Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 165: Vow to live and die together

She said this to Deng Guang's followers, and also to other Beiyong soldiers who were unaware of the truth.

People follow the crowd, but they are also individuals and have their own ideas.

She spoke every word with great righteousness and momentum, and she was betting on the prestige that Pei Jue had accumulated in the army for a long time. The title of General Yan Wang was not for nothing. How could you not be afraid of him when serving under Pei Jue?

Pei Jue was out of reach at the moment, but his prestige was still there.

At worst, she could peel off Deng Guang's skin and let people see clearly that he was just a traitor. Is it worth following him so that they can make a choice?

"Chenghe Army Commander Deng Guang is plotting a rebellion. All the men of the Beiyong Army who have heard of it should kill the rebels to establish the military prestige. Afterwards, the general will give a generous reward. Otherwise, you will be guilty of the same crime as the rebel general. How many heads do you have to chop off?"

Deng Guang did not expect that the girl who was so submissive and cautious just now would suddenly change her attitude...

Seeing that the nearby guards ran over to check what was going on, he put on his sword and said viciously:

"Girl, are you going to give me face?"

"Well said." Feng Yun sneered, "Since If General Deng is shameless, then I don't have to give you face anymore. "

Before he finished speaking, Feng Yun took out a small trumpet from the carriage and shouted to the empty streets and the silent night:

"Commander Deng Guang of the Orange Crane Army is plotting a rebellion. If any of the men of the Northern Yong Army hear about it, they should kill the rebels to establish the military prestige. Those who clean up the house for the general will be rewarded by the general! Otherwise, they will be guilty of the same crime as the rebels."

"Commander Deng Guang of the Orange Crane Army is plotting a rebellion. If any of the men of the Northern Yong Army hear about it..."

One after another, the crowd was in an uproar.

The footsteps came closer and closer, and there were more and more.

Deng Guang was furious and drew his sword to point at Feng Yun.

"I wanted to leave a way for the girl to live. Since you don't want it, don't blame me for being ruthless. Come on!"

Deng Guang waved his hand and pointed at Feng Yun and shouted angrily.

"Take down this enchantress who seduced the general and delayed the opportunity to fight."

When the time came, she had to be charged with a crime.

The women's crimes were no exception, and they had to be humiliated as sluts.

Feng Yun laughed loudly, "General Deng hates that the person I seduce is not you, and will never be you..."

Her invincible self-confidence and arrogance made her beautiful face seem to be shining, and it was like a loud slap on Deng Guang's face.

Deng Guang's cheeks were slightly embarrassed, and he was so angry that he spoke without thinking.

"Shameless bitch. Brothers, go!"

Feng Yun's face turned cold, "Ye Chuang listens to the order."

Ye Chuang responded: "Yes."

Feng Yun said: "Capture the rebel general and wait for the general to come back to punish him."

"I obey the order!"

She did not show any weakness and put on a posture of competing with Deng Guang. The incident happened suddenly, and even the soldiers under Deng Guang did not expect that they would directly turn against the general's wife, and they hesitated for a while.

Feng Yun made the right bet.

Pei Cong's influence on the Beiyong Army was engraved in the bones.

Ye Chuang and others glared and shouted loudly.

"Catch the traitor!"

"Catch the traitor!"

A group of people roared like a mountain and a sea, and the roar was deafening.

Deng Guang's personal soldiers and guards saw that the situation was not right, and they did not dare to let them shout and shake the morale of the army, so they drew their swords and killed them.

Armor and armor collided, and the fight around the carriage was extremely fierce.

Ye Chuang turned back, "General Wen, escort the lady away first."

Feng Yun sat still and said, "I can't leave."

Wen Xingsu stood tall in front of the carriage, signaled the guards to come forward to help Ye Chuang, and silently drew out the dragon-slaying sword.

He was not wearing armor, with his sword in front of him, looking at the situation in front of him.

"Guard Ye." Wen Xingsu said in a deep voice: "You lead the elite guards to break out and inform the general. I will cover you..."

The entire Bingzhou City was controlled by Deng Guang, so they were like birds in a cage.

Not to mention Deng Guang's intentions and the life and death of their group of people, Pei Jue was still completely unaware of the cold arrow behind him, and the situation was very dangerous.

Wen Xingsu decided to give it a try.

"If we don't break out and get help, we'll all die."

Ye Chuang understood what he meant, holding his knife in his hand, his eyes red.

"General Wen, take care!"

Wen Xingsu: "No need to say more, hurry up!"

Ye Chuang shouted in response: "Guard Battalion, follow me to break out of the siege."

Wen Xingsu raised the dragon-chopping sword and shouted fiercely: "Kill!"

The clash of swords and weapons instantly resounded in the ears, and screams continued.

Under the cover of Wen Xingsu, Ye Chuang quickly fought his way out of the blood, disappeared at the street corner with the guard battalion, and rode away.

Deng Guang wiped his face, "Chase!"

He divided his troops to chase people, while Feng Yun was escorted by Wen Xingsu's personal guards and retreated to the gate of the other courtyard.

Feng Yun looked up at the red silk ribbon tied at the wedding, stepped on the red carpet on the ground, and dragged Xiao Rong, whose hands were bound.


The fire flickered, accompanied by the swords and shadows of fighting.

The night was dark and murderous.

Wen Xingsu stood with his sword raised, his cold eyes reflecting the firelight under the eaves.

"General Wen Xingsu, who defeated the enemy, was ordered by the general to capture the rebel Deng Guang. Those who obey me will be under my command and loyal to the general. Those who resist will be killed."

Wen Xingsu's reputation was no less than Deng Guang's.

The men in the Beiyong Army knew the famous Ningyuan General Wen Xingsu of the Qi Army. When he was captured, he caused a wave of heated discussions in the army.

In this city, Deng Guang's personal soldiers were less than 3,000.

The rest of the soldiers were all Pei Cong's men.

When Pei Madang was away, they lacked a leader and were at a loss. They could only follow their direct leader Deng Guang.

Once more options become available, some will wait and see or change their minds.

Wen Xingsu raised his arms and called out.

Almost immediately, the city defenders rushed over.

Feng Yun looked happy when he saw this situation.

Only then did she realize how huge the influence of the commander's power had on the soldiers.

The moment her eldest brother stepped forward, the knot in her heart seemed to suddenly open.

But for Wen Xingsu, he had to break out to inform Pei Ran and protect the safety of Feng Yun and Xiao Rong...

Cries of killing came and went. Feng Yun watched these people bleeding and injured, his eyes red as if they were dripping blood...

I don’t want anyone to be injured or killed, but I have to watch the casualties.

"Deng Guang——"

A loud shout suddenly came from the long street.

Feng Yun looked out and saw Puyang Jiu and a veteran wearing Kaijia riding in front, followed by about twenty soldiers, shouting loudly in pain.

"Stop, stop it!"

Puyang Jiu was just a medical officer in the camp, but no one in the Beiyong Army knew about his relationship with Pei Ran.

His appearance was very shocking.

"Brothers, why are you killing each other? Are you crazy?"

Deng Guang looked at Puyang Jiu, his dark face darkened coldly.

"Feng Ji confused the general, thus delaying the fighter plane and causing casualties to innocent soldiers. Wen Xingsu is an internal source of Qi and is trying to lead troops to rebel. Puyang medical officer, I am cleaning up the general's family."

Puyang Jiu: "It's nonsense."

He looked around at the fighting crowd, pointed at Feng Yun who was leaning against the gate, and said loudly:

"Commanders and officers, please see clearly that this is the general's wife who is being married by General Ming Yuan. If you disrespect the wife, you are disrespecting the general. Boys and men of the Beiyong Army, why don't you put down your weapons soon?"

Deng Guang held the handle of the knife with his eyes and smiled coldly.

"The Puyang medical officer does not devote himself to treating the wounded in the wounded barracks, but comes to interfere in the military affairs of the camp. He is really a dog biting a mouse and meddling in other people's business."

"What about me?" The veteran beside Puyang Jiu was named Guo Zhongyou, a general in the Chenghe Army. He gritted his teeth in grief when he saw this.

"General Deng, please tell your brothers loudly, are you going to rebel?"

Deng Guang narrowed his eyes, "Lao Guo, you and I are brothers, don't you understand me yet?"

"I don't have a brother like you." Guo Zhongyou gritted his teeth angrily. He was an old man in the Chenghe Army. His position was not high, but he had been in the army for a long time. He had seen too many intrigues and intrigues, and he had already become aware of the world.

"Deng Guang, have you forgotten that in the battle of Wanxiang Ridge, it was the general who dragged you out of the dead? The general saved your life, Deng Guang!"

Deng Guang: "Lao Guo, I have also blocked a knife for you."

Guo Zhongyou gritted his teeth and made a loud voice.

"You ungrateful villain! How about blocking the knife? At worst, I will give you my life back today..."

Seeing that he was about to stab himself on impulse, Puyang Jiu was so frightened that he quickly stopped him. His forehead was wet with sweat. He was really convinced by these warriors.

"General Guo can't. It's important to save my wife."

Only then did Guo Zhongyou react. He stared at Deng Guang and pointed at the soldiers around him.

"You all want to work as a coward and betray the general?"

No one responded to him.

Feng Yun pushed away Xiao Man who was blocking him, walked out and raised his palms twice.

"General Guo is right. It's enough to act as a harbinger of a tiger. At least you can chew a few bones. What you are doing is nothing more than making wedding clothes for others. In the end, who will bear the charge of betraying the general?"

"Don't listen to her sowing discord." Deng Guang saw that more and more people were being provoked by Feng Yun, and looked at Pu Yangjiu and Guo Zhongyou fiercely.

"Don't blame me for not caring about brotherhood. Kill!"

Puyang Jiu shook his head, "General Deng, you will regret it!"

Deng Guang raised his arms high and raised his sword: "I am loyal to the Emperor of Jin Dynasty. Who dares to disobey orders?"

His own soldiers shouted along.

"Be loyal to Your Majesty and follow General Deng!"

Wen Xingsu felt bad when he saw Deng Guang carrying out the Jin Dynasty emperor. He signaled Shen Tujiong and Yang Qi to take Feng Yun and Xiao Rong into another courtyard, and turned around and shouted orders.

"Retreat to the gate of the mansion!"

A group of people shouted: "Here!"

This Xingying Courtyard, which Pei Man used to accommodate Feng Yunhe for weddings, was originally the former residence of Bingzhou Jiedu Envoy. The courtyard walls are very high and the iron gates are strong, making it suitable for desperate situations.

A group of people fought and retreated, forming a confrontation with the rebels.

Feng Yun entered the door, climbed up the wall with a ladder, looked at the tragic scene of fighting outside, stood on the wall with red eyes, brushed back the skirt of his skirt, put his hands on his hips, and shouted loudly with a trumpet:

"My fellow officers, today the world is torn apart, the people are in dire straits, there are natural and man-made disasters, and wars are frequent. Look at the sky, look at the land, and look at the poor people under the sky. They are devastated and hungry..."

"How many of you were born into wealthy families, and how many of you were high-ranking officials and generals, with a generous salary throughout your life?"

"Which one of you is not a child of the common people? Which one is not from a poor background? Who are you killing with your sword, who are you rebelling against, and who are you helping? What the general did in Andu, you all have seen it. Divide the fields Divide the land and let the people live a good life. Only such generals are worthy of our support! "

"What can you get by working for Deng Guang? The crime of being a rebel is despised by the world. Throughout history, how many people who betrayed their masters for glory had a good ending? It doesn't matter if you die, but your parents and your children will be burdened by you and will never be able to turn over a new leaf. Look, the coffin of the ancestors is about to burst..."

"Life and death, survival, all depends on this battle, why don't you put down your swords and guns and protect the honor of the Beiyong Army with me? If we have to fight, we should also fight for the people of the world, instead of killing my comrades and brothers!"

I am a little stuck today and I am very sorry.

Thank you for your support~~

Love you!!

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