Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 149: Abide by your duties

Feng Ying put a little more force on her wrist and pressed slowly on the man's shoulder. This was something she learned from the old palace maids in the palace. They said it was the most relaxing and pleasant way to relieve fatigue. She wanted to please Xiao Cheng.

"I am worried about Her Royal Highness the Princess, and I can't help but want to ask..."

This is the most perfect and affectionate answer. She knows what Xiao Cheng likes to hear.

Xiao Cheng motioned her not to press again.

"No news is the best news."

Feng Ying certainly understood that Xiao Rong left on his own, and the Jin army didn't catch anyone at all, so it was impossible for them to threaten him. But she had to pretend to be very concerned and whispered:

"My sister and the Princess have been at odds since childhood. I wonder if my sister has never thought about exchanging the Princess for anything? Will... there be no plan to let the Princess go back?"

Xiao Cheng looked at her and was calm.

"You mean, she will kill A Rong?"

"I don't mean that." Feng Ying is very good at observing words and expressions. She doesn't know whether Xiao Cheng likes Feng Yun or not, but Xiao Cheng, who calls himself a gentleman, hates others gossiping the most. How could he allow her to say bad things about Feng Yun?

"I am just worried about Her Royal Highness the Princess, and I am also worried about my sister..."

She secretly glanced at Xiao Cheng's expression again.

"I heard that my sister scolded Your Majesty on the city wall. I am very anxious. Is my sister threatened by Pei Jue and has to scold you? That's why she spoke out and embarrassed Your Majesty. Your Majesty, please don't take it to heart and don't blame my sister..."

She is very good at speaking.

She gave Xiao Cheng a good way out and also made up for what Feng Yun did...The hand that was pressing the man's shoulder slowly went down over his shoulder, and her soft body almost covered his back.

Xiao Cheng pulled her hand over, and when his cold fingertips touched her skin, Feng Ying blushed, her heart became hot, and her legs became weak.

"My husband..." She called out gently, and was about to lean over to make love with her husband, but Xiao Cheng suddenly pulled her from behind and let go of her hand.

"You worry too much."

Xiao Cheng looked at her indifferently, his eyes lost some of their gentleness, but his tone was neither light nor heavy. He was not the kind of man who would get angry at will, and his family upbringing was engraved in his bones.

"Follow your duty and don't embarrass the Xuzhou Feng family because of you."

"Your Majesty..." Feng Ying was pale.

She never thought that Xiao Lang would say such cruel words.

"What did I do wrong?"

"Go away." Xiao Cheng's eyebrows were sparse, showing his impatience.

Feng Ying felt that Xiao San was a bit cheap.

But she didn't dare to say it out loud.

Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, don't ask what you shouldn't ask, never say what you shouldn't say, this is the rule Xiao Cheng set for her...

Feng Ying lowered her head, tears in her eyes.

"Your Majesty... Husband... I know I'm not as good as my sister in everything, but I'm sincere to you and it's never changed... For many years, I've loved you for many years..."

The woman sobbed, as if Xiao Cheng was not moved.

"Husband." Feng Ying leaned on his knees, crying, "I know you're worried about state affairs, I want to share your worries, but I'm powerless..."

"Why are you crying? Go down and rest early."

There was no emotion on his face, he didn't have the habit of coaxing people.

But he didn't like to get angry either.

"I'm not crying, I'm just... wronged."

Feng Ying gently lay on Xiao Cheng's knees, raised her tearful eyes and looked at him softly.

"Since we got married, my husband has been busy with state affairs, and has not yet..." She bit her lower lip before saying the embarrassing words, "I have not consummated the marriage with you. Outsiders do not know the truth, and often come to ask me when I will give birth to a prince for Your Majesty. I really have a lot of pain to say. Whenever I think of this, I often regret it..."

Xiao Cheng: "What do you regret?"

Feng Ying said: "I shouldn't have been greedy and wanted to marry Xiao Lang."

Xiao Cheng lowered his head and looked at her with a heavy look.

Feng Ying lowered her eyes and said pitifully: "My husband and my sister have already had an engagement. If it weren't for the unpredictable world, I would have called you brother-in-law now. I know that my husband had to marry me... It's my fault that I was ignorant at the beginning. When my father, mother and uncle mentioned the marriage, I should have refused it outright. That way, my uncle wouldn't have made things difficult for my husband, and my husband wouldn't have been angry with me..."

The voice was sobbing, full of resentment.

"If I could do it again, Aying would not dare to be greedy anymore and would definitely help my husband and sister. Even if I could only watch my brother-in-law from afar and suffer the pain of being loved but not wanted for the rest of my life, Aying would be willing."

If I could do it again?

Xiao Cheng frowned slightly and looked down at the girl kneeling on his knees, feeling a pain in his heart.

He thought of Feng Yun.

He thought of the voice of Xiao San brother.

She said, "I only want a stable life now. I beg Your Majesty to protect me and give me and my child a chance to survive."

He said, "If you abide by your duty, I will not treat you unfairly."

What does not treat you unfairly mean?

Feng Ying heard him muttering, and tears burst out even more.

Even consummating the marriage has become a luxury, what else can she hope for?

Feng Ying cried, "When will my husband let me sleep with him?"

She asked bluntly, her face flushed, "I just want to give birth to a son for my husband as soon as possible, and have children... I have no more extravagant hopes in this life."

Xiao Cheng's eyebrows jumped.

He thought of Yu Chu.

Giving Yu Zheng Chu was his intention, and it was the child of him and A Yun, but it was not the fruit of love. He hated her at that time, and so did she. Both of them hated her...

Xiao Cheng's eyes lightly passed over Feng Ying's hair, and looked at the window on the rainy night, his eyes deep.

"Wait until she comes back."

It’s not that he has to stay for her…

It’s just that she used to despise him, saying that it was the first time for Pei to be with her, and that she was the one who trained him, and that she made him understand the pleasure of men and women. Even if Pei Jue had a hundred or a thousand women in the future, he would still have her mark on him.

But he had been trained by others, and his whole body was full of the aura of other women, which could not be washed off no matter how hard he tried.

She said such cruel words.

She thought he would not do anything to her, and was arrogant because of his favor. He locked her up in the cold palace to reflect on herself, but she still did not repent. She even wanted to secretly communicate with Pei Jue and write a letter to tell him about his life experience. How could he not hate her…

The son he raised called him daddy. But she wanted to strip away all that, and even wanted Pei Jue to save her and leave the Qi Palace…

Then he would break her wings and lock her up for life.

But unexpectedly, her life was so short.

He would stay with her in this life, waiting for her to train him, and see how she would leave a mark on him.

Feng Ying almost bit her silver teeth to pieces.

The marriage consummation had to wait for Feng Yun to come back. Was Xiao Lang keeping his virginity for her and giving her his virginity? She wanted to laugh and tell him that the girl he was waiting for was in the arms of the enemy general every day and was no longer pure. His waiting was really ridiculous.

But she didn't dare.

She just raised her tearful eyes.

"What if my sister... doesn't want to come back? How will your majesty treat her?"

Xiao Cheng's temples ached.

How to treat her? Oh!

He said in a low voice: "I will settle the account with her."

His eyes were quiet, like a dry well in the dark night, and no cruelty could be seen.

But Feng Ying knew in her heart that this elegant and noble face was deceiving. When the third son Xiao was cruel, he was no less than others.

She nodded, nodded desperately, and tears fell like rain.

"I dare not, I am very obedient and listen to my husband."

Xiao Cheng: "Go away."

Feng Ying's eyes dimmed.

"I'll take my leave. Your Majesty, take care of yourself."

Xiao Cheng hummed softly, and it was hard to tell whether she was happy or angry.

It was drizzling outside, and Feng Ying walked very slowly. The maid didn't dare to say much, and followed her for a while with the cloak in her arms, and then went forward to put it on her master.

Feng Ying glared at her fiercely.

"Do you want to freeze me to death?"

The maid changed her face, "I dare not."

It was clearly the master who told her not to add more clothes immediately, and it was clearly she who wanted His Majesty to see her pitiful appearance, but in the end, she was the one who was scolded...


Yan Buxi entered the city accompanied by the singing of the Qi army.

The Qi army no longer shouted and cursed without rules like the previous two days, but lined up neatly, chanting in high spirits, and the powerful voice was transmitted into the city rhythmically,

"We are comrades in arms in life and the same parents in death."

"What is the joy of victory, what is the regret of defeat."


The voice of persuading surrender was infectious. Soldiers and civilians, listening to the sad singing, were all sad at the moment of being trapped in the city.

Especially the palace-like tune written by Xiao Cheng, accompanied by the sobbing of the wind, which made people feel inexplicably sad and moved...

The deep love of the Emperor of Qi for Feng Shier Niang was also fully transformed into the tune.

Obviously, Xiao Cheng also fought a psychological warfare.

Being trapped in the city, it is easy to be psychologically weak. The sad, homesick, and sad tunes can easily shake people's hearts.


On the top of the city.

Pei Jue and Wen Xingsu stood side by side.

"Can General Wen write poetry?"

Wen Xingsu listened to the singing in unison, frowning slightly. He didn't know what Pei Jue's intention was. He didn't answer directly, but asked back: "Can the general write poetry?"

Pei Jue had a blank expression, "No."

Wen Xingsu said: "Xiao San is talented."

But Xiao San is noble and cold, and he has always disdained love. If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, Wen Xingsu would not believe that his hand that manipulated the wind and clouds would write such things...

"What a pity." He sighed.

"I didn't know how much love was, and I didn't know how to cherish it. I can't blame anyone for what happened now."

He was talking about Xiao Cheng, but he was actually warning Pei Jue.

Don't cherish Yao Yao when you get her...

Pei Jue said: "Do you really love her, or do you attack her with love?"

Wen Xingsu was silent. Based on his understanding of Xiao San, attacking her heart is more important than love. But it's not convenient to say more about this to Pei Jue.

So he changed the topic and talked about the purpose of coming to him, and persuaded Pei Jue to stop Feng Yun. Things that offend the noble families are absolutely unacceptable.

"Shi Er Niang is acting out of loyalty and wants to share the general's worries, but she shouldn't be so reckless right now..."

"There's nothing wrong with that." Pei Jue said, "General Wen is a gentleman, don't interfere, just let her go."

Wen Xingsu found it hard to understand.

This is not indulgence, this is harming Feng Yun.

"General, do you really want her to bear that kind of reputation?"

"What is reputation? I don't care."

Pei Jue's eyebrows were cold, and after he said that, he saw Yan Buxi's carriage entering the city gate, and turned around and said, "General Wen, do you want to accompany me to meet Yan Buxi?"

Yan Buxi used to be the teacher of Wen Xingsu and Xiao Cheng, and they had a teacher-student relationship.

Wen Xingsu bowed his hands, "This time, Wen has no face to face the old man."

Pei Jue looked at him, nodded, and did not force him. He turned around and called Shi Yin, gave a few instructions, and strode away.

Wen Xingsu paused for a moment,

standing at the wind’s outlet, he felt powerless…

his waist.

Xiao Cheng could rob her openly, Pei Jue could ask for her blatantly, but he could do nothing, not even to stop her from becoming a trophy in front of the two armies again.

Wen Xingsu: Ding, I am the only one injured. Achievement completed.

Feng Yun: Nonsense, I only have my elder brother in my heart.

Wen Xingsu is resurrected with full health.

Xiao San dies, Pei Cong goes crazy.

Er Jin: This book is finished.

Reader: Get up! ! ! ! Rewrite.

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