Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 159 Knowing how to commit suicide

Pei Ran's eyes were deep, "We'll talk about it when we get back."

Feng Yun said warmly, "I don't want to talk about personal matters in the general's office, but who told the general not to come to see me?"

She lowered her eyes lightly and said it aggrievedly. Fortunately, she had been an abandoned wife in her previous life, so she could easily control that attitude and tone, "I can't see the general, so I have to come to the camp to find someone."

Pei Ran: "Tell me."

Talk about things when you have something to do, and leave when you have nothing to do.

The attitude he showed made Feng Yun's teeth itch a little.

Feng Yun chuckled, "General, can you play another game?"

Pei Madang: "I am busy with military affairs and it is inconvenient to accompany you."


Too bad.

No matter what, you won't play chess with her again?

Feng Yun raised his eyelids slightly and looked at him.

"What is the general's plan for the marriage? If this continues, the lies will become true."

Pei Ran didn't answer and looked at her with a cold face.

Feng Yun said: "I think this matter is very inappropriate. Even though you and I understand that it is just an expedient measure to lure the snake out of its hole, others don't think so..."

Pei Ran: "What are you afraid of?"

Feng Yun said: "It's not that I'm afraid. I just think it's unnecessary. For me, I'm just impatient and troublesome. For the general, who wants to marry a wife and have children in the future, will such extra things have an impact?"

Let go of the fetters and take what you need. Don't talk about love, don't talk about marriage, don't be a concubine, don't have children, don't live in the back house. Have fun when we get along, and don't get entangled when we are apart. Come with joy, leave with no sorrow. That was what she said before, and it was also an agreement the two of them had reached.

Pei Ran lowered his eyes, stroked his sleeve, and brushed away her hand on his shoulder.

"Ji thinks I will pester you?"

That's not the case.

It's just that Feng Yun thinks this matter is very unreasonable.

From the moment she lost that game, she seemed to have fallen into Pei Gou's trap and became a chess piece at his mercy.

Fortunately, their interests are aligned and they have a common enemy.

"General, can you tell me what your plan is? What if Xiao Cheng comes to attack? What if Xiao Cheng doesn't come to attack?"

She is not grounded.

The emotions were revealed from those beautiful eyes.

"Military planes must not be leaked." Pei Madang's face was calm, as if he was not interested in discussing, and there was no mood swing that Feng Yun wanted to see.

Not like the groom who is about to get married.

The attitudes of the two of them are clearly as follows——

The concubine is ruthless, and the husband has no intention.

He stopped looking at Feng Yun and said, "If nothing happens to Ji, please come back."

"How disrespectful are you talking like that?" Feng Yun walked over, moved the pen and ink on the desk farther away, packed up the documents and put them farther away, and then sat on Pei Man's lap.

"May I ask General, have you been avoiding me these past two days?"

Pei Ran: "What are you doing to avoid me?"

"Didn't I ask you?" Feng Yun smiled and put his little hand on his shoulder, "Did I do something wrong to make the general tired?"

Pei Ran's eyes were heavy,

"Get off my lap right now and you won't get bored."

"Tsk, tsk, is Pei Lang really hot and cold?" She said, covering his heart, "Although you and I are just a couple, there is no need to be affectionate, but for the general to avoid me like this, I can't help but feel sad in my heart. Doubtful, could it be that this couple can't make it together? Or is my concubine not behaving well and not to the general's taste..."

Pei Madang watched the girl's hand roaming around her body...

Breathing becomes erratic.

"Feng Ji, this is in the camp."


Feng Yun said: "Keep your voice down. Don't let anyone hear you."

He pinched Pei Ran secretly again and said, "If the general doesn't come to me, isn't he just waiting for me to come to you? Why bother telling the truth..."

Pei Madang held her hand, as if he didn't want to talk to her, "You go back first, I'll come find you after the discussion."

"I don't believe it." Feng Yun opened his collar slightly, slid his fingers inside, and circled his Adam's apple with his soft fingertips, his eyes full of charm.

"The general used me to lure Xiao Cheng out, I have to ask for some benefits..."

Pei Madang's whole body tensed up, and the area where her fingers brushed felt like it had been burned by fire, feeling slightly warm.

"I'll see you later."

Feng Yun glanced at him, gave him a self-understanding look, smiled faintly, lay on his chest, and slid patiently. The slightly squinting look reminded people of a cat playing when eating fish, and his voice was soft. Thin, soft and soft...

"General, I feel so uncomfortable..."

Pei Madang knew who she was, and no matter how nice she said it, she might not mean a few words. But without her teasing him, it would be difficult to suppress the evil fire in his heart.

"Where does it hurt?"

His voice was hoarse. Feng Yun heard some emotion and lowered his head with a smile. "It's all my fault, General. In order not to affect your military morale and to be dignified... Look at me, I'm tied up too tightly."

Pei Madang held her waist and put her on the table. Documents fell down, but no one paid attention to them. His indifferent face didn't show any expression. He just let her sit face to face, and pulled open the cloth bandage for her, peeling her off easily, and the fresh color jumped into his eyes...

His throat was a little hoarse.

"Does this feel better?"

Feng Yun hummed, "You are so skilled, you have to take off your little lady's clothes, right?"

Pei Ran:......

Feng Yun hummed, and his whole body almost softened to his body. But he refused to let her go, and supported her waist and shoulders, still letting her sit firmly. Wearing a loose coat, looking from behind, one can only see the young lady's slender back and slightly stiff shoulders, sitting very upright, unaware that her white and soft skin was trembling lightly on the general's fingertips.


Pei Ran said nothing and played with it carefully.

Feng Yun lowered her head, her eyes were hot, and she was almost forced to burst into tears. She called him and suddenly held his head with both hands.

Pei Madang's dark eyes dimmed, and he sipped slowly in the hinterland of Yushan, and the pleasure spread stickyly...

A quarter of an hour……

The time limit inexplicably increased the urgency. The strong stimulation made Feng Yun sensitively curl up his toes and step on his legs. Then he slowly moved to the middle and stepped on him with a little force, making the excited little general hold his head high. He screamed among the armor and iron horses to go into battle to kill the enemy, but was imprisoned by the armor and iron prison and could not be released. He was just struggling under Feng Yun's feet like a trapped animal.

Feng Yun was familiar with his reaction.

As lightly as dancing toes, there was a restrained murmur in his throat, and his dark eyes stared at her like a wolf, but she didn't want to satisfy him, she just wanted to make him uncomfortable...

Then his face became colder and his temper became even worse.

"Yunniang is so brave." He made a light red mark on her body like punishment, but he was still thirsty in his heart.

This girl was born to defeat him.

If you do such a ridiculous thing in the camp, before today, anyone who spoke out would be punished.

But he did it.

Feng Yun made his body numb and his feet became even heavier.

"General, don't stare at me, I'm so scared..."

She smiled and said, where is the word "fear" on her face?

Pei Madang's breathing was turbulent, making her back feel numb. The anger in her heart stimulated her blood vessels, and she became furious, and a low moan rolled out of her throat.

"Is it fun?" she asked softly, looking charming and soft as if there were no bones, testing his bottom line bit by bit, and tearing his bottom line apart bit by bit.

Pei Madang remained silent as usual, his eyes were astonishingly dark.

Feng Yun relied on the support of his arm to prevent him from sliding down. In his hand, he was panting like a fish with his eyes closed. The ups and downs were like rolling waves. Pei Man's body ached when he saw it. He pinched the thin waist and pulled him away. Grab him and hug him.

"You really know how to seek death, waist and waist."

"Well...then General, are you going to kill me?" Feng Yun looked at him blankly, his eyes blurred, and his wet mouth opened and sucked, knowing how to encourage his desires.

Pei Man's eyes turned red because he wanted to kill her.

Feng Yun was teasing him just to take the opportunity to vent his anger and let him taste the bitter consequences of giving up halfway, but unexpectedly, he was so unsatisfied and so sensitive that he couldn't bear it. In the end, the two of them were entangled so tightly that they both had a slight sheen of sweat on their bodies. It was extremely uncomfortable.

Outside the closed door, Zuo Zhong coughed lightly.

"General, General Shi is here."

Shi Yin would come early every time he was called to discuss matters. Pei Madang praised him for this, and he came earlier this time...

Pei Madang pulled Feng Yun's clothes, his voice became hoarse, "You go back first."

"My legs are weak..." Feng Yun rested her head on his shoulder limply, feeling exhausted and unable to exert any strength. Being able to hang out with Pei Ran without shame turned out to be better than she expected.

Especially like now, no matter what mood he is in, how good or bad he is, just taking care of his own emotions and treating him as a tool, he feels very relaxed physically and mentally.

"I will be here next time." She stared at Pei Mad, her eyes narrowed until there was only a thin slit, and the corners of her eyes were slightly curved, a little red, like the helpless grievance after being bullied.

Are you here to listen to his discussion?

Or hang out with him here?

Feng Yun didn't explain clearly, and Pei Madang didn't ask.

He patiently arranged her clothes, but there was no way to wrap the cloth belt back, so he stuffed it under the drawer.

"I'll be late and you go to bed early. You don't have to wait for me."

Feng Yun's eyebrows were full of smiles, and she leaned over and gave him a kiss on the lips, "I want to wait for the general."


Shi Yin was stopped by Zuo Zhong outside the door.

"General, wait a moment."

Usually the door is open, and the general can come and go at will, but today there were actually several guards guarding the door, looking quite prepared.

Shi Yin realized that something was unusual and frowned.

"What's going on? But there's something strange happening in the Qi army?"

Zuo Zhong's eyelids twitched, but he showed no expression.

Ji You glanced at him, laughed dryly, and touched his nose, "The girl is here."

Just four words, nothing else. Shi Yin said silently, then showed an understanding expression, nodded, and stood on one side with his arms folded.

"Is it going to rain today?"

He looked to the sky.

Zuo Zhong followed and looked.

Soon, the second general came, and the third and fourth generals came together. They saw Shi Yin looking at the sky, Zuo Zhong and Ji You were both looking at the sky, and they also raised their heads and looked at the heavy dark clouds on the other side, inexplicably.

"What are you looking at?"

The door was opened at this moment.

Feng Yun lowered his head and cupped his hands, standing on one side.

"Generals, please."

No more, no less, exactly a quarter of an hour from what Pei Ran said.

Shi Yin glanced at her. The girl was dignified and elegant. The general in the room was sitting upright, with a frosty face, and there was nothing strange about him.

"Thank you!" Everyone saluted.

Feng Yun returned the courtesy politely and stood in the shadow beside the door. He waited for all the generals to enter the hall. Then he slowly bowed, said goodbye and went out. His face was exposed in the sky, and his original appearance was revealed, like petals. Soaked in water, pink and tender.

Several guards quickly lowered their heads, fearing to take another look.

It’s December. I hope all the little sisters who are reading are in a good mood. Remember to send tickets to Ayun...

Pei Ran: I don’t seem to be in a good mood.

Feng Yun: People have come to your door. What’s not wonderful about you?

Pei Madang:...Didn't I really think I was a tool just now?

Feng Yun: It seems probably so...

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