Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 141 Awesome and Awesome

Feng Yun walked to the crenel.

There is no Wengcheng in Bingzhou. Standing here, you can clearly see the situation outside the city.

The suspension bridge was raised yesterday, and craters caused by stone bullets can be seen everywhere inside and outside. The traces of war are very shocking.

Standing at the entrance of the crenellation, you can see the water of the moat at a glance. The river is very wide, about two feet away from the city wall. This distance is accurately calculated. If it is too narrow, it cannot protect the city wall. If it is too wide, it will cause the formation of water between the inner edge of the moat and the root of the wall. The large space provides unimpeded convenience for the siege party's large siege equipment. Therefore, the entire design of Bingzhou City Defense is actually perfect.

Feng Yun glanced at Pei Ran again.

Choosing Bingzhou, others said that he got into a trap and made a dead move...

Isn't this really his conscious choice?

The trenches outside the moat were almost destroyed by last night's battle, but the Qi army did not get too close. The entire team consisted of about one or two hundred people, standing outside the range of the archers, shouting and talking to the people on the city wall. The Jin troops scolded each other.

Feng Yun had heard about scolding the formation.

But it’s the first time I’ve seen this.

Absolutely amazing!

It turns out that when the two armies faced off, there were not only fights on the battlefield, but also such "cruel" scoldings off the battlefield, which were even more exciting than fighting with real swords and guns. Everyone was scolded so hard that their faces turned red and their ears were filled with anger. They wished they could immediately Open the city gate and kill the opponent.

"Did you hear that?" Feng Yun asked.

General Pei in front of the stack had no reaction, "Yeah."

Feng Yun smiled: "How do you feel?"

She thought Pei Ran wouldn't answer.

Unexpectedly, after a moment of pause, he faintly uttered two words, "Unjustly accused."

Feng Yun looked at the man with a clear face in surprise.

The so-called "preemptive attack" means that people who are good at scolding are also very rare in the military. It is said that those who are sharp-tongued can directly scold someone until they die.

Qi Jun's arrival today is obviously such a master.

Faced with the provocation of the Beiyong Army at the head of the city, who said, "Come here, you little slave," the other party did not talk about martial ethics or criticize the victory on the battlefield, but scolded Pei Mad for his personal ethics.

"Your general is just a shameless and shameless man who seizes wives!"

"Following such a notorious pickling thief, the graves of our ancestors will be so angry that they will burst open. What unworthy descendants, Turtle Turtle Danzi, will die in battle, and he will be reincarnated in the next life as a despicable person, a despicable slave..."

"Pei Gou seizes a wife! He is a thief!"

"Are you going to hide in the dung wall and howl in mourning? Come out if you can."

"Wife-stealers and thieves, come out and fight!"

The shouts and curses outside the city were so angry that smoke was almost coming out of the heads of the soldiers at the top of the city.

Especially when the general himself was here, they felt even more shameless. A few young and energetic men held their swords and wanted to go out and kill them, but Shi Yin finally held them down.

Popular people can really make people crazy.

As the "robbed party", Feng Yun was as stable as an old dog. Pei Ran, who was scolded as a "wife-stealing madman", didn't seem to have any reaction. She was quite surprised.

No wonder she said that this person was so indifferent.

It turns out that when he was on the battlefield, he had long been scolded for being thick-skinned.

Feng Yun thought of how he had just said he was wronged and took two steps towards him.

"Isn't the general angry?"

"Yeah." Pei Ran said calmly.

The curses continued, harshly.

But you can't argue with others. If they don't listen at all, they will insist on insulting you. They are the enemy. If you can't stand it anymore, then open the city gate and fight. Just right.

"A general can achieve great things only if he can endure humiliation."

Feng Yun's words were very sincere. If it hadn't been for the following sentence, it would have reached Pei Ran's heart.

However, after she finished speaking, she smiled warmly and added.

"No wonder everyone calls you Pei Daqi."

Pei Madang turned around suddenly, his jawline tensed.

"What did Ji Fang just say?"

Feng Yun looked at his face and said, "I said the general has a broad mind and doesn't argue with others. No wonder everyone in the camp calls you Pei Daqia."

Pei Ran stared at her for a long time without saying anything. That angular face, tight thin lips, and eyes with unknown meaning were simply due to some of Feng Yun's aesthetic tastes. For a moment, he felt that the big man in armor was The general's body was filled with masculine tension...

But he doesn't speak.

Feng Yun was puzzled.

Isn't it enough to praise him?

Feng Yun looked around. The soldiers around him were busy scolding each other, and no one noticed them at all.

She frowned slightly, "Did I say something wrong?"

Pei Madang slowed down his movement of looking back and looked at the stern figure below the city.


Feng Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

I had no idea that "this kind of atmosphere" was not "that big thing", and I didn't know what taboo point I had stepped on. Just three words almost tore someone's cold face into pieces.

The scolding didn't stop.

Qi Jun changed people to play.

On the Beiyong Army side, people also came over one after another and started scolding them.

You come and go, scolding each other.

"Cross the river if you dare, and fight your grandpa for three hundred rounds!"

"Bah! Do you dare to fight, you huddled in a dung wall?"

"Children from Qi State can't even walk unsteadily. How can they fight? Don't underestimate your own capabilities. Surrender as soon as possible and go back to your mother for milk..."

"Come out and fight."

"Come across the river!"

"I will surround you for a month and see who will starve to death first."

"Hey, you cowards with rotten crotches, look at how bear-like you are, are you capable of fighting? Let alone a month, I'll give you a year, and you won't be able to cross the moat!"

"Kill Pei Manang!"

"Kill Xiao Cheng!"

"Kill the wife-stealing traitor!"

"Kill the dog emperor!"

The city of Bingzhou was not big, but its advantage was the wide moat. The officers and soldiers of the two armies were quarreling across the river, which looked a bit like childish quarrels and was incredibly absurd.

This is not the same war as Feng Yun imagined.

But it is the most realistic look of war.

"It's a waste of your voice to scold like that."

Feng Yun thought of a war anecdote from a book.

"There used to be a general who sent people to the front of the formation every day to scold him, but would not send troops, which made the enemy very angry..."

Pei Ran said: "What's the result?"

Feng Yun thought for a while, "The general who defended the city couldn't hold back his anger and went out of the city to fight. The result can be imagined."

Pei Ran: "I am not the general who defended the city."

Feng Yun said: "But Xiao Cheng will be the siege general."

Just say it with a smile.

Her outstanding appearance made her smile radiant, as if it brightened up the entire tower...

Pei Ran looked at her and didn't answer.

Feng Yun said: "Last night the Qi army feigned an attack to explore the bottom, and today they came to scold the formation. What did the general say?"

Pei Man raised his chin and gestured to her.

Feng Yun said: "The high city of Bingzhou is deep and impregnable. The Qi army suffered a lot in attacking the city last night. I don't think I will send a large army to attack the city in a short time. Now I am sending a small group of troops to the door to call for battle, provoking and harassing people, and it is annoying. If they can find a good opportunity to catch him off guard... it would be great if they can provoke the general and go out to fight. "

A besieged party can easily become anxious, especially when it is short of food and water. If someone provokes someone, it will inevitably lead to chaos if provoked.

The scolding array is a technique to attack the mind.

Even if the generals who defend the city don't mess up their positions, what about the soldiers who are repeatedly insulted by the enemy every day? Hot-blooded men, they all have a bloody spirit, they can fight hard on the battlefield, but they are also very irritable in the scolding field...

There are many people who get angry and act impulsively without regard for life or death.

"No wonder the book says that attacking the city is the most important thing, and attacking the heart is the most important thing. Today I just understood the secret."

Pei Ran stared at her deeply.

Suddenly he said, "Shi Yin."

Shi Yin came over and said, "General."

Pei Madang tilted his head slightly.

When all the soldiers around him looked at him, he said: "Plug your ears. If you don't listen to dirty words, you don't have to yell back. Just treat it as a barking dog."

Shi Yin responded, and then looked at each other with his tribe.

You're getting excited about scolding, but you haven't scolded him back?

But the general had orders and had to obey, so everyone found something to cover their ears and seriously fell silent.

But there is no one who doesn’t feel sulky in the scolding war?

Feng Yun saw everyone's faces turned red with scolding, and said to Pei Ran:

"General, I have a good idea."

In war, having a psychological advantage is often the key to victory. Zhuge Liang could make Zhou Yu angry to death. Feng Yun thought that he could give it a try. Not to mention making Xiao Cheng angry to death, at least this new counselor would have to show his face in front of the "lord" .

"Didn't Qi Jun want to scold the formation and attack his heart? See if I bite him back and make him angry to death."

If someone else had said such big words, Pei Madang might not believe it, but Feng Yun said that he would at least believe half of it.

Because he often feels angry to death.

"Ji Qie, come and listen?"

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, with a smile on his face.

"Don't brag about it until it's done. Keep it a secret."

There was a hint of inquiry in Pei Madang's cold eyes, "How to do it?"

Feng Yun cupped his hands and said, "General, please send someone to find a carpentry workshop for me in the city and find some carpenters."

Pei Madang called Zuo Zhong over, "As Ji said. Go find him!"

Zuo Zhong accepted the promise, turned around and went to make arrangements, but his heart felt cold and uneasy.

Mother Feng didn't even know what to do, so the general just ordered her to do it without hesitation. spoiled. If he continues like this, he may become King You of Zhou.

The people at the top of Bingzhou City suddenly became mute, and the Qi army outside the city cursed and became frustrated.

"Why didn't the Beiyong Army say anything?"

"You can't scold us, are you honest?"

"Is the man on the city wall Pei Madang?"

"Can't see clearly..."

"With such a tall figure, he must be Pei Gou."

"Is there a woman beside Pei Gou?"

"A joke. How can a woman go to war?"

Several soldiers discussed in low voices, changed to new words, and continued to yell at Bingzhou City...

Behind the team, Xiao Cheng, surrounded by several guards, was wearing iron armor and a helmet, riding silently on his horse, looking at the woman at the top of the city without saying a word.

Of course it's impossible to see faces clearly from such a long distance.

But Xu was too familiar. Feng Yun appeared at the top of the city, and Xiao Cheng recognized her at the first glance outside the stack.

She stood next to Pei Man, looking up at him from time to time.

Xiao Cheng couldn't hear what they were saying, and couldn't see their expressions clearly...

But you can hear the pain in your heart tearing you open your mouth to speak.

"Xiao Lang, Andu is too far away. I want to go home."

"Send someone to pick me up, okay?"

"Xiao Lang..."

"Sir Young Master Xiao..."

"His Majesty!"

That voice got farther and farther away, getting weaker and weaker, calling him countless days and nights. That life went too long, and this time he came early.

But she wasn't there. (End of chapter)

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