Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 171: Revenge

On the shore was Shi Yin, who was leading people to break up the rear, far away. He was also very excited, looking at the Qi Emperor who rushed out from the rebel army.

"The Dog Emperor is very brave!"

Shi Yin's eyes shone with excitement.

Isn't this a God-given opportunity to make meritorious deeds?

He made two gestures to signal the archers to prepare, then rushed to the back of the shield array and said loudly:

"If you kill the dog emperor, the general will reward you with a hundred taels of gold."

A dignified emperor is worth a hundred taels of gold.

It seems that the general is not very wealthy.

But even so, the soldiers were still very excited.

They gathered around, shield soldiers and cavalry, each formed a queue, their target was the handsome emperor with a white horse and a silver helmet...

Xie Congguang's throat felt fishy and sweet, and he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Your Majesty!"

Even the King of Hell can't hold back the ghost who is about to die. The emperor's method of fighting is not fighting at all, but sending him to death.

Xie Congguang shouted, "Guard me! Guard me!"


The Beiyong Army was on the way to retreat, but the number of people brought by Xiao Cheng to pursue them was not large. The two sides were evenly matched. If people surrounded them, he would not be able to save Xiao Cheng even if he risked his life.

"Damn it! Fight."

The shouts of killing shook the sky.

There are people everywhere.

Shi Yin grabbed a crossbow, rode on horseback, found a good position, and aimed at Xiao Cheng.

With a whooshing sound, the arrow flew towards Xiao Cheng quickly as if it had eyes.

"Your Majesty!" Ping An shouted.

Without enough time to react, he suddenly jumped up from his horse and rushed towards Xiao Cheng.

The arrow passed through his back and inserted into Xiao Cheng's arm.

Blood flowed out gurglingly, and Ping An's pupils dilated. Looking at Xiao Cheng's face, he asked worriedly:

"Your Majesty, are you injured?"

He turned back suddenly and yelled anxiously.

"Come here, His Majesty is injured! Come here quickly!"

Xie Congguang looked at the arrow that passed through his body. He was stunned without saying anything. He got off his horse and helped Xiao Cheng up, holding him tightly with both hands.

"Your Majesty, the Beiyong Army is good at luring them into battle, so we can no longer pursue them!"

Xiao Cheng watched Ping An open his mouth, revealing a mouthful of bloody teeth, and cold sweat suddenly broke out on his back.

What is he doing?

Was he trying to die just now?

"Come here." Xiao Cheng seemed to suddenly wake up and ordered the guards, "Take Ping An down and send the imperial doctor."

Ping An listened to Xiao Cheng's energetic orders and saw that he only injured his arm, and smiled brightly on his face.

"It's okay, Your Majesty is okay..."

Before the voice fell, the person softened.

It was at this time that Feng Yun looked out of the window of the warship.

The two armies were fighting in one place, and they were so densely packed that their shouts of killing shook the sky.

She had just been woken up by Xiao Man, and she was still a little confused. In a daze, she seemed to hear Xiao Cheng's shout?

He was calling Ayun, saying he wanted to start over...

Feng Yun felt that he was hallucinating.

But Pei Madang withdrew from Bingzhou, and Xiao Cheng came here after him. Isn't this scene a reappearance of the battle at Shiguan Pier in his previous life?

She watched Xiao Cheng being shot by Shi Yin.

Watching Ping An block Xiao Cheng's arrow...

He narrowed his eyes in shock.

In the past life and this life, an arrow pierced the chest, exactly the same scene...

She even suddenly understood why Xiao Cheng would always trust him and take him with her, no matter how annoying Ping An's mouth was, or how much she hated Ping An.

That is the person who can block his arrows at the moment of life and death.

She smiled.

The white horse neighed, and the silver armor was hidden among the crowd...

Just as she suspected.

Xiao Cheng still cherishes himself and knows the current affairs.

He didn't give chase.

This is a person who is cold to the core and will not change.

The boat went further and further away.

The shore is still bustling with people.

In anger, the Qi army attacked frantically.

When the Beiyong Army warships left, Shi Yin reached his goal and stopped entangled, and evacuated in an orderly manner according to the established plan. While galloping on his horse, he held up the flag and shouted, making a long tone, as if to humiliate Xiao Cheng...

Thousands of troops and horses galloped in unison.

Xiao Cheng stroked his injured arm and remained silent.

Feng Yun leaned on the board of the ship, his eyes gradually losing focus.

The sunlight reflected on the water was as bright as gold.

Neither of them can see each other.

But they are all thinking about how the other person is feeling at this moment, whether there is a trace of pain and discomfort...

Of course Feng Yun didn't feel uncomfortable. She was just thinking that the revenge plan would last for a long time, because Xiao Cheng would not die so easily...

"General." Daman's voice woke her up, and she turned to look at Pei Madang, who had walked into the cabin at some point.

The scratches on his face were obvious, and his handsome face looked more solemn than usual. Da Man and Xiao Man did not dare to speak, they lowered their heads and stood silently to one side.

Feng Yun turned to face him.

The two people looked at each other and said nothing.

For a moment, Feng Yun sighed.

"What did the general want to say?"

Pei Madang looked at her, "Look at this battle, will I lose or win?"

Feng Yun didn't expect him to ask this.

"Win." Feng Yun seemed to be saying to him, and also seemed to be saying to himself, "At least, I think the general won."

Pei Man raised his eyebrows.

"You look very bad. Is there something wrong with your body?"

Feng Yun chuckled.

Pei Gou didn't care about her body. He clearly wanted to ask her if she felt sad when she saw her old lover chasing her on horseback on the shore, and when he saw him hit by an arrow and thrown to the ground safely...

But she was very insensitive at the moment.

Xiao Chenghui came after her, and she was a little surprised.

That person is so conceited and aloof, and cherishes his great cause so much. How could he make the big mistake of putting himself at risk?

But it was just an accident, and there were no other emotions. She would not be so sentimental as to think that Xiao Cheng was because of his love.

"No." Feng Yun touched his cheek, his voice was calm, and the corners of his lips were raised, with a slight smile, but no emotion was shown.

"I think I was too worried about the general last night and didn't sleep a wink all night. I was sleepy."

There is a slight green color under her eyes.

Pei Ran glanced at him and said, "Go to sleep."

He turned around and left, just like when he came in, there was no sound, but his face was calm and indifferent. Feng Yun looked at the back and was very confused.

He is happy after all,

Still unhappy?

She couldn't understand Pei Ran.

But what he just said was not against his will.

Analyzing the overall situation, Pei Madang not only won, he also won very beautifully.

Xiao Cheng lost so much, but he still got back a Bingzhou city that belonged to him...

I think it would be very embarrassing and distressing at this moment.

That's right.

In the future, there will be more such embarrassment and pain...


It was already after noon as we walked up the Ghost River to the ferry at Red Leaf Valley. Today was indeed a good day. The sun was high in the sky and was very hot, adding a bit of warmth to this winter day.

Luggage, carriages, etc. are arriving one after another.

With the help of Xiao Man, Feng Yun got off the boat and walked to the shore first.

I was still worried when I crossed the river from here that day, but I ended up catching Xiao Rong in the Ghost River.

I came back today and saw Ao Qi alive.

Everything went smoothly.

When Feng Yun saw Ao Qi standing guard on one side with a ring-shaped sword on his shoulder, Feng Yun felt warm in his heart and slowly walked over.

"Guard Ao."

Ao Qi looked back at her, her lips moved but she made no sound.

Maybe you don’t know what to call it?

Feng Yun smiled and asked softly: "I saw an isolated tomb in Hongye Valley. Is General Zhu real..."

"Really." Ao Qi's eyes turned red.

"Brother Zhu died in the line of duty."

That day when they entered Hongye Valley, they were surrounded by the Han, Hu and Chu rebels. The incident happened suddenly. Zhu Cheng immediately asked Ao Qi to leave with his men, preserving the power of the Red Armor Army and leaving cover for himself.

"During the retreat, Brother Zhu died of serious injuries..."

His voice was choked, but Feng Yun became puzzled.

"Didn't you say that the Han, Chu and Hu rebels didn't betray? They also ambushed the Qi army with the Red Armor Army this time?"

Ao Qi glanced at her.

"Han Xu, Hu Yi, and Chief Chu rebelled. But Huang Jingjun, Green Flame Army, and Qinglong Army did not betray uncle. Do you understand what I say?"

Feng Yun was stunned, "I understand."

Ao Qidao: "I only learned after the fact that my uncle had arranged backup for the Huang Jing Army, Green Flame Army, and Qinglong Army. Han Xu, Hu Yi, and Chu Chang rebelled and were quickly controlled by my uncle's people. "

On this point, Ao Qi was convinced of Pei Madang.

Just during the conversation on the warship, he even felt that he was not as good as Wen Xingsu, still too young. He knew that he lacked experience. In addition to being sad, he was still sad...

"Does the girl think I'm useless?"

Feng Yun: "How could it be?"

She was still thinking about why Pei Madang had such long hands and feet. He had just guarded against Han, Hu and Chu three people early on, and even made a plan to pull Xiao Cheng into the net, making him mistakenly think that the victory was in hand. In the blink of an eye, the rebels The defection caught him off guard...

If it weren't for Han Huchu's betrayal, this battle would not have been so smooth.

When Leng Buding heard Ao Qi's dejected words, she laughed.

"Guard Ao has made a great contribution this time. The general values ​​you very much and personally praises you as a malleable talent with great potential..."

Ao Qi raised his head: "Seriously?"

The young man's eyes were red, and he showed grievance when he looked at her.

Feng Yun smiled and said: "Of course, I heard all the praises made in public."

Ao Qi curled his lips and saw Pei Ran stepping out of the boat. He took a step back and said, "Girl, hurry up and get in the carriage."

Feng Yun also saw Pei Ran.

But she didn't lose her temper like Ao Qi.

The normal communication between the two people was not enough to make her panic.

"Okay. Now that you have time, let's listen to Guard Ao tell me about the ambush."

"Okay." Ao Qi looked downcast.

Not at all like someone who has won a battle.

Feng Yun wanted to say some words of relief, but her carriage was in the front row and if she didn't leave, it would affect the march at the ferry, so she saluted Ao Qi and walked straight over.

As soon as we got on the carriage, the curtain opened again.

She thought it was Daman and Xiaoman and didn't look back.

It wasn't until someone sat down next to him and his breathing became audible that he realized something was wrong.

When he turned around, he saw a cold face.

"General?" Feng Yun looked at Pei Ran, "Why are you..."

Not riding a horse but taking a ride?

This is not Pei Man's style.

Pei Ran had no expression on his face.

"I'm tired, let's take a rest."

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