Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 156: Marriage with Ceremony


After the rain, the wind was strong, the leaves were falling, and the whole camp was desolate.

The news that Pei Madang was going to get married in Bingzhou in three days came in the morning.

The Beiyong Army was very cautious. In addition to calling for a truce, they also specially sent an envoy to present an invitation, which clearly read:

"On the twentieth day of the winter month of the third year of the reign of Emperor Xinghe of the Jin Dynasty, Pei Madang, the imperial general of the Jin Dynasty, and the eldest daughter of the unitary house of the Feng family in Xuzhou, forged a good relationship and formed an alliance. They are now married with the ceremony of giving gifts to relatives and friends. , waiting for Emperor Zhengchu of Da Qi to come to Bingzhou for a banquet. "

Full of malice was written on the solemn red invitation, and the identity of the envoy was presented to Xiao Cheng with both hands.

At that time, everyone in the big tent was stunned.

Only then did Yan Buxi understand what Pei Ran said about giving Xiao Cheng a chance to meet Feng Yun...

It’s so deceiving!

Xiao Cheng's fists clenched tightly.

After a long time, he smiled.

"Congratulations to the envoy."

The Jin envoy raised his head and looked at the smile on Emperor Qi's face. His back was sweating and his scalp was numb. He had the illusion that he had escaped from death and saved his life.

Carrying a knife to someone else's house, he gave the owner of the house a slap in the face in front of everyone. At the end, he said, "I welcome you to come to my house for a wedding banquet. Remember to follow the ceremony." No one else would be able to swallow this breath.

When he came, he had written all the suicide notes. He didn't expect Emperor Qi to have such a good temper.

It seems that the rumors outside that he personally drove and conquered for Feng Twelfth Mother are pure nonsense.

So he happily said a few more compliments before taking his leave.

When the Jin envoy went out, Xiao Cheng's face changed.

"That's unreasonable!"

He tore up the invitation and threw it on the ground.

"Pei Madang bullied me like this, and if he doesn't take revenge, he's acting arrogantly."

"Your Majesty!" Xie Congguang's eyes turned red.

Before he said that he felt that Xiao Cheng was marching under the banner of Feng Twelve Niang, which was a bit like raising a flag and raising mourning troops. At this moment, he really felt angry for the emperor.

How can anyone steal someone else's wife and then send wedding invitations to their door in a grand manner?

This slap was not only on Emperor Qi’s face, but also on Da Qi’s face.

"The last general is willing to lead troops to attack Bingzhou!"

The other generals generally reacted similarly to Xie Congguang. They were all filled with indignation and felt humiliated, so they all called for war.

Xiao Cheng saw that all the generals were angry, but he slowly sat back and calmed down.

"This matter should be considered in the long term. Let me think about it again."

Sun Tzu said in the Art of War that attacking a city is the last resort.

Even if you want to fight, you have to think of a foolproof strategy.

A sure hit.

When the generals retreated, Xiao Cheng lowered his gaze, bent down to pick up the torn invitations, put them on the table and pieced them together.


His voice was hoarse, "Why is this happening?"

Before his voice fell, he started coughing.

Ping An stepped forward with red eyes and handed the water and handkerchief to the new emperor, "Your Majesty, Feng Ji sold herself for glory and is not worthy of your planning for her..."

"Presumptuous!" Xiao Cheng raised his eyes and stared at him coldly, "In front of the Emperor's throne, when will it be your turn for a slave to speak freely?"

Ping An's heart was shaken, and his hands were shaking so much that he almost dropped the tea cup.

"You villain, you villain is guilty. Your Majesty, please have mercy."

He quickly knelt down and kowtowed, his shoulders shaking.

He has been with the young master since he was a child. What he saw was that he was a noble man from a high-ranking noble family. He was gentle, kind, and eloquent, but he never sinned against others.

Ping An has never seen Xiao Cheng so angry. Even if he accidentally leaked the news to Mrs. Feng that day, he only had to kneel down for two hours as punishment...

Ping An knew that he had said the wrong thing.

No matter how bad Feng Twelve Niang was, she should not use the word "selling herself" in a blatant and frivolous way.

It's all his fault for letting his mouth slip and saying whatever he thinks.

"Your Majesty, please spare this villain. I will never dare to do this again."

Ping An trembled and did not dare to look into Xiao Cheng's eyes.

However, the new emperor was silent for a long time, as if there was no one else in the room.

"Your Majesty..." Ping An called softly.

"Slap mouth." Xiao Cheng's tone was low, as if he had just recovered from his breath, "beat him until I am satisfied."

Ping An took a breath and said, "Here."

There was a crisp slap in the room.

Xiao Cheng sat quietly, motionless.

He looked at the invitation on the wooden case and recalled that in his previous life, he welcomed Feng Yun back to Qi, registered him as the middle palace, issued an edict to his neighbors, and sent envoys to Jin to announce the good news.

At that time, she was so nervous and panicked, and said uneasily: "I have a shallow virtue, I'm afraid I won't be able to do anything for my future"...

When he said "You deserve it", she burst into tears and was so moved...

He didn't know her heart at that time.

It turns out there are so many dissatisfactions.

There are so many things that are hard to come to terms with.

After all, she had been with Pei Madang for three years, and she was just a concubine, but he gave her the most noble status and made her a mother in the world. He did not dislike her for accompanying others and giving birth to Pei Madang's son. She could still have a child. What are you dissatisfied with?

He is the emperor.

After enduring the humiliation, being ridiculed by everyone in the world, he helped Pei Madang raise a wild child, and even gave him the surname Xiao, promising him the status of the eldest prince...

But she...

She was in the Cao camp but her heart was in the Han Dynasty, and she never forgot Pei Madang. Even after they had Yu Chu, the one she loved most in her heart was still the wild child.

At that time, he was full of resentment.

When he was most vicious, he wanted to kill their mother and son.

But in the end, he still couldn't do it.

The child called him "Father", respected him, feared him, and tried to get close to him. Even though he knew it was her and Pei Madang's child, he couldn't do it.

He ignored her and Xiao Qu, and allowed Madam Chen and Feng Ying to do something to embarrass them...

As long as she came to him for help, he would help her.

But she always asked for help for the sake of that wild child.

Only that child could make her kneel down.

Especially after Wen Xingsu's death, she was even more silent, her face was so thin that it was out of shape. Even if she was punished to be confined to the cold palace, even if she was stripped of her position as queen, she would not give in.

She had brought all this upon herself, pitiful and hateful, and everything she got was all her own fault.

He was the emperor.

Could he lower himself to beg her?

Until she learned of her death.

She was dead!

Died in the cold palace.

Died when Pei Cong broke through Taicheng...

If she had waited a little longer, she might have seen how he laid a net to trap the man she had missed for years in Yuzhao Palace, and how he cut Pei Cong into pieces and left his body exposed at the city gate.

Originally, Pei Cong did not need to break into the Forbidden Palace without any preparation. The army was still outside the city, and there were still 100,000 imperial guards guarding the imperial city. How could a general who had fought on the battlefield not know how stupid it was to risk his life?

But Pei Cong came.

Just like the pursuit at Shiguan Wharf, Pei Cong never gave up and snatched his queen for many years.

It's a pity that she will never know these things.

She died with hatred for Pei Cong and him.

When he first learned that Feng Yun was dead, he didn't feel sad for too long.

From childhood to adulthood, he was obsessed with power. The elegance and nobleness of a noble family was just a superficial appearance. He was only thinking about revenge for his parents, and there was no so-called love between children.

Feng Ying was like this, and so was Feng Yun.

To him, women are for decoration, not necessities.

If there is any difference, she is prettier than Feng Ying, more to his liking, and more unforgettable for him...

In the years they were together, he went to Feng Ying's palace only a few times, but he went to her palace twice a month without fail.

Once in the middle of the month, once at the end of the month.

He is not a lustful person.

People in the court and the public say that the emperor is diligent in government affairs and never indulges in beauty, but God knows how many times he walked outside the Yuzhao Palace and restrained himself and turned around to leave.

He would also be addicted. Extremely addicted.

Otherwise, how could he drug Feng Ying so that she could not give birth to children and could never be a mother for the rest of her life?

Wasn't it to ensure that she would be honored and promoted by her son?

No one knew how much he longed for the arrival of the middle and end of the month. The days he spent in her room were like a festival. No one knew how satisfied he was to hold her in his arms and entangle with her in the dark night.

It's just that reason does not allow him to be addicted.

The land of gentleness is the tomb of heroes.

She is poison, addictive. Once you get involved with her, you can't quit. You want to give her your heart and crawl under her skirt, just to see her smile...

If he is an ordinary husband, he can do this.

But he is the emperor!

The two emperors Tianding and Yanping both lost their kingdoms because of their greed for pleasure.

He can't do what the tyrants do!

He doesn't allow years of hard work to be ruined in an instant.

When Feng Yun just died, he even felt a little relieved in his heart - no one in the world can control his emotions anymore. Moreover, her death attracted Pei Jue, allowing him to turn defeat into victory, reverse the situation of the war, and also reversed the situation between the north and the south, achieving the great achievements of a generation of benevolent monarchs, which is enough to be praised for thousands of years.

But as the days after Feng Yun's death became longer, his emotions, which had long been insensitive and numb, slowly revived. Missing her would hurt, and even become panic...

One month after Feng Yun's death.

He held a grand funeral for her.

He buried her in the name of "Empress Zhaolie of the Great Qi Dynasty", wrote her cause of death in history books as "Enemy army attacked the city, the queen died for her loyalty", and moved her coffin to his imperial mausoleum, intending to be buried with her after his death. At the same time, he appointed their son as the crown prince.

After his death, the country he had worked hard for all his life would belong to their son.

On the day the coffin was moved to the underground palace, he opened the coffin and saw her.

He thought that after seeing the beautiful woman turned into a rotten corpse, he would no longer have obsessions.

Unexpectedly, he was in so much pain that he collapsed on the spot and fell into a nightmare from then on.

When she was buried, the coffin and the underground palace were filled with burial objects, many of which were added by him later. Xiao Rong joked that he wished he could send the country to her grave...

The emperor respected his legitimate wife, and he got countless good names.

However, just three days later, a violent storm came. A thunderclap struck, the underground palace collapsed, the big trees fell, and the whole mountain collapsed.

She was buried alone in the ground, just like the days in the Qi Palace these years...

She would rather suffer alone than share the glory with him.

He was an emperor, rich and powerful, but he could never get back that beautiful face.

Loss is forever.

The girl who held an umbrella and called him "Xiao San Gege" in Crescent Alley when he was young, loved him, hated him, loved and hated him, and controlled his feelings for the rest of his life, and would never come back.

He died in the thirteenth year of Zhengchu.

At that time, on the Yunmang Mountain where she was buried, the yellow landslide exposed the wild grass and trees.

The imperial physician said that he was sick because of worry.

He was advised to drink soup and medicine every day to nourish his body.

But he felt that being an emperor was very tiring, and the moment of death was the most relaxing.

All thoughts were lost, and everything was over.

Unexpectedly, God gave him a chance to start over again...

When he opened his eyes again, he had plenty of time to plan before he took the throne.

And the punishment God gave him was that he came back too late.

Feng Jingting had already offered her to Pei Jue, and he also agreed to marry Feng Ying, the second daughter of the Feng family.

All the sufferings in his previous life had to be repeated.

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