered.

For her.

Er Jin was hit again.

Headache, sore throat, pain all over the body, even the face hurts...

The wave of coronavirus disease in the past few months is really annoying.

Sisters, take care of your health, it's the New Year, and you can't eat good food if you are sick.

Feng Yun: I want to eat good food too.

Pei Jue: Just say it.

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