Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 158: Worldly intolerance

The news of the wedding spread to every corner of Bingzhou City. In the Xingying Courtyard where Feng Yun lived, excitement could be seen on the faces of the maids and guards, but she herself was too calm.

I didn't put any thought into the marriage.

In just two days, Feng Yun almost turned Bingzhou City upside down. No mice could burrow into the ground as well as she could. She could clearly feel the number of pairs of underwear in the homes of wealthy gentry.

With the support of the general, in the hearts of the "two percent" of people in Bingzhou City, there is only two words to describe her - witch.

"Doing evil is not tolerated by the world."

However, Feng Yun offended the big households, curried favor with the small people, distributed food and stabilized the people's hearts. She had done it before in Andu City, and she was familiar with the people and the roads, so she was very handy.

The loudspeaker also came into use at this time.

Every porridge station has a trumpet. Feng Yun wrote a lot of counterpoints against the inciting sentiments of the Qi army outside the city. The main theme was positive and optimistic, sweeping away the melancholy wind that Xiao Cheng blew in.

The people all praised her.

The girl from the Feng family is a living Bodhisattva. She is good-looking, has a good temper, and has a gentle and kind-hearted beauty face. One look at her makes people feel that there is hope, there is hope for the future, and the siege of the city does not seem to be a big deal.

Feng Yun doesn't think so.

Food is the bodhisattva.

So she led people to ask for food and porridge from the Bodhisattva. Her behavior was hateful, but she controlled the scale very well and no longer hurt people's lives. The scene was beautiful, and she took other people's things and lost their face. The blood of the blade was used to accomplish a major event that would have required a river of blood to be accomplished.

If Pei Ran is the king on the battlefield and the tiger in the cage, then what Feng Yun did is to add wings to the tiger.

She completely straightened out the trivial matters behind Pei Ran, just like Pei Ran's housekeeper, everything was in order. Even Tan Dajin admired her when he saw her.

Of course, what Feng Yun grasps is not only the scale of doing things, but also the scale between him and Pei Ran.

Yu Gong, they are superiors and subordinates, and she does things for him.

Personally, they are a couple who have an affair, and she is willing to do things that make them both physically and mentally happy while they are both relaxed.

Unfortunately, Pei Madang began to avoid her since he won the chess game that day.

Feng Yun wanted to get back a round from him, but he had no chance.

She guessed that Pei Gou himself knew that he could not defeat her, so he did not dare to come——


Feng Yun sighed.

If she doesn't win back, she will feel like she is stuck in her throat.

"Pei Gou mistook me!"

Xiao Man came over with a feather duster, listened to his master mumble with a dark face, and asked with a smile:

"Who messed with the girl?"

"No." Feng Yun calmed down.

"Just now General Tan sent us dried beef. He said that he was preparing food for the wedding banquet. He brought some to the girl to satisfy her craving. Is the girl hungry? Do you want the maid to cut a plate of meat on the stove and add two taels to it? A little wine…”

Xiaoman said, saying that he was greedy and swallowed hard.

I have been eating so much these days that my tongue is almost sticking out of my throat.

With the beef, Feng Yun immediately cheered up and temporarily put aside the irritability caused by Pei Man. He asked Xiaoman to cut the beef and brought a pot of wine.

But she had a small appetite, so she ate half the plate and left it alone. She rewarded Xiao Man and Da Man, then put the remaining beef into the food box and picked up the pot of wine to see Wen Xingsu.

Outside the door, I met Zuo Zhong coming out of Wen Xingsu's residence.

She didn't disturb him and waited for him to leave before going in.


Wen Xingsu was sitting in the hall, his dark eyes half-closed, his elegant figure in the dim light, his face dim and unclear, and his expression looked uneasy.

Feng Yun knelt down beside him, "What's wrong? What's wrong with Zuo Zhong looking for your elder brother?"

Wen Xing returned to his senses and forced a smile.

"I'm just saying that I will be in charge of Ayun's wedding. My sister is getting married without her parents around. As an elder brother, I should be dedicated."

Feng Yun felt that he didn't mean what he said.

She also understood in her heart that Wen Xingsu definitely did not want her to marry Pei Man.

So he smiled, opened the food box that was brought to him, and took out the beef and wine.

The smell of meat is very strong, and you will be craving for it as soon as you smell it.

She sniffed and brought the plate to Wen Xingsu.

"This, don't take it seriously."

Wen Xingsu was a little worried, "Yao Yao also thinks it's too hasty to hold the wedding like this?"

"No, no." Feng Yun knew that his elder brother had misunderstood.

I wanted to say that this was just Pei Madang's expedient measure and the result of her losing the game, but when I said it, I felt that the war was going on and I shouldn't reveal too much.

"I don't value those things." Feng Yun changed his words and looked at Wen Xingsu with a smile, the corners of his eyes curling up.

"As long as Big Brother is around, we will all live well, and other things will not matter..."

Wen Xingsu smiled, raised his hand to caress her head, then put it down to hold the tea cup, "You, can marriage be a trivial matter?"

He called the piano player and brought a sandalwood box.

"I left in a hurry from Shinshu. My eldest brother has nothing to offer, so this jade double chi will be used as a dowry for my waist..."

"Brother." Feng Yun's throat was slightly choked.

This jade double chi is my eldest brother's personal possession. The jade carving is exquisite and clear. My eldest brother cherishes it very much. If it weren't for this "fake marriage", my eldest brother would definitely not be willing to take it out.

Feng Yun felt like a liar.

She cheated on the eldest brother.

"You and I, brother and sister, don't need to be such heretics..."

"I want it." Wen Xingsu put it into her hand, paused and laughed softly.

"I used to think about what it would be like when Yaoyao got married. The wedding ceremony would be a long wedding with many guests... I didn't expect it to be so shabby. Big brother didn't even have a decent gift... It's really unfair to Yaoyao."

His voice was particularly cold.

Feng Yun looked at him seriously, "Big brother, these are not important."

It was a fake marriage.

She said it lightly, and she really didn't care.

But Wen Xingsu felt sad no matter how he heard it.

He looked at the girl who grew up, the color of a delicate flower, but she was so shabby when she got married...

He blamed himself.

I couldn't support Yaoyao.

"Big brother, I'm sorry for you." Wen Xingsu thought of this, his eyes were a little wet, "When I joined the army, I promised that I would never let Yaoyao be bullied again and would support you, but big brother...didn't do it."

"You did it." Feng Yun held Wen Xingsu's hand.

"Look at the grain collection these days. If it weren't for my elder brother, how could I, a woman with no strength, have such courage?"

Wen Xingsu smiled bitterly.

It was Pei Jue who gave him the courage, not him.

Feng Yun said: "My elder brother is my only relative in this world. You and I, brother and sister, will depend on each other from now on."

In his previous life, Wen Xingsu worked hard for her and died tragically because of her. Feng Yun has not forgotten and will never forget that it was her elder brother who supported her.

In this life, it's not bad for her to protect her elder brother...

After sitting with Wen Xingsu for a cup of tea, Feng Yun coaxed him to eat beef and calmed down.

She didn't go back to her residence, but decided to find Pei Jue.

She didn't think much about it because she was busy these two days. Wen Xingsu's seriousness made her suddenly realize that this so-called wedding was probably only her and Pei Jue who didn't take it seriously.

She felt it necessary to ask what Pei Jue was planning.

When Feng Yun went to find Pei Jue again, the attendant looked at her and it was obviously different from usual.

But Feng Yun did not change.

In front of people, she was decent and dignified, smiling and bowing.

"Please tell them that the daughter of the Feng family wants to see the general."

Zuo Zhong happened to see her when he went out. He was stunned and walked over, bowing and said, "Girl."

"Is the general in there?"

"Yes." Zuo Zhong lowered his eyes, his eyes were a little evasive.

The general has been sleeping here for the past two days, and I don't know what's going on.

Others say that before the wedding, he must separate from the bride, but everyone around him knows what the wedding is like. Even Feng Shier Niang herself didn't take it seriously, so how could the general take it seriously?

Feng Yun caught Zuo Zhong's mood and smiled faintly: "Then I'll go in and find him..."

Zuo Zhong's eyelids jumped, but he didn't stop.

This was the house of the former governor of Bingzhou.

The front hall is for office and the back hall is for living.

Pei Jue was sitting in the hall at the moment, with military affairs piled up in front of him. The room was very quiet, with only him sitting behind a half-man-high rosewood table.

At this time, most of the tables in the south were low and low-legged, but because of the integration of various ethnic groups, many furnishings and furniture were also used in a mixed way, and the Hu bed and high chair gradually became the new favorite. But a large rosewood table like this is still rare, which shows how extravagant and licentious the former Jiedushi lived.

"Hello, General."

Feng Yun bowed at the door.

Pei Jue looked up and saw the graceful and gentle girl covered in light and shadow, walking towards him with a faint smile.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

Feng Yun had been wearing men's clothes when she went out these days, and this time was no exception. She wore a deep robe with wide sleeves and a simple bun, looking like a gentleman from a wealthy family...

"I have something to discuss with the general."

She bowed again.

Pei Jue's face showed no emotion.

"I have to discuss matters in a quarter of an hour."

That is to say, he only had a quarter of an hour to listen to her talk.

This cold expression and the face without warmth did not match the husband who was about to get married.

But Feng Yun liked it this way. If Pei Jue really wanted to marry her tenderly, she might be afraid to death, and he must be crazy.

"Okay." Feng Yun walked over, half a step away, and held up the book of documents sorted by Pinshu, "Please take a look, General."

Pei Jue gave this matter to her and did not ask again. He did not expect her to do the job so well. Every item was written carefully and neatly, and what was done was clear at a glance.

"Very good."

He put the book down and looked at her like that.

Does it mean that there is nothing to do and you can leave? It is clear that you don't want to pay attention to her.

Too cold and inhumane.

She likes it so much——

Thinking of the lost chess game, Feng Yun raised her eyebrows slightly, looked into his eyes for a moment, and suddenly smiled, walked around the table, walked to his side, slowly bent down, and looked him in the eye.

"Just now I was reporting on official business, now..."

She raised her sleeves, and a fragrant breeze blew on her face, swaying slightly in front of Pei Jue's eyes, and her slender white hands rested on his shoulders.

Pei Jue's Adam's apple slid, and the slightly changing eyes fell into Feng Yun's eyes. She smiled with her eyes bent, and her voice was soft.

"How about I talk to the general about some private matters? The matter of the adulterer..."

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