Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 173 Two people keep warm

Hantan is surrounded by cliffs on three sides, making it difficult to focus on. There is only a long and narrow steep slope leading to the unknown outside.

The way up was full of thorns and it was very difficult to walk. After walking for a while, Pei Ran would stop and chop off the branches with a knife, carve out a path and then come back to take Feng Yun. He did not speak during this process and was very serious.

The moment he raised the knife and fell with it, there was wild strength, his brows were silent, and the water stains dripping from his forehead, whether it was sweat or water, covered his face.

Feng Yun waited obediently and walked forward.

The surroundings are silent, and occasionally you can see the chasm carved by the dripping water on the cliff, which is shocking to look at.

With Pei Kuang beside him, Feng Yun didn't feel scared, but he was a little cold due to inactivity.

It was raining heavily.

Both of them were soaked in water.

Finally, Pei Man found a cave about a mile away from Hantan.

This is a dry cave. The entrance is narrow and can only accommodate one person. Walking dozens of steps further inside, you can see a winding rock path stretching inward...

The path went upwards, with a dark wind and thin light coming from above. The stone walls on both sides felt smooth and clean.

Feng Yun: "I'll go by myself."

She was not a cripple, and it was very hard for people to hold her all the time, but Pei Madang didn't say anything, hugged her waist tighter, and walked forward with a sullen face, fully demonstrating the hardship and hard work of the general.

His strength was astonishing, like a plowing cow, he climbed the stone steps and lowered her to the ground without blushing or panting.

Feng Yun sighed, turned his head and opened his eyes wide.

"It's beautiful here."

This is also a stone cave, but unlike the cave below, the cave is flat and clean. There is a huge natural stone window. Looking out from the stone window, there is a river below. The stone cave is about ten feet away from the river, and opposite is the stone wall on the other side of the river. Green hills, lush green.

With light and scenery, it can be said to be an excellent resting place.

She checked the cave, and Pei Madang remained silent, searching inside and outside the cave, and soon, like magic, he brought back two bundles of dry firewood and a pile of pine needles to start the fire.

Set up the firewood and light it...

The heat brought by the blazing fire enveloped his cold body, and Feng Yun sighed comfortably.

"very nice……"

She let out a long breath.

As if thinking of something again, he looked at Pei Ran.

"But is it too hidden? If they go down the mountain to look for us, will they not be able to find us?"

Her worries seemed to be nothing to Pei Ran.

He silently took off his coat, made a wooden frame with thin branches, put the clothes on it and moved it next to the fire. When he saw Feng Yun motionless, he looked over with heavy eyes.

"Take it off."

Feng Yun looked back at him and suddenly sneezed.


Pei Ran said: "If you don't dry your clothes, it will be even colder."

People who have been marching and fighting outside for a long time have their own way of surviving in the wild.

Feng Yun understood what he said, so he simply took off his undress without struggling, followed his example, arranged it and put it on the wooden frame.

Pei Ran remained silent, his resolute jawline tightened, looking very sharp.

He didn't look at Feng Yun and took off his shirt. His bare chest undulated slightly, broad and strong, and the bulging outline of his chest muscles seemed to be alive and breathing. He was inexplicably strong, with straight shoulders, a long neck, and The obvious collarbone and the smooth lines of the body submerged into the mermaid line under the abdomen, showing an arrogance that should be kept away from strangers.

It was quiet.

The firewood burned brightly.

Feng Yun's breathing was a little distorted, and his cheeks were hot.

She looked down at the middle coat she was wearing.

"Should I still take it off?"

Pei Madang glanced at him, as if he knew what she was hesitating about, his eyes darkened, and he turned his back.

That beautiful latissimus dorsi fell into Feng Yun's eyes, including the injury on his back.

Horizontal, vertical, old and new.

Feng Yun was slightly startled.

Only then did we know that the man who seemed to be capable of everything, holding her in his arms from the cliff, jumping into the cold pool, dragging the carriage and searching for the cave, had injuries on his body.

"The general is injured?"

"Small injury." Pei Ran didn't care much.

His tone was low and low, with a hint of impatience.

In his opinion, such injuries were commonplace, but Feng Yun found them shocking.

She didn't say anything, but moved over to touch his shoulder, looking towards the wound.

"It's okay to say there are two scratches. This wound is a bit deep and needs medicine..."

Pei Ran said no, but Feng Yun didn't want to discuss it with him at all. When he noticed his resistance, his eyebrows stood up.

"It's just medicine, it's not life-threatening!"

The gentle and dignified girl turned into a tigress that could not be messed with.

Pei Ran glanced at her sideways, his Adam's apple sliding slightly, and he was slightly dissatisfied, but he still sat upright with his back straight.

Feng Yun found the medicine bottle from the bag he brought.

Then unexpectedly, she saw a celadon bottle and a white porcelain bottle among the pile of things. The bottles were very delicate and very different from the ones she brought.

She picked it up and looked at it, "What is this?"

Pei Ran turned around and took one look, then his expression suddenly changed.

"Don't touch."

Feng Yun thought it was some kind of poison, so he quickly let go, then picked up the golden medicine and motioned for him to turn his back, "General, why are you shouting so loudly? I'm not stupid, you think I dare to put any medicine on you!" "

Pei Ran made no sound.

His back was turned, and Feng Yun couldn't see his expression.

The powder was sprinkled on the wound, but the man didn't move. She moved a little more gently, feeling impressed.

She remembered how they all grimaced in pain when they sprinkled medicine powder on the wounded soldiers in the wounded camp...

Dr. Yao also said that this medicine was very painful when sprinkled on the wound.

General Pei's pain was probably lower than others?

"Okay, turn around."

Feng Yun put down the medicine bottle and breathed a sigh of relief.

But when Pei Jue heard it, he stood up without any emotion.

"You bake the clothes first. I'll go to the cave entrance to guard."

Feng Yun was stunned and couldn't help laughing.

"Is the general avoiding suspicion?"

Pei Jue didn't look back or speak. His figure quickly disappeared in front of him. After a long while, a voice came.

"I'm outside."

It means that she should not be afraid and be at ease.

But in such a cold day, standing in the wind with bare arms, Feng Yun was also afraid that he would catch a cold...

Now the two depend on each other.

If Pei Jue gets sick, who will take her to escape?

"General, come in." She said.

Pei Jue didn't answer her.

It was as if that person didn't exist.

The cave was cool and gloomy.

Feng Yun sneezed again, and suddenly felt that the two of them were very hypocritical.

And Pei Gou was avoiding her like a snake and scorpion. Was he shy or hesitant and didn't want to touch her?

Feng Yun pondered and walked out. Sure enough, she saw the man standing in the corridor, motionless with his back to her, wondering what he was thinking.

Feng Yun hugged his waist from behind.

"General, let's go together."

The wind was strong outside the cave, and she was shivering with cold.

Pei Jue's whole body froze. The girl's soft body pressed against him. He had no way to avoid it. Even a saint could hardly bear it. The giant python was almost awakened quickly, and was quickly grasped by the soft hand around the waist.

She was bold and hateful.

Pei Jue gasped turbidly in his throat.

"Go back."

The voice was a bit ruthless.

Feng Yun saw his contradiction.

Sometimes she felt that Pei Jue really hated her.

The kind that wanted to kill her...

But sometimes...

For example, when he escaped just now, he could protect her without caring about his life or death.

"Pei Lang." Feng Yun put her forehead on his broad back, carefully avoiding his wounds, "It's been so long, you know what kind of person I am, I don't care about these."

She suddenly smiled in a low voice again.

"Look at this chaotic world, we don't know if there will be a Ming Dynasty if there is a present dynasty, why don't you and I be more willful, why should we be burdened by secular rules?"

She thought that by saying this, Pei Jue could let go of the burden.

But Pei Jue's face was obviously uglier. He lowered his head to untie the arm wrapped around his waist, turned around and hugged the man back by the waist, and put him next to the fire.

"Sit down."

Feng Yun looked up at him and said bluntly: "I don't want the general to leave, I don't want the general to be cold."

She hooked her little hand up and wrapped it around his arm. The smooth and soft touch made his indifference disappear. Her arm drooped weakly and she said in a hoarse voice:

"Wait for me to set up an obstacle outside the cave."

Without anyone guarding, how dangerous it is for two people to hide naked in the cave. She knew, and Pei Jue knew it too.

He strode out and fiddled with it for a long time. When Feng Yun couldn't help but want to go out to look for him again, the tall figure appeared in front of her again.

Facing the warm firelight, I don't know if it was sweat or water on his chest. It was particularly strong in the warm light, and each piece was firm and clear, but not hideous enough to be scary.

Everything is just right, Feng Yun thought.

I got a headache today. Please wait for me for the second update.

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