Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 21: Accepting Concubines

That night, Feng Yun slept very uneasy.

Sometimes it was Pei Jue, sometimes it was Xiao Zizhen, and it seemed that she also pulled a radish, which was quite big, and she couldn't hold it or pull it out. She woke up and fell asleep in a daze. When she saw the golden sunlight shining through the gauze curtain, she believed that the dream was completely over.

She took a long breath and called Xiaoman.

"Brush your hair into a stunning bun."

Xiaoman and Daman didn't serve in the inner house before, and Pei'er and Huan'er were the clumsiest maids in the mansion, so they were assigned by Mrs. Chen to serve in Feng Yun's room. The former Meixiang Pavilion was the gathering place for the "old, weak, sick, disabled, stupid, and foolish" in the prefectural mansion. Several maids laughed and took a lot of effort to comb a satisfactory bun for their master, and they were very excited.

"The girl is beautiful!"

"The maid has never seen a woman more outstanding than the girl!"

Feng Yun held her hair and looked left and right in the bronze mirror.

"Isn't Aying beautiful?"

The maids shook their heads, "Shisanniang is too beautiful, not as beautiful as the girl!"

They didn't dare to say these words before, but now that Mrs. Chen is no longer the boss in the mansion, Feng Ying will no longer step on their girl's head, so they dare to tell the truth.

After Feng Yun washed and dressed, breakfast was served.

There were soup noodles and white porridge on Feng Yun's table, and the other maids and servants all ate wheat rice. Because the bran was not removed cleanly, the cooked wheat rice was a bit rough and hard to swallow, but these were the best food at the moment.

At least they could fill their stomachs.

"We are lucky to have a bite to eat."

"The bark outside is almost eaten up, and we still have food to eat."

"It was the girl who saved us."

Feng Yun listened silently in the inner room, pushed open the window, and said loudly: "Let the stove roast two pounds of pickled meat, and then take some fine noodles, steam a basket of noodles and cakes to feed your good mouths."

Eat meat again?

I just had meat yesterday.

I’m afraid this day will be wonderful to death?

The girls cheered in unison, "The girl is so coaxing!"

After being happy, they were a little worried, afraid that the good days would not last long. After all, the girl was also living under someone else's roof and had to look at the general's face.

Besides, the general has not returned to the mansion and has not favored the girl. They are afraid that the good days are just a dream, and they will return to the cold and gloomy prison in a blink of an eye...

From the beginning of summer to the beginning of autumn, it is the hottest time of the year.

After breakfast, Feng Yun took people out of the mansion.

She wanted to take stock of Feng Jingting's property left in Andu.

She didn't know how the court would deal with the farms and land outside the city, and there was no way to do anything for the time being, but she felt that there was a lot of room for improvement in the shops in the city.

In the past, the youngest branch of the Feng family was managed by Mrs. Chen. Chen had a good family background and had no shortage of food and clothing. She didn't care much about money and things. She focused all her attention on how to control Feng Jingting and deal with Feng Yun. The property of the youngest branch was badly ruined in her hands.

In Andu County, the best-run shop of the Feng family is Yutangchun, a lacquered restaurant. Before the city was captured, Yutangchun was managed by the Feng family's steward, but when the war broke out, it was deserted.

In addition, several shops were rented to others, and half of them are currently vacant.

Most of the shops had no signs of being smashed, and the unmovable items were still there, but the things inside were looted, which was obviously not the work of the Beiyong Army, but the internal thieves.

But some escaped and some left, and now no one can be found.

In order to accumulate wealth and make a fortune, Feng Yun planned to arrange people to clean up the shop, and wait until the war between Jin and Qi settled after the beginning of autumn, and then choose a day to open it.

But at the moment, there is a shortage of manpower...

Feng Yun was worrying about this, and Eunuch Fang brought people.

Two carriages with embroidered screens carried sixteen beauties including Lin E, Shao Xueqing, Yuan Jiao, etc. Each of them brought two maids. They were escorted by more than twenty soldiers and stopped at the gate of the mansion. They were all dressed in gorgeous clothes and looked gorgeous.

"According to the order of Her Majesty the Queen Mother, I reward General Pei with a mansion in Andu County, sixteen concubines, and thirty-two maids..."

It was common for the mansions of noble families to keep three or five beauties. It was even more common for the emperor to reward concubines to his meritorious ministers. However, it was unprecedented in the Jin Dynasty to give sixteen concubines at a time.

The mansion was ready, and the concubines and maids were brought, but there was not a stone of food or a piece of cloth. The Queen Mother Li's intentions were more than just a simple gift...

"Come on! The plaque of the General's Mansion."

The plaque of the prefect's mansion had been empty since it was taken down by Feng Yun.

Eunuch Fang waved his hand, and several soldiers came up with a black lacquer plaque with gold characters and a red imperial seal, with the four characters "General's Mansion" written on it, and looked solemnly.

"Look, this is General Pei's private residence in Andu. You should serve the general well, and don't let others occupy the magpie's nest and recognize the wrong master."

The people in the original mansion were silent.

The sixteen beauties bowed together, "We will obey the order of Her Majesty the Queen Mother."

Eunuch Fang looked at Feng Yun's changing expression with satisfaction, and gave another instruction in public, arranging for the concubines to enter the mansion.

Lin E finally raised her eyebrows and raised her chin a lot, "Don't worry, Eunuch, I will not let Her Majesty the Queen Mother down, and I will train all the sisters well and serve the general well."

Eunuch Fang's eyebrows jumped and glanced at her.

This woman is extremely stupid! Did Her Majesty the Queen Mother let her come to "serve" the general? Is it to disgust the Feng girl?

However, Lin'e's words made Feng's daughter uncomfortable, so Eunuch Fang nodded in agreement, and then asked Feng Yun with a look of disgust.

"Does Feng Ji have anything to say?"

Go ahead, cry, and it would be best if you cried loudly, so that he could report back.

Eunuch Fang was full of expectations, but Feng Yun was full of blessings.

"I accept the order and thank the Queen Mother on behalf of the general."

Eunuch Fang's eyebrows twitched again.

What is this word? It was as if she was the mistress of the house.

This Feng Shi Ayun is really shameless and difficult to deal with.

Eunuch Fang stared at Feng Yun, and Feng Yun also looked at him with a half-smile, clearly understanding his purpose.

The general is not here, who is this for?

Being willing to give your sweetheart sixteen beauties is something that most women cannot do. Li Sangruo is really ruthless and generous, no wonder he has the ability to get involved in the country and achieve great things.

In this case, she would just accept it for Pei Ran.

As soon as Eunuch Fang left, Feng Yun called all sixteen people including Lin E, Shao Xueqing, Yuan Jiao and their maids to Qingshan Hall without stopping, and assigned them to clean up the debris in the shop and sweep out the work.

"When you arrive at the general's mansion, you have to follow the rules of the mansion."

"The food of this world is not free!"

"The General's Mansion doesn't support idlers!"

“If you want to eat, you have to work.”

"Whoever disobeys my orders will be starved."

Feng Yun made arrangements so pleasantly that he even thought about the name of the Sixteenth Princess in the future. This "Hu Cake Xishi" and that "Beef Diao Chan", depending on their beauty, there is no need to worry about the lack of beauty in her store...

Lin E came to the house with her thoughts in mind. Who doesn't love the drama about ascending to the sky and transforming into a phoenix? Unexpectedly, the general didn't live in the mansion at all. They couldn't even see the general, and they had to be coached by Feng Twelve.

All the concubines were full of complaints, but there was nothing they could do against Feng Yun.

The guards in the mansion all obey Feng Yun, and they are all members of the Feng family. Feng Yun is the local emperor of the general's mansion, so he is right. The only general who can support them is in the camp. Don't say that he may not take care of it, even if he wants to take care of it, it is beyond his reach.

"That guy from Nagatoin is really crazy!"

"I want Feng Twelve to bully me to death."

"Say less. From now on, the sisters will serve the general together. The Twelfth Mother is a noble daughter of an aristocratic family. She has a noble status and should be domineering. If you can bear it, just bear with it."

"Feng Twelve is not the general's wife, why should he treat us like this?"

"Hmph! She is not just the general's wife. Sisters, please think carefully. We are the concubines given to the general by the Queen Mother. We are famous and have the Queen Mother's will. We are justified. What does Feng Twelve have? She has nothing. She is at most a concubine. Shameless outer room... We clearly want to be a head above her, but she looks down on us and steps on our faces? "

"A'emo, don't mention it again. Why do we, the birds, compete with the falcons? Let's get to work quickly."

In the General's Mansion, Feng Yun held Ao's cub in his arms and caressed its thick foot pads leisurely. He listened to Alou's report on the private conversations of his concubines and laughed heartily.

"Hungry for food!"

"If you scold me, I'll starve you all day."

"If you scold me a few times, you'll starve me for three days."

"If you say something good about me, you will be rewarded...a big reward!"

"Let me think about what reward you can give me. I'd rather reward the general for his first night."

"Also, those two nice-speaking beauties should stop doing menial work and arrange to help Zhuang Rong embroider and make clothes. They can make their complexion more supple. If the general comes back to take a fancy to him, he will be lucky..."


Ah Lou is young and almost has wrinkles when he laughs.

He likes Twelve Niangs now much more than before.

This twelfth mother is more responsible than a man, and everything she does or says convinces them. Those who follow her feel that their days are promising, and they even look forward to orders from Nagatoin every day. As soon as the order came out, everyone's blood boiled.

But Alou is also worried.

Even if you don't take the concubine given by the Queen Mother seriously, how can you still be hungry?

Second update completed, see you tomorrow.

On the Mid-Autumn Festival Reunion Day, Si Jin hereby wishes all sisters that the moon is full, people are round, everything is perfect, happiness and flowers bloom. I also hope that in the days to come, we can happily spend this journey of "Nagato's Slim Waist" together...

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