Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 174 Falling into the Abyss (double update)

Feng Yun waved to him.

"Come and warm yourself up."

Pei Ran came closer, and the air-conditioning that hit her face made her sneeze again...

The wet clothes clung to her uncomfortably, so she pulled on them and moved closer to the fire.

Pei Ran sat down and turned his back, very gentlemanly.

There was silence all around.

Feng Yun looked at the broad back and felt that the silence at this moment was the biggest insult to her "the most beautiful among the eight counties in Xuzhou".

She slowly took off her middle coat, and then found a thin gauze from the baggage, which was not very good at keeping out the cold.

But if you bake it over a fire, it will dry out quickly.

A layer of gauze can withstand a layer of cold.

Putting it on her body, she felt more comfortable and felt safer.

"General, you can turn around now."

She hugged herself with her arms and was covered by a gauze. She felt very satisfied, but she didn't know that it was even more fatal if it was hidden...

The man's dark eyes lowered and fell on her.

She was so white, with a texture like jade, and the light red and pale pink hibiscus surface seemed to glow with a glaze-like light under the warm light of the fire. With charming eyes and fragrant bones, Pei Man took one look, his Adam's apple rolled almost imperceptibly, and it was difficult to distinguish the cloudy and clear in the dark pupils...

Feng Yun noticed his gaze, suppressed his expression and smiled.

"I just thought about it. When the horse was frightened, the general could have escaped unscathed. Why didn't he do that?"

As long as she was lying down and sleeping, there was no problem with Pei Madang's ability to jump out of the carriage.

But he didn't leave. As the carriage fell with her, he protected her.

She sincerely wanted to express her gratitude.

Pei Madang didn't want to take credit.

Just said: "Asleep."

Feng Yun thought that it was the same for him, nodded, said nothing more, lowered his head, lifted his trouser legs, and blew on his knees.

With this movement, the white and tender eyes beckoned, and Pei Madang turned his head away.

Feng Yun is a little funny.

Compared with the previous trials where they had just brushed off, the two of them looked very polite now.

"My knees hurt," she said. .

Pei Ran lowered his head and looked over.

Her exposed skin was dazzlingly white, but her knees were obviously red and swollen.

I think I accidentally touched it while falling off a cliff.

Seeing the pain on her face, Pei Mang pulled the leg over, put it on his knee, rubbed the palm of his hand to warm it, and just covered it, but he didn't use any force yet...

"It hurts, it hurts..."

Feng Yun kept hissing and shook his head unbearably.

"Don't do it." She said, "The bone is probably good, but it will hurt for a while, so don't worry about it."

She wanted to shrink her legs, but Pei Madang choked her and prevented her from moving.

She had just taken off her shoes and socks, and her skin, which had been soaked in water, was fair and pink, but she still felt cold leaning against the fire.

Pei Ran gently rubbed it twice, and Feng Yun screamed in pain, "Ah!"

Pei Ran frowned and applied ointment to his red and swollen knees.

"Bear it."

She was a very intolerant person, and her face was twisted in pain. When she saw the hideous scars on the man's back, she felt that she was too squeamish, so she bit her lower lip without saying a word.

Pei Ran raised his eyes.

"Why don't you scream?"

Feng Yun: "Didn't you tell me to endure it?"

Pei Ran was startled, "You can scream out in pain."

Feng Yun grimaced, "It wasn't that painful in the first place."

If he doesn't rub it.

She looked angry, suspecting that Pei Madang was deliberately seeking revenge...

Pei Madang frowned, as if he couldn't stand her delicate look, and suddenly spoke.

"When did you learn to imitate my handwriting?"

Leng Buding changed the topic, Feng Yun's head buzzed, and then he remembered this.

At that time, in order to dispatch troops and generals, it was urgent to obey the authority. Now I can't explain it clearly.

"Innate ability." She glanced at her face without showing timidity and said easily, "General, I don't know that when I was a child, I was praised by my master as a child prodigy. It doesn't matter if I copy your handwriting, I can use anyone's handwriting as long as I want. …”

She didn't notice that while she was talking, Pei Madang had already rubbed medicine on her knee and put it back.

There seems to be no intention to pursue it.


Feng Yun looked at his knees that were even more red and swollen, gave him a resentful look, put the gauze on his shoulders, then lowered his head to break up the soaked black hair...

The two of them sat in silence, the surroundings so silent that there was no sound.

Only the burning branches in the fire made an occasional crackling sound.

Feng Yun was a little hungry.

Pei Madang took the food he dragged from her carriage to the fire, roasted it, and handed it to her.

The dried meat that had been soaked in water was so soft that it was sticky to the teeth. She ate two pieces and gave up.

Pei Ran then took it and ate it silently.

Feng Yun sneezed again...

At first, I just felt a little cold, tired of sitting and waiting, and my nose was a little itchy, but there was no other abnormality.

But gradually, I realized something was wrong with my body.

After a few sneezes, she began to feel a slight itching, which was painful.

After trekking from Hantan, I got caught in the rain again. It was just right to catch the wind and cold. How could I feel itchy?

She suspected that the ground was unclean, or that some insects and mosquitoes had crawled over it. She felt so tired that goosebumps appeared on her body. The more she thought about it, the more itchy she became...

Her cheeks turned red and she tried her best to hold it back, refusing to scratch it in front of Pei Man so as not to damage her appearance. Gradually, I couldn't bear it anymore. The itch seemed to be mixed with a familiar thirst, causing her to suddenly panic...

She remembered the strong medicine she had taken during her trip to Andu.

That was how she felt when she was fished out of the river by Pei Man.

"General." Feng Yun said, "Can you please turn around?"

Pei Ran glanced at her and sat down without asking.

Feng Yun then lifted up his clothes to check.

She didn't know it by looking at it, but she was shocked when she saw it. On her waist, abdomen and legs, patches of pimples appeared. They came very suddenly, as if they were escaping when exposed to the wind.

She couldn't help but scratch a few times, and it spread wherever she scratched...

Feng Yun gasped in fright.

"It's over."

Feeling ashamed at this time is nothing.

"General, I'm so itchy."

With a trembling voice reaching his ears, it took Pei Madang a moment to make sure that she was serious and not just trying to make fun of him again.

He turned around and saw the embarrassment and shy nervousness on Feng Yun's face, his cheeks were flushed, his eyes were stained with spring water, and he looked extremely intolerable.

"Where is it itchy?"

Feng Yun gently tugged at the corner of his clothes, "On my body."

Pei Ran didn't say anything. He pulled the person over to lie on his lap, checked him and then withdrew his hand.

"Is there any medicine?"

Feng Yun shook his head, thought for a moment, and then pointed at the pile of medicine bottles.

"Look at that..."

It was a cooling and cooling ointment prescribed by Dr. Yao. It was originally brought out to avoid mosquitoes.

Dr. Yao said that this ointment is made of camphor, clove and mint, and she thinks it can be used in emergencies.

Pei Madang picked up the ointment and took out a lump, smelled it, and rubbed it on the pimples on her body. The large area of ​​bare skin was as white as jade and slippery, and the red pimples on it were particularly scary...




Feng Yun turned around, "Here, and below..."

Pei Ran hesitated and reached for her waistband.

Feng Yun lowered his eyes, "I can do it myself..."

After baking for so long, the fabric was half-dry, and it stuck to her body with moisture. It was actually very uncomfortable, but her reserve was not because she was ashamed, but because she didn't want Pei Madang to see those ugly pimples...

When the time comes, all manners will be gone.

Pei Madang glanced at her and seemed to know what she was hesitating about. He pulled her over and placed her on his lap, then pulled her down directly. His movements were very reckless, as if he was afraid that if he took a step too slowly, he would regret it.

Feng Yun took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

It spreads densely on the waist, abdomen and sides of the legs...

Because she had just scratched it, she could still see finger marks, which was shocking.

"Don't look..." Feng Yun wanted to cover up.

"Don't move!" Pei Ran held her down, turned sideways and pulled down the big cloak next to the fire, spread it on the flat rock, and put Feng Yun on top.

"I can do it myself..." Feng Yun was still trying to struggle.

Pei Ran held her ankle and pulled it away forcefully, "No more itching?"

"I don't want you to do it..." She struggled, panting.

"Yunniang." Pei Ran stared at her with dark eyes.

"We are husband and wife."

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment.

That hurried and ridiculous wedding, what kind of serious couple are they?

The thick calloused fingertips scraped against the soft skin, Feng Yun's heart trembled, and he closed it reflexively...

"Be honest." The man's tone was cold and impatient, but the force was very light. The hand holding the knife and the stick was always strong and rough, but at this moment, it was like an embroiderer pricking a needle, cautiously.

The skin he caressed was like ants crawling.

Feng Yun half-closed his eyes and held his breath, watching the man lower his head and carefully smear those sensitive areas, as if his body had been burned by fire.

The ointment was applied, and it felt refreshing and cool, relieving the itch on her skin, but the itch in her body came back, and it was even more severe than the time in Changhe, as if an invisible hand was trying to pull her away. Into the abyss, falling together with Pei Ran.

"General, don't look..."

She held Pei Ran's hand and said, "I can't bear it."

Pei Ran was silent.

Her cheeks were flushed, and her whole body seemed to be pink at the moment. She was twisting uneasily, and the charming look induced by the strange itch in the seam of her bones became more and more seductive, seductive and seductive, making her mouth dry.

Pei Madang stared at the charming color, "Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

Feng Yun originally wanted to stop him, but he couldn't bear to let go of his hand. Putting it on his body, he made a sticky sound like a cat in his throat, "Here, and here..."

Pei Madang stared at her closely.

The light in her eyes was familiar to him.

The last time I fished it out from the river, it looked like this. It was delicate and soft, and very emotional.

"How can I help you?" Pei Ran's throat was slightly hoarse, and the darkness in his eyes was like a soul-sucking black hole, as if he was about to swallow her alive.

Feng Yun couldn't say anything.

At this moment, she was not herself. She seemed to be dominated by some monster. Her consciousness drifted away. She would only press her body against him, rubbing it to relieve the itch, and gasping softly.

"Yunniang?" Pei Madang patted her and motioned for her to look up.

"who I am?"

Feng Yun tried his best to shrink down, put his hands on his shoulders, and grabbed hard, as if he wanted to grasp something. He was talking in confusion, but he couldn't hear clearly. Only a soft whisper was particularly catchy.

Pei Man pressed her hands hard, found the place where she said she felt uncomfortable, pressed his fingers tightly, and twisted gently and slowly.

"Who am I? Yun Niang." He asked again.

Feng Yun let out a low cry and his whole body arched up.


This is not enough.

She was breathing heavily, as if she was going to die at any moment, and held on to his arm, "Help me..."

The big ball was soft and trembling on the body. Pei Man wanted to hold her up, but her eyes kept shaking. The end of his eyes turned red, and he lowered his head to bite, and she let out an unbearable moan.

"There's a bug, General, there's a bug biting me."

The sound was not loud, but soft and thin, as if it came from the nose, like a young kitten, pitiful and attractive enough.

Pei Jue sighed.

"Where are the bugs?"


Her legs were stiff, tears were almost flowing from her beautiful eyes, and she just wanted to have fun. But Pei Jue refused to let her enjoy it. His movements were careful and delicate, as if he had a heart of sympathy for her. He grasped the right degree and rubbed the small piece of bright pink tenderness until it was soft and drunk. When the ecstasy entered the right degree, his fingertips could not help but tremble...

Feng Yun let him serve her like this, and the itch that scratched her heart and liver was not only relieved a little, but made her more embarrassed, and her cloak was full of water...

Feng Yun gritted her teeth and glared at him.

She wanted to bite him to death.

But the whole person was soft and could only breathe...

He looked wronged and collapsed.

"Pei dog... you did it on purpose..."

He cursed again.

Pei Jue lowered his head and blocked her mouth, and the curse was muffled in the sobs.

The fire was burning fiercely, and Pei Jue was no better than Feng Yun.

He was sweating profusely and breathing heavily.

These days, he was teased by Feng Yun, and his self-control was on the verge of breaking out. At this moment, Feng Yun's sudden attack of poison was like the last straw that broke the camel's back...

Feng Yun pulled his trousers, and he couldn't bear it anymore and held down the hand, pressing the person on the cloak.

"You really... deserve to die."

His voice was still calm and restrained.

There was no ripples in his voice, as if he really hated her.

This made Feng Yun even more unbearable.

She was like this, but he still refused. What was he hesitating about?

"Didn't we agree?" She opened her eyes blurry, "General... doesn't this count as a triumph?"

Pei Jue's voice was slightly hoarse, "It counts."

He took the celadon bottle placed on the side.

The words "Zhu Mei" on the bottle had faded due to the water, but the bottle was well sealed and the paste-like medicine was not affected.

When Feng Yun felt the cool ointment being applied along his fingers, his throat tightened and he shrank back in shame and fear, losing his composure on the spot.

"General... what are you applying..."

"Don't be afraid!" Pei Cong said, "It's good for you."

What's good for you?

Could it be that the anti-itching medicine was applied?

The more she thought about it, the more ashamed and angry she became, and he forced out tears.

"General, if you don't want to, why do you want to humiliate me..."

The girl who was twisting in shame because she couldn't break free was as slippery as a fish in his palm, and Pei Cong's eyes were red from the torture.

"Try to move again?"

Pei Cong lifted her knees up, very carefully.

Feng Yun's eyes were blurred by his stirring, and she could only moan...

A cold wind blew in from the stone window. Pei Jue was distracted by the noise, and moved her and the cloak to a different position. Then he put down the ointment, lowered his head and stared at her, as if observing the prey that was about to enter his stomach.

"Waist up. Look at me."

The hot body pressed down, and Feng Yun's little rationality had long been thrown out of the sky...

"Oh..." She reached out to grab again.

The effect of Zhu Mei was obvious. It did not relieve her, but made her feel more uncomfortable. Her whole body was soft, as if there were thousands of ants crawling on her. If she had not been weak, if she had not been suppressed by him, she would have been able to flip him over and ride on him.

"Don't torture me..."

Pei Jue took a deep breath, "Look at me."

Feng Yun moaned softly, "General."

She still recognized people, and even so, she was not completely indifferent.

Pei Jue lowered his head and bit her collarbone.

Feng Yun felt pain, "What are you doing..."

"Does it hurt?"


"There are more painful things."

Feng Yun closed her eyes tightly. She could imagine how painful it would be, but sooner or later there would be a knife. She was so itchy at the moment that she couldn't stand it. She didn't feel scared at all, but was eager to use the pain to distract her attention.

Even if he bit her like he did just now, it would be fine.

"Call me husband." Pei Jue ordered in a hoarse voice, and the giant python pressed down heavily.

A hot and aggressive feeling came over her.

Feng Yun's eyes widened, her neck was stiff and she couldn't let it go. Her fingers were digging into the firm muscles and she was breathing heavily.

Even so, there was no way to relieve it.

"Relax." He gently rubbed her, "You should learn a lesson before you know how powerful it is."

It's not that she didn't know how powerful it was, but she knew there was a tiger in the mountain but she went to the tiger mountain. She always knew that she was afraid, greedy, and wanted...

"No, no, it's not possible at all."

Feng Yun whimpered, and tears were forced out.

He stepped back, and she pulled him up with both hands.

"My husband..."

She would make a scene if she was not given food, and cry if she was given food. Pei Jue looked at her tense and trembling, and even her low moaning changed its tone. It was as if his body was on fire, so fierce that he wanted to kill her.

He didn't like rough treatment.

But in this situation, even if he restrained himself, he still looked a little fierce. He was like a beast out of the cage, but the girl was delicate, soft and small. Even if she put on a posture of letting him pick her, it still made people feel that he was cruelly destroying a flower, and it was unbearable...

"Yun Niang. Are you still thinking about Xiao Cheng?"

Feng Yun panted slightly, "Who... is Xiao Cheng?"


"I... don't know him."

Feng Yun had long since lost sight of the black-haired and cold-faced general in front of her. She held his neck in a daze, pulled him down, and murmured beside his mouth.

"I only know... Pei Lang at this moment."

However, he was not the only one who said something that would spoil the mood.

She said it too.

"If the general still cares about something, or wants to wait for someone... I don't mind you calling Xiao San... let him help me..."

She really has the ability to make Pei Jue angry.

The vague sarcasm in that straight look can make any man crazy at this moment.

"Then you and I will consummate the marriage here." Pei Jue's cold face was calm, and the coldness in his eyes was like a blade that would pierce people's hearts. He grabbed her injured foot and sank down heavily without any mercy.

Feng Yun tightened her fingertips, trembling as if to the extreme...

One force, two low moans.

"No, no, general still can't..."

Pei Jue lowered his head and kissed her, breathing alternately and slowly grinding.

Outside the cave, the sound of rain was like thunder, crackling and knocking.

The sky and the earth were dark.

A group of people walked through the pouring rain, shouting the general loudly.

"Zuo Zhong, look..."

Ao Qi rushed over in surprise.

"There seems to be a cave there!"

The author's head hurts so much today that he is not satisfied with what he has written. This chapter has many words, so there is no chapter division. Please bear with it...

Pei Jue: My head hurts even more. What will happen if you don't bear with it?

Feng Yun: Which head...

Pei Jue: ...

Ao Qi roared wildly outside the cave.

Chun Yu Yan committed suicide by the Daming River.

Xiao Cheng watched other people's bridal chambers in Bingzhou City.

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