Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 22: The Evil Queen

Green Liuyuan is very lively today.

Lin E was taken out of the dining hall before dinner and locked up.

She was crying in the inner room and banging the wooden door.

"Open the door! Open the door!"

"Feng Twelfth Mother, how could you do this to me?"

"I came here to serve the general on the orders of the Queen Mother, not your servant."

"Open the door, open the door! I am the general's concubine. I want to see the general for judgment, and the queen mother for judgment..."

In the courtyard, a group of maids and servants were watching the fun, pointing and pointing.

Shao Xueqing, Yuan Jiao and other concubines were also placed in this courtyard. They watched Lin E being locked in the room by two strong men, their hearts were cold and cold, and they were terrified.

Ah Lou showed off his managerial style, cleared his throat and said loudly:

"Lin Ji took the lead in making trouble and did not follow the family rules of the General's Mansion. She should have been starved for three days and imprisoned for three days. The girl thought that it was her first offense, so she was extra merciful and ordered her to reflect behind closed doors for a day."

After saying that, he turned around and saluted Feng Yun.

"Twelfth Mother, do you have any other explanations?"

The weather was hot, so Feng Yun wore a thin wide-sleeved shirt and sat under a willow tree. He was followed by Huan'er and Pei'er. They held cattail fans and fanned her, their belts fluttering. She looks like a fairy.

Her voice sounded a little lazy in the scorching heat.

"Anyone who violates the rules again will be dealt with severely and will not be treated lightly."

Ah Lou nodded and glanced worriedly at the closed courtyard.

Originally, the girl was going to be punished together with the other concubines, but thanks to him knowing the benefits, the girl listened to his advice and only imprisoned Lin E, who was the leader.

But Ah Lou was still very worried, "Last time in prison, Twelve Mothers had already offended the Queen Mother. If this matter spreads to the Queen Mother's ears again, I'm afraid..."

Feng Yun said calmly, "I have my own sense of discretion."

He impatiently took the cattail leaf fan from Pei'er's hand, fanned it vigorously a few times, and looked at the sunshine on the top of the tree, "Let all the sweat go away and go to work."

Andu City is such a big city, and there are already many people who accuse Feng Yun of being a traitor to the Qi Dynasty. Now it is rumored that she abused her concubine with evil intentions, and her reputation is even more notorious. Some people accuse her of being jealous and jealous, while others accuse her of being crazy and arrogant. But it is not surprising that Feng Twelfth Mother would do such a thing.

She behaves strangely and has long been rumored to be crazy.

If her own mother hadn't been buried in the fire for her, I'm afraid she would have been burned to death...

"A girl like this is meant to be strangled to death."

"God has no eyes, Feng Twelve actually caught the eye of General Pei!"

"The evil girl and the King of Hell are a pair of damned bitches."

"There will be retribution!"

The hungry scolded her.

Even those who are not hungry scold her.

People she knew scolded her, and people she didn't know also scolded her.

The concubines saw her like a mouse seeing a cat, and even the servants in the mansion were in awe of her.

Feng Yun was very satisfied.

Evil people are not easily provoked, good people are. This is a lesson she learned through death in her previous life.

During the most painful days before her death, she lived a lowly life in captivity like an animal, with no relatives coming to visit her. She had endured such pain, so what did it mean to be criticized?

She immediately wrote to Pei Ran.

"I manage the general affairs for the general, and I am very effective."

Facing Pei Mad, Feng Yun was not as cool as Alou thought.

She regarded Pei Ran as her boss and reported everything she did, no matter how big or small. Including starving his concubines and teasing his soldiers, he would also give Pei Ran some suggestions as a counselor.

Among them, she wrote tens of thousands of words about restoring farming and people's livelihood in Andu County.

"Andu County governs six counties. It has a vast territory, a large population, and fertile soil. It was originally a prosperous county. It was famous for its silk weaving and porcelain making and was famous in the Southern Qi Dynasty... Unfortunately, the towns are now empty, the people are hungry and hard-working, and the prosperity of the past is no longer there... …”

"The current situation is chaotic and the world is exhausted. The people want to live in peace and are tired of martial arts. Those who are in the camp miss their countryside, and those who are on the run miss their hometown. However, at that time, only the nobles and famous people were arrogant and extravagant. The land among the people was deserted and the cultivation was withered, which was very detrimental to the country. …”

"In order to avoid transporting grain over long distances and wasting time on the division and brigade, the general should also expand the fields to store grain to prepare grain and grass, and be prepared for a long and fierce battle with the Qi army..."

"Food is the first priority in government. Whoever keeps the people well fed, clothed warmly, and able to live and work in peace and contentment will be able to secure their position in the country."

"General, it would be better to use Andu County as a pilot project to evenly allocate open land to farmers, resume the planting of grains, fruits and vegetables, resettle the refugees, and then reclaim wasteland, prepare the land, and breed and cultivate high-quality seeds..."

"The fields had a good harvest and the granaries had a surplus. From then on, the people of Andu County no longer thought about the Southern Qi Dynasty, but only the Jin Dynasty..."

Feng Yun did his job conscientiously and spoke sincerely to mend the tattered Andu County.

However, Pei Ran did not reply.

I don’t know if Ao Qi went to complain, and no one came to ask about Huayuejian.

This made Feng Yun slightly uneasy, "Xiaoman, what is Guard Ao doing recently?"

Xiao Man was stunned by her question, "I heard from Guard Ye... Guard Ao seems to be sick?"

Ao Qi is sick? No wonder I haven't seen him in the past two days.

Feng Yun was in a happy mood, so he simply did a good deed. He took out the fish caught by Ao Qi and stewed it. He made a thick fish soup, put it in a celadon soup cup, and asked Xiao Man to pick it up and go to the courtyard together. Visit him.

"Guard Ao!" Ye Chuang was not there, and the door was ajar. Feng Yun knocked and opened it.

The layout of the room across the courtyard is very simple. The two men live there, and there is not much fuss. There are clothes hanging everywhere on the wooden racks. Ao Qi's ring-shou knife is leaning on the side of the couch, and one boot is on the east and one on the west, which can be kicked far away. …

It was a bit chaotic, but Feng Yun didn't expect Ao Qi to have such a big reaction.

He seemed to have just been woken up, with raised eyebrows and wet sweat on his head. He didn't know what he was dreaming about. When he saw Feng Yun, he sat up like a ghost, hugged his quilt tightly, and turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye. cheek.

"伱, get out."

Feng Yun frowned and looked at him, "Why is Guard Ao uncomfortable?"

"Get out!" Ao Qi's face turned red with shame, looking like he was broken.

He covered it tightly, fearing that Feng Yun would find out what was unspeakable under the quilt, and he didn't even want her to see the folds on the sheets that had been tossing and turning, as well as the scattered clothes, shoes and socks, which made him feel ashamed. people……

Ever since he caught his uncle in Feng Yun's room that day, Ao Qi had been having a hard time. The girl fell asleep almost every night, which made him exhausted both physically and mentally. He suffered greatly and felt that his whole body was going to be ruined...

But she came back alive, with a look of concern in front of him.

"You don't look sick?" Feng Yun and Xiao Man looked at each other.

Guard Ao was gnashing his teeth. He was obviously very strong. How could he look like he was sick?

Ao Qi leaned on the couch, the clothes on his back were almost soaked and clinging tightly to his body, hiding his pounding heart, "How do you know I'm not sick? I am just sick."

"Okay, okay, you're sick." Feng Yun's kindness was not rewarded, so he called Xiaoman with a straight face.

"Put the fish soup on and let's go."

Just as Ao Qi breathed a sigh of relief, Feng Yun suddenly turned around.

"Watchman Ao, why don't you talk to the general and tell him that it would be better to go back to the camp to recuperate?"

Ao Qi's expression changed slightly. Are you trying to drive him away?

A strong dissatisfaction made the young man glare and raise his chin proudly.

"Who said I'm sick? I'm not sick."

Feng Yun looked at him strangely.

I have to say that Ao Qi has a delicate and cute little face. His tone was so fierce that it was hard to dislike him.

She nodded, closed the door and came out.

After thinking about Ao Qi's abnormality, his steps suddenly stopped.

Could something have happened that night when he was drunk that made Ao Qi so guarded against her?

What can happen with Ao Qi? That can only be because she is being frivolous.

I can’t explain it clearly! Feng Yun looked back at Xiaoman.

"No more drunkenness."

Late at night.

In Luocheng, Beijing, in Jiafu Palace, bronze hibiscus lamps exude a cold light.

The hall was quiet, and the food on the dining table was already cold.

Li Sangruo sat with her back straight and kneeling in front of the golden nanmu dining table, her posture was dignified and elegant, her eyes were closed, her skin was well maintained, and she looked slightly haggard.

The deep palace is lonely, even if you are the queen mother, it is difficult to be alone for a long night.

Eunuch Fang kept wiping the sweat from his forehead, his face remained calm, and he had killed Feng's Ayun countless times in his heart.

Sixteen beauties!

Sixteen concubines and thirty-two maids, how could they not control a Feng daughter?

Not one of the sixteen concubines is useful!

Lin E was steadfast in her oath, but was subdued in less than half a move.

In this palace, three concubines can put on a big show and cause a lot of trouble. The sixteen concubines did nothing, and were kept submissive by Feng's daughter. They rolled up their sleeves to do menial work and became slaves for her.

Eunuch Fang felt sorry for the Queen Mother.

When he sent someone to inquire about Feng Twelve Niang, he found out that she was just a beautiful idiot, but he didn't take it seriously.

Who knew that straw bag could actually be quite capable...

Eunuch Fang was in a panic, fearing that the Queen Mother would be angry.

While he was thinking wildly, Li Sangruo suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards him, "It is said that the Feng family is so beautiful that no one in the eight counties of Xuzhou can compete with her. Is this true?"

Eunuch Fang was startled. Seeing that the Queen Mother was very interested in listening, he straightened his clothes, bent down in front of the Queen Mother, and bowed to the ground.

"Your Highness, this old servant didn't do his job properly, and he is guilty."

Li Sangruo raised his eyebrows slightly, "The Ai family is asking you, is Feng's daughter really beautiful? Is it enough to confuse the general?"

"Not as good as the Queen Mother. Her appearance is vulgar and not as good as the Queen Mother." Eunuch Fang ignored the surprise he felt when he saw Feng's daughter and the charm in her body that made the father-in-law feel confused and wanted to surrender. He said against his will.

Li Sangruo's face sank and he said casually: "You old servant, I don't want my head anymore."

Eunuch Fang laughed awkwardly.

The Queen Mother just took it for granted, but she was not stupid. There are "waiting officials" in the palace who specialize in inquiring about information. The Queen Mother has many eyes and ears. She cannot deceive things that she can know with just a little inquiry.

But Eunuch Fang understood the Queen Mother.

Beautiful women are the most unconvinced.

No matter how beautiful Feng's daughter is, she cannot be overshadowed.

"How can the light of a firefly compete with the bright moon? The Feng family is so pretty and petty that she is not even worthy of carrying the Queen Mother's shoes..."

Eunuch Fang raised his hand and wiped it on his neck, smiling sadly:

"As long as His Highness nods, the old servant will find his own way... no longer let Feng's daughter cause trouble for His Highness."

Li Sangruo lowered his eyelids and wiped his forehead with a handkerchief. His delicate body wrapped tightly in brocade clothes moved slightly to the table, and he calmly took the bowl of cold ginseng soup and sighed lightly.

"Don't go too far with the person the general likes. have a way to make the general dislike him. If he abandons him, he won't blame me..."

Erjin: Is Ao Qi sick or not?

Feng Yun: It's my fault, I shouldn't be scornful of him...

Ao Qi: You are not frivolous enough for me, can you be frivolous again?

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