Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 157 Good news spreads

A hint of joy suddenly leaked out from the smoke of Bingzhou City.

At the moment of life and death, the Beiyong Army posted notices on the streets and went from street to street to announce the general's wedding.

Feng Yun was in the barracks, flipping through pamphlets, a little bored, and did not take this wedding mixed with the smell of war seriously.

But she didn't know that pigeons with messages tied to them were flapping their wings from Bingzhou to Andu, Zhongjing, and even farther away Yunchuan...

No one knew who was the one who delivered the message, and those who held power also had their own channels of espionage.

The good news spread in all directions.



In the general's mansion, He Qia's eyes were filled with tears.

"Marrying a wife before the war, the general is ready, ready... ready to die in Bingzhou."

Based on He Qia's understanding of Pei Jue, he would not make such a ridiculous decision unless it was necessary. If he did, he would definitely not leave a way out for himself.

"Old He, Old He, why are you crying?" Dou Changquan from Wanning came over today and was drinking with He Qia. Seeing He Qia crying, he was confused.

He Qia covered his face, "Brother Dou, can't you see? The general is ready to die in battle."

Dou Changquan was stunned.

He put down the wine glass in his hand and suddenly felt sad.

"Yes, why didn't I think of it, General."

The two talked about the past when they accompanied the general to fight on the battlefield, and then hugged each other and cried in the room.



Jiafu Palace received the news an hour earlier than Andu County. The spies of the Imperial Guards were everywhere. Li Sangruo hoped that they would fail to do big things, but they were good at spying on intelligence.

She was very satisfied.

"Present it."

The news of Bingzhou must be presented to the Queen Mother as soon as possible. The Guards knew this rule.

But today, Song Shouan was a little hesitant. He held his hands for a long time and couldn't move his legs.

Wei Zheng hated his stingy look.

Bai Bai had a handsome face, not to mention he looked like Pei Jue. Wei Zheng thought he couldn't even compare to Pei Jue's fingers.

He snorted, took the letter from Song Shouan, and held it in front of Li Sangruo.

"Queen Mother, please take a look."

Li Sangruo glanced at Song Shouan with a warning. She and Wei Zheng agreed on this point. Song Shouan was good in everything, but he was not generous enough. He was still a little potter as the head of the department.

Song Shouan didn't dare to raise his head.

His shoulders were tense, and he wanted to put his head into his chest, because he knew that when the Queen Mother read the contents of the letter, she would be furious.

It is said that Song Shouan is favored by the Queen Mother, but he knows very well who favors him. If it were not for his similarity with Pei Jue, he would not even be able to touch the corner of Li Sangruo's clothes...

No one knows that he never did anything himself when serving the Queen Mother, and there was no time when the Queen Mother and him, Song Shouan, had sex.

The Queen Mother called him Pei Lang, General, and Ah Jue. Even when she was in high spirits, she never called his name once. He, Song Shouan, was like a human-shaped jade dildo tailored for her, just a substitute for Pei Jue.


The teacup fell to the ground, startling the whole room.

Song Shouan knew without looking up that Li Sangruo had lost her composure and knocked over the teacup, letting the tea lid roll to the ground and break into two pieces.

The fine Jianzhou white porcelain was ruined just like that.

He pretended to be scared, but he was actually a little happy in his heart.

The Queen Mother's dream was shattered.

Pei Jue married——

In Bingzhou, in that small town surrounded by enemies, he wanted to marry the Feng girl whom the queen mother hated the most, marry her in a formal way, sleep with her every night, breathe with her, even if she was as noble as the queen mother, she would never get what she wanted, but the Feng girl whom she despised and hated could have everything she expected...

Song Shouan felt very happy in a perverted way.

It's what she deserved.

The queen mother on the throne overturned the teacup but remained silent for a long time.

"Your Highness?" Wei Zheng watched Li Sangruo's face turn pale and his eyes turn blue. He knew that the problem was with the letter, but he didn't know what was written in the letter.

"Help me." Li Sangruo leaned on the table and wanted to get up, but his arms kept shaking.

Wei Zheng frowned and didn't move.

Song Shouan walked over hesitantly and held Li Sangruo's arm.

"Your Highness... where are you going?"

Li Sangruo suddenly turned her head to look at him, raised her hand and slapped him.

"Why did you report it now?"

She used all her strength to slap him, which made her wrist numb and sore, and also left red fingerprints on Song Shouan's face.

Song Shouan knew that Li Sangruo was just taking it out on him, not because the information was too late.

He lowered his eyes slightly and said weakly:

"I just received it and rushed into the palace. I never expected that General Pei would... suddenly marry."

Li Sangruo looked at him.

Why do people who look so similar have such different personalities? He didn't dare to get angry when he slapped him in public, but Pei Lang was different... He knew that she didn't like it and knew what she cared about, but he acted first and then asked for permission, and married a wife in Bingzhou.

Li Sangruo said: "Fang Fucai."

Eunuch Fang bowed forward, "The old servant is here."

Li Sangruo had his back to him.

"Go, call the prime minister into the palace."

Li Sangruo gritted her teeth, feeling extremely angry.

She thought the problem was with Li Zongxun, who deliberately delayed the support of the Tiger and Dragon Army to Xinzhou, causing Pei Lang's dissatisfaction...

Otherwise, he had kept her clean for so many years and just wanted Feng's daughter. How could he have the desire to marry her?

Is Pei Lang crazy?

He must be resentful and deliberately seeking revenge.

If my father had sent reinforcements earlier and solved the siege of Bingzhou, this kind of thing would never have happened...

Li Sangruo resented his father very much at this moment.

But before Fang Fucai could retreat, he suddenly called him.


Now that things have come to this, getting angry at my father will only intensify the conflict between father and daughter.

What she had to do was find a way to remedy it.

"There is no need to tell the Prime Minister, let's tell Mrs. Ao to come to the palace to speak."


The Queen Mother summoned Mrs. Ao very quickly.

The Ao family had also just received the news of Pei Madang's marriage, and Ao Zheng was furious. At this juncture when his son's whereabouts were unknown, was the uncle still in the mood to get married?

Ao Zheng found it difficult to agree.

But Mrs. Ao didn’t think so…

Ao Qi's whereabouts were unknown. She had already prepared the worst for countless times in her mind. Bingzhou was under siege and she had lost her son. She might have lost another brother.

Facing Ao Zheng's anger, Mrs. Ao felt uncomfortable and distressed.

"Ah Lang has been quiet since he was a child, and rarely gets close to others. I have something to say harshly, if Bingzhou falls, Ah Lang will not be able to survive. What happened to marrying a wife before the battle? Who said you can't eat sour porridge before you die?"

Ao Zheng was speechless by her words.

The couple faced each other, one crying and the other admonishing, and the sadness spread.

When they arrived at Jiafu Hall, Mrs. Ao was not polite when faced with the Queen Mother's questioning.

"Her Majesty the Queen Mother does not know that the person who makes the decision in the Pei family is Ah Ran herself. The same goes for marriage matters. Our mother has passed away long ago, and my father is inconvenient and cannot be taken care of by himself. How can he take care of his son who is far away in Bingzhou? The Pei family is very poor and disabled. There are no elders in the family, and I, as the eldest sister, can't control it. "

Mrs. Ao knew Li Sangruo's thoughts about Pei Madang.

When she was still a sister-in-law, she had always wanted to marry Pei Man. Originally, the two families had agreed on the marriage, but Li Zongxun suddenly regretted it and deliberately let her follow the late emperor...

When she was a sister-in-law, Li Sangruo was very fond of Mrs. Ao. If it hadn't been for that misfortune, the Queen Mother in front of her would have been her sister-in-law.

Now that her son is missing and her brother is in trouble, Mrs. Ao has complained about the court for a long time, but she didn't have any embarrassment in answering.

"I hope Her Majesty the Queen Mother will be considerate."

Li Sangruo touched the teacup lightly but did not pick it up, hesitating in his words.

"Madam, can you send a letter to Bingzhou and persuade the general to think twice? Just say that Huben and Long Ji's army have arrived in Xinzhou and the siege of Bingzhou will be lifted soon, so that he should not worry. As long as I am here, I will not let him and the soldiers of the Beiyong Army Something went wrong.”

Mrs. Ao said: "My wife was just about to ask, why has the imperial court delayed sending troops? If Bingzhou had not been besieged, Ah Lang would not have made such a hasty decision on the matter of marriage, cutting off all options."

Li Sangruo: "The imperial court has difficulties. It's not that we don't send troops, but that we won't be able to raise enough food and grass for a while. Winter is about to come, and Yunchuan still has 200,000 shi to pay back..."

Mrs. Ao lowered her head with a respectful look, but her voice was cold, "I don't understand state affairs, so I said something presumptuous. It was the imperial court that failed Ah Lang, and Ah Lang has never failed the imperial court..."

Li Sangruo said: "Mrs. Ao, don't you think it is ridiculous to marry a wife before the battle?"

"What's so absurd?" Mrs. Ao asked with a cold face: "Ah Lang has been fighting for the country since he was a boy and made great contributions, but he is about to die in Bingzhou... Can't he take care of his life's affairs before he dies? ?”

Li Sangruo's face darkened, "Mrs. Ao, be careful what you say."

Mrs. Ao had tears in her eyes and was very stubborn.

"The Queen Mother should not have called me here. My son's whereabouts are unknown. My brother is trapped in Bingzhou, and his life or death is uncertain. Under this situation, I am worried about death, and I can't say anything nice..."

Li Sangruo gathered his clothes and forced a smile.

"Okay, then the Ai family won't embarrass Mrs. Ao."

Mrs. Ao saw the hatred in the woman's eyes, stopped irritating her with words, silently said goodbye and exited Jiafu Hall.

On the jade steps outside the door, she bumped into the head of the business named Song Shou'an and was stunned for a moment.

She had heard from Ao Zheng that the head of the Imperial Cavalry Division was somewhat similar to Ah Ran, but she didn't expect them to be so similar.

He is a little shorter than Ah Ran, and his appearance and temperament are a bit worse. His facial features are about half or six times similar, especially when you look at him from the side, it seems that Ah Ran is in front...

Li Sangruo is really a bitch.

Mrs. Ao gritted her teeth.

Feng Yun: The whole world says I’m getting married. Am I the only one who knows it’s just a ruse?

Reader: Foolish people are blessed, so be a good bride, right?

Feng Yun:? ? ? What are you saying, am I still not your favorite female goose?

Reader: Hold it in, press your head for the bridal chamber.

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