Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 167 Yaoyao's Advice

Wen Xingsu was stunned.

He never thought that Feng Yun would have such wild thoughts...

Not hearing Wen Xingsu's answer, Feng Yun continued:

"The general has experienced hundreds of battles. I certainly believe that he is sure of victory. However, the Qi army attacked Bingzhou with heavy troops and was numerically superior. This battle will not be easy... and the city defense of Bingzhou is strong, and Deng Guang could not hold the city gate. Come on, how will the general return to the city? Wait until tomorrow, the weapons are worn out, the soldiers are tired, and there is no food in the mouth..."

She shook her head, her eyes blazing, "When the time comes, there will be no need for the Qi army to take action, let alone Deng Guang to raise his troops to rebel. This is the opportunity that Deng Guang has been waiting for. Then what we have to do is to disrupt his steps and defeat him. Their good plans are strangled in the cradle.”

The air was unusually quiet.

Wen Xingsu had been in the camp for many years and never thought that one day he would sit across from Feng Yun to discuss tactics and strategies.

He asked: "How to disrupt it, how to strangle it to death?"

Feng Yun's eyes were dark and full of energy.

"There are many people like General Guo Zhongyou in the Beiyong Army. Otherwise, there wouldn't have been so many people responding to my brother's call last night."

Wen Xingsu nodded.

Feng Yun added: "These people are elites trained by Pei Mad. This is the reason why Deng Guang gave in just now. So, what we lack now is... a reason enough for them to convince us and believe that Deng Guang betrayed Pei Mad. "

Wen Xingsu: "Is there any good strategy for waist waist?"

"Yes." Feng Yun stared into her eyes, "Myself."


Feng Yun stood up and said, "I can imitate the general's handwriting."

Wen Xingsu could no longer hide the surprise in his eyes, and even Duan Fang showed an expression of disobedience.

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

She couldn't tell Wen Xingsu how she passed the time by writing stroke by stroke in accordance with Pei Madang's handwriting during those long lonely and helpless nights.

No purpose, just boring.

She didn't tell anyone, she destroyed one after she wrote it, and no one ever found out.

"Are you sure?" Wen Xingsu knew that she was smart, but he still couldn't believe it.

How long has she known Pei Madang?

It is difficult to imitate someone's handwriting without long-term immersion and familiarity.

"Once exposed, it will be counterproductive."

He was reminding Feng Yun not to be trivial.

Feng Yun smiled, went back to the house, found an official document from Pei Mad, then rolled up his sleeves, rubbed ink, and wrote a handwritten letter from Pei Mad in front of Wen Xingsu.

"Deng Guang has different intentions. If something unexpected happens to Bingzhou after I leave, I can ask General Wen to hold a letter and find Gong Dao'an, Hou Kai, Guo Zhongyou, Yu Mengru, Shang Baotian and others to seize the city. The above are all my trusted generals. They can really do it." Believe it.”

Wen Xingsu took over the handwriting and compared it, his eyes changing slightly.

Not only the handwriting looks like.

In the handwriting, Feng Yun described several deputy generals and generals in the Chenghe Army as "brothers I can trust" without leaving any trace. It can be said that his thoughts are extremely clever.

These people thought that they were favored by Pei Mad. As long as they obeyed his orders and captured Deng Guang, they would be reused. Who wouldn't be enthusiastic and loyal to the general?

Feng Yun had never done anything like this before, and he was a little excited, with bright eyes.

"Brother, it's not too late."

Wen Xingsu knew that what Feng Yun said was true.

But doing that would greatly increase the risk, especially after he leaves, who will protect Feng Yun?

"Brother doesn't want to put you in danger..."

Feng Yun shook his head, "Danger is opportunity. When the general comes back, he will be impressed when he learns that my elder brother has solved the mess in Bingzhou City."

Wen Xingsu looked at her with a frown, "You don't have to be like this."

No matter what Feng Yun did, Pei Madang would not change his attitude towards her. What Feng Yun wanted was Pei Madang's admiration for Wen Xingsu.

This was also her long-held wish, hoping that Wen Xingsu would be of the same mind as her.

"Eldest brother has a way to leave the other courtyard, right?"

Wen Xingsu was silent.

After a long while, he said: "I will advance and retreat together with Yao Yao."

Feng Yun clasped his hands together and squeezed them hard, "Good brother, I am the same way... You go and do important things by yourself. I am here in Xingying Courtyard. Brother, there is no need to worry."

Wen Xingsu took a deep breath.

He stood up and patted Feng Yun hard on the shoulder.

But Feng Yun felt that it was far from enough...

She had lost her eldest brother in her previous life, and she was more afraid of him than anyone else.

Stretching out her arms, she hugged Wen Xingsu tightly, resting her head on his chest with a mist-like smile in her eyes.

Comforting him was like comforting myself.

"It's going to be okay. Brother, we're all going to be okay."

Wen Xingsu's eyes turned red and he hugged her tightly. His heart swelled to the extreme and his emotions completely collapsed.

He is willing to lay down his life for the girl in his arms, so why should he be afraid of danger? -

Fourth watch.

When the defenders outside the courtyard were in dire straits, Feng Yun made trouble on the wall of the front courtyard, and Wen Xingsu quietly left from the backyard with his men.

As soon as he left, Feng Yun took the remaining guards and set up defenses in the yard.

Buckets and hidden nails were placed in every easy-to-climb corner, and night watch guards hid behind high walls. All the gravel and blue bricks in the garden were packed in bamboo baskets and placed on the wall...

The entire camp was filled with all kinds of traps she could think of, and everyone, including the maids, were armed.

The iron gate of the other courtyard is extremely strong and can be used as a barrier. Several guards were asked to carry a huge stone to hold it tight...

Feng Yun was busy and couldn't care about Xiao Rong at all.

Until I heard a sniffling sound.

She didn't cry out, she just kept crying silently.

The tears flowed down her cheeks and slid into her mouth, and she had no way to wipe them away. She was huddled in the corner alone. She was no longer the noble eldest princess of Qi State, but just a helpless and pitiful prisoner.

In the unaccompanied enemy camp, Wen Xingsu was the only one who cared about her. Xiao Rong was more afraid of something happening to him than anyone else. Perhaps her tears were so touching in such a situation that Xiao Man couldn't bear to watch them.

"Girl, the eldest princess's wrists are all purple, do you want to..."

Feng Yun glanced at Xiao Rong and frowned.


Xiao Man responded, bent down to untie the hemp rope on Xiao Rong's hand, and let her move around. Unexpectedly, Xiao Rong's tears started to flow even more violently, from silent to loud, sobbing, with those resentful eyes, saying no Very pitiful.

Feng Yun turned to look at her, "If you cry again, I'll shut your mouth."

Xiao Rong bit her lower lip and looked at her, unable to stop crying.

"Feng's Ayun." She suddenly said, "I'm sorry for what happened in the past."

Feng Yun sneered without looking back, "I don't care and I don't accept it."

Xiao Rong lowered her eyes, "Why did you, just now, rather die than hand me over to the rebels?"

Feng Yun looked at her sideways and twitched the corner of his mouth.

No wonder he was deceived by Feng Ying like a fool.

Too simple, too naive, too easily moved, too trusting.

Feng Yun sneered, "Because if you are going to die, you will die in my hands."

Xiao Rong pursed her lips and wiped her eyes again.

"I know you're not like that."

She couldn't explain why, but she just felt that Feng Yun was unwilling to hand her over to the rebels, and even did not hesitate to fight with Deng Guang. In fact, he was protecting her...

In Feng Yun's hands, at least she had food and drink, and no one would insult her... But, she no longer felt that those slaps were insults. Because female prisoners fall into enemy camps, there are some crueler ways than this.

Feng's Ayun didn't really want to harm her.

"I don't want to apologize to you because you protected me. These days, I've been in jail and thought a lot about...the me before was really hateful."

Pain is relatable.

They were too cruel to Feng Yun before.

"Feng Shi Ayun, please forgive me."

Feng Yun sneered and ignored her.

It took her two lifetimes to understand that such useless words were meaningless.

The most important thing right now is how to guard this yard and lead this group of people to survive.

She turned around and left without giving Xiao Rong a second look.

In the night wind, his clothes moved slightly, and his back was upright, looking ruthless and made of iron.

The night was very deep, and Feng Yun didn't sleep all night.

At daybreak, there was no news from Ye Chuang and the guard camp, and Wen Xingsu did not come back, but the guards left behind by Deng Guang were still walking around outside the wall, watching with eagerness...

The camp villa was tense and quiet.

The city of Bingzhou is even more turbulent and people are in panic.

The city gates were closed tightly and blocked on all sides. The people no longer went out and huddled in their homes with the young and old, waiting for the end of the war.

At noon, Feng Yun sent someone to get some food to reward the guards and soldiers guarding the other courtyard.

These people are not all the guards left by Wen Xingsu and Pei Madang. Some of them were brought by Puyang Jiu yesterday, as well as those who defected on the spot to protect her...

Feng Yun believed that they were all loyal to Pei Mad, and that's why they would choose her instead of obeying Deng Guang under such circumstances, so he regarded them as his own.

The food and wine for the wedding banquet prepared yesterday were not finished yet. It happened to be warmed on the stove and then someone brought them out.

"It's time for the wedding banquet."

Someone made a joke.

Everyone said they didn't expect to be able to eat so well while being imprisoned, and they were blessed.

While talking and laughing, Xiaoman suddenly started crying.

Feng Yun glanced at her without scolding her.

This night, no one was relaxed.

The young girl, holding a knife in her hand and looking around, must have been crushed by the boulder, and she might as well have cried.

The atmosphere was a little heavy, Feng Yun smiled and comforted everyone, and then walked to Puyang Jiu's side.

"Is the taste good?"

Puyang Jiu was as free and easy as ever, with no trace of nervousness on his face and a genuine smile:

"I didn't have time to eat Wangzhi's wedding wine last night, but I did eat it today, but there was no such thing as Wangzhi's wedding. There was no such thing as Wangzhi's bridal chamber yesterday, and if there was such a thing as bridal chamber, there would be no such thing as Wangzhi... Well, I don't know when I can have such a bridal chamber... …”

Feng Yun:......

Puyang Jiu, who is out of tune, can still joke at this time.

She smiled and said nothing.

Puyang Jiu looked at this boring little lady, thought of Pei Man, looked at the sky and shook his head, "You said that Deng Guang... is such a good person, how can he rebel at the first sign of betrayal?"

Feng Yun said: "If the interests are great enough, people will no longer be human."

Puyang Jiu looked at her seriously for a moment, his eyes sharp.

It seems weird for a girl of this age to say such things.

He became more serious: "Why isn't sister-in-law nervous?"

Feng Yun was embarrassed to say that when he was most nervous, his clothes were almost soaked with sweat, so he just smiled faintly.

"Nervous. I'm almost scared to death."

Puyang Jiu didn't see the word fear on her face.

The two sat and ate across from each other. Puyang Jiu discovered that she was very different. She had the courtesy and demeanor of a girl from aristocratic families, but she didn't have that arrogance. She was actually a very gentle girl who was easy to get along with.

Pei Wangzhi, you have earned it.

Just when I was full, there was a sudden sound outside the yard.

Guanqi beside Wen Xingsu returned.

Riding a horse, covered in blood, even his hair was dyed solid with blood, he shouted outside through the wall.

"Girl, I'm so happy!"

Pei Ran: I heard that my wife cuddled with his eldest brother behind my back?

Feng Yun: Don’t tell me by hearsay... When you come back, I will tell you personally. At that time, my elder brother’s heart was beating like thunder, and his palms were dry and warm. In his arms, I felt extremely safe...

Pei Man died.

Feng Yun: The general died in battle. Will you all obey my command from now on?

Pei Madang lifted the coffin board: I have turned against you, little devil, come and die under the stick!

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