Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 140: Challenge and insult

It was windy outside, and when Pei Madang went out, someone brought Ta Xue over to wait for him.

Pei Ran said nothing, took the reins, turned over, and stretched out his hand towards Feng Yun.

Feng Yun approached hesitantly.

"General, I can ride."

Pei Ran said: "There is no surplus of horses."

In other words, there were no more horses for her to use. Feng Yun accepted the result and extended her hand to him.

Pei Madang held it and didn't move, "Front or behind?"

This was a sign of respect for the people riding together. Feng Yun thought for a moment and said, "Let's go in the back."

If he was sitting in the back, she could hug his waist or not. Sitting in the front, he had no choice but to hold her in his arms, and it was uncomfortable for her because he always pushed her hard. It was better not to try it in broad daylight.

Pei Madang showed no emotion and motioned for her to step on the stirrups, then held her up and placed her safely in front of him.

Feng Yun:......


Pei Madang clamped his legs between the horse's belly and stepped away through the snow.

All the guards and maids were left behind.

We rode together on the street in broad daylight. Fortunately, she was not taboo about meat and vegetables and was open-minded.

It was the howling cold wind that made her face hurt.

Suddenly I understood why Pei Madang always hugged her and sat in front of her to block the wind.

Pei Madang pulled the cloak over and put it on her body.

Feng Yun said thank you, but his voice was too soft and was blown away by the wind. I guess Pei Ran didn't hear it and didn't respond, so Feng Yun stopped talking.

There were no people on the streets. The soldiers who occasionally patrolled along the way would stand on one side, waiting for the general's horses to pass by before looking up. It was almost impossible to see who was in front of him...

Feng Yun was secretly glad that the general's good riding skills spared her the chance of embarrassment. Unexpectedly, he saw Pu Yangjiu coming from the wounded room.

In order to facilitate the transportation of wounded soldiers, the wounded soldiers' room was not far from the city gate. When Puyang Jiu saw two people riding a horse, he thought he was dazzled.

When he saw that it was indeed Pei Man carrying the little girl, he immediately cursed secretly.

You just cleaned up his mess, are you going to provoke him again?

Do you think he is too leisurely? Or do you feel that you have vented all your energy today, feel refreshed, and can challenge your strong self-control?

Puyang's teeth were almost broken. Seeing the horse rushing towards him at a fast speed, he stood upright in the middle of the long street and stared at Pei Mad angrily.

Feng Yun was the first to catch his eyes, and his scalp was numb immediately.

What a resentful look!

Did the Puyang medical officer feel uncomfortable when he saw her riding with Pei Ran?

Feng Yun thought about the indescribable moment that Daman had described. As soon as he felt a little uncomfortable, Ta Xue suddenly raised his hoof and neighed...

Then, he drove her and Pei Ran sideways past Puyang Jiushi.

The speed was so fast that Feng Yun had no time to react. He only felt that his eyes were blurred and he was already three feet away.

"Pei Wanzhi!"

Puyang Jiu's angry roar came from behind.


He was so angry that he almost exploded.

Feng Yun also felt his scalp numb.

"General, Puyang Medical Officer calls you."

Pei Ran hummed, "No need to pay attention to him."

He was afraid that Puyang Jiu would talk nonsense in front of Feng Yun, but Feng Yun subconsciously sat on the horse's head, farther away from him, and secretly cursed him as a scumbag.

Then he thought about the relationship between Pei Madang and Puyang Jiu in his previous life.

This thought brought up many clues.

What Daman said about being locked up in the same room together happened more than once in the previous life.

But at that time, she had never suspected that Pei Madang had that kind of hobby. She thought he was unwell, but what was wrong with him? Not sick at all.

Feng Yun looked back sympathetically at Puyang Jiu, who was standing in the wind, and sympathized even more with himself.

"The general is really impressive."

When she heard about their affairs, Feng Yun originally didn't want to care about them, but when she met Puyang Jiu just now, the anger and grief in his eyes irritated her.

She didn't mean to hurt others, but she really hurt them.

The culprit is the man behind him.

She wasn't very polite, and she was a bit weird in what she said.

"It's good to be energetic. You can have a bite of anything. You have a big appetite and eat all sorts of things..."

Pei Ran glanced at her side face, "Huh?"

The horse was fast and the wind was strong. He didn't hear clearly. He tightened his arms around his narrow waist and said, "Are you cold?"

He had no idea what Feng Yun was talking about, and his tone was filled with rare concern, which made Feng Yun calm down in time...

Not to mention that she was not qualified to take care of the affairs in Pei Madang's room, but the two of them were hiding it, weren't they just afraid that others would know?

There is no benefit in knowing the secret, but there are great harms in exposing other people's secrets. Just bear with it for the time being. Pei Madang will not touch her anyway. It is best to do his own thing in peace and not provoke the big devil...

Feng Yun woke up and whispered: "It's not cold."

If Pei Ranfan asked one more question, maybe she couldn't help but say it.

But Pei Ran looked at her profile and chose to remain silent.

The loud roars that came from the city wall at the right time also preceded him, erupting suddenly like a thunder array. They were not cheers, but shouts and curses that came from countless people's mouths at the same time.

Feng Yun's eyes were attracted and he looked up.

Pei Madang also heard it and slowed down his pace.

"Want to go up and have a look?"

So he wanted to take her to the tower?

Feng Yun came over yesterday and was stopped by soldiers.

Wen Sheng nodded, "Okay."

Pei Man pulled the reins and turned around, riding on the snow straight onto the horse track, climbed up the city wall in one breath, and then turned over and dismounted.


He opened his arms and motioned Feng Yun to jump down.

The soldiers on the city wall looked over, their eyes full of surprise.

Feng Yun was wearing light armor and had a man's bun, but her face was too tender and white, and she could be recognized as a girl at a glance. The news that Feng Ji brought medicine to Bingzhou last night had been spread by Puyang Jiu's mouth. Everyone knew that General Pei's favorite concubine had chased to Bingzhou.

But they still couldn't believe it...

The general asked her to wear armor and took her to the city wall.

It was a military rule that women were not allowed to go to the battlefield, and it was set by the general himself.

This time he broke it himself...

Going back to a long time ago, the general made an exception for Feng Shier Niang, and there were more than one exceptions.

She deserved the name of the most beautiful concubine in the country.

Feng Yun was stared at by the soldiers and felt embarrassed.

"General, I can ride a horse."

If you can ride a horse, you can get off the horse.

Pei Jue took back his hand and didn't force her.

Feng Yun breathed a sigh of relief and jumped down. Pei Jue was already walking in front of her. She followed him. Whenever a soldier greeted her, Feng Yun would pause and return the greeting, but at a very slow pace.

Pei Jue stopped silently and looked at her.

When she came closer, he said:

"You don't have to do this."

Feng Yun and him looked at each other.

"It's my duty. I am protecting the general's dignity."

Pei Jue didn't speak.

Feng Yun laughed again, "With the reputation of a concubine, people will inevitably say that I am spoiled by the favor and that the general is blinded by lust..."

There was nothing wrong with this statement.

But "bearing" and "reputation" together become a denial.

She was not a concubine.

Pei Jue looked at her with an intriguing look.

"You can be."

She can be, but that means she is not now.

Feng Yun looked at Pei Jue's profile, raised her eyebrows, and asked in confusion, "What am I now?"

Pei Jue's eyebrows did not change, "Don't you want to be a counselor?"

Feng Yun's heart skipped a beat, and suddenly realized.

No wonder he gave her light armor and took her to the city wall. Was it her hard work last night that finally made him see her talent?

"Thank you, General." Feng Yun clasped his fists, his eyebrows and eyes unable to hide his joy.

"It seems that I was worried about the war, and those words I wrote with great enthusiasm finally made the general see my sincerity?"

"No." Pei Cong denied it flatly.

The smile on Feng Yun's face froze.

Seeing the man walking faster and faster, she quickened her pace.

"Then why did the general suddenly agree?"

Pei Cong slowed down his pace after hearing this, and turned to look at her.

"Didn't Ji swear?"

"Huh?" Feng Yun didn't react for a while.

"I don't want to die early." Pei Cong said.

Feng Yun thought of what she said, "If you use beauty to please others, my man will not die well", and the corners of her lips immediately rose.

It's hard not to be surprised.

A person who controls life and death will care about an oath.

Is this the reason why she is no longer allowed to "use beauty to please others"?

Very good. Feng Yun was overjoyed, but her face was calm and gentle.

"Thank you for your understanding, General. I, the daughter of the Feng family, will do my best to assist you..."

From the moment she left the house, she said more than one thank you.

Pei Jue's ears were pierced by what he heard, but he pretended not to hear it, and walked to the crowd gathered on the tower without saying a word.

The noise came from there.

Pei Jue came, but he didn't stop.

The soldiers cursed outside the city with red faces.

There were the same shouts and curses outside.

Pei Jue asked: "What's going on?"

Shi Yin squeezed out of the crowd with his sword and bowed to him:

"General, the Qi army is challenging us outside the city. It's very rampant!" (End of this chapter)

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