Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 148 The Mad Woman Is Not Afraid

The mist in the clean room was hazy. Feng Yun was lying in the tub, his eyes half closed, only his head exposed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Xiao Man was filling the water beside her, while Da Man was cleaning up the house.

Afterwards, Pei Mang simply scrubbed, changed his clothes and left.

The two of them had nothing to say. Feng Yun had little energy and didn't want to talk, and Pei Madang seemed to have nothing to say to her. The man's cold face after being satisfied was completely different from the two people who had just pressed her to gasp.

Feng Yun didn't care much about this.

Isn't that what "dog men and women" are like? Warmth is only in good times. Having chosen this status, she is happy to accept such indifference and has nothing to complain about. The dissatisfaction, the unquenchable thirst and emptiness is even worse.

Pei dog is a real dog.

She leaned against the wall of the barrel, raised an arm, and looked at the red marks on her fair skin. She laughed a little when she thought of the incredible shock, anger, and grievance on Xiao Man's face when he looked at her just now.

The marks on Pei Man's body were no less than hers. If someone saw it, they would probably wonder who was not afraid of death and left so many claw marks on the general, right?

Feng Yun sighed deeply and sank down.

He silently scolded Pei Gou again.

In Bingzhou City, which was besieged by the Qi army, at this moment, her heart was unexpectedly peaceful and at ease.

The room was cleaned, and the cheeks of the two maids were strangely red.

"Where are the dirty clothes that the girl and the general changed out of..."

Xiaoman was interrupted by Daman as soon as he started speaking.

"I'll wash it."

It's not like Andu has a dedicated washerwoman here. They have to do everything. Feng Yun said: "Leave the general's for him, and ask him to send someone to wash it later."

After saying that, he smelled the fragrance of laughing lotus and lay down on the couch to rest.

At this time, I regretted not bringing Ao Zai over.

How comfortable it would be to have a cub to warm the bed when the weather is cold.

I don’t know how long I took a nap, but when I opened my eyes, I saw Xiaoman coming in, smiling and saying, "Dalangjun is here."

Although they are brother and sister, they still need to avoid suspicion. Wen Xingsu was placed in the west courtyard farthest from this courtyard. He had his own servants and guards every day. Pei Ran gave him a lot of dignity and guarded him at all times.

Of course, Wen Xingsu would not tell his waist about such feelings.

He was worried because Pei Madang's expression was so bad when he left the tower.

It can be seen that seeing Feng Yun, those worried words can no longer be uttered.

Feng Yun sat on the soft couch by the window, incense tea, wearing a cream-colored narrow-waisted dress, sitting beside the charcoal stove, as lazy and content as a well-fed cat, not a heroic figure on the tower. A sassy girl, like a charming temptress coddled in a man's room...

Wen Xingsu realized something and his eyelids twitched. He realized that his thoughts were being stretched too far uncontrollably, and he even had the ridiculous idea of ​​bullying his waist. He quickly pulled back his thoughts and sat down calmly.

"Let me see you. Just be fine."

Their eyes met, and the brother and sister had enough tacit understanding to know each other's thoughts without speaking so clearly.

Feng Yun smiled sweetly.

"Brother, there is no need to worry about him bullying me. Maybe, I can try to control him?"

Wen Xingsu felt very sour and his mouth tasted bitter. This was not a normal emotion, he reminded himself. With a soft hum, only the kindness and gentleness that an elder brother should have remained on his face, and he sat upright as usual.

"It's better not to take your waist lightly."

Feng Yun smiled and said: "Pei Madang has allowed me to be his subordinate, but the eldest brother doesn't believe in my ability?"

There are no outsiders here, and Wen Xingsu doesn't shy away from anything when he speaks, "It's not that he doesn't trust his waist, but that Pei Ran..." He looked at Feng Yun's face and said seriously: "Brother, forgive me for speaking frankly, he is not easily manipulated by women. man."

This is Feng Yunxin's.

How can a man who can control his desires be easily controlled by others? Aren't there still "not easy" situations?

She smiled and drank tea.

Wen Xingsu saw that she didn't want to say more. As an elder brother, he couldn't stretch his hand too far, so he sighed and talked about Xiao Rong.

The little princess was imprisoned for two days, her temper was gone, her energy was gone, she didn't talk much, and her meal today was of no use. Hearing Wen Xingsu's tone, he was a little worried.

Feng Yun disagreed.

"She'll eat when she's really hungry, don't worry about it."

Then he said with a smile: "If the eldest brother speaks for her again, I will doubt whether the eldest brother is interested in the princess?"

What else could Wen Xingsu say?

He swallowed the words silently.

He couldn't bear to treat Xiao Rong, but she had reaped the consequences. Now she was in the enemy camp, eating and drinking without being humiliated, and couldn't ask for more.

"I walked around the city today, and the situation in Bingzhou City is not optimistic. The big families are fine, but most of the people have not prepared enough food. The siege has lasted for a long time, and I am afraid something will happen..."

He didn't say much.

He had no way to get involved in the military affairs of the Beiyong Army, but seeing such a predicament, as a former commander, he would inevitably think from that perspective.

Feng Yun said: "Bingzhou is a big granary. Even though it is only a palm-sized land, the land is fertile, the water source is sufficient, and Hengqu Pass is guarded, so everyone wants to bite this piece of fat..."

Wen Xingsu frowned, "You mean waist and waist?"

Feng Yun said: "What does it matter if the people don't have food? As long as there is food in the city and in the families of wealthy families, there will be no worries about being able to get out of trouble."

Wen Xingsu's expression changed slightly. He was from a noble family and had common interests. He had never thought of such an idea. In his opinion, infringing on the family's assets was a great crime.

But Feng Yun doesn't care...

She believed that Pei Gou was even more unruly.

So he reached out to hold the teacup and took a sip, his eyes changed.

"Brother, how about you come and help me?"

There is no need to go into battle to fight with the Qi army, nor to do anything to help the Beiyong army, but to work for the people's livelihood. In Feng Yun's view, this did not violate Wen Xingsu's beliefs.

"Brother, don't worry, I am the bad guy and I will take the blame."

She wanted Wen Xingsu to do this because she didn't want him to waste his time in the name of recuperating and become depressed, and she wanted to ease the relationship between him and Pei Man. If the eldest brother had not fought for Xiao Cheng, the tragedy in his previous life would not have happened...

Wen Xingsu was shocked when he heard her thoughts.

"You can't waist your waist."

If you do such a thing, you will definitely be cast aside by all the clans in the world. This is a clan society after all, and there are some deep-rooted rules and traditions that cannot be challenged.

The voice of the people cannot be preserved.

If you offend the family, you will be nailed to the pillar of shame forever and cannot be washed away...

If he could, Feng Yun wouldn't do it.

But she understood very well how important the current stability in Bingzhou City was to the Beiyong Army. If it collapses from the inside, then the Qi army will not have to attack, but the city will be in chaos first.

Now that she came to Bingzhou and became a staff member, it was her duty to solve her lord's worries. Good logistics, money and food are the guarantee for charging into battle, and great things can be accomplished.

"Brother, reputation is of no use to me. I am a lunatic. Who should I fear? Even if everyone in the world says that my beauty serves the master and I have done all kinds of bad things, so what? As for what future generations think, it is not within my consideration. I will not for generations to come.”

"what are you saying?"

Wen Xingsu stared at her, as if he wanted to see through her heart.

"Is it Pei Ran?"

Feng Yun was silent for a moment, "I don't want to."


Pei Ran is right.

Xiao Cheng would indeed not be angered by a few curse words.

The rain was pouring down, Xiao Cheng took a bath and changed clothes, stood in front of the window and looked at the starless and moonless sky, soaking the dark world.

"Your Majesty." Ping An came over with a lantern and saw his master's face was pale, even his lips were white. He was startled and quickly took the cloak and put it on his shoulders.

"The dragon body is what you want, Your Majesty, please rest."

Xiao Cheng hummed, sat down in front of the wooden desk, and picked up a book.

"Just back off."

Ping An looked at his face and said, "Can I call my wife to sleep with you tonight?"

He spoke carefully and with a touch of probing.

After all, everyone knew that Feng Twelfth Mother was rebellious and scolded His Majesty on the tower. His Majesty said that she was forced by the enemy troops. He must have been filled with hatred and wanted to kill her, right?

At this moment, it was time to find the gentle and carefree Mrs. Feng by her side to relieve her inner depression.

Ping An was heartbroken for his master.

As soon as the voice came out, Xiao Cheng raised his head.

That elegant and dignified face showed a rare indifference to Ping An.

"You want to be my master?"

Ping An smiled ugly, "I don't dare, I just can't bear it... Ordinary wealthy families don't have wives and concubines to warm their beds. In the middle of winter, Your Majesty is still alone..."

Mrs. Feng has been in Hengquguan for so many days.

His Majesty never called her to bed with him once, and Ping An couldn't stand it anymore, but Xiao Cheng was calm and calm.

"When Ah Rong is found, take them back to Taicheng together."

The eldest princess is missing, but Ping An feels that His Majesty is not worried.

That is your majesty's favorite eldest princess.

Even though a big living person was gone, His Majesty's expression didn't change at all.

How could Ping An know that in Xiao Cheng's place, Xiao Rong left the camp and wrote a letter saying that he was kidnapped by Feng Yun, which had happened before. Even that letter was written exactly the same as in his previous life. How could he believe it?

He is not worried about Xiao Rong right now.

Only worry about Feng Yun.

Do you hate him for marrying Feng Ying?

But he reserved the position of his legitimate wife for her, and didn't even care that she had accompanied Pei Madang. Why did she still humiliate him in public like this? Let him lose face in front of thousands of soldiers.

Xiao Cheng, coward, incompetent...

As expected, Feng's Ayun had already fallen in love with Pei Mang at this time, rather than a love that only developed after they met day and night. How many days had it been since the fall of Andu to now?

Why did she become like this?

Her affection is too cheap.

Feng Ying lifted the curtain and came in. What she saw was Xiao Cheng's frown.

On a drizzly night, his tall and straight figure was like a famous painting embedded in the mist and rain in the south of the Yangtze River. He was noble in gold and jade, as cold as an immortal in the world.

Feng Ying took the tray from the maid, signaled the maid to step back, then placed it in front of Xiao Cheng's desk, then walked behind Xiao Cheng and pressed on his shoulders.

Xiao Cheng opened his eyes and found that it was her, and his face darkened.

"Why are you here?" (End of chapter)

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