Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 150 His Reward

Cold weather.

There were charcoal fires in the barracks, which were glowing red.

Yan Buji was wearing a long-sleeved dark coat and a cage crown on his head. He was sitting on his knees behind the table in the guest room. His face was solemn and not very good-looking, because after he sat down for a long time, Pei Madang hadn't come yet.

This is a slight.

A well-known celebrity values ​​this very much.

Pei Madang arrived after they took their seats. He arrived late and his expressionless face seemed to be mixed with the air-conditioning of rain and snow. As soon as he sat down at the main seat, the room became quiet.

He was silent. Yan Buxi had seen General Pei's arrogance last time, and he didn't dare to expect him to greet him warmly or say some polite words.

So he took the initiative to stand up and salute.

"General Pei, I am here today to promote peace talks between the two armies. The Emperor of Qi does not want to be at odds with your army, and he does not want the war to continue, causing the people of the two countries to be displaced and their lives to be ruined."

After that, he motioned to his followers.

The man took an official document and presented it.

This time, in addition to the last request, Xiao Cheng gave a long list of gifts. It can be said that in Yan Buxi's view, Pei Madang and even the Jin Dynasty had no reason to refuse.

Therefore, he was also very careful in his words.

"If the general still has doubts, he should write to the imperial court and ask for an order from the Emperor of Jin. This matter will be beneficial to the country and the people, and I believe your country can also see the sincerity of Emperor Qi."

He was putting pressure on the Jin court.

"The general is out, and the military orders are not respected." Pei Madang glanced at him briefly and put down the document. There was no hostility in his deep eyes, and he was also indifferent to the point of emotion.

"I respect Mr. Yan, and I hope he will be considerate. Pei doesn't despise offering concubines in exchange for heavy profits."

When Yan Buxi heard the respect, his face looked much better, and he stroked his beard and said:

"On a larger scale, this matter is about the country and the country. On a smaller scale, it is nothing more than the love between children. I have an unkind request. I wonder if the general can grant it?"

Pei Ran said: "Mr. Yan, please tell me."

Yan Buxi said: "Can I meet Feng Twelve Mother and hear her opinion on this matter in person? What if Feng Twelve Mother is willing? For the general, it is just a fulfillment."

Pei Ran narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at him.

"I have never seen such a shameless person."

Yan Buxi's old face turned red and he was a little worried.

But he said: "For the sake of Mr. Yan's troublesome efforts to make peace, I will give Emperor Qi a chance to meet Feng Twelve Niang in person."

Yan Buxi almost slipped and dropped the tea cup.

Let Feng Twelve Niang meet Emperor Qi?

He didn't believe that Pei Ran would be so generous, but there was no intention of joking on his face. He nodded indifferently, stood up and left.

"Send the envoy out of the city."


Emotions were contagious very quickly, and Qi Jun's message quickly took effect in Bingzhou City. There seemed to be a strong breath of sadness flowing in the air.

This was only the fifth day of the siege.

The streets were deserted and the sky was silent. Xiao Cheng's heart attack strategy planted the seeds of sadness in the hearts of the people and soldiers, which condensed together and turned into an invisible force that shrouded the sky above Bingzhou City, making it so tight that it was hard to breathe.

Today there was an incident in the west of the city where a copperware vendor attacked patrol soldiers of the Northern Yong Army. Two were killed and one was injured, one of whom was the hawker's young son.

Feng Yun sent someone to inquire about it.

The reason is simple.

There are nine members in the hawker's family. Before the Northern Yong Army entered the city, he made a living by setting up a stall and selling bronze wares. The market transactions were stopped due to the war, and he was trapped at home for several days. He did not prepare rice in advance and could not open the pot.

Today, the hawker went to borrow food from relatives and returned empty-handed. When he came back, he happened to encounter two patrolling soldiers. They stopped him and questioned him. The hawker suddenly became angry and hit a Northern Yong Army soldier on the head with a hammer under the eaves. He died on the spot. . Another soldier wounded the hawker and accidentally stabbed to death the 12-year-old son who was helping the hawker when he went out to help.

When the incident happened, Qin Dajin sent someone to deal with it and gave the vendor rice and grain to appease him. Unexpectedly, not only the people were dissatisfied, but also the soldiers in the camp were dissatisfied.

The depressed mood was stretched to the maximum, and the people and soldiers became hostile invisibly. Coupled with the singing of mourning songs outside the city every day, which deceived people's hearts, everyone felt like a stone was pressed in their hearts, and they didn't know when it would explode...

"Xiao San still has some skills."

Feng Yun said sincerely.

"Has a habit of taking advantage of people's hearts."

Sitting in front of her was Wen Xingsu.

It was Feng Yun who asked him to come over to help today. He heard this when he entered the door and nodded after thinking.

"He would be a great emperor."

Xiao San may not be a good person, but a good person cannot be a good emperor.

"What do you think of Yao Yao?" Wen Xingsu suddenly asked.

Feng Yun looked over in confusion, and Wen Xingsu frowned slightly: "Did you hear all those shoutings? Yesterday Yan Buxi came again, and his request is still for peace talks and truce. He also added a gift list, and only wants you."

Feng Yun looked at him and smiled, "Brother, you don't think he is really doing it for me, do you?"

Wen Xingsu couldn't understand the reason for the sarcasm on her face.

In Wen Xingsu's mind, Feng Yun pretended to be Young Master Xiao in his heart. Even if he had no choice but to follow Pei Madang, how could his love for him since he was a child change so easily?

"He's not doing it for me." Feng Yun didn't wait for Wen Xingsu's answer. He smiled to himself: "He did this just to attack the heart with love. He wanted to capture Bingzhou City without spending a single soldier and start from Beiyong. The army began to waver."

There was no emotion on her face, as if she were a bystander analyzing.

"One: The words of the legitimate wife can attract the sympathy and pity of the world. From a secular point of view, it will push Pei Man to a morally despicable party. No one will agree with such behavior when he seizes a wife. He has not yet started a war. He stood at the commanding heights of the crusade."

Wen Xingsu was silent.

Starting from the resentful song, not only the Qi army, but also the Beiyong army had sympathy. Wen Xingsu's two maids, the piano player and the painter, even shed tears because of this.

How can the little ladies not be moved by the fact that the emperor has done this?

There was a faint smile at the end of Feng Yun's eyes, cool and sharp, word by word, as if he was trying to peel off Xiao Cheng's gentleman's coat.

"Secondly, the war has become reasonable and the people want it. How will the matter develop if Pei Ran gives up the favorable conditions of the Qi army's negotiations? It's winter and the Chinese New Year is about to come. The Northern Yong army is homesick and has long been He wanted to end the fighting and go home for the New Year. If Pei Ran refused to accept such good peace terms, the soldiers would be resistant. Moreover, if it was Prime Minister Li Zongxun who was sitting at the negotiating table today, he would accept it without hesitation. Pei Madang didn't respond. The first person he offended was the imperial court. Xiao Cheng killed two birds with one stone and had sinister intentions. "

Wen Xingsu frowned.

He still had a preference for Xiao Cheng in his heart.

But he could tell from Feng Yun's words that Feng Yun's heart was completely biased towards Pei Mang. He did not consider Xiao Cheng's situation from Xiao Cheng's perspective, let alone think that for Xiao Cheng, this was the most important thing. Good strategy.

Wen Xingsu asked: "You still hate him?"

Feng Yun glanced at him without comment.

"Brother, you can think so. But what I just said has nothing to do with love or hate. It's just a strategic analysis of Xiao San's actions. If I add my own opinions, it's not just hate..."

After saying this, he smiled coldly.

"Have you ever seen any husband who would put his wife on the table for others to talk about and weigh in on her? In his heart, I am just a tool."

Wen Xingsu watched Feng Yun carefully.

She has changed so much.

It has become so unrecognizable...

Xiao San was the one who did not hesitate to be hostile to the girls. Under the siege of the girls, she still insisted on declaring, "Brother Xiao San is my husband, and no one can take it from me."

"Let's not talk about him anymore, just talk about it now."

Feng Yun looked at Wen Xingsu's unpredictable face and knew that it was difficult for people's thoughts to change overnight. Xiao Cheng and his eldest brother were close friends, so it was right for his eldest brother to favor him.

So let’s get down to business.

"The hawker's incident seems to be an isolated case, but its impact is far-reaching. If the fundamental contradiction is not resolved, things will get worse if this continues."

Wen Xingsu squinted his eyes and looked at this waist, feeling as if she was glowing.

"What is the fundamental contradiction?"

Feng Yun said: "It's because the people have no food and the Qi army besieges the city. For the people, they have food, drink and a good life. No one wants to die, let alone who is in charge. But when there is no food, people's hearts will be in chaos. Targeting the conflict against the Northern Yong Army..."

She had already made up her mind and didn't say anything more.

"Brother, if you are ready, we will set off immediately. We will attack the mountains to shake the tigers and carry out food raids..."

When Wen Xingsu came over, he saw that Ye Chuang and others had changed into casual clothes and were waiting outside the door. He knew that Feng Yun was determined to do this.

He sighed: "Okay."

No matter what the waist wants to do.

He went with her to become a bandit in the mountains and a thief in the sea.

Feng Yun was happy and moved to see him so happy.

"You and I, brothers and sisters, working together, will definitely be able to carve out a path to the sky in this troubled world. I know that my eldest brother is in trouble. No matter what I do for a while, you don't say anything, just participate. I will be the bad guy."

Letting him participate was just for Pei Ran to see.

In Bingzhou, she had no shortage of manpower, so she didn't have to drag him along.

Wen Xingsu understood in his heart and smiled slightly, "I will listen to you." (End of Chapter)

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