Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 139 Beauty in the bones

Feng Yun was startled.

The two grown men closed the door and asked for water to take a bath. For an hour, Daman's description of Puyang Jiu made it hard not to think that they had done something ulterior.

No wonder……

Falling asleep during the day is not as comfortable as sleeping at night, and when you wake up your mind is not so clear. Feng Yun's thoughts immediately changed.

"Is that so?"

Daman lowered his head lower, but Xiaoman was completely unaware of anything.

"Girl, would you like some lunch?"

The room was too warm. Feng Yun was sweating all over his body and felt sweaty in his heart, making him uncomfortable.

"Prepare some water, I'll take a shower first."

Xiaoman became happy and said, "The maid has prepared it early in the morning."


Feng Yun took a quick bath and relaxed physically and mentally. The emotions that Pei Madang had lifted up and put down without comfort also faded away.

She has not forgotten what she came to do.

She didn't have to do anything to Pei Ran.

Since he "doesn't have this ambition" in this life, she should respect, understand and bless him, and just put her mind aside. It's hard to find three-legged toads in this world. There are three-legged men everywhere, and this one is the best.

After walking out of the clean room, she called Xiaoman.

"Bring me that rosewood box."

When she came to Bingzhou this time, she brought a lot of luggage, but there was only one rosewood flower box, which contained all important items.

Xiaoman quickly brought the box over and said, "Put it here, girl?"

Feng Yun hummed, asked her to lay flat on the ground, and then ordered, "Go and see if Mr. Da Lang has gotten up? It's getting colder. Let him remember to put on some clothes and don't freeze."

Xiaoman snorted.

The man is not a child, but the girl always treats him like a child, looking at him more nervously than her eyes.

Xiaoman went out with a smile. Feng Yun opened the box, took out several books wrapped in green cloth, and stacked them neatly beside the couch, ready to read again in the afternoon...

Then I saw a small wind chime lying in the corner.

The bell is hung on a pine cone, carefully polished, with a delicate appearance and a crisp sound...

Feng Yun slowly bent down, picked up the wind chime, and slowly swayed it against the light of the window, listening to the pleasant sound and immersed in his emotions...

"Why don't you have lunch when you wake up?"

Feng Yun turned around and saw Pei Man standing in the light and shadow, still looking cold and indifferent. He was tall and slender, with broad shoulders and a straight back. He was wearing heavy armor, but after changing his inner clothes, his face looked strange. After grooming and shaving off my beard, my spirit is completely different.

"I'm not hungry yet."

Feng Yun had no expression on his face.

She went to sleep in the morning, so she had to do something about it.

Getting along with others is a process of getting along with each other, and it is useless to just show weakness in front of him. She has to be herself and only wants to please herself.

Feng Yun asked him calmly, as if talking about the weather.

"What's the Qi army's movement today?"

Pei Ran muttered: "It's very quiet."

Feng Yun frowned slightly, "We killed the generals with great fanfare last night and then stopped in less than a day? This is not like Xiao San's behavior."

Pei Ran's eyes were dark.

"How should Xiao San be a human being?"

Feng Yun thought for a moment and shook his head, "In the battle last night, he might have just tested the general's strength, and also appeased the soldiers' morale."

Pei Madang looked at her quietly, waiting for the next step.

Feng Yun said: "Besieging without attacking will definitely waste food and grass. As time goes by, it will inevitably attract criticism. When Xiao San, the new emperor, ascends the throne, there will inevitably be opinions in the court. There must be some unconvinced people in the Qi army camp. He doesn't want to The purpose of attacking a city is to test the combat power of the annexed state and to settle disputes..."

When it comes to fighting, the reality is nothing more than this.

"This is my humble opinion. Please give me some advice, General."

The tone is businesslike, and the position is that of a staff member. It was as if those blushing things this morning hadn't happened, and she was not the sweet girl on the couch who turned her back to him without saying a word when she couldn't get some candy.

Pei Ran nodded without saying anything, and his eyes fell on the rosewood box.

"what is that?"

Feng Yun handed over the wind chime in his hand.

"Last time I asked Cao Kai to bring one to the general, did you receive it?"

Pei Ran hummed, took the wind chime and looked at it, then bent down and picked up a roll of cloth that she had discarded on the box.

"What's the use of this thing?"

There are two rolls of cloth, three fingers wide. It has not been dyed. It is of the original color. It is neatly cut. The fabric is extremely soft and smooth. It looks like it is used to bandage wounds, but not like it.

When Feng Yun heard his question, his eyelids twitched strangely.

She snatched it back from his hand.

"It was originally prepared for the general, but it is no longer needed."

Pei Ran raised his eyebrows slightly.

He had doubts, but he didn't ask. Feng Yun just pretended that he couldn't see him and didn't explain anything to him. He threw the cloth strip back into the box, took the wind chime back from his hand, put it back together, and closed the lid of the box. Let Pei Ran peek into her private area.

"Let's go out to eat. I'm hungry."

Pei Madang's eyes darkened slightly as he watched her hiding things in the wooden box.

He thought of the jade stone and the bell that fell out of her room that day, glanced at the mysterious box, but said nothing more and walked ahead.

Feng Yun looked at his back and breathed a sigh of relief.

If Pei Ran knew the beauty of this thing, he would probably go crazy.


There are two steamed buns and a bowl of noodle soup on the dining table. It couldn't be simpler. Feng Yun took a look and said nothing, but felt a little sad in his heart.

The people's livelihood in Andu County is not good, but the business roads are open and things can be bought in the market. She has money, and her life is very good these days. I didn't expect that the food provided by the Beiyong Army was so poor. The dignified general only eats this...

Pei Ran noticed the change in her expression and frowned.

"Not to your liking?"

Feng Yun picked up a steamed bun with chopsticks.

"General, does he eat this every day?"

"Yeah." Pei Ran didn't mind. He put the noodle soup in front of her, picked up the steamed bun and ate it. His movement was not rude, but it was very fast, like a wind and a cloud. In just the blink of an eye, a steamed bun went into his mouth. belly.

Feng Yun was stunned.

Pei Ran's tone was calm.

"Bingzhou is no better than Andu. It is a lonely city. I don't know how many days the food in the city can last. If you can save it, save it."

Feng Yun knew that ordinary people might not be able to eat such white-flour steamed buns. To be fair, this should be the best thing Pei Ran could get at the moment. She won't dislike it if it's worth eating, and it's not just for the sake of eating.

"I know. Not picky."

Pei Ran glanced at her and said nothing.

She is considerate and gentle, but also cold, the dignity that a girl from aristocratic family should have.

Pei Man could sense that she had a different attitude towards him, but he had no habit of going into details.

After a while, he said: "The noodle soup is made from crucian carp. Ao Qi said you like to eat fish."

It was rare to say such a long story, but Feng Yun didn't like to hear a single word.

Firstly, she doesn't like eating fish that much, and secondly, Ao Qi has been missing for so long, and there is not a word of concern in his uncle's mouth. To say that he is cold-hearted is a compliment. This person seems to have no heart at all. .

Feng Yun eats very slowly and is very particular about meal etiquette.

The etiquette of playing small is engraved in your bones and cannot be changed.

Pei Ran looked at her like that after eating.

Feng Yun didn't say anything. He quietly ate half of the steamed bun, drank a bowl of noodle soup, and said he was full.

"Where is the general taking me?"

Neither of them mentioned what happened on the couch, but Feng Yun did not forget to remind Pei Ran of what he said.

Pei Madang glanced at her and said nothing. He took the food she had not finished and rolled it all into his belly without ceremony. Then he stood up coldly and walked out.

Feng Yun was stunned.

After a while, he came back, this time with Zuo Zhong and a pair of armor in his hands.

It's not the heavy armor that Pei Man wears, but light armor. Only the vital parts are protected by iron plates, which makes it much lighter to wear.

Feng Yun was a little surprised and looked at Pei Ran.

Pei Ran said: "Put it on."

He didn't say what his intention was, and Feng Yun didn't ask. He responded and asked two maids wearing light armor to change inside.

Both Daman and Xiaoman had never served anyone wearing such clothes before, which was novel and exciting.

The curtain was closed, Feng Yun took off his clothes, and Xiao Man sighed.

"The girl is so white..."

She has never seen skin more tender and whiter than Feng Yun's, and she often feels envious. But this kind of skin also has a disadvantage. Any traces will be particularly conspicuous.

Feng Yun didn't get much for these clothes. The more Xiao Man looked at them, the more he complained.

"The general really doesn't know how to show mercy to women. The girl's body is already delicate, how could she be willing to do it like this..."

Daman thought that the general was outside, and if his ears were better, he might have listened. He quickly motioned for Xiaoman to shut up, but he still couldn't help but look at Feng Yun.

Such an attractive body, stained with bright red, is particularly pitiful and extremely glamorous. Not to mention men, women also want to pinch her when they see her. This shows how hard the general will play...

But why can't things happen between the two of them?

Xiaoman didn't know what Daman was thinking, he kept tutting his tongue, his eyes were red with pain.

"Girl, the general won't hit you, right?"

She was younger and didn't understand what was going on in the room. Feng Yun was afraid that Pei Madang would hear it and coughed lightly.

"Get dressed quickly, the general is waiting."

Xiaoman pursed his lips and said nothing. But in my heart I complained about the general, and I felt that love between men and women was too terrible. Looking at such a calm and cold person, the general would also torment the girl like this. If you meet a rough and reckless man, will you still survive?

The three of them each had their own lawsuits, put on light armor, and tied Feng Yun's hair into a manly bun, and then walked out of the inner room.

Pei Madang is no longer in the room.

He was talking to Deng Guang in the yard. Feng Yun saw that the two of them had solemn expressions and were waiting under the eaves without approaching.

Pei Ran saw her first and said something to Deng Guang. Deng Guang responded with clasped fists and turned to look at Feng Yun.

It was a casual glance, but unexpectedly I saw the beauty in my eyes. I subconsciously stopped and showed a look of surprise and amazement.

A change of clothes is a change of temperament.

Beauty is in the bones but not in the skin, so should the country be beautiful and fragrant? Wearing a dark coat and skirt, she becomes a charming and seductive girl from an aristocratic family; wearing light armor and combing her hair, she becomes a heroic female general.

Pei Ran: "You go down first."

Only then did Deng Guang wake up, his cheeks were hot, he lowered his eyes and clasped his fists.

"I will retire at the end."

After Deng Guang left, Feng Yun stepped forward, followed the rules of a general in the army, and saluted Pei Ran, "General."

The soft words hit Pei Madang's heart like a feather.

His eyes darkened, "Follow me."

Puyang Jiu: Am I right? What son would not miss such a girl? Good things don't have to wait, they only have a ten-day deadline, dear, hurry up...

Feng Yun: What do you two call these? Husband and wife tactics?

Pei Madang: ...A lifetime of fame was ruined. Trick me!

Puyang Jiu: How can I not push it? If I can’t succeed this time, I will do it myself…

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