Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 170 Xiao Cheng's Retribution

Feng Yun felt something in his heart and remained silent.

Ao Qi slowly turned around and looked at Pei Ran.

When he was hiding in the mountains and preparing an ambush, he heard that Pei Madang was getting married in Bingzhou City.

But at that time, it was just that my uncle was trying to lure Xiao San into taking the bait, and the shock was not as strong as being reminded to call my aunt face to face.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet.

At least there was no sound in Ao Qi's ears.

He didn't call his aunt, he couldn't scream, his throat seemed to be blocked, and his eyes suddenly became wet.

The young man's dream was shattered so unexpectedly that he didn't even have time to tell the girl properly about his feelings that he was too shy to reveal to others. The person in the dream became his aunt...

"It's getting late." With a faint look on his face, Pei Ran turned around and ordered the people accompanying him, "Get on the boat."

"Take orders!"

The chorus of promises restored Ao Qi's sanity.

He looked at Feng Yun with red eyes and asked in a low voice: "How are Zuo and Ayou?"

Feng Yun felt that the young man's eyes had changed from intense to cold, and there was a bit more restraint and forbearance that should not belong to his age, and he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

But she didn't say much, just smiled and nodded.

"They are very obedient and cute. When I left Huaxi Village, Pingyuan County Lord came to pick them up. They should have returned to Zhongjing by now."

Ao Qi swallowed the bitterness in his mouth and smiled stiffly.

"That's good. Working girl."

After that, regardless of his uncle's expression, he picked up the knife and walked towards the shore.

The tall and straight back looks a bit lonely.

The guards around him noticed something, but no one said anything.


People got on the boat one after another.

Carriages, weapons, luggage, etc. were also carried up.

The Ghost River is sandwiched between the Hengquguan Mountains and the Hongye Mountains, leading to the Huai River. The mountains on both sides are stretching, and the jungles are overlapping. It is very dangerous. Not only is the river dangerous, but it is said that there are snakes, insects, rats, ants, and hordes of beasts in the mountains. Due to the miasma and poisonous fog, there is no one living around, except for the army, there is almost no human habitation.

After Feng Yun got on the boat, Ao Qicai walked up to Pei Ran again, feeling a little angry.

"Why did the general give up Bingzhou to Xiao San?"

He is young and vigorous, at the age where he refuses to give in even an inch.

In his opinion, in order to defend Bingzhou, the Beiyong Army delayed for such a long time, caused so many troubles, summoned all the girls, and held an improper wedding to lure the enemy, only to give up and leave easily. People are really incomprehensible.

His question was laced with resentment.

Pei Ran didn't answer him.

Instead, he asked Wen Xingsu sideways, "What does General Wen think?"

Wen Xingsu glanced at Ao Qi and smiled bitterly.

"After two attacks on the city, the trenches and barriers set up by Bingzhou have been completely destroyed by the Qi army. In addition, Deng Guang rebelled and once the city gates were opened, the cost of defending the city was too high. This is one of them..."

Ao Qi looked at them.

In terms of the way of the heart, is there any other possibility?

Pei Ran listened calmly.

Wen Xingsu added: "Secondly, the only dangerous road from Bingzhou to Hongye Valley is the Red Leaf Valley, which is like a lonely land hanging outside. Supplies and food will not be able to continue. The defense of the city has been exhausted these days. Take advantage of the situation Get out of here without looking too ugly..."

Ao Qidao: "Isn't that an advantage for Xiao Cheng?"

Wen Xingsu pondered for a moment, his dark eyes dimming, "That's not cheap. Kou Shanbu and Xie Congguangbu are the main force of Xiao Cheng's king division. The elites brought from Taicheng are like Xiao Cheng's right and left arms. Now their arms are removed. One piece, is it cheap?”

What's more, losing Feng Yun after paying such a heavy price was simply a shame of blood and tears for Xiao Cheng.

Pei Madang looked at Ao Qi and said, "General Wen is right. You should not look at things at their superficial level, let alone argue between emotions."

My uncle was teaching him, asking him to learn more, listen more, and communicate more with experienced generals.

In the past, Ao Qi would have calmed down and analyzed it carefully, and then asked for advice...

But he was in a mess at the moment.

Nothing is pleasing to the eye, as if the whole world has been lost.

"My subordinate is stupid. I need to be taught a lesson." He hummed with drooping eyes and turned around to do other things.

Feng Yun got on the warship and went to the cabin to catch up on his sleep.

During the chaotic night, she was extremely nervous. She was so exhausted that she couldn't even open her eyes.

He lay down with his clothes on and soon fell asleep and lost consciousness.

Daman and Xiaoman sat next to her, with their heads lowered, leaning against the wall of the ship and fell asleep.

They were all too sleepy.

Sleep peacefully and unconsciously.

When the shouts of the mountains and the tsunami rang out outside, Feng Yun did not react at all...

"General, the Qi army is catching up."

The Beiyong soldiers and horses in Bingzhou City have been evacuated one after another. Once the main force of the Qi army enters the city, they will soon be able to occupy the city.

Xiao Cheng has suffered a hidden loss this time, so of course he will not give up and will definitely catch up.

But it's still a bit surprising that it's so fast.

Pei Madang stood on the deck, looking into the wind at the Qi army surging from the shore, without saying a word.

"Set up the formation!" Shi Yin roared loudly, commanding calmly.

"Hold them!"

Marching and fighting outside, attacking cities, retreating, and fleeing are normal. The Beiyong Army already has a familiar set of formations that can be applied to various situations. Heavy cavalry, light cavalry, shield soldiers, and archers all perform their duties and are ready to fight.

"His Majesty!"

Among the Qi troops chasing after them out of the city, the emperor with a silver helmet and a white horse was very conspicuous. Xiao Cheng was already tall and tall, and you could see him at a glance. Holding the reins, he was looking at the offshore boats and riding his horse. .

Ping An rode behind him and saw the emperor charging at the front of the Beiyong army like he was risking his life, and he was so scared that he was sweating all over.

"Your Majesty, don't do that!"

It was worrying enough that the emperor personally led the team to chase.

Where would the emperor lead people to charge into battle?

Xie Congguang also widened his eyes, his eyes were about to burst.

"Don't chase the desperate enemy! Your Majesty! Come back!"

The afternoon sun was very dazzling, shining brightly from the sharp corners of the warship.

Xiao Cheng pursed his lips tightly, looking at the warships and flying flags in the cold wind, and was a little dazed for a while.

This scene was so familiar, and so absurd.

In the previous life, at Shiguan Wharf, the person chasing on the shore was Pei Jue.

And the person who accompanied Feng Yun and watched his defeated generals riding their horses madly was him.

Role swap...

Isn't he also a defeated general now?

A large number of Qi soldiers followed the emperor and killed the Beiyong army.

The horses' hooves roared, the army rushed up, and the sound of fighting rushed into the sky in an instant. The earth was dyed with blood red, and it merged with the rosy clouds in the sky...

New and old hatreds, everyone was blood-thirsty.

"Pass the order." Pei Jue's voice was cold and he stared intently.

"Take Xiao Cheng's life and reward him with 100 taels of gold."

"Yes!" They shouted in unison.

From the warship to the ferry, the Beiyong Army shouted loudly.

"Kill the dog emperor!"

"Get 100 taels of gold!"


The cold wind was bleak, and the trees were swaying.

The shouts and killings seemed to come from another world.

Xiao Cheng saw himself on the warship at Shiguan Wharf, looked at Feng Yun's gentle sleeping face, and said lightly.

"I will reward those who take Pei Jue's life."

The Beiyong Army, who were eyeing him covetously, was close at hand.

There were urgent drums and shouts in the Qi army, and the flag bearers were waving small flags to command the attack. Xie Congguang looked at the emperor who was fighting desperately, his face became distorted and helpless, shouting and anxious.

And Xiao Cheng kept hearing different sounds in his ears.

Sounds that did not belong to this world existed.

There was silence all around him.

He saw Ping An opening his mouth to shout at him, saw Xie Congguang desperately blocking in front of him, and saw the Qi army soldiers fighting to the death with the Beiyong army, but he could not see himself, nor could he hear the sounds around him.

The sounds all came from memories, and they were chaotic...

"Your Majesty..." The woman came slowly, as if in a certain void, and bowed to her.

"The concubine was presumptuous and insulted my mother. I could not bear it anymore, so I punished her to kneel down."

She lost a lot of weight.

She was already very thin at that time.

A jade-like face seemed to have shrunk a circle.

But he didn't look at her any more. He slowly hugged Feng Ying into his arms and bowed his head to comfort her, "Don't cry. I don't like it if your makeup is ruined by crying."

Feng Ying, who was comforted, cried even more aggrievedly, and her tears wet his clothes.

"Your Majesty, don't blame my sister. Whatever my sister teaches me is what she deserves..."

He has a mysophobia and is a little disgusted by the tears on his body, but he held it back.

"Shall I call the imperial physician to take a look? If she hurts my beloved concubine, I will never forgive her."

The woman finally changed her expression, and her eyes stared at him, as dark as ink.

"The concubine committed a crime and spoke rudely. As the queen, I am a little punished, and your majesty feels sorry for it?"

His face was gentle, but every word was cold.

"My woman, only I can punish her."

The woman laughed in the void, her laughter was shrill, "Your Majesty is right, I shouldn't be jealous of the imperial concubine, it's against the virtue of a woman... Please punish me by confining me to the Yuzhao Palace and not serving the emperor in bed."

He was annoyed.

Isn't it just that you don't want to serve the emperor in bed?

Find these excuses.

"Okay, then I will confine you to the palace. If you have the ability, don't beg me for the rest of your life!"

"Thank you for your grace, Your Majesty."

She bowed again, her manners were dignified and generous, and her pale face did not show the pain and grievance he wanted. She just walked away in front of him and Feng Ying, without jealousy or disappointment.

At that time, Xiao Cheng didn't feel much pain.

But the silent suffocation, like a cat's claw scratching into the skin, was pressing step by step, and hit his chest again after another life. The emotions were completely different from the previous life, as if his heart was about to be torn apart suddenly, and it hurt a lot.

That was the first time they had a big fight.

But he couldn't even remember what exactly caused the incident...

How it came to that point, and why he said those heartless words, were all blurred.

On this battlefield that seemed like a replay of past events, Xiao Cheng's numb nerves kept flashing back to the scenes of his previous life, as if someone was holding a knife and cutting off the softest piece of flesh in his heart bit by bit...


He heard himself shouting.

"Come back with me."

"Let's start over."

She would give her everything she wanted. He could treat the child well, would not banish her to the cold palace, would not deprive her of her title of queen, and would not allow others to bully and humiliate her. He would support her and give her the glory of the world, just to have her still in front of him, smiling and saying:

"Your Majesty is well, and I will get what I want." (End of this chapter)

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