Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 163 Battle of Bingzhou

There was no high hall here, he just crossed that one.

Xi Niang was stunned for a moment, her heartbeat speeding up due to fright. When Leng Buding heard the general's order, she grunted twice before she finally calmed down and shouted loudly:

"Couple greetings!"

Feng Yun couldn't see Pei Madang's expression, but based on her understanding, he should be expressionless at the moment.

"Send it to the bridal chamber!"

There was a lot of embarrassment all around, but Xiniang was the only one doing her duty.

The war was imminent and there was no room for hesitation. Feng Yun almost bowed hastily and was taken into the bridal chamber.

The joy stopped.

The wedding banquet was placed on the table and no one moved it.

The wedding and the big battle were seamlessly connected, bringing about tension and urgency that left many people with no time to react...

Feng Yungang was helped to sit on the couch, and he reached out and took off the hijab.

Xi Niang hurriedly stopped her, "Madam, please don't..."

No bride uncovers her head by herself, but Feng Yun's neck was almost bent by the phoenix crown.

Moreover, she knew that she was destined not to wait for the groom tonight.

The plan is done.

What else do you want with Lao Shizi's wedding?

At the moment, she was only worried about how Pei Madang would cope with Xiao Cheng's 300,000-strong army attacking the city with 50,000 troops. Xiao Cheng delayed sending troops until today, so he must have been fully prepared...

No matter how you look at it, this battle is a defeat...

Don't let the villain get his way.

Especially when she learned from Xiao Rong that Feng Ying was in Hengqu Pass, her throat was tight and she couldn't care about that, so she ran out of the bridal chamber in her wedding clothes.

The two maids and Xi Niang were chasing after him.

Feng Yun saw Pei Ran outside the courtyard.

He had taken off his wedding clothes and put on his armor. His handsome face under the iron helmet was cold and solemn, making him intimidating even from such a long distance.


Feng Yun stopped her and wanted to say something.

But in the end she just smiled.

"Waiting for your triumphant return."

There seemed to be light in Pei Madang's eyes, but there was no trace of it for just a moment. He nodded to Feng Yun, got on the horse, and rode away with a sound of driving.

A group of guards followed closely and disappeared down the long street in an instant.

Feng Yun held up the hem of her skirt and chased for a few steps before stopping.

The bride in her wedding dress stands between two majestic stone lions, looking at the people leaving in the distance. The scene is frozen and silent...


The Qi army's siege was launched before dusk.

In winter, when the days are short and the nights are long, the horns are heard reaching the sky from the other side of the mountain. It doesn’t take long for the twilight to fall low.

The roar of the mountains and the tsunami was deafening.

The number of people attacking the city this time was greater than last time. The densely packed Qi army was black and overwhelming, and the momentum was huge. This was the first time that Xiao Cheng commanded a large army of so many people to fight, and he set out an imperative offensive.

He wanted to capture Bingzhou and Pei Madang in one fell swoop.

Victory or defeat depends on this.

Large siege chariots passed through the filled trenches and were pushed towards the south gate one by one. Cracked stones and broken wood fell from the sky, violently hitting the Bingzhou city wall. Fire arrows illuminated the desolate sky, and one after another they flew towards The city wall was ignited somewhere, and smoke billowed instantly...

It was very quiet in the Xingying Villa.

Deathly quiet.

"Zui!" A loud voice came from above Bingzhou City.

I saw an unknown object quickly rise into the air and explode, as brilliant as fireworks.

Xiao Man stood in the yard, pointed at it and asked loudly: "Look, girl, what is that?"

Feng Yun raised his head and said, "Sound the arrow."

Xiaoman asked: "What is the sounding arrow used for?"

Feng Yun felt a little pity: "Send the signal."

She didn't know who Pei Ran was sending a signal to.

The Jin garrison closest to Bingzhou was in Xinzhou. At such a long distance, it was impossible for the generals of Xinzhou to see the signal. Even if you see it, you can't catch it.

What's more, there are two rebel armies of the Beiyong Army stationed in Hongye Valley...

How can Pei Madang resolve this dead situation?

"Girl! I'm so scared..."

They all experienced the last time Andu was surrounded, but there was no real fighting that time. This time it was different. Those shocking shouts of death and violent collisions could be heard from a long distance away. arrive.

Xiaoman's face was very nervous.

"What should we do now?"

Feng Yun looked at the dim sky, "Close the door and go to sleep."

Xiao Man huffed and looked back at her, unable to close his mouth for a long time.

"Girl, you are joking with Xiaoman, right?"

Feng Yun asked: "What will you do if you don't sleep? Go to the battlefield?"

Xiao Man immediately closed his mouth.

Feng Yun said: "Pack up your things first, and then recharge your batteries. If the general loses, we will run for our lives."

Xiaoman and Daman looked at each other and suddenly felt that what the girl said made sense.

With a full stomach and a good sleep, even if a disaster strikes, you will have more chances of survival than others...

Feng Yun was lying on a couch scented with the fragrance of laughing lotus.

The new red quilt feels very strange.

She couldn't sleep.

In my mind, there was a picture of the Qi army crossing the moat and climbing up the city wall like dense ants, and it was the picture of Pei Mad being shot through the chest by an arrow...

A chill ran through her body.

The temperature of the charcoal fire cannot stop the cold imagination.



As night falls, the mountain breeze blows out a chilling atmosphere.

Xiao Cheng looked at the map in the Chinese military tent with a very solemn expression.

The Qi army launched a large-scale attack on the city. If they failed to capture Bingzhou in one fell swoop, they would be criticized.

For him, this battle can only be won, not defeated...


A shout came.

Xiao Cheng raised his eyes and said, "Come in."

The scout ran in holding his sword and knelt down on one knee.

"Your Majesty, the Jin army set up an ambush on the left bank of the Gui River. They were protected by deep ditches and high fortresses, and they also ambush archers. Our left-wing army was attacked by the ambush before it could penetrate deep."

Xiao Cheng has not yet spoken.

Another scout rushed in hastily.

"Your Majesty! Urgent report——"

He was gasping for air, his face was gray, and he seemed unable to bite his lips.

"Han Huchu surrendered his army, and suddenly, he suddenly attacked our army from the right rear... They rebelled!"


Another long sound.

The visitor's footsteps were fast, and before he entered the tent, his voice was already shouting loudly.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is not well. We were attacked by an elite ambush of the Jin Army from the northwest. The leader was the Red Armor Army's deputy general Ao Qi. They ambushed General Xie's headquarters on the right wing of our army and disrupted our army's attack on the city..."

Before the man's voice fell, another shout came from outside.


Xiao Cheng's expression changed, he clenched his hands slightly and glared angrily.

What came this time were Kou Shan's soldiers in front of the formation.

"Your Majesty, there are rumors before the battle that the Jin army has arrived with 100,000 reinforcements. Now the morale of the Jin army has greatly increased... As soon as our army set up the pontoon bridge, Pei Gou came out of the city and the cavalry rushed straight to the front of the battle and dispersed. Our army's offensive..."

After taking a breath, he said again:

"General Kou ordered a villain to report to Your Majesty that the Northern Yong Army is powerful and has ambushes on three sides to support it. Our army is afraid that it will fall into a tight siege..."

Caught in siege?

Before Xiao Cheng attacked the city, he suspected that Pei Mad was deceitful and did not push all the main forces to the front of the formation. However, the army led by Kou Shan and Xie Congguang numbered at least 150,000 people, and Xia Houxian and Feng Tingji supported them. They attacked in three directions. If all three routes were ambushed, how could they be trapped in a tight siege?


If he attacks a small number with more troops and is besieged to death, then he, the emperor, might as well not do it!

"Pei Madang is very brave for daring to go out of the city to fight."

The mottled lights fell down and draped over Xiao Cheng's body, making his face look calmer and calmer.

"You've come just in time to change my clothes. I want to wear armor and go into battle!"

Ping An opened his eyes wide and looked up.

"Your Majesty, no!"

As long as the imperial commander is stationed at Hengqu Pass and protected by natural barriers, there will be no danger. However, if the emperor goes to the battle in person, the danger will be unpredictable.

Ping An gritted his teeth and desperately stepped forward to stop him.

However, the emperor had already made up his mind, and he wore silver armor and looked extraordinarily heroic.

"Gongsun Jiong, Xu Chi, lead the Sanjia battalion to follow me to support Kou Shan."

This means going into battle to compete with Pei Ran.

Ping An's head was buzzing and his feet were jumping anxiously.

"Your Majesty, swords don't have eyes on the battlefield, the dragon's body is more important."

Feng Ying came over at this time. She looked at Xiao Cheng's cold eyes under the iron helmet, which were dark and full of anger, and her face turned pale with fear.

"How can your Majesty, with his body of gold, risk going into battle?"

She understood very well the importance of Xiao Cheng's life and death to her. The emperors of Southern Qi had changed several times in just over twenty years. If something happened to Xiao Cheng, the rest of her life would be completely gloomy and she would never get ahead.

Feng Ying knelt down and begged with tears in her eyes.

"Your Majesty, for the sake of all the people in the world, please think twice."

Xiao Cheng had no expression and just looked at her coldly.

"Step aside."

Feng Ying cried sadly: "Your Majesty!"

Xiao Cheng: "I haven't died in the battle yet, why are you crying?"

There was no emotion or anger in his voice, but Feng Ying was so frightened that she stopped crying immediately, bit her lower lip, and looked at him sadly.

"I...I...can't bear to risk Your Majesty..."

Xiao Cheng said nothing.

The guards brought the car, which was a snow-white horse, tall and strong. Xiao Cheng ignored Feng Ying, walked past her, stepped onto the horse, and drove away with a sound of driving.

Feng Ying knelt on the ground, looking at the night sky and the team rushing away like a tide, and cried out in sorrow.

"His Majesty……"


Bingzhou City.

Daman and Xiaoman didn't sleep either. There was a stool behind the door. The two of them sat on the stool, listening to the deafening sound until the night darkened.

"Last time, the girl said that when people are tired, they should rest. The Qi army attacking the city has to stop and make a truce after fighting for a while. Why don't you stop?"

Xiaoman's low voice was filled with confusion.

Daman shook his head and said, "I don't know either. His Majesty probably wants to try his best."

She still called you Your Majesty, but Xiao Man lowered his lips and said nothing.

There was a knock on the door at this moment.

"It's the left guard." Xiao Man stood up in surprise and rushed to open the door.

The door opened with a creak.

Ye Chuang's face was tense and his expression was rare and cold.

"Where's Madam?"

He didn't call the girl again.

The moment the general put on his armor and went into battle without being polite, they all knew that Ms. Feng was truly the general's wife.

When Xiao Man saw that it was not Zuo Zhong, his expression was a little disappointed and his voice was urgent,

"Madam, please rest. Guard Ye... how is it outside? Are you okay?"

Ye Chuang could see Xiaoman's nervousness.

His expression became more relaxed, "Something has happened. I need to see Madam immediately. Please tell my sister."

Xiao Man was slightly stunned. Before he could respond, Feng Yun's voice sounded in the inner room.

"Servant Ye, what happened?"

She opened the door and turned her gaze to Ye Chuang.

Ye Chuang looked at those eyes as bright and lively as torches. His anxiety just now faded a little. He stepped forward and saluted Feng Yun and said:

"Madam, there is something strange about General Deng, and my subordinates are very uneasy when they hear it..."

When Pei Ran left the city to face the Qi army, Deng Guang and his Chenghe army were left behind to defend the city, originally to support each other. Unexpectedly, not long after Pei Ran left the city, Deng Guang quietly replaced the four guards with his personal soldiers and confidants.

"Right now, the city is almost entirely occupied by General Deng's people. If General Deng really has different intentions, it would be extremely bad..."

Deng Guang?

That is Pei Ran's confidant, someone he trusts very much, so he shouldn't...

But Ye Chuang has followed Pei Ran for many years, and Feng Yun trusts his intuition and judgment.

This is equivalent to rebelling in the homeland before the external enemy is eliminated.

If Deng Guang raises his troops to rebel, the most dangerous place at this time is Bingzhou City. Regardless of whether Pei Man and the Qi army win or lose, if they are blocked from returning to the city and have no food and grass to continue, they will be attacked from both inside and outside, and they must die.

And this group of people.

Being trapped in the city is like a turtle in a net, and you can't help yourself at all.

At this moment, it was difficult for Feng Yun to guess what Deng Guang was thinking, whether he had already colluded with Xiao Cheng and betrayed Pei Man, or whether he wanted to take the opportunity to occupy Bingzhou, or whether he had some connection with the Jin Dynasty for other purposes. …

But we have to guard against it.

Feng Yun asked: "How many soldiers does Deng Guang have?"

Ye Chuang said: "Speak less of three thousand."

Not everyone under the Chenghe Army would obey Deng Guang's orders, but he had been deeply involved in the army for many years, and his three thousand personal soldiers were enough to shake up other soldiers who were not determined and hesitant.

At a time like this, it's too destructive.

"In the opinion of Guard Ye, how should we deal with it now?"

Ye Chuang said: "Leave the city from the north gate. If the guards refuse to let you go, you can conclude that Deng Guang has rebelled. My subordinates will swear to the death to protect my wife from leaving..."

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes slightly: "Go out of the north gate, cross the ferry and you will be in the direction of Red Leaf Valley... Aren't you still going to die?"


Ye Chuang hesitated and cupped his hands.

"Madam, I don't know. The general originally planned to unite the Han, Hu, and Chu armies of Hongye Valley to defeat Xiao San..."

Didn't Han, Hu and Chu betray Pei Mad?

Is that also Pei Madang's plan?

The person who betrayed in the previous life did not betray?

A person who had never betrayed in his previous life suddenly betrayed. Things did not develop on the planned track. Feng Yun's vest was slightly sweaty...

Yes, all readers must have noticed that this is a messy romance novel with a strong Mary Sue feel. The author's level is really limited and he cannot write any masterpieces with profound meanings. I'll just give it a try. It's just fun, please don't have too high expectations. No military strategy or plan to determine the world can withstand scrutiny. They are all for the sake of love. If it doesn’t make you happy, it’s because the author’s level is not good enough. It’s impossible for an author to make a living by writing articles, and it’s impossible to overstate the number of words, let alone to trick people into subscribing. But I hope military strategists, novel architects, history experts, and literary masters will let the third-rate authors go.

When three people are walking together, I must have my teacher. My friend, Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, is knowledgeable. I will accept your suggestions and personal attacks will be deleted. Every word above is sincere.

Thank you!

Sincere thanks!

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