Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 175: Cave Couple

Even with Zhu Mei's help, it was still difficult.

Extraordinary talents are never a joke.

If Feng Yun was conscious enough at this moment, she would know how to adjust her swallowing, but she did not have a strong conscious control, only instincts, no strength to struggle, soft as if there was a ball of fire burning, but it could not burn the itch caused by the poison...

She even lost some of her perception of the surroundings.

She didn't know someone was coming.

But Pei Jue heard the movement.

"Don't move." He breathed quickly and heavily.

Half of Feng Yun's soul floated in the air, looking at him with confused eyes, breathing very fast, Pei Jue's body tensed, and just when he was about to retreat, she reluctantly kept him.

Their eyes met.

Feng Yun was very uncomfortable.

"I won't leave..."

He brushed her messy hair stuck to her forehead and covered her mouth.

She couldn't control herself, so he didn't let her speak.

Feng Yun's eyes turned red. In the strong and powerful shackles, his eyelashes fluttered and he couldn't make a sound. The fragility and pity leaked out from his eyes, which aroused the man's restlessness.

Pei Jue frowned slightly.

Years of repression seemed to be hidden in the bones and every pore, burning his eyes red and wet with sweat...

He didn't move.

He seemed to be identifying the person coming.

At this time, the shouting was getting closer.

So close that Feng Yun could hear it clearly...

Is someone coming?

Not a few...

Feng Yun's chaotic mind subconsciously bit his palm and twisted to get away.

It was not known whether it was the effect of the medicine or nervousness, but the more anxious she was, the harder it became. Her body forced him to stay inside uncontrollably, and the shouts outside catalyzed her anxiety. They were sweating all over, and they were in a more embarrassing situation than in their previous life...

Unable to move forward or back out, Pei Jue shook his head at her. After repeated attempts, she frowned in pain, and he was also uncomfortable, with a sharp soreness rushing into his mind.

He remembered Puyang Jiu's words.

An awkward match.

They were not meant to be together...

Pei Jue's eyes turned red, and he looked at the charming girl who was inseparable from her, restraining her random struggles and unbearable gasps, "Don't worry. It's okay."

The fire burned more vigorously, with a blazing light, and the two sweaty bodies stuck together tightly, entangled and trembling.

No one spoke.

Extreme restraint will bring extreme desire.

He was almost going crazy.

The wind and rain outside seemed to be getting stronger.

Raindrops slapped the ground, and the cold wind whistled...

The two looked at each other in the firelight, their eyes seemed to be pulled out of silk.

Pei Jue looked down, and there seemed to be a fierce light in the corners of his red eyes. He repeatedly fiddled with her knuckles to make her relax. His voice was hoarse as if he was filled with wind, as if he was filled with unbearable hostility, "So good at biting?"

Feng Yun opened her eyes and looked at him, her black hair was stained, and she shook her head helplessly, protesting his questioning with her mouth covered...

The long wind swept through the stone window, and the rain drifted in with cold moisture.

Feng Yun was ignorant and fearless, and the fire on her body was enough to resist all the ravages of wind and rain. She was almost soft like a puddle of mud, and a few tiny moans escaped from his palms in the intervals, like a cat's cry, as if inviting the vicious beast to tear her apart.

Calmness and reason disappeared.

Feng Yun seemed to have changed when the poison took effect.

Consciousness and body were peeled off layer by layer...


The people outside were indeed shouting.


Ao Qi's voice was particularly strong.

He saw a steep stone path that led upwards diagonally. It was only wide enough for one person to pass through, but it was pitch black above, like a dead end, without any light. He didn't know what dangers were lurking...

"Be careful."

"Light a torch!"

Behind Ao Qi were Zuo Zhong, Ji You, Ye Chuang and others.

They lit torches, and the voices calling for the general were overwhelming.

Only Ao Qi was calling for uncle.

The young man's anxiety was suddenly replaced by those calls.



Ao Qi was very close, not far from the cave...

Feng Yun grabbed Pei Jue's arm fiercely, and a short scream almost came out.

She heard the sudden emotional fluctuations in Ao Qi's shout, which made Pei Jue's thick eyebrows frown almost immediately.

He lowered his head impatiently, blocking her voice, and those tiny low hums could only come out from his nose, mixed with his panting...


"General, where are you?"

"Girl! Where are you!"

The shouts were mixed in the wind and rain, becoming more and more anxious.

The steep stone road was not easy to walk on, Pei Jue used it as a cover and obstacle. They seemed not to have found this place yet and were still searching.

But it was getting closer.

It was really closer.

Feng Yun raised her head and panted, lying silently under him like a white jade.

The beast was stuck in the middle of the road, unable to endure the shallow probing and the obstruction in front, roaring, screaming, and shouting wildly, wishing to eat the prey thoroughly and pierce it with its claws...

She looked at him helplessly, the corners of her eyes were red as if she had dyed rouge, beautiful and radiant.

Pei Jue's eyes were firm, but his face was cold. In his eyes, there was a hidden madness, a restrained frenzy, a bottomless complexity that was hard to see the truth, and a contradiction between the wildness aroused by the shouting outside and the strong self-control...

Red makeup and messy hair, tangled in the wind.

Who doesn't love the red flowers in the red house?

Even if there was no physical illness and no drugs to intensify the senses, it would probably be difficult not to be crazy at this moment.

Pei Jue's whole state was contradictory.

The cold face, the crazy eyes, the condescending posture, the restrained actions, seemed to be on the verge of exploding at any time...


Ao Qi's voice stopped at the door.

Pei He breathed heavily, as if he was anxious. He pinched the snake-like waist with his rough palm and lifted it up slightly. He sank his waist hard, and there was a clear swallowing sound.

Feng Yun panted and whimpered lightly, and his narrow waist was as tight as a bowstring that a general was pulling to the extreme when he went to battle. His hands climbed his strong muscles, his jade neck was slightly tilted, his collarbone was prominent, and he trembled unconsciously...

They didn't speak.

Burning eyes, looking at each other, interacting cautiously.

The whistling wind and the rushing rain drowned everything.

The obstacles set by Pei He were not a big problem for Ao Qi.

Soon, Ao Qi was pleasantly surprised to find the traces left by Pei He.

He was ecstatic, wiped the rain off his face, smiled and showed his white teeth, and waved to the people behind him.

"The general is inside!"

He smiled confidently, and after destroying the obstacles, he wanted to rush in. Suddenly, he heard Pei Jue's voice coming from inside.

"Wait outside the cave!"

There were only four short words, cold and cool, without any emotion, but Ao Qi's smile froze on his face.

He walked in front.

You could faintly hear the panting of his uncle.

The people who came later were still at the bottom of the slope, and could not hear anything else, but could only see Ao Qi's stiffness.

"What's wrong with Guard Ao?"

"Is the general inside?"

Ao Qi: "Yes."

Ye Chuang looked at his expression, "Is the madam there?"

Ao Qi's throat seemed to be stuffed with cotton.

He used great restraint to whisper a word.


Everyone looked at him and breathed a sigh of relief.

Ao Qi's eyes were red, and he made a gesture.

"Back and wait."

The general was indeed inside...

This was enough to reassure the search and rescue team.

They went down the same way and waited outside the cave. Some shook their clothes, some wrung out water, and some went straight out to find the way.

The general was inside but didn't let them in. No need to say more, everyone understood.

The sudden rainstorm must have been inconvenient for the lady...

How could a group of men like them rush in?

Zuo Zhong and Ji You, who were used to guarding Pei Jue, wanted to go up to guard, but were glanced at by Ao Qi with a cold face.

"The general said, wait outside the cave."

He reiterated.

There was irritability in his voice.

Ao Qi was young and hot-tempered, and he would lose his temper before.

But at this moment, there was an indescribable sense of brokenness in that young and handsome face and red eyes.

It made people feel distressed.

Ye Chuang approached and patted him twice.

No words, silent comfort.

The wind and rain were very loud. Pei Jue did not speak except for the order just now. Ao Qi stood here and could not hear any movement in the cave, but there was an inappropriate fight in his mind...

The cave was also unusually quiet at this moment.

For a long time, the two people hugged each other quietly, without moving or making any sound, as if they were trying their best to endure, or as if it was a long tug of war.

Feng Yun was limp.

She was powerless. He was restrained.

For a long moment, it was unknown who panted first, and the two bodies quietly pressed against each other slowly, gently, and silently comforted each other...

Listening to the sound of the storm hitting the earth, Feng Yun was initially somewhat conscious, restraining his body, which had already been softened by the poison, so as not to embarrass himself.

As soon as the people outside left, her emotions gradually reached the edge of an explosion, rising and falling in the sound of the man's steady heartbeat...

However, when she wanted to speak, her mouth was blocked, and when she wanted to struggle, she couldn't move. She was like being nailed to the man's cloak, gasping for breath, twisting her body unbearably...

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