Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 166: Serious Mind

"Everyone stop it!"

Among the fighting crowd, Deng Guang suddenly shouted loudly.

He raised his arm and took the lead in signaling the soldiers to put down their weapons.

As soon as he shouted stop, the soldiers on both sides quickly retreated and distanced themselves from the middle.

Deng Guang looked at the figures on the wall with a very subtle mood.

He was seduced by beauty, he only saw the beauty of this witch, and almost didn't realize how ruthless she was.

He almost fell into the trap of this witch!

So far, he has accused Feng Yun of deceiving the master and Wen Xingsu of Qi Guo, and on the surface they were protecting Pei Mad's interests. He did not even dare to openly say that he betrayed Pei Mad.

Feng Yun's move will inevitably attract criticism.

Shake the morale of the army.

Deng Guang wanted the vested interests, but he didn't want to be known as a seller seeking glory.

Otherwise, when he takes the position of general in the future, how will he lead this army and convince the lieutenants?

Killing Feng, or being incited by him, would arouse the suspicion of his soldiers, not only would there be no benefits, but it would disrupt his entire plan.

Anyway, she couldn't escape in Bingzhou City.

It is better to retreat in order to advance, which not only takes care of the emotions of Puyang Jiu and Guo Zhongyou, but also calms the soldiers who are ready to move.

The most important thing is that he cannot stay here for a long time.

Why not trap her first and wait for Pei Madang to die in battle? Shouldn't it be up to him to have the final say?

Deng Guang figured it out and regretted his recklessness, angering Feng with a few words and almost revealing her true identity, causing her to cut her soldiers apart...

"Everyone." Deng Guang's eyes flashed sinisterly, with a sneer.

"I am loyal to the court and the general, and I have never had any intention of rebellion. But——"

He pointed at Feng Yun and Wen Xingsu and said loudly:

"In order to prevent the officers and soldiers from being incited by him, I will not let go of these two Qi countries, but I will not deal with them again. We will wait until the general returns to the city. If the general says that I am guilty, I will Accept the punishment willingly!”

He spoke eloquently and could be said to be watertight.

The soldiers who were originally suspicious calmed down after hearing this.

Compared to Feng Yun and Wen Xingsu, they had been with Deng Guang for longer, and of course they were more willing to believe him. Thinking of the suspicion just now, some of them even secretly regretted it.

Waiting until the general comes back is the best way.

The crowd sheathed their swords and guns, and some soldiers took the initiative to comfort the opponents they had just wounded and apologize to each other.

Feng Yun looked at Deng Guang with a very subtle mood.

She didn't expect that this mighty-looking martial artist had such a cunning mind and could see through her thoughts so quickly.

Also, how many people who can sit in this position are simple?

Deng Guang glanced back at her and waved.

"You are in jail for me and no one is allowed to come in or out."

People came in like a tide and left like a tide.

Deng Guang withdrew some of his troops, and those who stayed in the camp were all his close soldiers. He trapped Feng Yun, Wen Xingsu and others inside and sealed them tightly.

Xiao Man helped Feng Yun into the house.

Wen Xingsu also took people back to another courtyard.

Being safe for now is the best outcome. He arranged for some people to keep vigil all night, while the others lay on the ground around the charcoal stove to recharge their batteries.

Puyang Jiu also came in, bringing his servants, guards and medicine boxes to treat the wounds of the injured people in the courtyard.

Feng Yun stood by the window, his hair flying, not knowing what he was thinking.

Daman said: "I wonder if the general is convinced now?"

Xiaoman sighed helplessly, "We can't get out, and I'm afraid the general won't be able to get in. There's also the siege of the Qi army. The general's situation is much more dangerous than ours."

Feng Yun looked over, and the two of them stopped talking.

No matter how nervous or scared I am, it's useless to talk about it.

They did not dare to affect the girl's mood any more, and lowered their heads to guard the charcoal stove silently.

In the blink of an eye, the night was getting late, and Deng Guang's soldiers outside still had not withdrawn, staring at the other courtyard of the camp with eager eyes.

Not even a mouse can escape.

Wen Xingsu arranged his defenses and hurried over, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, as elegant and noble as usual.

"Aren't you asleep?"

Feng Yun shook his head, "I can't sleep."

Wen Xingsu smiled slightly and said, "Big brother is here."

As long as he is here, no one will hurt her.

Feng Yun slowly raised the corners of his mouth, smiled faintly, and asked him to come over and sit down.

Eyes facing each other.

Both of them had red bloodshot eyes.

Feng Yun said warmly: "Brother, there is no need to worry about me. Deng Guang will not kill you or me right now. We just need to hold on here with all our strength and wait for the general's return."

Seeing her so calm, Wen Xingsu felt a little at ease.

"Deng Guang is certain that the general cannot return to the city, so he will temporarily give in. But he can bet, but we can't completely place our hopes on the general. Do you understand?"

Of course Feng Yun understands.

They must prepare for Pei Ran to die in battle.

What if Pei Mang doesn't come back?

Feng Yun was as quiet as water, showing no emotion.

"In my opinion, brother, who is behind Deng Guang? Is he seeking refuge with Xiao Cheng, or is he someone else?"

Wen Xingsu shook his head: "It's not like what Xiao Cheng did."

Feng Yun: "How can you see it?"

Wen Xing traced: "Firstly, Xiao Cheng is the Lord of Qi and will be wary of those who surrender. The benefits he gives Deng Guang are not enough to make him betray Pei Mad. Secondly..."

He hesitated, and from the perspective of military strategy, "If Deng Guang wanted to respond to the Qi army, why not find an opportunity to open the city gate, lower the drawbridge, and lead the Qi army to invade in a large scale? And choose the time when the general is going to war with the Qi army?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

"What the eldest brother said is absolutely true. Deng Guang just wants to reap the benefits. He wants power, profit, and people... Finally, he also wants a good reputation. He has good calculations."

Pei Madang died at the hands of Qi Jun.

What did he do? He just didn't open the city gate. It was also for the sake of the overall situation.

Deng Guang defended Bingzhou City, and it was unlikely that he could still make great contributions.

Wen Xingsu nodded, "Someone must have lured me with benefits..."

As long as the benefits are big enough, some people will dare to take risks.

Feng Yun raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said three words, "Li Zongxun."

Wen Xingsu nodded, his face showing a coldness rarely seen in Feng Yun.

“We are caught up in the infighting between the Jin and Kuomintang parties.”

"This is exactly what I want to see." Feng Yun looked at Wen Xingsu with a faint fire in his eyes.

She never concealed anything from Wen Xingsu, including her ambitions.

"I have never believed in the Lord of Jin. Wouldn't the civil strife in Jin be just what I want?"

"Waist..." A hand reached out and Wen Xingsu held it.

Those slender fingers look like they can be broken with just a little force, but why does such a girl have so much energy and courage to do what a man wouldn't do?

There were too many things in Feng Yun that Wen Xingsu couldn't understand.

For a moment, he even felt...

He didn't recognize Feng Yun in front of him.

This was not the waist he was familiar with and needed to be protected.

"Now you are so makes my eldest brother feel sad."

Wen Xingsu had a lump in his throat.

The seventeen-year-old waist should not have to endure these hardships.

"Don't be afraid, big brother will protect you even if he fights to the death."

Feng Yun held him back, clasping his hands together, and a warm current surged from his palms throughout his body.

She looked at her eldest brother and smiled softly, just like the seventeen-year-old Feng Yun should have, bright and gentle.

"I believe in you, brother."

He added: "But I'm not afraid of death either."

Wen Xingsu: "Yaoyao..."

Every time Feng Yun mentioned the word "death" on his lips and looked at him with that indifferent and meaningless expression, Wen Xingsu would be severely shocked in his heart and feel as if he was suffocating.

He can feel it...

My waist has been through a lot.

He suffered a lot in a place he didn't know.

At first, he thought that the pain caused to her by Pei Ran was because of the torture she suffered in the Jin army camp.

But during these days of getting along day and night, he saw something completely different.

Ye Chuang and the others were extremely respectful to her, and Daman and Xiaoman also served her attentively.

Even Pei Ran...

The Jin Army's God of War, who was extremely indifferent, could not show off any authority in front of Feng Yun. Even if he said that he had bullied his waist, he didn't look like it.

Where on earth did that waist suffer such suffering, so that he would show such hatred from time to time, and even be free and easy as if he was world-weary, and develop a temperament that was very different from the past?

He couldn't understand.

Feng Yun didn't notice his thoughts at all.

"Brother said, if the general dies in battle, how can we break through and survive?"

Wen Xingsu was startled.

The general died in battle. She said it in a calm tone without any emotion.

This was her husband who she had just married a few hours ago...

Wen Xingsu frowned slightly and took a breath unconsciously.

"Wait until the fourth watch. If Ye Chuang does not return and there is still no news from the general, then we might as well make plans early..."

After a pause, his eyes dropped, with a bit of the coldness of the night, and he said calmly:

"The guards are tired and lax at the fourth watch. I will lead people to lure them away, and let Shen Tujiong and Yang Qi take you and Ah Rong away from the backyard. As long as you leave the city, you will not be afraid."

After leaving the city, no matter whether he encounters the Qi army or the Beiyong army, Feng Yun will be safe...

Only the variable Deng Guang is the real threat.

"I don't think so." Feng Yun said: "It's a risk to go out of the city, and it's a risk to stay here. At least we have to choose the easiest way to be rescued."

Pei Ran will look for her when he comes back.

Once out, it will make Pei Madang's rescue more difficult.

Wen Xingsu opened his mouth, wanting to tell her not to have too much confidence in Pei Madang, but looking at her expression, he swallowed it back.

"Okay. Close the doors and windows. No matter what noise you hear outside, don't come out to watch."

"Brother, why don't we take the initiative?" Feng Yun stared at Wen Xingsu.

Under the night, her face was as bright as the bright moon, and the cold and cruel look in her eyes made Wen Xingsu startled again.

“How to take the initiative?”

Feng Yun held the tea cup on the small table and tightened it tightly.

"Brother, why don't we take the opportunity to take back Bingzhou City and assist the general?"

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