Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 142: Buried Soul

Xiao Cheng was silent outside the city, and Feng Yun on the city tower was completely unaware that there was such a familiar face behind the group of yelling Qi troops. Her attention was drawn away by the experience of climbing the city wall to watch the battle for the first time.

With a general with extensive military experience at her side, she took the opportunity to ask for advice, not caring about the insults - which were not meant to insult her anyway.

There was another her in Qi Jun's mouth.

It was a woman who was in love with Xiao Cheng. They were in love with each other and were about to get married. However, due to the Beiyong Army's attack on the city, they were seized by the enemy generals.

And Xiao Cheng is a good husband who is willing to travel thousands of miles to save his wife...

She thought it was funny and just listened to it.

"General, if you come to attack the city today, how will you fight this battle?"

Pei Madang said: "Pull a heavy trebuchet, smash the fortifications, and seize the enemy first to form a deterrent. When the threat from the defenders is reduced, then the army will suppress the formation, pull the iron chain at night, build a pontoon bridge to cross the river, and achieve a quick victory..."

Answered, but seemed not to answer.

Isn't this just a regular siege?

Feng Yun noticed that he was a little absent-minded and looked at the Qi army outside the moat without moving for a long time.

"What is the general looking at?"

She took two steps towards the wall, wanting to take a closer look.

However, as soon as she poked her head out, Pei Man held the back of her head and moved forward, "Don't get too close."

The terrain on the city wall was high and the wind was strong. Feng Yun was pulled by him and his forehead hit his shoulder.

" hurts..."

A sweet voice came out and she was stunned.

It's a conditioned reflex, and she will act coquettishly if he hurts her.

But it was only at the exit that he realized that this was not in the room, but in front of others. The soldiers around heard it and looked over.

She touched her forehead and cleared her throat, pretending to be nonchalant, but her voice was a bit rough.

"The general suddenly pulled me and startled me. What's wrong?"

Pei Ran said: "Don't poke your head out, for fear of an ambush. It's dangerous."

"Well!" Feng Yun didn't think so, and said apologetically: "I didn't think carefully. Thank you, General, for reminding me."

Another thank you.

Pei Ran's brows darkened, and his face didn't look very good.

Feng Yun thought this man was very strange.

But when I heard the insults all over the place, I thought he had just said "unjustly" and understood it again.

There is no one in the world who is not angry.

Anyone who is scolded will feel uncomfortable.

Feng Yun touched him with his elbow and smiled softly.

"Swearing people like this won't lead to anything. When my magic weapon comes out, we'll come back tomorrow."


Pei Ran lowered his head and said, "Ji is very much in line with my wishes."

He touched her face with his fingers.

It looked like he was brushing away the dust for her, but actually he squeezed the soft flesh.

Flirting in front of so many people?

Feng Yun couldn't help but tremble and glared at him.

"How does it suit the general's wishes?"

She was annoyed but not angry.

Pei Ran glanced at her and said, "Understand me."

From Juntian in Andu County to the siege of Bingzhou, she seemed to live in his heart. She acted appropriately, stayed within the boundaries, and catered to his every detail need...

Feng Yun didn't believe what he said, but he was very cooperative.

"That subordinate should do his best from now on and serve the general as hard as he can."

Pei Man raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he was enjoying her obedience at the moment. There was a rare joy in his stern posture. He lowered his head and whispered in her ear: "Dogs and horses, just do it occasionally."

Feng Yun raised his eyes and met his gaze.

Eyes facing each other.

The eyes of the two people are very subtle.

She realized the general's words, smiled on her face, and clenched her teeth secretly.

But Pei Madang just hugged her forward without meaning, and then let go of her, just like he would treat his subordinates and brothers, which was very appropriate.

But Feng Yun felt that if there were not soldiers around and it was inconvenient to get close to each other in public, he might have picked himself up at this moment and bullied him severely to show his pleasure...

She noticed Pei Ran's joy.

But I don't know why he is happy.

"It's a bit cold." Feng Yun suddenly hugged his arms tightly.

After hearing enough of the scolding, she felt embarrassed and wanted to leave.

Pei Ran: "Yeah. Let's go."

She obediently followed Pei Manang down the city wall without taking another look outside the city. But after they left, several soldiers looked at each other, with smiles in their eyes until their backs were invisible. , a few people chatted in low voices.

"Pei Daqi."

"The general is famous, does the girl know about it?"

"It's silly. A general's majesty is best known to girls."

"Hahahaha, listen carefully, general, and you will be dealt with according to military law."

Feng Yun looked at Zuo Zhong waiting below. He was walking a little fast when he went down the steps, but as he was walking, Pei Ran suddenly stopped and glanced at the top of the city with an unkind look.

"What's wrong?" she turned around and asked.

"It's nothing." Pei Ran quickened his pace, pulled her down, and suddenly grabbed her waist with both hands.

Feng Yun's eyes widened, and before he could react, he had already lifted him onto the horse.

Taxue was not so impatient with this strange girl. He flicked his tail and snorted. Feng Yun saw that Pei Madang didn't do anything else. He breathed a sigh of relief and leaned down to touch Taxue's horse's head.

"You, you are so beautiful, but you have such a bad temper."

Texue: "Howl!"


There is no fighting today.

Looking at the Qi army's formation, they will not attack the city for the time being.

Feng Yun thought that Pei Man could seize the time to recharge his batteries, so after he got on his horse, he turned around and asked, "General, do you want to go back and catch up on some sleep?"

Pei Madang stretched out his hand to straighten her head: "No need."

Feng Yun looked at him for a moment, and didn't see any fatigue on General Pei's face. She silently envied his vigor and then yawned.

"Then I'll go back and sleep for a while. When the carpentry workshop is found, please send someone to call me. I won't sleep tonight. I must drive out the artifact and scold him back."

Pei Cong looked at her vindictive look, and his eyes twitched.

"No hurry, walk a little longer."

Feng Yun looked at the sky, "It's going to rain soon."

In such weather, what can two people who just parted unhappily in the morning do?

What's more, there is Puyang Jiu standing in the middle. Thinking of his screaming "Pei Wangzhi" on the long street, Feng Yun felt sad for him.

"General, do you want to go see the Puyang doctor?"

Feng Yun said tactfully, but Pei Cong's hand around her waist suddenly retracted. The reaction was so intense that Feng Yun could sense it even through two layers of armor - Puyang Jiu meant something different to Pei Cong.

Pei Cong was silent for a moment and said, "Stay away from him in the future."


Feng Yun twisted her neck to see his expression.

Pei Cong grabbed her head again and turned it back, but this time he was a little more gentle, letting her stick to him. After hesitating for a moment, he stretched out his left hand around her waist and held her right hand.

"He's annoying."

Feng Yun:...

Looking down at the arm on her waist, she sighed that General Pei really had long arms and legs, and then she heard warm breath coming from her ears.

"Go." Pei Cong lowered his head and hugged her tightly, squeezing his legs against the horse's belly.

Feng Yun didn't have time to say anything more.

The snow was treading very fast. The winter wind blew over, and it was icy cold in her neck. She kept her mouth shut. Fortunately, Pei Jue held her with both hands, and his arms blocked a lot of wind...

"Can I sit in the back next time?" she asked.


"I said, General, can I sit in the back?"

She repeated it again, and Pei Jue was silent for a while.

"You can sit wherever you want."

Hmm? Feng Yun felt that Pei Jue had become more romantic since he stayed in the same room with Puyang Jiu for an hour.

Is it true that people get mad when they keep company with him?

She looked back frequently, wanting to speak.

But Pei Jue seemed to only want to see the back of her head.

He leaned forward, his face lowered to the side of her face, as if a cheetah was holding a kitten in its arms, his eyes staring coldly at the front, and the horse under his crotch galloping like a flying horse...

Feng Yun closed her eyes.

Suddenly, a warm breath came from the side of her ear.

"Why are you binding your chest today?"

Feng Yun couldn't stand the cold wind in her nose, so she lowered her head and buried it in his armpit, "It's all for the general's sake. I'm afraid it will shake your military spirit."

Originally, she wore men's light armor and wanted to experience the feeling of being heroic, so she secretly entangled with him when she went out. She didn't expect Pei Jue to notice such a detail.

"Okay." Pei Jue held her legs and pulled her up, easily turning her sideways and holding her in his arms, just like the night when he ran wildly on the long street of Andu, fierce and powerful...

"Such a beautiful scenery, only let me enjoy it in the future."

"..."It's killing me! In broad daylight.

Taxue stopped in the north of the city, in front of a small hillside. There were no houses around, but it was full of green pines and bamboos. The forests were lush and the weather was gloomy. Walking up against the cold wind, it seemed particularly cold.

Pei Jue got off the horse and stretched out his hand to her.

There were no outsiders here, Feng Yun was not stubborn, and let him carry her off the horse.

"General? Where is this?"

Looking at the desolate surroundings, Feng Yun looked back in confusion.

Pei Jue did not speak, his expression was serious, his face, which was already unkind, was immersed in emotions, which made him look even more distant and indifferent.

He was in front, and Feng Yun followed his footsteps and walked along the bluestone road.

The road was desolate.

Feng Yun felt heavy in his heart, but did not speak. He suppressed his doubts and climbed up the stairs. Only then did he find a big tomb on the hillside.

The stone tablet in front of the tomb read:

"The Tomb of Xie Xianzhi, the Military Governor of Bingzhou, the Great Qi."

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