Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 18 Plum Makeup on Snow

The looted grain has to be transported into the mansion. Even if it escapes the eyes of the Northern Yong Army, it cannot avoid Ao Qi.

Therefore, when Feng Yun went to Huayue Stream, he had already thought of a way to "wash food".

The small boat transporting grain circled behind Huayue Stream. When Ao Qi came over in anger and saw it, the grain he snatched was replaced by a legitimate source. This merit fell to Chun Yuyan, the prince of Yunchuan. On the body.

"I had a great conversation with the owner of Huayue Stream that day. He took pity on the lack of food in my house and generously gave it to me..."

Feng Yun said it calmly, with the words "the conversation was very pleasant", even showing a hint of affection. Ao Qi's mind was instantly brought back to the scene where he saw her in Yaxie that night with her clothes disheveled and her face flushed...

What is a pleasant conversation? No need to think about what they did.

Seeing her indifference, the young man was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Feng Yun smiled and calmly ordered Mei Lingwei to transport food back home.

He added: "I will celebrate with you all at the banquet tomorrow! Guard Ao must come."

Ao Qi saw her being surrounded by a group of men, smiling so brightly that her teeth almost broke.

In this era, wars broke out frequently, but the folk customs were unprecedentedly open. The continuous wars led to informal etiquette and disordered order. Men and women could associate freely, meet secretly when they saw each other, and there were many people who indulged their desires.

Ao Qi didn't expect that she was such a girl.

I am very angry, but I don’t know why I am angry.

Isn’t it a good thing to have food and meat? He no longer had to dive into such a dirty pond to catch fish and make himself smelly.

At dawn the next day, as the sun rose, the sound of pig slaughtering could be heard from the kitchen, barrels were knocked on the floor, knives were sharpened, and the whole house was filled with joy.

Feng Yun got up very early and sent Xing Bing out to inquire about it.

Wang Dalangjun came home at noon. The Wang family thought they were unlucky about what happened last night, and no news came out. However, the concubine named Shan was carried out of the palace before dawn and disappeared.

Xing Bing walked around the street. The market was not open and he couldn't buy anything, but he heard a lot of gossip. It's nothing more than talking about the affair between Governor Feng's Twelfth Mother and General Pei after she surrendered to the enemy. There are some people who are not stingy and are good at eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling, but now they become noble and almost make Xing Bing angry to death...

"I don't know the whole story and just talk nonsense. I really want to kill them with one knife."

Feng Yun was watching the flying swallows under the eaves. After hearing Xing Bing's report, he didn't seem to take it seriously. He smiled and asked him.

"Is your bride literate?"

Xing Bing was stunned for a moment before he reacted and chuckled.

"My wife comes from a peasant family and is blind."

Feng Yun was thoughtful, walked up the steps and suddenly turned back.

"There is a banquet in the mansion today. Let your bride and children come with her. From now on, there will be many places to employ people inside and outside the mansion. I still trust my own people more."

Xing Bing responded, deeply moved.

Although the government pays him working wages, he has three children. As a half-grown boy, I am living in poverty, and my family is almost in trouble. His wife mentioned several times that she would go to the house to do some chores and make a living, but Xing Bing was too thin-skinned to talk.

The little girl's eyes were sharp and she seemed to be able to see through everything.

Xing Bing was so impressed by his calmness and courage.

This was the first family banquet held by Feng Yun since he took charge of the family. He specially ordered a few big dishes to be prepared on the stove, braised and steamed, and cooked in a large cauldron. The cheerful atmosphere continued until the evening.

A good banquet cannot be complete without good wine.

Feng Yun asked people to take out the wine stored in the cellar, carry it to the eaves, and arrange more than twenty jars full of it. He also went to the stove to teach the cook how to marinate pig skin, pork and pork bones, and then brought it to the table to serve the wine. Floating out of the house, I am so greedy that my mouth is watering...

To add to the fun, Wenhui played with silk and bamboo on the banquet and drank wine with music. On a whim, the two dancers swayed lightly on the banquet to congratulate the girl.

Feng Yun was in a good mood, and felt that the beauty and the delicious food were extremely intoxicating.

It was the first time she experienced a man's happiness, and she drank wine to the heavens while she was drunk.

"If I were a man and my beauty was at the forefront, would I be calm and self-possessed?"

Ao Qi frowned when he saw her losing her composure.

I had planned not to care about her anymore, but I couldn't help but intervene. I asked the maid to take the wine bottle away, "The girl is drunk."

Feng Yun hummed and smiled, looking at the crescent moon in the sky with a charming smile.

"Fool, how could I get drunk? I won't get drunk after a thousand cups!"

People who say they are not drunk are usually very drunk. Ao Qi saw her talking with a big tongue, her cheeks were stained with clouds, her eyes were like peach blossoms, her breathing was inexplicably tight, and her mood that finally calmed down felt like she had been burned by high temperature, and she felt like she couldn't breathe.

He remembered what Ye Chuang said about being in heat, and couldn't help but clench his palms and scold him impatiently.

"Hurry and help him down to rest."

Daman and Xiaoman are a little afraid of Ao Qi, because he is the general's confidant.

The two of them supported Feng Yun on the left and the right, and walked out like a meat pie. She still had the strength to grab Ao Qi's arm as she passed by, sneering and snoring.

"General Ao? It's indeed you."

Ao Qi:......

Drunk girls are really crazy.

Even the anger is inexplicable, but it makes people feel happy and reluctant to let her go...

"Ha!" Feng Yun stared at him, unaware that he had lost his composure. He just wanted to ravage him and bully him in repayment for General Ao's hatred and mischief in his previous life.

"Why don't you like me? Why do you look down on me? You hate me, don't you? Then I will... show you some color..."

Ao Qi's cheeks turned red and he stared at her speechless.

Don't like her? Look down on her, hate her? Where to start...

Ao Qi's expression was a little awkward, "I didn't..."

However, Feng Yun didn't really want to get an answer, and she didn't hear what Ao Qi said at all. After the experiences of the two lives were mixed up in her mind, she couldn't tell the truth from the false, and was helped to Changmen Courtyard while muttering.

Ao Qi stood under the corridor under the bright moon and breeze, his heart struggling like in purgatory. The young mind that shouldn't have made him feel sad.

Feng Yun was very different from usual after drinking. He was very dishonest. He tossed for a long time in the bath, fluttering in the water like a duckling, rubbing and sneering.

"Cut down the plum trees outside... and plant them all... with vegetables..."

"What's the use of flowers? They look good... but are useless... beauty is doomed to fail!"

Several maids coaxed her, saying "yes, yes, yes" and "cut them all down" one after another. They finally coaxed her to sleep on the couch like an ancestor, and then they closed the curtains, took out the wine and food given by the master, and went to the outer room for a midnight snack.

As she enjoyed the food, she sighed as she thought about the miserable days of waiting to die in the prison.

"Who would have thought that we would live till now? Not only do we have enough food, but we also have meat to eat?"

"These days, those who can survive are blessed by God."

"It was clearly a gift from Twelve Lady..."

"Uh! I still have ten big coins in my pocket. Ten, I get two stones of food every month, the girl remembers it..."

"I have it too, the manager of the building gave me two extra coins, saying that my embroidered handkerchiefs are good and the girl likes them."

The shop was closed and the market was closed, but the money could not buy anything, but the maids felt the joy of working for food, their little faces flushed from drinking, and they competed to show their loyalty.

"I will serve the master well."

"The girl's life... is my life... I will protect her."

"Uh... my head... I feel dizzy!"

Feng Yun, who was drunk, did not sleep well. He was very thirsty in the middle of the night, and called Daman and Xiaoman hoarsely for water...

After calling several times, the door opened.

Someone slowly came over, and the footsteps were much heavier than usual...

If Feng Yun wasn't drunk, she could tell that it was a man's footsteps.

But she was drunk.

When the celadon cup was handed to her mouth, she was too lazy to even raise her eyelids, and drank happily from the other person's hand.

"I want to... go to the toilet."

Feng Yun was dizzy, and seeing that the maid didn't move, she stood up and stumbled towards the tiger (toilet). With a bang, she bumped into someone and grabbed the other person's arm.

So strong!

She was drunk but not stupid, so she took a step back and became alert: "Who is it - um -"

The person covered her mouth with one hand and half-held the person in his arms to stabilize her.

"Don't make a sound."

The arm holding the waist was very strong, and a clear fragrance of "Snow Plum Makeup" entered the nose, and the familiarity engraved in the bones revived in the subtle fragrance...

For a cold general who had been on the battlefield and crossed the sea of ​​blood and corpses, the smell of Snow Plum Makeup was too elegant and light, not very suitable, but it could just cover up his hostility...

In the previous life, Feng Yun liked this kind of fragrance very much.

At first, she smelled it from Pei Jue, as if she saw a gift from heaven, and loved it like crazy.

Later, I learned that this fragrance is not easy to come by.

Not to mention the preciousness of old agarwood and white sandalwood cloves, just the little bit of cold snow on the tip of the plum petals used to make incense, countless people endured the cold in the heavy snow, just to pick the snow in the flower...

So she concluded that it was not the kind of fragrance that Pei Jue would collect.

He didn't like this thing, and he didn't like to be pretentious.

It was not until she smelled this fragrance on Li Sangruo that she realized that they were the only two people in the world who used this snow-covered plum makeup...

At that time, Feng Yun was willful. She sprinkled the precious perfume powder on the couch, stepped on it with her toes, and printed out scattered patterns. Then she rolled on it and giggled in protest, waiting for Pei Cong to be furious...

Unexpectedly, he said nothing, took her out of the perfume dust, washed her clean, and had sex with her for a night. From then on, he never used this perfume again.

Later, Feng Yun felt annoyed and regretful every time she thought about it. She also tried to make perfume, but failed, so she regretted it.

Now she smelled the long-lost snow-covered plum makeup again, and her mind was intoxicated. She couldn't help but lose her composure. For a moment, she didn't know where she was. She relied on her memory to cling to the man in front of her, sniffed twice in his arms like a puppy, and felt wronged and disappointed.

"Are you here to pick me up?"

"Didn't you say you didn't want it? Why are you here again?"

A question separated two lives of sorrow.

Suddenly he laughed again, "I was dreaming..."

Feng Yun: Although it's only one chapter, the number of words in one chapter is still quite large...

Ao Qi: So, is it my uncle who came?

Feng Yun: I don't know, no matter who he is, he will be executed.

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