Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 144 Tu He Tu He

Feng Yun had no impression of this matter.

When the two get along in two lives, many scenes will overlap, and she cannot immediately tell when some words were said.

When Pei Man looked at her, she would often be confused with the past.

"If you don't bark, don't bark. You are not allowed to bark in the future."

The ends of her eyes were slightly red, the corners of her mouth were wet, and the atmosphere was just right. The sound is seductive, with a final note.

Pei Ran lowered his head and stared into her eyes, "Then how can I call you Wen Wen?"

Feng Yun also looked at him.

Then look at General Xie’s grave and be sure.

In this life, Pei Madang is not as serious as before. No matter how restrained he pretends to be, he is still the same bitch at heart. Qi Jun was right to call Pei dog.

She said: "It's up to you."

Pei Ran: "Call me again when I am gentle."

Feng Yun looked at the man's serious and solemn face and was speechless for a moment. Glancing at the lonely grave in the cold wind, she motioned for someone to restrain herself and directed the conversation to him.

"That day I heard from the brothers of the Zhang family that the Queen Mother has a deep love for the general. How can I, Feng Yun, with my figure of Pu Liu, compete with the Queen Mother?"

After saying that, he pursed his lips and continued: "General, have you ever thought about how I, a daughter of Qi, could be isolated and helpless in the Jin Kingdom? I am a helpless ant, and Her Majesty the Queen Mother will strangle me to death without any effort..."

She spared no effort in applying eye drops.

"Surprise the city first, attack the heart first", this also applies to men and women.

Pei Ran was indeed moved.

The dark eyes were a little softer.

But there was still a big gap between what Feng Yun wanted. He didn't mention Li Sangruo at all, and carelessly stroked her wind-tossed hair, as if stroking a cat.

"You said, is this why you will never enter the back house in this life?"

Feng Yun didn't do it entirely because of this, but because he didn't want to. But General Pei broadened his thinking and put the matter on Li Sangruo, so she didn't have to refute.

"Yeah." She nodded without feeling aggrieved.

But the grievance of enduring grievance.

Pei Madang is easy to coax as he eats soft things but not hard things.

She felt him through.

However, the general was surprisingly cold today, as if he had expected what she would say. He held her face in his palm, raised it slightly, and wiped her lips with his thumb again, as if it was stained with something.

"Then Yun Niang said, what should I do?"

The rough calluses on his hands made the tender skin feel slightly uncomfortable, so Feng Yun opened his mouth and bit him.

"The general is testing me?"

She looked alert, stretching out her paws like the turtle cub she had raised.

Pei Ran: "What are you testing for?"

The cold wind blew slightly, and Feng Yun made him look a little cold.

She said: "The general's mind is unpredictable. What if you just like to be ravaged by the Queen Mother? If I fall into the trap, I will become a villain who drives a wedge between you and the Queen Mother."

Pei Ran asked: "Did you fall into the trap?"

"I'm hit." Feng Yun's eyes were unsteady, and he always felt that he was on the verge of death today.

"If the general suspects me of ulterior motives, I'm dead."

If she takes the bait, then she is a counselor with the Lord at heart and has His best interests at heart. If she doesn't take the bait, she will really look like a seducer and a destructive villain. She has no merit, only faults.

She gives up when she sees fit.

"The general has the general's plan, and I shouldn't speak nonsense. It's just..."

He stopped, his eyes dark and dark, looking like he was in a dilemma.

"Ever since my biological father abandoned me, I have understood clearly. It is better for me to have my father than my mother. No matter how loyal the general is to the Queen Mother, don't be easily manipulated by others and cut off your own future. If you make a mistake by not telling yourself, you will make a mistake of those who follow you. Your soldiers who fight in the north and south, those are the ones..."

Her original intention was to induce Pei Mad, but when she said this, her emotions really got worse.

"The general buried his bones, but there is still a piece of loess, which is recorded in history books. What about those soldiers who died unjustly? Their blood was spattered three feet, and they died in a foreign land, and no one knows their names."

Pei Ran's expression changed, and he pressed his palms on her back, clasping her body and pressing her into his arms.

After a long while, he said:

"Okay, Yun Niang will be at your mercy from now on."

Feng Yun:......

Her back was a little cold.

It felt like Pei Ran had seen through her thoughts.


Zuo Zhong found a carpentry workshop in the west of Bingzhou City. There was wood in the workshop that Feng Yun requested.

The carpenters were readily available, and a few were transferred from the engineering camp of the Beiyong Army. Together with the original two carpenters in the carpentry workshop, work started that night.

Fortunately, Feng Yun brought the book.

Unfortunately, there is only a sketch of the appearance in the book, and the rest is a detailed explanation of the text. Feng Yun needs to understand it from the text, and then disassemble it to draw a picture.

Drawing is a delicate job. Feng Yun locked himself in his room in the afternoon and spent two hours to complete it. Then he took it to the carpentry workshop and spent an hour communicating and discussing with the craftsmen before adjusting the size and proportion.

The carpenters in the camp usually work on chariots, repairs and maintenance, and this wooden tube, which Feng Yun calls a "big horn", not only has requirements for wood, but also has a very particular and delicate internal structure. They can't believe that this is a Drawn by a girl.

"Is this thing really capable of transmitting sound?"

"Of course." Feng Yun's eyes were red, but his eyes were very focused, and he carefully selected the wood selected by the carpenter.

That's oak and walnut.

According to the book, the density is relatively high and feasible.

"How does this thing transmit sound?"

"To spread the voice is to amplify the voice. Firstly, it takes no effort to speak, and secondly, it can deter the enemy."

"There are some magical things in the world. Where did the girl get them?"

Feng Yun saw suspicion in their eyes.

"Just do it. The Qi army has been cursing outside for a day."

In the face of war, personal ideas are insignificant.

Several carpenters saw her impatience, exchanged glances, and carefully examined the drawings, not daring to look down on the girl in front of them.

It is not certain whether the big trumpet is useful.

Just to say that she can draw such a detailed drawing, the girl is not just a concubine who warms the bed in the general's room, but a capable person.

In this world, capable and talented people are respected.

Carpenters must also have the spirit of craftsmen.

Measuring, ink, sawing, carving, shaping, splicing, polishing, brushing oil... The whole process is very laborious. And for the effect, Feng Yun asked them to make it ten times the size of the drawing, requiring more than five at a time, and also make a few small trumpets for daily use.

The whole woodworking workshop was busy.

Feng Yun didn't want to make people work in vain, so he said seriously:

"Once the loudspeaker is made, I will help you ask for reward from the general. Don't worry, the general will not default on his debt."

The carpenters laughed.

"It doesn't matter whether you get rewarded or not, as long as you get out of Bingzhou alive."

Bingzhou was besieged, who in the city was a little nervous?

"I still have a wife, children and old mother at home. I don't know if I can go home for the New Year this year."

"Yes, alas..."

"The king dies for the country, and the scholar dies for the system. What can we do?"

This is the most real thought of ordinary people.

The country is not as good as a bowl of soup on the warm kang with his wife and children.

Feng Yun listened, and didn't say much. He turned around and asked Xiaoman to write down the price of the wood used, and asked the owner of the woodworking workshop to go back to the camp to find Qin Dajin to settle the bill.

The owner was very surprised.

"Okay, okay, thank you girl."

At first, they thought it was unlucky that the Beiyong Army came to them, and it was a small matter to pay money and work hard, but they were afraid that their lives would be in danger if they didn't do it well. Unexpectedly, the Beiyong Army brought their own people to work. The carpenters they hired were paid for their work and the wood was also paid.

They did not take advantage of the people and worked hard.

By dawn, the trumpet had taken shape. The craftsmen felt sorry for the young lady who had stayed up all night.

"Go back and rest, girl. When it looks good, we will send someone to call you."

At this point, the remaining work was mortise and tenon and polishing. The drawings were all there, and her absence would not affect anything. So she nodded and thanked them, and left the carpentry workshop with two maids.

The Qi army still did not attack the city today.

But the top of the city was very lively, and the scolding continued.

Feng Yun stood below and listened for a while. There was nothing new, so he turned around and left. Daman and Xiaoman were very angry.

"Aren't you angry, girl?"

Feng Yun saw that their faces were red with anxiety and shook his head.

"If everyone is like you, it will be a perfect trap?"

"It's just very annoying." Xiaoman was very angry, "It's obvious that the mansion master is greedy for life and afraid of death, and he offered the girl to the general. And Xiao Sangongzi, if he had the girl in his heart, he should have come to marry her long ago, why wait until Andu City was broken? Humph, no one says that the mansion master is wrong, and no one says that Xiao Sangongzi divorced his wife and married another..."

"Okay." Feng Yun didn't want to hear Xiao Cheng's name.

"The emperor is not anxious, but the eunuchs are anxious to death. Do you think the general is angry?"

The master and the servants talked as they walked, and they saw Puyang Jiu's figure as soon as they arrived at the door.

He didn't carry the medicine box in his hand, and his face was sullen as if he was angry.

Feng Yun stopped, gathered his cloak, and moved aside. When he came over, he bowed slightly.

Puyang Jiu saw her only then.

The girl's dark eyes were full of blood red, and she looked tired, but when she looked straight, she was very powerful.

Feng Yun did not answer. After watching him raise his eyebrows for a moment, he asked, "Doctor Puyang seems to have something to say to me?"

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