Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 161 She is bad, he is bad

Pei Madang didn't speak, and his breathing was much heavier than before. It seemed that she was more interested in talking. He hugged her and pressed her down heavily...

Feng Yun whispered, "I'm hungry, can you let me eat first?"

Her face was gleaming white and her cheeks were flushed. Such beauty was like a healing medicine. Pei Madang's dark eyes seemed to be on fire.

He said: "Want me to feed you?"

Feng Yun's eyes were blurred and scattered, bent like a fox, and he flicked him through the clothes.

"Didn't the general leave it to the Queen Mother? If a civilian girl eats Her Highness the Queen Mother's good things without authorization, will her family be confiscated and her family exterminated?"

Pei Man laughed angrily, twisted her hand and turned her around.

"General, don't... be seen by the Queen Mother, I will die..."

She turned sideways, her eyes were half-closed, she had a slim waist and long legs, and the skin under her dress was as tender as white tofu, and it felt like water would ooze out of it with just a little force.

But she has a bad mouth and refuses to forgive others.

"General, please spare me. I don't want to steal the Queen Mother's food... I don't want to die..."

Pei Madang patted her on the hip, picked her up and wrapped her around her waist, hugging her tightly.

"You bitch, are you trying to talk nonsense again?"

How could a thin layer of fabric stop an animal that was eager to escape from its cage? Feng Yun let the jumping beast make it a little itchy. He struggled to get rid of it, so he pretended:

"Is the general excited when he hears that my damn husband is going to attack the city, or is he unable to control his thoughts when he hears the name of Her Highness the Queen Mother? Why is it so much bigger than in the camp..."

"Feng Ji!" Pei Ran's face darkened.

When he was having trouble with Pei Ran in private, Feng Yun was now completely laissez-faire.

The messy nightmares awakened the demon hidden in her heart. She didn't care about the world, let alone the eyes of men. At this moment, she was like a little female animal that escaped from the cage, doting on her mouth, saying whatever she pleased, which made Pei Mad so angry. Not impressed either.

"That's the credit of Her Majesty the Queen Mother. Her Majesty the Queen Mother is still capable. The general has guarded his body like a jade for more than 20 years and refused to be touched..."

Pei Ran frowned, "I won't let you touch it?"

Feng Yun raised the corner of his mouth, "Then the general just likes wives and likes to have sex behind the Queen Mother's back?"

She really has the ability to piss people off.

Pei Man gritted his teeth and held the man down, and slapped him hard twice as punishment. Unexpectedly, Feng Yun hit the snake and followed it with the stick. He boldly rode on it, panting and talking lazily.

"The general doesn't say anything, but he likes it very much in his heart..."

Pei Ran couldn't help but take a breath.

Her tenderness and anger are like poison, killing men.

But she still didn't know it, and she tried her best to fan the flames, coiling around his waist and humming more and more delicately, trying to separate the person's soul from the body.

At this moment, Pei Ran couldn't hear anything, his breathing was as heavy as a cow, and he wished he could swallow her in one gulp.

"Are you being dishonest?"

Pei Madang grabbed her ankles and separated her, loving her as much as he wanted.

Feng Yun made him unable to breathe. Seeing the bulging muscles of his shoulder blades swaying with force, tears almost flowed out, and he hated to kick him.

He held her ankle without blinking, looked at the girl's angry face, lowered the foot, and wrapped it around his waist.


Feng Yun: "I am honest. I wrote a letter to tell the Queen Mother that her beloved general was secretly eaten by me..."

Pei Ran wanted to kill her.

But he could see clearly that in the eyes of the girl in front of him, there was no trace of jealousy or concern...

She was just idle, making trouble for him and hurting him.

Ever since that day, Feng Yun has become like this, wishing the whole world knew she was a bad woman.

She almost had the words "bad woman" plastered on her forehead.

"What should I do?" Feng Yun half-opened his eyes, raised his neck and looked into his eyes, with a smile on his lips, showing his charm, "I seduced the general Xiao Xiang, the queen mother. Is this a crime that requires beheading?"

Pei Ran's face darkened.

"You can't shut up, can you?"

"You can't close it, the general won't let you close it."

Pei Ran:......

Feng Yun also felt that he was a bit inhuman.

But it’s not a human being, so what does it matter?

She doesn't care about other people's opinions, including Pei Madang.

This should be their best state. Expect nothing.

When we are together, it is enough for each other to be happy.

She stretched out one foot to hook him.

"General, hurry up, I have to get a hot bite before the Queen Mother..."

Pei Madang closed his eyes slightly, almost pinching her with red eyes.

"On a night of flowers and candles during the bridal chamber, you better have this kind of enthusiasm to seduce me..."

Feng Yun died laughing.

She didn't take the bridal chamber seriously, but she could take it as fun.

"What kind of bridal chamber? People are married and have husbands. Does the general want to marry someone by chance and force them to remarry?"

"That's right." Pei Ran looked sternly, grabbed her chin, and took a bite of her viciously, "If the sky falls, you will all be mine."

Feng Yun blinked: "Okay. If it doesn't collapse, can I still sleep with the general? If the Queen Mother knows about it, will she kill me? I'm so scared!"

Pei Madang taught her such a charming look that could kill people, which made her heart flutter, and she wanted to immediately pin her down and fuck her hard.

But this girl was very delicate, she was afraid of pain, and he didn't want her at this time.

Pei Ran lowered his head and stroked the sweaty hair from her forehead.

"You want to know, why don't you ask me?"

Want to know?

What happened between him and the Queen Mother?

Feng Yun smiled brightly and his face was pink.

"If the general doesn't say anything, he won't even dare to ask if I kill my concubine."

Still pretending.

Pei Man grabbed her waist and bumped her twice. When he saw her gasping for breath and blushing, she made a soft and sweet sound, then he pulled her face away and stared at her eye to eye.

"The Queen Mother has a face, but it's not me."

Of course Pei Ran would not make facial hair for women, but Feng Yun still knew that.

This man is a big man at heart, and he can't do things like Song Shou'an who keeps a low profile and does small things.

"The general is not the queen mother's face, he can be her subordinate."

"I'm not." Pei Madang grabbed her chin and kissed her fiercely twice, his eyes looking like he wanted to eat her up.

Feng Yun glanced at him and said, "If it's not, then it's not. Why are you so cruel?"

I don’t know if it was the plum makeup on the snow that aroused her mood. Tonight, her mouth seemed to be greased. When she opened her mouth, she felt aggrieved when she said she was wronged. Her eyes were red whenever she said she was wronged. It was as if she had been bullied in all kinds of ways. Pei Madang How can I stand this? He pushed her onto the couch suddenly, and her long hair spread out on the pillow.

Feng Yun shouted with a smile.

"If you are not the Queen Mother now, you can be in the future. Why is the general so impatient?"

Pei Ran's eyes were red, and the hand on her waist was so heavy that it seemed to crush her bones.

"It seems that Ji is very hungry and wants me to feed him personally..."

Feng Yun whispered, "General..."

"Call me husband."

"Pei Gou..."

The two people were having a huge quarrel, and Daman blushed when he heard it outside the door.

At this moment, Xiaoman brought over the meal that had been heated on the stove.

Daman said: "It seems that it will have to heat up again soon."

Xiaoman put down the tray and said, "I'll call the girl to come and eat."

Daman coughed lightly, "No."

Xiao Man looked at her puzzled.

"Sister, the girl said she was hungry several times..."

Daman glanced at her: "Master said he was hungry, it's his taste, he wants you to be happy..."

Xiaoman pouted and was very dissatisfied, "The general is good at everything, but he always likes to bully girls. The girls are hungry and won't give him anything to eat."

Xiaoman, who was two years younger than Daman, still had a simple understanding of things between men and women. Daman glanced at her and didn't want to say anything more, but just motioned for her to leave it alone.

"When the girl calls us, we'll heat it up again."

Xiaoman hummed: "Sister, don't you like girls?"

Daman was stunned, "What are these words?"

Xiaoman glared at her unhappily, "The food is here, but you don't let me ask the girl to come and eat it."

Xiaoman accepted her death, but Daman couldn't tell her the difference. "Is it more important for a girl to be favored by the general, or to eat?"

"Of course eating is important." Xiaoman glared back at her with an unreasonable look on his face, "The girl said that eating is the top priority."

"You..." Daman was speechless, took a deep breath, and lowered his voice, "I'm too lazy to tell you."

"You're not doing the right thing." Xiaoman said, "We are the girl's maids. Whatever the girl says is what she says. It doesn't matter whether the general wants to be intimate with him or not."

Daman turned his head, not wanting to pay attention to her, but after thinking for a moment, he turned his head again and said seriously: "Xiaoman, do you understand or not? Our master and servant are working under the general to earn a living. Not to mention you and me, we are just girls. , it also depends on the general’s face..."

She changed the metaphor again.

"The girl is our master, and the general is the girl's master. Tell me, which one is more important?"

"Girls are important."

"Why can't you understand the people? I'm not saying that girls are not important, I am saying that we want to help girls and dote on them... Do you understand? The general is not the general of the girl alone. Only the general always loves the girl. We Only then can we have a good life..."

"I don't understand that." Xiao Man said, "The girl said, don't disobey her, don't hide from her, don't give the girl food, that is a greater crime than concealing and disobeying!"

Maybe his temper was getting better, Xiao Man glared at Da Man after speaking, walked over and shouted.

"Girl, it's time to eat!"

Feng Yun almost collapsed from Pei Gou. Hearing Xiaoman's voice and looking at someone's stiff expression, he couldn't help but laugh.

"I've had enough... aren't you hungry, general? Let's have dinner, please?"

Pei Ran's eyes were cold and heavy, as if he was about to spit out fire.

She only cares about her own happiness and doesn't care about his life or death. This is this woman's habit.

Pei Madang patted her, pulled her up, and said in a hoarse voice, "Next time, I will tear up the agreement."

Feng Yun:......

"Shouldn't the general enjoy the hot chicken soup in the middle of the night?"

When he was very tired, Feng Yun was not so hungry.

She didn't stay down to eat, she yawned, got into the bed and wrapped herself up.

The sound of Pei Man eating and washing was faintly transmitted to his ears, and then gradually became blurry.

When I opened my eyes again, the morning sunlight had illuminated the window.

She called Xiao Man and asked, only to find out that the general left in the middle of the night.

No overnight stay.

Feng Yun didn't take it seriously either.

She was not someone who wanted to be a serious couple, so she would not hold Pei Ran to the same standards as her husband. Bad women have their own destiny, and they don't need tenderness and love.

Feng Yun got up to have breakfast, and babbling and laughter could be heard from the outer courtyard.

Before she could hear clearly, Xiao Man ran in like a treasure, running in like a storm.

"Girl girl, Xi Niang is here."

What Xi Niang?

Didn't you tell it to Xiao Cheng?

What does it mean to call Xi Nianglai?

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