Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 151: Doing Justice for Heaven

Feng Yun first targeted Liu Da's family in the east of the city.

Liu Yan's grandfather served as a military envoy and was a wealthy family. The family was prosperous with wives and concubines, and occupied half of Yuqing Lane in the east of the city. His three-story earth building stood in Yuqing Lane. You can see it from afar.

When I got closer, I saw that the iron gate stood tall and taller than the government office. There were holes in the wall, and there were many servants. From the day the war started, the Liu family had been closed to greet guests and ignored foreign affairs.

Feng Yun sent someone to deliver the greeting card, then put on men's clothes, breathed in and embarrassed himself, put on a corset, and as a subordinate of the general in charge of food, he came to the door with gifts.

A sapphire inlaid knife was made in Tujiawubao's workshop. It is sharper and more delicate than anything on the market, and it is easy to handle. An embroidered jade fan was made by Ying Rong's skillful hands. She said it would be given to Mrs. Liu as a gift.

In fact, it is to practice courtesy first and then fight.

Liu Yan cursed in his heart, but since everyone came to the door, he still had to receive him with a smile, place him in the flower hall, call his wife, say some decent words, and then start crying miserably.

"The war situation is uncertain, and I don't know when the general will be able to resolve the crisis of Bingzhou? Alas, Liu is really distressed to see the people's livelihood in Bingzhou declining and in a state of depression."

Feng Yun said: "Mr. Liu is kind."

After praising, Feng Yun doesn't beat around the bush.

"Right now, the people in the city have no food or rice, and life is even more difficult. It would be great if all the wealthy families were as generous as Liu Gong, and they did good deeds and accumulated good fortune."

What does it mean to be generous and generous?

Liu Yan's eyelids twitched. He looked at Feng Yun's smiling face, then glanced at Wen Xingsu, who was silent next to her, and swallowed hard.

"To tell you the truth, even though the Liu family is a big business, it is actually an empty shell. With more people, there are more mouths. I can't even fill my stomach. How can there be any leftover food for people to eat and drink..."

Feng Yun: "I don't believe it."

She gave gifts as soon as she came up, just as a formality, and she didn't want to be shameless and just grab them. Naturally, she didn't speak properly.

"Who doesn't know that Mr. Liu's family is rich and he is one of the richest families in Bingzhou City? Last year, Mr. Liu spent thousands of gold to take two concubines. After drinking, he beat them to death at will. No one cares about money. People's livelihood is now difficult, so Liu Is it so difficult to borrow some food to survive?”

Liu Yan cursed louder in his heart, his face full of embarrassment.

"Where, where..."

When Feng Yun came, he was naturally well prepared and knew all about his trivial matters.

"You don't have to be polite, Mr. Liu. What do you think of this? From now on, Mr. Liu will place porridge outside the door to serve the people from Yuqing Lane to Cuizhufang, two meals a day."

She said and gave a high-five.

Xiao Man quickly presented a small picture.

It was hand-painted by Feng Yun, and it was the scope of the Liu family's responsibility.

"Within this range, if victims starve to death, it's because you, Mr. Liu, are not compassionate enough."

Liu Yan was almost furious.

The girl in front of him was extremely shameless. Not only did she need to be confident when asking for food, but she also assigned him a task? He was so doted on by Pei Madang that he used chicken feathers as arrows, right?

Feng Yun pretended not to see the fierce look in Liu Yan's eyes and smiled slightly.

"Of course, the general will not treat Mr. Liu badly."

She shook her sleeves and held her hands to Liu Yan.

"The general will write a letter of praise, make a plaque with seal characters, and send it to Liu's family to show Liu Gong's moral integrity and make him famous for generations to come."

If he has to pay so much, why should he give me a compliment?

Liu Yan sneered twice, "It's not that Liu is unwilling, it's really hard for a clever woman to make a living without rice. From Yuqing Lane to Cuizhufang, there are at least three to four hundred households, all supplied by the Liu Mansion, so it can't be done."

"Mr. Liu, think about it carefully and I'll wait for your good news tomorrow." Feng Yun didn't have much patience, "I have to go to another house for a while, so I won't stay any longer."

From the beginning to the end, there was no humility or earnestness on her face as she asked for food. She just walked through the market with her guards, making it clear that "if you don't agree, I will lead people to raid your house tomorrow."

Liu Yan was so angry that he became ill and his face turned pale.

Feng Yun still smiled and bowed deeply to him.

"You don't need to send me far away, Mr. Liu. I see that you don't look well. You need to rest more and accumulate good fortune and virtue. Farewell!"


On the way back, Xiaoman asked Feng Yun very puzzledly.

"In Andu, girls who asked for food from the Wang family always went secretly behind their backs. Why did they make such a big fuss and ruin their reputation when they arrived in Bingzhou?"

Feng Yun: "Andu is different."

Xiaoman asked: "What's the difference?"

Feng Yun said with a smile: "Bingzhou was besieged by the Qi army, and people's hearts were in danger. At that time, Andu was occupied by the Beiyong army. As long as the Beiyong army did not mess around, people's hearts were good."

Andu needs to be appeased, while Bingzhou needs to be intimidated.

If you hide it, you will get twice the result with half the effort...

Moreover, she had a vague feeling that the situation in which aristocratic families controlled the government and powerful clans controlled the world would not last forever.

One day the rules will change, and so will the sky.

She just wants to be a rule-breaker.

Feng Yun asked for a map of Bingzhou City from Qin Dajin, marked the location, divided the areas, delineated the major households in the area, and carefully measured their wealth...

Then non-stop, visiting and discussing with each family. She also asked Wen Xingsu's servant Pinshu to come over and make her records.

Wen Xingsu followed her and saw Feng Yun's versatility. He was surprised, relieved, and a little lonely at the same time.

The waist becomes stronger.

She is no longer a girl who can be bullied by anyone.

I won't need him as much as I did when I was a child.


Feng Yun's coercion and inducement did not produce immediate results.

The next day, of the several households she visited, only one handed out porridge outside the door. There were two medium-sized wooden buckets. The porridge was so clear that people could be seen. It was obviously just to show respect. Others resisted silently and did not take Feng Yun's threat seriously, or they were waiting to see how the situation would develop...

These are all human spirits.

Feng Yun called Xiao Man in.

"Change. I have to go to Liu's house."

Xiaoman saw that the girl's face had no expression and no anger, so she relaxed and asked, "Does the girl have a corset?"

"Register." Although the corset is not very comfortable, there is less resistance when walking, and the steps need to be larger and more imposing. It also prevents those people from looking at her chest when they meet her, and there is less awe.

Xiaoman responded and brought a piece of cloth.

"Why does a girl have to show her face? Why don't you let the general send someone to do this kind of thing..."

Feng Yun chuckled and did not respond.

She had no way of telling Xiaoman how much it meant to her to get the opportunity to work as a subordinate of the general and to show her face.

Liu Yan was eating in the house when the cry of killing came from outside the door. He had been a little uneasy since the morning. It was not that he intended to fight against the Beiyong Army, but that Pei Ran did not show up in person, so he sent a girl. He thought he could make another gesture to see the effect.

He didn't believe that Feng Yun could accomplish anything big.

Therefore, when he heard the news of the murder, he still couldn't believe it.

"Did you see clearly that it was the girl named Feng who sent us?"

The servant girl was so anxious that her forehead was covered with sweat and she kept nodding.

"Yes, that girl is here too. She will kill anyone she sees without showing any mercy..."

From the moment he decided to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, Feng Yun left no way out for the Liu family.

Thunder's attack is all about ruthlessness and speed.

She had to keep the Liu family under control so that she could obtain greater benefits from the Zhang family, the Li family, the Xie family, and the Zhou family.

Therefore, she brought people here with great fanfare.

He even beat the gong, alarming the entire Yuqing Lane.

"Liu's family hid official food privately, and it was a waste of human life."

"Today, I will kill the rich and help the poor. All the grain collected will be distributed to the villagers to survive. The Northern Yong Army will not leave a grain..."

Feng Yun laid the charge casually, which sounded a bit perfunctory, but the search was carried out carefully, even the kimchi jar on the Liu family stove was not spared.

The Beiyong army did not kill anyone or set fire to people in Andu. Liu Yan did not expect that he would be stabbed...

He gritted his teeth and begged for mercy, but it was already too late. Feng Yun would have no way out by bringing things to this point. Only by killing Liu Yan can there be deterrence.


Liu Yan's eyes widened.

He couldn't believe it, "You, you dare to kill people..."

"Dare you." Feng Yun didn't let him finish his words, "Liu Gong didn't understand something. The Qi army is outside the siege, and the one who may decide Liu Gong's life is ultimately the Northern Yong army."

"you you you……"

"Mr. Liu is a righteous man." Feng Yun saluted him, "If you die, countless people in Bingzhou will live. This is a great merit. Mr. Liu will definitely be reincarnated into a wealthy family in his next life."

I painted cakes before I died, and they will be painted in the next life.

Liu Yan's pale face was ashen.

Then, under the restraint of two guards, he was so frightened that he fainted.

There were many people in the Liu Mansion, but today Wen Xingsu personally led people to ransack the house. These people fell into the hands of the regular army and were dwarfed. Within a few rounds, they all arrived in the front yard of the hall and knelt down in the crowd.

When Wen Xingsu came over with a knife, he couldn't believe that the word "kill" came out of Feng Yun's mouth, who didn't even dare to kill a chicken.

He held his breath and stared at Feng Yun's back.

Feng Yun noticed something and turned around with a smile.

"I still have two families to visit, and Brother Lao is here."

Another special instruction.

"Spare the women and children, do whatever else you want."

She knew that her eldest brother was kind and would not kill anyone.

After saying harsh words, he took the people away with a quick stride.

She will be the bad guy, and leave the reputation of the good guy to the eldest brother.

Pei Ran: You care about your eldest brother's reputation, but you haven't considered me?

Feng Yun: We are a couple, what kind of reputation do we need?

Wen Xingsu: How about I be the dog man instead?

Xiao Cheng: Moral decay!

Ao Qi: ...Does the author really not remember little Ao Qi by the Daming Lake?

ps: It’s the end of the month, double monthly votes, sisters who have votes, please vote for Nagato~~

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