Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 143 Heart-to-heart talk at the grave

Feng Yun's heart seemed to be hit by something.

This Xie Xian was the general of the Qi army who died in the Battle of Bingzhou fourteen years ago. Feng Yun remembered that the Qi court later said that he was a traitor and colluded with the Jin court, which led to the defeat of the Battle of Bingzhou...

At that time, let alone Xiao Cheng, Xiao Jue had not yet become the emperor, not even the prince.

The prince of Qi at that time was called Xiao Zhuo, and Xie Xian was the most powerful supporter of the prince Xiao Zhuo. Moreover, he had a large number of troops and was highly valued by the Emperor of Qi...

Feng Yun was still young at that time and did not have a deep impression of Prince Huairen, but he knew that the prince had a very good reputation and character and was very loved by the people.

After the war, Xie Xian's family was raided by the Qi Emperor, and more than 70 members of his family were executed. The family was destroyed and the family was killed. Prince Huairen was also implicated in the Bingzhou War. He was accused of eight crimes, including "forming a clique for personal gain, colluding with the criminal general Xie Xian, and usurping power to seize the throne". He was deposed by the Qi Emperor and imprisoned in Yuzhao Palace.

It was not until Xiao Jue succeeded to the throne that Xiao Zhuo died suddenly in Yuzhao Palace.

It is said that Prince Huairen was killed by Xiao Jue.

The Xie family also died in the struggle for succession.

Feng Yun was ignorant when he was a child, and he also asked his mother.

"Isn't the prince the most noble among the princes? The country will be his sooner or later, why does he want to usurp the throne?"

Ah Mu said: "Because someone wants him to usurp the throne."

Back then, she was full of innocence and didn't know that the Yuzhao Palace would become a deserted palace after the sudden death of Prince Huairen, and she didn't expect that she would spend the last two years of her life in the Yuzhao Palace.

She saw the calligraphy of Prince Huairen in the Yuzhao Palace.

"Now it's year after year, it used to be year after year."

"Three or five months in the world, three or five years in the palace."

Those strong and handsome handwritings, which never shocked the wind and rain, could not affect the usual internal struggles and party struggles of the Qi royal family, but often made Feng Yun burst into tears...

In the final analysis, this war changed many people, many things, and even changed history. She was just a bystander, who had never seen it with her own eyes, but was swept into the torrent by fate and became a victim of that war.

How can fate play tricks on people?

Back then, the entire Xie family was executed, and their relatives did not dare to collect the bodies.

Xie Xian, who died in Bingzhou, was buried by the generals of the Jin army at that time...

Only more than ten years have passed.

For her, it has been two lifetimes.

Feng Yun smiled, and her expression could not hide the chill.

"Why did the general bring me here?"

Pei Cong looked at the desolate front of the monument, and spoke for a long time.

"The grass is thick, where the general is buried."

Feng Yun frowned, "Does the general sympathize with General Xie Xian?"

Pei Cong did not speak.

The person who buried Xie Xian was his father Pei Chong, so in Pei Chong's heart, Xie Xian must be a respectable general, so it is normal for Pei Cong to respect him.

Feng Yun thought of this and sighed suddenly.

"In this situation, does the general... feel touched?"

Pei Cong nodded softly.

The two stood side by side in front of the monument, facing the tomb of General Xie who died in Bingzhou more than ten years ago, motionless, and mourning.

They were silent for a long time.

Feng Yun suddenly sighed, breaking the silence.

"General, you won't go that far..."

Pei He looked down at her, "What do you mean?"

Feng Yun said lightly, "General, don't you find that you are somewhat similar to General Xie back then?"

Pei He's eyes became deeper than before.

Feng Yun opened her red lips lightly, "Holding a large army, you are powerful for a time."

If there is any difference, there is no struggle for succession in Jin at the moment. In addition to Li Sangruo's son, the late emperor only has a sick eldest son, Yuan Shangyi, who is less than five years old this year. His mother's family has no power. It has been rumored that he will die several times and has no sense of existence.

But what if Pei He is interested...

Even if the late emperor has no son, he still has many brothers, and his brothers have many children. There is no shortage of people in the royal family of Jin who are interested in taking the throne, as long as someone supports them.

Pei Jue pursed his lips, "Ji, do you want to predict for me?"

Feng Yun looked back at him, "General, did you bring me here to hear the prophecy?"

Her voice was clear and melodious, and her face was clean and clear in the sad wind. She looked dignified and generous no matter how you looked at her, but Pei Jue's eyes were very fragmented, as if he was looking at a fairy who could seduce people. Blooming, charming, the dark light in her pupils, the gentle smile at the corners of her mouth, all turned into charming and charming.

He said, "I want to listen."

The surroundings were quiet, and his eyes were deep and unfathomable.

Feng Yun looked back with a smile.

It seems that God is on her side in this life...

The "seeds of doubt" that were planted at the beginning have taken root and sprouted, breaking through the ground.

She thought of the news brought back by Ge Guang.

Thinking of the delay of the reinforcements of the Hu Ben and Long Ji armies.

Thinking of Pei Jue's situation...

Even if Pei Jue didn't have the intention to rebel, Li Zongxun would still regard him as a thorn in his side. With a father who is arbitrary and dictatorial, even if Li Sangruo doesn't want to fall out with Pei Jue, she will inevitably reach that point...

Pei Jue can tolerate Li Zongxun.

Li Zongxun may not tolerate Pei Jue.


Pei Jue follows Li Sangruo and becomes her lover.

This should be the original idea of ​​the Li father and daughter, to win over General Pei with tenderness and pull him into their camp. With a love affair between a man and a woman, the military power in Pei Jue's hands is the bricks and tiles of their road to the top, and the road to heaven...

But what if Pei Jue is not Li Sangruo's bedside man?

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, and they will fall out sooner or later.

Feng Yun feels more and more that it is right to win Pei Jue over.

To attack Li Sangruo, there is no better weapon than Pei Jue...

"How is Ji Suosi?"

Pei Ran took a step closer, his voice was very soft, but the pressure brought by his eight-foot height gave Feng Yun goosebumps for no reason.

"I can't remember." She crossed her arms and her voice spread in the wind. "I was only three years old when I talked about the war. Maybe I got God's guidance? Now I can't remember at all..."

She didn't want to involve her deceased mother anymore, so she raised her head to meet Pei Man's gaze, pursed her lips, and smiled.

"I have no way of knowing what the general's future will be, but since I have chosen the general. No matter whether the general becomes a bandit or raises his troops to rebel in the future, I will be there to work with you."

This is not the first time she has said the words "raise troops to rebel".

He was scolded by Pei Mang last time, but this time he didn't speak.

Feng Yun felt relieved.

Li Zongxun's distrust aroused Pei Madang's vigilance.

The seeds of doubt were literally planted.

Then she should water it again.

"General." She chuckled softly and put her hand into Pei Man's armpit as if she was afraid of the cold. She got closer to him and looked up at each other. There seemed to be sultry sparks passing through her eyes. And sad.

"I didn't want to tell the general what happened in Huaxi Village a while ago, so as not to distract the general from paying attention to me. But now that things have happened, I have to tell..."

Pei Madang looked at her dark eyes and his tone dropped slightly, "What's the matter?"

Feng Yun's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he told Pei Ran how Zhang Erbing and Ouchi Tiqisi stole food and drowned it in the river in Huaxi Village, how they poured sewage on her, how they framed her for murder and finally identified and were assigned in the hall. .

"That night, if I hadn't been lucky enough to meet the general and come back, my reputation would have been completely ruined, and I would have been separated from him forever..."

When she was talking about Da Nei Ti Qi Si, there was no emotion on Pei Man's face, and there was no surprise. However, the four words separated between heaven and man seemed to touch his nerves. His black eyes deepened slightly, and he bent down and looked at Feng Yun took him into his arms.


His breath was cool against his ears.

Feng Yun raised his eyes, looked at the handsome face close at hand, felt his body temperature, and twitched the corners of his lips slightly, "I am far away in Huaxi Village, and I have no enmity with Her Majesty the Queen Mother. She still harms me like this. If she comes, When I return to Beijing with the general, we will be within reach..."

She said no more.

Just looking at her, his lips were slightly pursed, the worry in his eyes was looming, and his bright face seemed to be stained with a layer of mist, showing Pei Man's irresistible fragility and softness.

He tightened his palms with great force.

"I will protect my people."

Suddenly there was a surge of sourness, Feng Yun stepped back slightly, looked at him and chuckled.

"How to protect? You can protect yourself from a gentleman, but not from a villain. You can protect yourself from the first grade, but not from the fifteenth grade. In front of the imperial power, the general is a minister, and the queen mother is the mother of the emperor. She has supreme authority. If she wants to kill me, the general can protect her. Do you want to stay? Or does the general think that the robbers from Jieqiu Mountain and the gangsters from Huaxi Village will not appear again?"

He was harmed by Li Sangruo more than once in his previous life.

Her emotions inevitably fluctuated, and when she saw Pei Madang frowning and saying nothing, she suddenly became angry.

"If one day the Queen Mother wants to kill me, will the general risk everything to protect me? Will he not hesitate to raise troops to rebel?"

His eyes suddenly darkened. When Feng Yun saw that he didn't say anything, he stood on tiptoes, then stretched out his hand and kissed his mouth. Feng Yun went crazy when she was angry, and his aggressiveness was exactly the same as when Pei Madang harmed her. He was really a good student who excelled in his skills.

"The general speaks."

Starting a fire and starting a prairie fire, Pei Madang was forced to breathe. He glanced at the lonely stone monument, grabbed her waist, and pulled her away.


"Why isn't it called Yao Yao?"

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing that his body was sensitive but still pressing forward step by step.

"Don't you like to call me waist? After hearing the Queen Mother, you didn't even call me waist?"

There was no emotion in the voice, and it seemed to be filled with endless temptation from the wind. Pei Madang's breathing was messed up, and he didn't know which heartstring was touched. He suddenly grabbed the back of Feng Yun's neck and leaned forward to kiss her.

The kiss was fierce.

Every time she was forced to do nothing, it was like this.

Feng Yun raised his head and hummed softly between his lips.

Originally, she just wanted to force him to face Li Sangruo's matter, instead of kissing her passionately in front of the grave. Unexpectedly, when he pressed against her, he was full of plunder. His fingertips were like monsters searching for sweet rain, and soon he cast a spell and softened her body into a puddle of water. Melted in his arms.

The two of them had never kissed for such a long time, it was instinctive and primitive. When she was in love, her mind felt dizzy and blank for a moment, as if she could no longer see the sky. The sinking fear made her wake up, and she reached out to push him.

But Pei Madang didn't give her a chance to escape, as if she had some soft candy in her mouth. If he caught her, he would pester her until she couldn't breathe, and then he would let her go.

"You don't allow it."

His thumb dabbed at her lips to wipe away the water stains.

"You said that only General Wen can call you that."

My illness has reached the stage where my throat is sore and swollen due to coughing and sneezing. It’s really uncomfortable...

Pei Madang: My disease is also at the stage of unbearable swelling and pain, author.

Feng Yun: Mom, ignore him, he deserves to be tortured.

Xiao Cheng: If you don’t want to, let me do it!

Ao Qi: ...It seems that everyone has forgotten about little Ao Qi by the Daming Lake.

Ao Zai: Even I don’t have a chance to stand out, let alone you?

Chunyu Yan: Kill, kill, kill them all! ! Destroy it!

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