Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 23: Deep Love is Poisonous

Feng Yun's letter to Pei Ran was like a stone cow falling into the sea.

Seeing that it was less than ten days before the beginning of autumn, she couldn't hold back.

So he gritted his teeth, braised twenty kilograms of meat, packed some pickled water shield, and put ten jars of old wine on the donkey cart. In the name of gratitude, he asked Xing Bing to go to Beiyong Military Camp to inquire about the situation.

Xing Bing was born in the army, and he knew where to look with his eyes and where to listen with his ears without Feng Yun's instruction. When he returned home that afternoon, he excitedly went to Changmenyuan to report.

"Girl, the Beiyong Army has moved."

"The heavy supply camp has arrived at Huaishui Bay and set up camp, and the craftsman camp has also arrived. They are digging trenches, making traps, and building fortifications in the hinterland along the river..."

Seeing Feng Yun frowning, Xing Bing added: "The Qi army sailors are on the other side of the river, seeming to be preparing to cross the river..."

The Beiyong Army is famous for its fine cavalry and bravery. The best tactics are cavalry charges, outflanking, and the central army attacking directly. The three-pronged approach destroys the enemy's formation and disperses them in chaos. However, there is one shortcoming that soldiers understand. Less water-based. If the Qi soldiers really mobilized 500,000 troops to cross the river and attack, there would be no problem in defending like this...

But Xiao Cheng will not attack now.

The sailors on the other side of the river were just showing off.

He deceived Pei Mang and also deceived Emperor Qi, just to force him into the palace...

At the same time in his previous life, Xiao Cheng forced Qi Emperor Xiao Jue to abdicate on the day of Beginning of Autumn and issued an edict to abdicate. Then he shot back and led his troops across the river in person to fight to the death with Pei Ran.

The battle lasted for three full months. Both sides wasted money and lost troops and generals. The battle lasted until the middle of winter, when Chun Yuyan facilitated peace talks and a truce.

In the summer of the following year, the war resumed.

This started the three-year Qi-Jin War.

Three years later, Xiao Cheng once again sent envoys for peace talks.

The middleman was still Chun Yuyan.

At that time, Pei Ran cruelly sent Li Sangruo out of Beijing. A lonely abandoned woman in Andu is inevitably humiliated. In extreme pain and resentment, she forgave her father who showed good intentions and also forgave Xiao Cheng.

Xiao Cheng's deep affection briefly made up for the blow and humiliation she suffered from Pei Madang, making her believe that the three years they missed were just a test from God. She believed that Xiao Cheng had never forgotten her one day in the past three years, and that he had seized the throne. , attacked the Northern Jin Dynasty, and even had to marry Feng Ying, just to save her from the sea of ​​misery and snatch her back from Pei Madang's hands...

Men deceive people and really deceive them.

She clearly saw the infatuation and love for her from Xiao Cheng's eyes at that time, it was so true.

"Young Master of Nan Qi, Dujue Sanlang", she was too stupid at that time, Xiao San was determined to let a woman fall, and he had a lot of ability...

With her cooperation, Xiao Cheng cleverly plotted a divorce and instigated the rebellion of three generals under Pei Ran's command. He drained the bottom of the fire before the war, causing Pei Ran to be defeated and flee Pingcheng. She returned to Southern Qi, and returned to Xiao Cheng's side...

Xiao Cheng is a man who is thoughtful, courageous and strategic.

Feng Yun resented him, but couldn't deny it.

However, if Pei Madang is willing to believe her, Xiao Cheng will not be as smooth as in his previous life...

If the Northern Yong Army takes advantage of the civil strife in Southern Qi to forcefully cross the river, send troops to attack Xinzhou, and then use the superiority of cavalry to drive in, then even if Xiao Cheng ascends to the throne, he will definitely be in chaos...

With Xiao Cheng's temperament, he would still choose peace talks.

But the chips are different.

What if Pei Ran refuses to believe her?

Even if you don't believe it all, you will send someone to inquire, and you will definitely find clues...

Feng Yun looked at the swallows flying back outside the south window in trance.

Ah Lou came over in a hurry and called out to the girl, looking anxious.

Feng Yun motioned for him to come in, and Alou stepped lightly, bowed in front of her, looked around again, and then leaned into Feng Yun's ear.

"Lin Ji left the house and met an old sweetheart..."

Feng Yun listened calmly and smiled calmly, "Just keep an eye on it."

Then he ordered, "Pack up and leave for Lingshan Temple tomorrow morning."

That day at Huayue Stream, Chun Yuyan promised her five days' stay and twenty stones of food.

The number is not much, but Feng Yun is like a beggar now. More is never too much, less is never too little, just give me food.

Lingshan Temple is located in Shiguan County, north of the Huai River, about fifty miles away from the capital of Andu County. Shiguan County is the county town closest to the Huaishui River. Along the way there, we met many refugees on the official road.

Feng Yun changed into a light and loose dress without wearing a skirt. He looked like a handsome gentleman from a wealthy family, which was very eye-catching.

The group of people drove five rented bullock carts, and there were more than 20 armed young men to guide the way. No one dared to come forward to provoke, but the refugees they saw along the way had sallow faces and almost naked eyes. , still frightening.

Feng Yun asked Xing Bing to open the carport, and at a glance he could see that it was empty inside.

Xing Bing knew her intention, and his expression was slightly worried, "After the beginning of autumn, the weather gradually turns colder, we don't have enough to eat, we have nowhere to live, and I don't know how many people will starve to death and freeze to death..."

"If it weren't for the food that the girl brought to our house, you and I would be refugees."

"Shhh... keep your voice down, how can we have any surplus food? The general pities the girl, how can the two carts he brought be enough..."

The world is in chaos, people eat each other, bones are thrown into the mountains and old mothers are abandoned in the ravines, these things happen every day. Everyone lamented, but they were helpless...

When we arrived in Shiguan County, the number of refugees increased.

Feng Yun sent someone to inquire about it.

It turned out that Shiguan County Magistrate Guo Huaide surrendered directly when the Northern Yong Army arrived in Andu County. Pei Ran was appointed on the spot and asked him to temporarily act as the county magistrate to take care of the general affairs. The county officials also remained intact. retained.

Therefore, Shiguan County was not greatly affected by the change of the imperial court.

Seeing the refugees coming to Shiguan County for refuge, County Magistrate Guo opened the granary to release grain and asked the officials to distribute porridge at the city gate, which was a good thing.

Seeing the refugees queuing up for a bowl of white porridge, they smiled for the first time in a long time, and everyone was very touched.

County Magistrate Guo's surrender was worth it.

The north and the south fought back and forth, and sooner or later they would have to cease fighting, or even merge into one, but the dead would not come back to life. The county magistrate maintained stability and people's livelihood, which saved the lives of the people.

On the other hand, Feng Jingting burned the granary and set fire to the city, which was a heinous crime.

"Amitabha!" A little monk came from the northeast corner of the city gate and bowed to Feng Yun, "Are you a girl from the Feng family?"

Feng Yun was startled and quickly got off the car to return the greeting, "How do you know me, little master?"

The monk said, "I recognize the girl's car logo. Someone sent me here to wait for you, please follow me."

Feng Yun thanked the little monk and let him lead the way to Lingshan Temple.

This temple is just to the east of Shiguan County, very close, but when she entered the temple, Feng Yun did not see a single monk except the little monk who led the way.

She teased, "Did the little master shave his head and become a monk overnight?"

The little monk turned around, "Girl, you are joking, please come this way."

Feng Yun and Xing Bing exchanged glances and held their small curved knife tightly, just in case.

Unexpectedly, the young monk took them into the secret room under the palace and waited obediently on the side, "The noble said that the food here can be taken away by the girls."

There were 20 stones of millet and wheat neatly arranged inside, no more and no less.

Chun Yuyan didn't play any tricks?

Feng Yun asked the young monk: "Does the noble who gave the food have any other instructions?"

The young monk smiled and bowed, and took out a folded envelope from his sleeve pocket.

Feng Yun tore it open and saw two lines of elegant small characters inside, "To prevent my beloved concubine from starving, I give her food. Don't forget the agreement and come to surrender as soon as possible."

Feng Yun observed Lingshan Temple. Except for the secret room where the food was stored, other places were empty and clean enough to starve a mouse to death.

In the Southern Qi Dynasty, the temple economy was prevalent and the court had preferential treatment. Famous temples were comparable to aristocratic families. They not only had land, but also did not pay taxes or serve in the military. Therefore, in addition to the monks, there would be many people who depended on the temples.

Lingshan Temple is the second largest temple in Andu County, and Shiguan County was not attacked by the Beiyong Army. How could there be only one little monk left?

"Girl, you don't know." The little monk seemed to see Feng Yun's doubts and smiled faintly, "The monks in the temple died a while ago, and the dependents had already fled..."

Feng Yun looked at his smile and asked, "Who killed him?"

The little monk lowered his eyes, "My master."

"Chun Yuyan killed him?" Feng Yun felt a slight chill on his back. Thinking of the dead bodies lying in pools of blood in the hall and Zen temple he had just walked through, his whole body was numb.

"How many people are there in a temple? Kill them all?"

The young monk did not deny it. There was a chill in his eyes. "They all deserve to die."

Feng Yun: ...

The young monk did not look at her. He bowed and said, "It will take some time to return to Andu. Girl, please leave quickly. It will be uneasy when it gets late."

Feng Yun returned the greeting and said nothing more. She just handed the little monk a piece of plum blossom wood tablet.

"Thank you, little master. Give this to your master. Please ask him to wait in Huayuejian. I have good news to tell you."

The little monk put the wooden tablet into his arms, bowed to her, and then waited quietly to the side, watching Mei Linglang move the grain from the secret room to the ox cart. There was not much expression on his face.

At such a young age, he was so calm. He was indeed trained by Chunyu Yan.

Feng Yun did not know what happened in this temple. While Mei Linglang was moving the grain, she went to the front hall, knelt in front of the Bodhisattva statue, clasped her hands and bowed deeply three times, and then left.

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