Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 169 Change to calling aunt

Feng Yun's eyes widened, and before he could react, his waist was tightened, and then he fell into the embrace filled with the smell of blood that came towards him, and jumped down from the wall.

Pei Ran put her on the ground and approached the door without saying a word.

"Step aside."

The four guards had just moved the stone more than a foot away when they saw the general approaching. They were stunned for a moment and then saw Pei Ran walking over and holding the stone with both hands...

One force.

There was a loud bang, and the stone was thrown ten feet away.


Feng Yun stepped forward and wanted to say something, but Pei Madang didn't give her a chance.

"Yunniang, prepare to evacuate."

Feng Yun was slightly surprised, "Are we leaving Bingzhou City?"

Pei Ran hummed and didn't have time to explain to her, so he just said:

"There are important things, pack them away quickly."

He remembered that she treasured those books.

Feng Yun caught his gaze and felt suffocated.

"I've packed it up a long time ago. General, my eldest brother is still at the top of the city, can you see it?"

Pei Ran looked at her and said, "It was General Wen who opened the city gate for me. He is leading his troops to the north gate to open the way. Yun Niang, you are ready."

Feng Yun trembled slightly in his heart, "Then why should we leave?"

Pei Ran said: "Deng Guang opened the east gate for the Qi army. Once the city gate is opened, within half an hour, Xiao Cheng will lead his troops in..."

Feng Yun was shocked.

Are Deng Guang and Xiao Cheng really connected?

"Our remaining troops are not enough to withstand the main force of the Qi army..."

Pei Mad hummed in a low voice, "We killed Kou Shanbu, the elite of the Qi army, Master Xiao Cheng. He will definitely take revenge at any cost."

Feng Yun was very happy.

But he immediately became worried again.

This time, Xiao Cheng's elite Wang division was defeated by surprise and ambushes. However, in a frontal battle with real swords and guns, the numerical gap between the two sides was too large, especially when Deng Guang opened the city gates to meet the enemy and had already merged with the state. Lost the defensive barrier...

To win with a small number, you need to rely on the right time and place, but now that you have made a clear move, it would be foolish to fight the main force of the Qi army in Bingzhou City.

Feng Yun nodded, "Okay! Let's evacuate immediately."

None of them noticed that the "we" they all used when speaking was the enemy and friend who were subconsciously bound together and separated from Xiao Cheng.

When leaving the Xingying Courtyard, Pei Madang asked Feng Yun to get on the carriage first.

"Close the curtain and don't look."

Feng Yun frowned slightly, not knowing what he was going to do, but still nodded.

After a moment, Pei Ran's cold voice came from outside.


"Leave no one behind."

Feng Yun was shocked and closed his eyes.

The heart-rending screams and cries for mercy were deafening.

The curtain of the carriage swayed without wind, and in just a moment, the fishy smell of blood rushed into his nose.

The shrill wails were very shocking, but the scene was completely silent and no one spoke.

The brothers who were still fighting side by side yesterday, just because of different choices, are on a completely different path today...the road to hell.

This is the fate of a betrayer, and Pei Madang will not show mercy.

Especially in the current situation, killing them all is the best way to deal with them.

A river of blood flowed outside the courtyard door.

The stone lion's face was splattered with blood, and its two bell-like eyes were red and very scary.

After a bloody scream, it became quiet.

The people were also killed.

Deng Guang was escorted in front of Pei Ran.

"Kneel down!" Zuo Zhong kicked him in the crook of the leg.

Boom! Deng Guang's legs and feet went weak and he fell to the ground, his body covered in blood.

From beginning to end, he didn't speak or move.

Her hair fell down on her face like a dead corpse.

"Deng Guang." Pei Ran's voice was deep, "Do you have anything to say?"

Deng Guang's hair was messy and he slowly raised his face, "The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. There is nothing to say."

Pei Ran said: "I remember you had a child, and you were still in swaddling clothes when you went to war?"

Deng Guang's originally calm face immediately turned ferocious, glaring angrily, raising his head and struggling in Zuo Zhong's hand, his voice trembling with excitement.

"Pei Madang, what are you going to do? It's not an exaggeration for you to cut me into pieces and cut me into pieces as a man is a man, you are so innocent..."

Pei Madang took two steps forward, lowered his head, and looked at his face twisted with anger.

"What benefits did Li Zongxun promise you?"

Deng Guang closed his lips tightly.

"Say!" Pei Ran suddenly raised his foot and kicked him.

Deng Guang felt force on his chest, and a burst of blood rushed into his heart, and he spit out blood with a loud sound.

He raised his head with red eyes, "The position of general. And everything that the general has."

Pretty honest.

Pei Ran was silent for a moment and nodded.

"I will keep your child and let your wife remarry."

After saying that, he strode away, got on the horse, and raised his hand slightly.

Behind him, blood shot into the sky, and a generation of generals died under their horses.

Pei Ran walked to Feng Yun's carriage without looking back at him.

"Set off."


When we left Bingzhou, the sun finally peeked out from the clouds.

The air outside the city was so fresh that it seemed to be moist with dew.

The team was very quiet. Feng Yun could hardly feel the noise of the large army marching except for the screeching sound of the carriage wheels and the occasional snort of the horses.

On the other hand, Bingzhou City, which was left far behind, was filled with flames and the roar of people.

Shi Yin still led his men behind, fighting and retreating.

Wen Xingsu brought people over to meet them after Feng Yun left the city.

After a night of fighting, General Wen did not look tired. His energetic look made Feng Yun sigh that his elder brother became different on the battlefield. Only on the battlefield could he find his own position...

During this period of recuperation, he did not say anything, but his energy and spirit seemed to be drained away. At this time, Wen Xingsu, who rode towards the rising sun, was the famous General Ningyuan in his previous life, and his body seemed to glow.


"General Wen."

Wen Xingsu and Pei Cong saluted each other at the fork in the road, talked about the war for a few words, and then fell silent.

He could help Pei Cong to defeat the rebels of Deng Guang, but if he was asked to be an enemy of the Qi army, he still couldn't do it.

Pei Cong understood this and never mentioned Xiao Cheng who was attacking the city. Instead, he asked him to lead the crowd to go to Hongye Valley and return to Xinzhou for support.

Wen Xingsu glanced at Feng Yun's carriage and it should be.

The two chose tacit friendship in front of Feng Yun.


After about half an hour, they arrived at the Gui River.

The Gui River was close to Bingzhou, and the water flow was very stable. There were warships waiting there.

Before Feng Yun approached the ferry, her eyelids twitched twice when she saw the figure on the shore...

Is it Ao Qi?

She thought she was dazzled.

Unexpectedly, the man turned around and saw her, breaking through the morning mist, and strode towards the carriage with his waist knife in his hand...


After not seeing each other for a long time, Ao Qi's voice seemed to have changed. He still had the clearness of a young man, and added some of the magnetism of an adult man. It was like being filled with honey, and the sweetness penetrated into Feng Yun's ears, sticky and warm.

Ao Qi was still alive.

This was enough to make her feel happy.

So she smiled at him.

"Guard Ao."

"Girl!" Ao Qi's face turned red with excitement, and he called out again as he approached the carriage. His excitement made Zuo Zhong want to remind him...

Then he heard Pei Jue's voice.

"You should call me aunt instead."

It's a little late again. To thank my readers for their support, I will add another chapter later.

But you have to wait a while, you can come back in the afternoon.

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