Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 138 The Miracle Doctor Can’t Solve the Problem

Pei Jue didn't say anything.

The dark eyes looked at him without emotion, and Puyang Jiu calmed down.

He recalled the first time he treated Pei Jue. At that time, his father, who was the imperial physician, was by his side.

His father said, "Wang Zhi will be a man of great things in the future."

At that time, Puyang Jiu was more curious about the root cause of this disease, and didn't think too much. Later, he had concubines and understood the love affairs between men and women, and then he understood the deep meaning of his father's words.

To restrain desire is to fight against human nature, and there are very few people in this world who can do it. It's easy to be hard on others, but it's too difficult to be hard on yourself. For such a person, why worry about not achieving great things?

It's a pity that God teased him, and a person with a pure heart and few desires had such a body.

"Forget it. Brothers should stick their backs to each other, and I let my brother stick his back twice, which is nothing... Today, my brother will go all out."

Puyang Jiu was used to being shameless in front of Pei Jue. He turned his back with humiliation and pretended to undress.

"Get lost." Pei Cong kicked him in the buttocks.

Puyang Jiu rubbed his buttocks and laughed awkwardly twice, then he became serious and stopped joking. He sat beside him seriously, motioned him to stretch out his hand, and asked for his pulse.

Pei Cong: "How is it?"

Puyang Jiu frowned like that.

"What can I say about you?" He glanced at him and sighed, "The kidney qi is opened up before the yang qi is greatly inflamed. What you have accumulated is kidney qi and yang qi. If the yang qi is not released for a long time, it will be exhausted and hurt your body..."

It's still the same old story.

Finding a woman can solve the problem. If one doesn't work, find two. If two don't work, find more. Puyang Jiu has said it countless times. He can't bear to see Pei Cong abuse himself.

"The King of Hell can't stop the ghost who wants to die. If you keep going like this, even the gods can't save you..." Puyang Jiu said halfway, and then felt that it was not auspicious to talk about death and life in front of the enemy.

He stopped talking, then raised his chin and signaled him to undress with his eyes.

"Let me see the situation, and then we can talk about treatment." Pei Jue was not very willing, and Puyang Jiu knew it. If he could, he would not want to see it. Who would go to see something much bigger than himself to feel inferior? But he is a doctor, and his father has taught him since he was a child that doctors are kind-hearted, so he just sacrificed his eyes. Puyang Jiu was mentally prepared, but he didn't expect it to be so serious. It was surprisingly hard and huge, and the blood was so surging that it could be called the extreme of hideousness and terror, without any sign of softening. He couldn't imagine how a normal man could control himself and sit here calmly. "You have a grudge against Feng Ji, right?" he said. Pei Jue's eyebrows were slightly stern, and he looked at him coldly. "If there is no grudge, why do you swear to die?" Puyang Jiu joked casually, and asked again: "Is this the first time such symptoms have appeared?" Pei Jue: "Yeah." Puyang Jiu smiled strangely. "I'm very curious, what did Feng Ji do to seduce you to this point?"

Over the years, Pei Cong has been taking medicines and has controlled his condition very well. He has never had an attack to this extent, let alone a long-lasting state. Occasionally, he has emotions, but he can suppress them by taking some medicine. He is calm and almost no one knows that he is suffering from lust.

Puyang Jiu also firmly believes that as long as he marries a wife and concubines, he will have a way to vent his emotions and he will naturally recover. This is not a serious illness at all, and it is even a blessing for him and his wives and concubines. Each one is so beautiful, so what medicine is needed?

But Feng Shier Niang suddenly appeared.

She is simply his nemesis.

Since she entered the camp, Pei Cong has had more attacks, each one more severe than the last.

Puyang Jiu gave him a thumbs up.

Then, he bowed deeply.

"Great Saint, please be kind and don't torture me anymore. No matter how good the medicine is now, it is not as good as Feng Ji in your room. It is better to relieve than to block, it is better to relieve than to block!"

Puyang Jiu's face was distorted.

But Pei Jue called him here, obviously not wanting to hear this.

"If you've said enough, then see the doctor."

Puyang Jiu took a deep breath to prevent himself from being angry to death.

"Wang Zhi." He stared at Pei Jue, "Tell me the truth, do you dislike Feng Ji, or do you have other concerns? If it's not the right medicine, how can I prescribe it?"

Pei Jue was silent for a moment, "Wait a little longer..."

"What are you waiting for?"

Pei Jue's Adam's apple moved slightly. In Puyang Jiu's probing eyes, Feng Yun's childish appearance came to mind. He didn't do it deliberately, but he couldn't help but have some lewd thoughts. His mind was slightly confused, and he felt the heat in his stomach running wildly, and he immediately clenched his fist to stabilize it.

"Wait and see, she's still young."

"I, I, damn it. Brother Wang Zhi, I'm convinced. Seventeen women have given birth to children, are you afraid that she can't eat?"

Puyang Jiu was so excited that he kept cursing.

Although he felt that this was not the real reason why Pei Jue didn't touch Feng Yun, this concern was not completely unreasonable. God has blessed you with talent, which is a good thing, but for a delicate and inexperienced girl, it will be a big pain, especially for his good brother who may not understand the good things of Yan. If he is more reckless, it will cause a death.

Puyang Jiu was angry and helpless.

"My whole career as a doctor has been worrying about what's in your crotch."

The words were ugly, but he was really angry. He dreamed last night that Pei Jue and Feng Shier Niang had done it. He was so anxious in his dream that he wanted to push him forward.

Puyang Jiu rubbed his temples fiercely, thinking about it and preparing to take drastic measures.

"I can help you this time. But there is no more than three times, so I'll give you a deadline. Within ten days, you'd better find a concubine to solve it, no matter whether it is Feng Ji, Wang Ji or Xie Ji, in short, this kind of thing today can't happen again. Otherwise, if you are disabled, Feng Ji will be taken advantage of by others..."

He made up his mind to let Pei Madang strike hard. Not only did he speak extremely harshly, but he also acted extremely harshly——

Go out and call Zuo Zhong.

"Prepare water for the general to bathe in, and prepare a few more buckets. Your master will use a lot."

Zuo Zhong glanced at the general sitting at attention, feeling a little confused.

The general is not in the habit of bathing in broad daylight, let alone during war?

But after the Puyang medical officer gave the order, he knew that it was the general's acquiescence, so he didn't need to ask more questions, so he went down and ordered people to do it.

When Puyang came back, he looked for boiled silver needles in the medicine box.

Pei Ran looked at him, "Acupuncture?"

Puyang Jiu looked back at him, his eyes a little unserious.

"At this moment, this is the only method. Of course, acupuncture alone is not enough..."

Pei Ran frowned and looked at him.

Puyang Jiu's eyes fell on his knuckled hand, and he sighed. This hand was decisive and capable of fighting, so why couldn't it take off the little lady's clothes? Since he couldn't take off his clothes, he had to do it on his own.

"You don't need to teach me how to explain it, right?"


Several buckets of water were brought over from the courtyard. Daman ran to the stove to look at the fire in the stove and made special inquiries.

"Is it the general who wants water?"

On the stove are two fire-headed soldiers.

Hearing the sound, he responded, "It's what the left guard ordered."

Da Man Oh didn't say much, and when he went back, he looked at the closed room in the yard with some worry.

"Xiao Man, have you heard the girl say that the general is not feeling well?"

Xiao Man shook his head, looking at her frequently as if she had lost her soul, and quickly pulled her away.

"The Puyang medical officer is inside, don't worry."

After saying that, he looked back and stopped talking.

"Sister, have you forgotten what the girl said last time?"

Daman looked at her, "The girl said so many words, which sentence are you referring to?"

Xiaoman said: "The girl said she wants it, General."

Daman pursed his lips and said nothing, his head hanging slightly, "I remember."

Xiaoman said: "Sister, you must not be confused."

That was a warning, telling them not to get in front of the general.

The life of a servant is like this. Both honor and disgrace are in the hands of the master. She stays with her master all day long. She seems very close to her, but she has no say in the master's decision. There is a huge difference in status.

Many mistresses' maids, if they are beautiful, will eventually be taken into the male master's room. The wealth will not go to others, and the mistress will also acquiesce...

In the past, Da Man thought that she and Xiao Man would also have such a day. They were both good-looking women, prettier than most people. The general couldn't see them now, but in the long run, she had never heard of any man from a wealthy family. The master is satisfied with just one wife.

No matter how beautiful the girl is, there will always be a day when he gets tired of it...

At that time, it was her and Xiaoman's chance.

But if the girl said that, she would not praise them anymore. If she thought about it again, she might even send them away...

Daman's body was trembling, and his heart, which had been messed up by the general, suddenly sobered up.

"I don't dare. I don't have any bad thoughts about the general..."

Xiaoman was then satisfied. He called her "good sister" and said happily:

"We just need to serve the good girl, and we will have a good future. It's getting late, so I'm going to prepare some hot water for the girl. She'll wake up soon and think she needs a bath."


It was already afternoon when Feng Yun woke up.

The weather became gloomy, as if it was going to rain.

There was a charcoal fire in the room, and Xiaoman sat by the stove, holding his chin and simmering.

Daman was the first to see Feng Yun wake up.

She trotted over and said, "The girl is awake? Do you want to eat?"

Feng Yun lay weakly on the bed, lazily, as if he was about to fall apart.

"When did the general leave?"

Daman pursed his lips and looked back at Xiaoman.

Xiao Man rubbed his eyes and was still yawning.

"The general didn't leave. In the morning, I asked the Puyang medical officer to come over. He seemed to be feeling uncomfortable. After the Puyang medical officer left, he called several generals to go to the front hall to discuss matters. I couldn't see any discomfort..."

Xiaoman's reporting has always been that what you see is what you get, and what you see is what you say.

What Daman saw was different from hers.

"Girl, the general is very strange today..."

The girl straightened up lazily, took the water from Xiao Man, rinsed her mouth, lowered her head and spit it into the basin.

"What's strange?"

Daman said: "The general asked for water, as if he was taking a bath."

Feng Yun looked up at her.

Ordinary bathing is certainly not strange.

But she refused to take off her armor no matter how coaxed she was, so she turned around and went to take a shower?

Daman continued: "What's even more surprising is that the Puyang medical officer was also in the same room as the general. The two called for water and closed the door. The guards were guarding outside and no one was allowed to come near. They stayed there for a full hour. Come out, and then, and then the maid saw..."

Feng Yun squinted, "What did you see?"

Daman bit his lip and said, "When the Puyang medical officer came out, his face was flushed, his steps were weak, there was sweat on his forehead, and his hair was... all wet."

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