Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 162 Wedding Ceremony

Xi Niang didn't come alone, she brought a lot of helpers with her. She thought she had called all the people in Bingzhou City who were doing this business. She didn't know what benefits Pei Ran had promised her, so she entered the house and started to decorate it happily. With all your heart.

Feng Yun did not expect such an incident and was caught off guard.

The house suddenly became lively, with groups of women coming and going. Feng Yun couldn't tell who was who. Some people came to put her into wedding clothes and shoes, and some asked her to choose jewelry and look at the flowers. , and makeup girls came to ask what kind of rouge and gouache should be used, and there was an endless stream of happy comments...

It’s too late to do the ordinary six rites.

But the bridal chamber was decorated, and red silk and red carpets were spread all over the Xingying Courtyard. The ostentation was not grand, but it attracted countless people to watch.

The tense atmosphere of the war was instantly diluted by the wedding.

When things came to a close, Feng Yun didn't even have a chance to object. At first, she dealt with it in a cowardly manner, but as time went by, she felt so tired that she began to mistakenly think that she was really going to get married.

Pei Wangzhi!

It hurt her a lot.

Xi Niang was making arrangements inside and outside, explaining to her and the maid what the rules of the wedding were. Feng Yun felt tired after listening to it, and felt a little dazed for a moment...

Pei Ran didn't marry her in his previous life.

The person who married her was Xiao Cheng.

Under the intervention of the eldest brother, both the big wedding and the canonization ceremony were extremely grand.

The eldest brother was talking about the ten miles of red makeup and the crowd of guests, but no matter how lively the wedding banquet was, it was still just a show in the end.

It seems to be no different from the one in front of me.

If you have to compare, this is more ridiculous and more like a child's trick.

However, under such circumstances, Pei Madang was able to collect twelve dowry gifts, which made Feng Yun very suspicious that it was filled with stones, so he opened it to take a look.

There are white jade and gold bottles, cloth, gold and silver, but no stones.

The gift list was placed on a red silk tray, and everything was in order.

"One look at the groom shows that he has put a lot of thought into it."

Xi Niang said happily.

Feng Yun was silent.

Although it was all handled by Qin Dajin, it did take a lot of effort to get these in Bingzhou City during the war in just three days...

Feng Yun felt very angry.

The wedding dress in the wedding room was in her size, the crown and accessories were in eye-catching colors, and tall red candles were placed in the candlesticks.

Tables and banquets were laid out in the garden, and a wedding banquet was prepared on the stove. Qin Dajin even got a pig, a few sheep, some beef and wine. This is the first time for many people to see such a sumptuous meal after coming to Bingzhou City for so long, and cheers can be heard from time to time...

Everything is a bit dreamy.

Things far exceeded Feng Yun's expectation.

But Pei Madang had made it clear to her in advance, just to force Xiao to show up at Hengqu Pass. He had been fully prepared for the past two days. He himself had not put any thought into the marriage. It was not good for Feng Yun to suddenly go back on his word and drag him down. hind legs...

Just a little restless.

What if Xiao Cheng doesn't come to attack the city?

Will the big wedding go ahead?

Listening to Xi Niang's laughing voice, Feng Yun was so bored that he took out the pamphlet Puyang Jiu had given him.

She didn't know why she wanted to look.

Probably, before the bride gets married, her mother's family will teach her about boudoir affairs, so she suddenly thought of her mother.

Today is the wedding date chosen by Pei Man, and it is also the winter solstice.

In the past, when my grandmother was here, on days like this, the family would make dumplings and glutinous rice balls. My grandmother said that it was a sign of family harmony and happiness. She had to eat it every year. The maids gathered around and finished eating the dumplings. Cooking tea around the stove in the yard, laughing and playing.

After my mother left, there was no fun in the winter solstice.

This winter solstice is destined to be different.

Feng Yun's eyes were slightly hot and he hid his face on the pillow. His emotions came suddenly.

"When a bride gets married, she has to cry. Girl, you have to cry..."

When she was getting married to Xiao Cheng, Xi Niang said she wanted to marry in tears, but Feng Yun didn't cry, not even a drop of tear, because her mother was gone, Chen was not worth her tears, and neither was Feng Jingting.

There was no one in the Feng family who made her reluctant to get married and leave home.

After a while, Xiniang came to urge her again.

She had a high-pitched voice and called Xiao Man.

"Sister-in-law, why don't you wait for your master to take a bath and change clothes? It's getting late, and you have to dress up. The sedan chair will come to pick you up soon..."

The sedan chair departs from Xingying Courtyard, walks around Bingzhou City, and then carries it back here. Isn't this the same as a child's trick?

Feng Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry and let her do it.

Bathing and dressing like a puppet, sitting in front of the dressing table while being held down.

Dressed in wedding clothes and wearing a crown, she looked at herself in the mirror, a little afraid to recognize her.

The wedding dress looked very solemn on her body, and she wore jingle bells as she walked, which made her already slender figure look even more outstanding. She was so gorgeous that the whole room was shocked, and it took a long time before someone came out to praise her.

"The bride is beautiful."

"What a blessing, General."

Feng Yun looked at the bronze mirror...

The woman inside was smiling at her.

is her.

It's like Feng Yun in his previous life, speaking softly.

"I hope to grow old together with my husband."

A shadow was reflected in the mirror, which was the handsome and aloof face. He lifted the hijab with a gold scale in his hand and said in a low voice: "Okay."

Feng Yun closed his eyes.

If a stupid person doesn't wake up, he will deserve it. No one can grow old together with a loved one, only your own hands can support you until you grow old together.

This wedding is just Pei Man's plan.

It's just a strategy, a strategy, don't let your mind get lost...

Probably because Feng Yun was too calm and showed no expression during the whole process, the jokers restrained themselves a bit. There was less joy in the room, and Feng Yun quickly calmed down.

In the afternoon, the sky was overcast, as if it was going to rain.

Outside the courtyard, there was the joy of playing and beating, as people and horses welcomed the bride.

There was music and performance, and the twelve men carried the betrothal gift, attracting countless people to watch.

"Why are you welcoming the bride at this hour?"

"That's right! Isn't it too early?"

Weddings are held at dusk.

If someone in the crowd has a question, someone will respond.

"Perhaps the general is anxious and wants to bring the beauty home as soon as possible."

"The general has too much blood on his hands. When dusk comes, he may be afraid that the devil will come to haunt him..."

In Bingzhou City, shrouded in the shadow of war, this wedding was unexpected and weird.

Everyone was secretly amazed, but no one dared to step forward to question it.

The bright red wedding sedan was carried by eight people and landed in front of the door.

"Please invite the bride to get on the sedan chair!"

Feng Yun has waited too long.

The phoenix crown on her head was so heavy that it almost bent her neck. It was very difficult to straighten her shoulders and back. With the complicated dress and thick hijab, she felt as if she had been kidnapped and got into the sedan chair.

In the joy and hustle and bustle, she was like a puppet. She did whatever Xi Niang said. She was carried out in a daze, then passed through the streets surrounded by water, and carried back to the camp.

"Has the groom arrived?"

Pei Madang did not come to "pick up the bride". When the sedan chair landed at the door again, he was belatedly arrived in front of everyone's attention.

Naturally, the crowd started talking again.

After all, the groom's official who doesn't take the bride to the wedding doesn't pay enough attention to the bride. Can you say that you don’t take it seriously? The general put on his wedding clothes and attended his wedding banquet in person despite his busy schedule?

The person who cares least is Feng Yun.

She just hoped that this torture would end soon.

Xi Niang: "Bridal officer, come and hold the scarf."

A bright red silk scarf was divided into two ends. Each person held one end in his hand and entered the door surrounded by people. The etiquette was so simple that it was shocking.

"Get ready to worship." Xiniang said.

Feng Yun couldn't see Xi Tang and was a little dizzy as he was being led around.

She didn't hear Pei Ran speak the whole time.

Pei Madang is probably the most silent "groom boy" in the world.

Wherever he was, the air-conditioning condensed. Even at a big wedding, no one dared to come forward to tease him, let alone make noises, so the atmosphere of the wedding was very weird.

Feng Yun suddenly felt that this wedding ceremony was probably similar to a funeral?

"Bow down to heaven and earth." Xiniang's voice reached my ears.

Feng Yun hesitated for a moment, then someone pulled at the end of the red silk scarf. The emotions on the other end of the scarf were transmitted to her, as if to remind her not to ruin his important event.

Under the Xipa, she saw the man's shoes moving slowly, so she followed them and bowed slightly to salute——

Before he even raised his head, there was a rush of footsteps in his ears.

The sound of weapons and armor scraping together is very special and easy to distinguish.

Because the owner of the weapon was very evil, no one who came to the wedding banquet wore a sword, including Pei Ran himself.

Therefore, the voice of the visitor keenly stirred everyone's nerves.

The surrounding area suddenly became quiet.

"General, urgent military information——"

It was Shi Yin who said in a solemn and high-pitched voice, with a bit of inexplicable murderous intent and unconcealable excitement, "The Qi army has attacked the city."

These few words are like huge rocks thrown into the lake.

With a bang, it exploded among the onlookers.

"The city is under attack! The city is under attack."

"The Qi army is coming to attack the city!"

Feng Yun's heart trembled for no reason.

it's over.

She held her breath...

Everyone was waiting for Pei Ran to speak.

It seemed like a moment, and it seemed like a long time passed before Feng Yun heard his emotionless voice, which was calm and steady, like the sharp claws of an eagle gliding silently across the water.

"Is it time for husband and wife to say goodbye?"

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