Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 20: Backlash of Reverie

Ao Qi stood blankly on the spot, his arms seemed to be weak, and his waist knife fell to the ground.

"Guard Ao!" Someone called outside, asking about his situation.

Ao Qi looked at the dim light in the black eyes, cleared his throat and said: "Nothing happened. The maid drank too much wine and fell into a deep sleep, so I woke her up. The girl also fell asleep peacefully, you guys Everyone, get out of Nagatoyuan!"

"Here." The guards walked out one after another.

Ao Qi's body was stiff and he didn't salute Pei Ran for a long time.

He is Pei Ran's nephew, so naturally he won't be as afraid as ordinary soldiers, but it wasn't like this before. Pei Madang was the most powerful being in his eyes. Every time he saw him, he was like a little wolf with shining eyes. He wanted to pounce on him and wag his tail...

This time he was a little nervous.

Pei Ran: "Why didn't you report the facts about Andu City?"

Ao Qi lowered his head and wanted to defend himself, but couldn't.

"I didn't expect that such a trivial matter would alarm my uncle."

Pei Madang has a pair of cold eyes, so even though his facial features are extremely handsome, it is easy for people to ignore this, and they can only feel nervous under the powerful and compelling aura.

"The girl did this to raise food for the Beiyong Army. My nephew thought it was not a big deal."

"It's not a big deal?" Pei Madang looked at him.

The subtle breath flows in the dark light of the silent night.

"Ao Qi, you have committed a big taboo."

After a moment of silence, Ao Qi clasped his hands in fists.

"Please punish me, General."

He was prepared to be beaten, but there was a small rustling sound from behind the curtain.

It was Feng Yun's vague voice: "Daman, Xiaoman?"

As she spoke, she walked towards them. Her voice in the Jiangwen tent still smelled of alcohol, but she seemed much soberer than before.

"I'm used to your faults, where are the people?"

Ao Qi and Pei Ran looked at each other.

This is the girl's living room. Whether it is him or the general, appearing here rashly in the middle of the night is an act of coward...

One person is found to be despised, and two people are found at the same time?

That would be even more ridiculous.

Feng Yun's footsteps gradually approached. As soon as he raised his hand to lift the mosquito net, he saw him and Pei Madang. Ao Qi felt his blood surge and his heartbeat almost burst from his throat...


His arms suddenly tightened, and Pei Madang grabbed him and pulled him out, and they all rushed out.

Ao Qi was pulled hard, unsteady, and almost hit a pillar. When he reacted and turned around, he saw a black shadow flying away like a falcon, and several of them disappeared into the plum forest of Changmenyuan. …

He was left alone, standing at the door of Feng Yun's room, and greeted Feng Yun's doubtful question like a fool:

"Guard Ao?"

Ao Qi:......

Feng Yun frowned and rubbed his painful forehead.

She seemed to have seen Pei Madang just now, but why was it Ao Qi?

Then he asked: "Why is Guard Ao here? What happened?"

Ao Qi wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

Feng Yun tilted his head and pointed at the maids in the back room and Ao Qi's shining ring-headed sword that fell on the ground, "Has Changmenyuan been robbed?"

Ao Qi opened his mouth and then closed it helplessly. He wished he didn't have a mouth...

In the middle of the night, when the maid was asleep in the girl's room, he, a foreigner, barged in. What evil deed was he trying to do?


Why harm me?

"Guard Ao?" Feng Yun narrowed his eyes.

Ao Qi's face is very beautiful, but the edges and corners are soft and non-aggressive. The position of his lips is slightly upturned, and he is a bit arrogant and childish. Especially in front of him, he seems to be angry about something, and seems to have been wronged in some way...

Feng Yun wanted to bully him, but his hands were itchy, but he couldn't bear it. He held onto the door frame and leaned on it with weak legs and feet.

"When did Guard Ao turn into a gourd?"

The girl leaned against the door and looked at her, her eyes like autumn water, and Ao Qi's face turned red.

"I, I was out on patrol at night, and I heard something moving in the girl's house, so I came over to take a look. I called several times, but no one answered. I was afraid something would happen, so I boldly broke in..."

Is there any movement? Feng Yun held his head and thought hard...

Was the absurd and vague scene just now really a dream?

Frowning at the young man, Feng Yun secretly squeezed her leg. The pain made her wake up a little more.

"Are you so drunk after eating?"

Ao Qi saw her talking to herself, smiled awkwardly, and wanted to say something, but Feng Yun suddenly went back with a cold face, picked up the herbal tea on the table, and poured it on Daman and Xiaoman's faces.

The two women woke up slowly, shook the water stains on their heads, opened their eyes and looked at the person in front of them. They were so frightened that they hurriedly knelt on the ground, kowtowed to Feng Yun and confessed.

Feng Yun was a little tired and stretched out his hand, "Get up and help me."

Ao Qi breathed a sigh of relief, said goodbye, and left dejectedly.

Merlin was silent, no one was around.

Everyone knows that a war between Jin and Qi is imminent, but the Beiyong Army has been slacking off recently. In addition to daily patrols and garrison camps, the rest of the people trained once every two days. Pei Madang would even go to various camps to watch them rest...

Today is different. General Pei rode back to the camp from Andu City in the middle of the night. Without saying a word, he called out the soldiers in the camp and lined up to train hard until he saw the white sky in the east...

He didn't spoil himself either.

A Piyong sword danced under the horse so that the wind and snow could not penetrate it, and he rode and shot at a hundred steps through the poplar trees.

Sweat rolled down his forehead, and his half-wet clothes clung to his body. He kept stopping for a moment, his eyes were red, murderous intent mixed with sweat dripping down his face, he mounted and dismounted as vigorously as an eagle, making people afraid to come close...

Puyang Jiu watched from the sidelines for a long time.

Watching him dance with swords, ride horses, and shoot arrows like crazy, and watch him calmly train others and himself, his eyes almost burst out with curiosity.

It wasn't until Pei Ran returned to camp to rest that Puyang Jiu followed him.

"Is it really difficult to get sick again? Is it very difficult?"

Pei Madang was wiping the sweat from his head and glanced at Puyang Jiu, "I didn't call the medical officer."

"You look so stinky, it seems that you have returned in vain." Puyang put a hand on the side of his case, looked at his gloomy face, and smiled without any seriousness:

"Sex is your true nature. It accumulates too much and forms a deep pool. If you have a little reverie, your desires will come back. If you continue to suppress it like this, it will be useless for you to train to death..."

Pushing away his face that was getting closer, Pei Madang said coldly, "Quack doctor!"

"I don't understand the style." Puyang Jiu sighed.

When Pei Ran was a boy, concubines were sent to him, no matter what kind of concubines he wanted. No one ever restrained him, and he refused to take a second look.

Last night I heard that Feng Yun had a night meeting with Yunchuan Crown Prince Chun Yuyan. The man rode back to Andu with a cold face. Puyang Jiu thought he had suddenly enlightened, but unexpectedly, he came back with a cold face...

Puyang Jiu was curious, "Why do you think that Feng's daughter provoked Chun Yuyan?"

——To raise food for Pei Madang.

That hoarse sigh was in my ears.

Pei Man's eyebrows were cold and he raised his hand towards Puyang.

Puyang Jiu approached: "How?"

Pei Ran said: "I heard that Prince Chunyu is a good man..."

Puyang Jiu looked up at him, showing doubts, but saw Pei Madang's brows moving slightly, "Go and find out."

"..." What is this order?

Puyang Jiu looked at Pei Ran's cold and solemn face and couldn't believe that this was a joke. His tailbone was numb and he was stunned for a long time. Then he realized that he was being retaliated and it was clearly to hurt him intentionally.

"I won't ask anymore. It's not my brother who is suffering anyway..."

After saying that, he glanced over and saw that Pei Ran ignored him, but he still couldn't get rid of the energy in his heart.

So Puyang Jiu shamelessly moved in front of Pei Madang little by little, put his elbows on the table, and said eh.

"There's something strange happening. I hope my brother can clarify it."

Pei Madang lowered his head and read the documents without saying a word, with a rather indifferent expression.

Puyang Jiu narrowed his eyes and asked him, "You said you are not good at women and never accept offers of beauty from others. Why did you make an exception when Feng Jingting offered his daughter?"

Then he asked: "Based on my understanding of Wang Zhi, brother will not easily accept this love. In this... is it not for beauty, or is there some other purpose?"

Puyang touched his chin and looked over Pei Madang, his mind spinning rapidly.

"Is it possible that Wangzhi and Feng's daughter are related to each other?"

One is in the Southern Qi Dynasty and the other is in the Northern Jin Dynasty. It shouldn't be.

Puyang Jiu shook his head, "It's not about beauty, it has no origin, it's weird..."

He was used to talking to himself in front of Pei Madang and didn't expect a response.

Unexpectedly, Pei Madang suddenly raised his head and asked him, "Do you believe there is a prophet in the world?"

"Huh?" Puyang Jiu was stunned, "Aren't the so-called prophets just pretentious and deceitful?"

"That's Feng's daughter," Pei Ran said.

Puyang Jiu recovered from his surprise.

When he first learned that Pei Madang had adopted Feng Jingting's daughter, he was also curious and asked a little bit about the Feng family. This girl did have prophetic abilities when she was a child. She shocked Taicheng at the time, was called a monster, and even almost died. She disappeared when she grew up. But in public.

Puyang Jiu said with an amused smile: "It turns out that you are so foolish... you really value talent over sex!"

Pei Madang was silent for a long time, staring at the document with complicated eyes, and his face gradually darkened...

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